MS-ESI Screening of Phenolic Compounds in Pieris

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J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 844–853

HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI Screening of Phenolic Compounds in Pieris brassicae L. Reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L FEDERICO FERRERES,† PATRÍCIA VALENTÃO,‡ JOSÉ A. PEREIRA,§ ALBINO BENTO,§ ALEXANDRA NOITES,‡ ROSA M. SEABRA,‡ AND PAULA B. ANDRADE‡,* Research Group on Quality, Safety and Bioactivity of Plant Foods, Department of Food Science and Technology, Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), P.O. Box 164, 30100 Campus University Espinardo, Murcia, Spain, REQUIMTE, Serviço de Farmacognosia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, R. Aníbal Cunha, 164, 4050-047 Porto, Portugal, and CIMO/Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Sta Apolónia, Apartado 1172, 5301-855 Bragança, Portugal

The phenolic profiles of cabbage white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.; Lepidoptera: Pieridae) at different development stages (larvae, exuviae, and butterfly), its excrements, and its host plant Brassica rapa var. rapa L. were determined by high performance liquid chromatography- diode-array detector-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry-electrospray ionization (HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI). Twenty-five acylated and nonacylated flavonoid glycosides and ferulic and sinapic acids were identified in host plant, from which only 12 compounds were found in the excrements. In addition, the excrements showed the presence of sulfate flavonoids and other flavonoid glycosides that were not detected in the leaves. In the larvae kept without food for 12 h, only 3 compounds common to the plant material and 2 others, also present in the excrements, were characterized. The results indicate that deacylation, deglycosylation, and sulfating steps are involved in the metabolic process of P. brassicae and that its excrements may constitute a promising source of bioactive compounds, which could be used to take profit of this common pest of Brassica cultures. KEYWORDS: Pieris brassicae L.; Brassica rapa var. rapa L.; turnip; phenolic compounds; HPLC-DADMS/MS-ESI


The role of plant chemistry in shaping plant-insect relationships is well recognized, with a close association of certain oligophagous insects with specific chemicals of their host plants (1). Phenolic compounds, namely flavonoids, are ubiquitous secondary metabolites in vascular plants with a prominent structural diversity and exhibit a variety of functions in plant herbivore interactions (2). They are important factors in pollination and oviposition, in allowing phytophagous insects to recognize their host plants, as feeding deterrents, and in insect pest management (2). Herbivores encounter these secondary metabolites during their feeding stages. Because insects are unable to synthesize flavonoids or their precursors de novo, the phenolic profile of the host plant has a determinant role in their flavonoid uptake and metabolism (3). Large white butterfly Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), an insect whose larvae constitutes a frequent pest of * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone: + 351 222078935; fax: + 351 222003977; e-mail [email protected]. † Centro de Edafología Y Biología Aplicada del Segura. ‡ REQUIMTE. § CIMO.

some Brassica species, has a life cycle that lasts about 45 days from egg to adult. The larvae feed exclusively on crucifers, whereas adults feed on the nectar of several plants (4). Regarding P. brassicae relation with phenolic compounds from host plant, as far as we know there is one study, developed by our group, about the sequestration of flavonoids by the larvae fed with tronchuda cabbage leaves (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) and kept without food for one hour (5). In this study it was observed that P. brassicae larvae was able to sequester and metabolize the flavonoids present in tronchuda cabbage, presenting only three compounds in common with the host plant. Turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa L.) is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables, being used for human consumption all over the world (6). The leaves are characterized by a peculiar bitter and pungent taste, distinguishing them from other Brassica vegetables, that is associated with the presence of glucosinolate degradation products (7). In what concerns phenolic compounds, several phenolic acids and flavonoids were previously determined by high performance liquid chromatography-diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD), namely hydroxycinnamic acids, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin derivatives (8). In addition, phenylpro-

10.1021/jf072657a CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/04/2008

Phenolics in Pieris brassicae L. Reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008


Table 1. Rt, UV and MS ([M - H]-, -MS2[M - H]- and -MS3[(M - H) f Y70]-) Data of Glycosilated Flavonoids from Saponificated Hydromethanolic Extract of Brasica rapa var. rapa Leaves: Flavonoid-3-O-Sophoroside/Sophorotrioside-7-O-Glucoside, -3,7-di-O-Glucoside, -3-O-Sophoroside, and -3/7-Glucosidea Flavonoid-3-O-trihexoside-7-O-hexoside -MS3[(M - H) f Y70]- (m/z) (%)

-MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%) compounds


2 Kaempf-3-O-Sophtr-7-O-Glc

Rt (min) 11.2


[M - H] (m/z)

UV (nm) 266, 316sh, 348



7 -



3 -

Y 0Y


771 (100)



609 (45)

Y70Z31- (-342)

Y70Y30- (-486)

429 (26)

284 (100)c

Flavonoid-3-O-dihexoside-7-O-hexoside -MS3[(M - H) f Y70]- (m/z) (%)

-MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%) compoundsb

Rt (min)

1 Querc-3-O-Soph-7-O-Glc 3 Kaempf-3-O-Soph-7-O-Glc

9.9 11.9

UV (nm)

[M - H]- (m/z)

Y70- (-162)

Y70Z31- (-180)

Y70Y30- (-324)

787 771

625 (100) 609 (100)

445 (60) 429 (100)

301 (100) 284 (50)c

266, 317sh, 347

Flavonoid-3,7-di-O-hexoside -MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%) compoundsb

Rt (min)

4 Querc-3,7-di-O-Glc 6 Kaempf-3,7-di-O-Glc 7 Isorhmnt-3,7-di-O-Glc

15.6 19.0 20.3

UV (nm) 255, 267sh, 294sh, 349 265, 317sh, 349 255, 267sh, 250

[M - H]- (m/z)

Y70–/ Y30- (-162)

[Agl-H]- (-324)

625 609 639

463 (100) 447 (100) 477 (100)

301 (50) 285 (30) 315 (19)

Flavonoid-3-O-dihexoside -MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%) compounds


10 Kaempf-3-O-Soph

Rt (min) 27.4


[M - H] (m/z)

UV (nm) 266, 297sh, 347



3 -


Y30- (-324)


429 (65)

285 (100)

Flavonoid-O-hexoside -MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%) compounds


11 Kaempf-7-O-Glc 12 Kaempf-3-O-Glc 13 Isorhmnt-3-O-Glc

Rt (min) 31.7 34.9 35.4

UV (nm) 266, 318sh, 367 266, 299sh, 349 255, 265sh, 299sh, 350


[M - H] (m/z)

Y30- (-162)

447 447 477

285 (100) 285 (100) 314 (100)c


Main observed fragments. Other ions were found but they have not been included. b Kaempf: Kaempferol. Querc: Quercetin. Isorhmnt: Isorhamnetin. Soph: Sophoroside. Sophtr: Sophorotrioside. Glc: Glucoside. c Fragments from homolytic cleavage of the glycosidic bond ([Aglycon-2H]–•) (22).

panoids were also described to occur in methyl jasmonate treated leaves, which are thought to play a role in plant defense (6). The aim of the present study was to characterize the phenolic compounds of B. rapa var. rapa leaves and to establish possible relations with their ingestion, metabolism, and accumulation by P. brassicae in the different stages of its life cycle. For this purpose, turnip leaves, P. brassicae larvae reared on these leaves and deprived of food for 12 h, their excrements, exuviae, and butterflies were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI, which constitutes a highly advanced and valuable technique for the characterization of complex phenolic molecules. MATERIALS AND METHODS Standards and Reagents. Methanol, sodium hydroxide, and hydrochloric and acetic acids were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The water was treated in a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, Bedford, Massachusetts). Samples. Wild P. brassicae larvae were captured in Bragança (northeastern Portugal) and taken to the laboratory to complete their life cycle and for oviposition in turnip (B. rapa var. rapa L.) leaves. New larvae were developed having only this species as host plant. Fresh

food was supplied every day ad libitum. New larvae at the fourth instar and correspondent excrements were picked for analysis. Some of them were collected and kept without food for twelve hours before freezing. Other larvae were left to develop until the butterfly stage, and 24 h maximum after eclosion (without food) they were also collected, together with the exuviae. P. brassicae (larvae, excrements, exuviae, and butterflies) and plant materials were freeze-dried and kept in a desiccator until analysis. Voucher specimens are deposited at Serviço de Farmacognosia from Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto. Extract Preparation. For the identification of the phenolic compounds present in turnip leaves and in P. brassicae larvae, excrements, exuviae, and butterflies, each lyophilised material (ca. 0.2 g) was thoroughly mixed with 1.5 mL of methanol/water (1:1), ultrasonicated (1 h), centrifuged (12 000 rpm, 5 min), and filtered through a 0.45 µm size pore membrane. Alkaline Hydrolysis. Sodium hydroxide 2 N (1 mL) was added to 1 mL of the hydroalcoholic phenolic extract, obtained as described above, and the mixture was kept for 16 h at room temperature in a stoppered test tube, under N2 atmosphere. After this step, the alkaline hydrolysis products were acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid (up to pH 1–2) and directly analyzed by HPLC/UV-DAD/ESI-MSn.


13.0 13.4

14.0 17.1

11.3 12.2 15.0 15.8 16.6 22.9

15 1-Caf

18 1-Sinp 19 1-Fer

20 1-p.Coum 24 1-Caf (15 isomer)

16 3-MeOCaf 17 3-Caf 21 3-Sinp 22 3-Fer 23 3-p.Coum 25 3-Fer (22 isomer) 27 3-p.Coum (23 isomer)

10-MeOCaf 10-Caf 10-Sinp 10-Fer 10-p.Coum

22.9 24.9 25.5 27.4 29.0

Rt (min)


963 933 977 947 917 947

933 949

993 963



801 771 815 785 755


787 (10)

755 (100)

801 (100) 771 (100) 815 (100) 785 (100) 755 (100) 785 (100)

771 (100) 787 (100)

831 (100) 801 (100)

787 (100)

817 (100)

-162 -Glc

609 (100)

-146 -p.Coum

-146 -p.Coum

[M - H] (m/z)

[M - H] (m/z)

coeluting with 25 269, 299sh, 330 269, 330 coeluting with 10 269, 317

UV (nm)

269, 331 269, 331 269, 331 269, 331 269, 317 coeluting with 26 268, 319

255sh, 269sh, 333 255, 269sh, 299sh, 343 270, 337 255, 269sh, 299sh, 348 297sh, 327

UV (nm)

609 (100)

-162 -Caf

787 (45)

-176 -Fer

787 (100)

-206 -Sinp

-324 -G-C

609 (100)

-192 -MeOCf

-338 -G-F

-354 -G-MC

-368 -G-S

-146 -p.Coum

625 (50)

625 (40)

625 (60) 625 (100)

609 (3)


609 (100)

-206 -Sinp

[Agl - H]Acylated Derivatives from 10: Kaempferol-3-O-Sophoroside 429 (5) 285 (12) 429 (5) 285 (8) 429 (4) 285 (10) 429 (2) 284 (25)c 429 (4) 285 (10)

-Acyl - 180

609 (100)

625 (100)

625 (100)

-162 -Caf

609 (100)d

609 (60)d

625 (100)

-176 -Fer

609 (100)

625 (100)

-192 -MeOCf

609 (100)d

625 (100)

-206 -Sinp

429 (30) 429 (35) 429 (60) 429 (65) 429 (30)


285 (100) 285 (100) 285 (100) 285 (100) 285 (100)

[Agl - H]-

285 (5)

284 (30)c 285 (4) 284 (10)c

301 (5) 300 (7)c

301 (3) 301 (10)

301 (10)

[Agl - H]-

-MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 162)]– (m/z) (%)

-MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - Acyl)]- (m/z) (%)

609 (100)

Acylated Derivatives from 3: Kaempferol-3-O-Sophoroside-7-O-Glucoside 609 (5) 609 (6) 609 (3) 609 (4) 609 (5) 609 (5)

625 (35)

625 (40)

Acylated Derivatives from 1: Quercetin-3-O-Sophoroside-7-O-Glucoside 625 (59)

-308 -G-pC

-MS2[M - H]- (m/z) (%)

609 (100)d

-176 -Fer

787 (80)

-192 -MeOCf

-MS2[M - H]– (m/z) (%)

a Main observed fragments. Other ions were found but they have not been included. b G (Glc), glucosyl; pC (p.Coum), p-coumaroyl; Caf, caffeoyl; F (Fer), feruloyl; S (Sinp), sinapoyl; MC (MeOCf), methoxycaffeoyl; 1, quercetin-3-Osophoroside-7-O-glucoside; 3, kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; 10, kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside. c Fragments from homolytic cleavage of the glycosidic bond ([Aglycon - 2H]–•) (22). d Compounds 21 and 29 (sinapoyl derivatives) and 22, 25, and 30 (feruloyl derivatives) showed an abundant ion at m/z 623, resultant from the loss of 192 u (206 – 14) and 162 u (176 – 14), respectively.

26 28 29 30 31



14 1-MeOCaf


Rt (min)



Table 2. Rt, UV, and -MS ([M - H]-, -MS2[M - H]- and -MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 162)]-) Data of Acylated Derivatives of Glycosilated Flavonoids from Native Hydromethanolic Extract of Brasica rapa var. rapa leavesa

846 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008 Ferreresa et al.

Phenolics in Pieris brassicae L. Reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008


Table 3. Rt, and -MS: [M - H]-, -MS2[M - H]- and -MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 80)]- Data of Glycosilated Flavonoid Sulfates from Hydromethanolic Extract of Pieris brassicae Excrementsa -MS2[M - H]- (m/z) (%) compounds


Rt (min)

32 7-sulfate



[M - H] (m/z) 719

-80 639 (100)

-80 – 162 477 (30)

-MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 80)]- (m/z) (%)

-80 – 2 × 162

-MS2[M - H]- (m/z) (%) compounds


Rt (min)


[M - H] (m/z)



diglycosyl sulfates 315 (20) 477 (100)

-2 × 162 315 (60)

-MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 80)]- (m/z) (%)

-80 – 162

-162 monoglycosyl sulfates

33 34 35 36 37 38

12-sulfate 13-sulfate 13-sulfate 13-sulfate 12-sulfate 13-sulfate

(isomer (isomer (isomer (isomer

of of of of

34) 34) 33) 34)

16.6 17.1 18.5 19.1 19.4 20.2

527 557 557 557 527 557

447 (100) 477 (100) 477 (100) 477 (100) 447 (100) 477 (100)

285 (50) 315 (53) 315 (50) 315 (60) 285 (45) 315 (67)

285 (100) 315 (100) 315 (100) 315 (100) 285 (100) 315 (100)

a Main observed fragments. Other ions were found but they have not been included. b 7, isorhamnetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside; 12, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside; 13, isorhamnetin3-O-glucoside.

Figure 1. HPLC-DAD phenolic profile of Brasica rapa var. rapa leaves. (A) saponified hydromethanolic extract and (B) native hydromethanolic extract.

Detection at 330 nm. Peaks: (1) quercetin-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (2) kaempferol-3-O-sophorotrioside-7-O-glucoside; (3) kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside7-O-glucoside; (4) quercetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside; (5) p-coumaric acid; (6) kaempferol-3,7-di-O-glucoside; (7) isorhamnetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside; (8) ferulic acid; (9) sinapic acid; (10) kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside; (11) kaempferol-7-O-glucoside; (12) kaempferol-3-O-glucoside; (13) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside; (14) quercetin-3-O-(methoxycaffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (15) quercetin-3-O-(caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (16) kaempferol-3-O-(methoxycaffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (17) kaempferol-3-O-(caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (18) quercetin-3-O-(sinapoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (19) quercetin-3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (20) quercetin-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (21) kaempferol-3-O-(sinapoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (22) kaempferol-3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (23) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside; (24) quercetin-3-O-(caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (isomer); (25) kaempferol-3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (isomer); (26) Kaempferol-3-O(methoxycaffeoyl)sophoroside; (27) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (isomer); (28) kaempferol-3-O-(caffeoyl)sophoroside; (29) Kaempferol-3-O-(sinapoyl)sophoroside; (30) kaempferol-3-O-(feruloyl)sophoroside; (31) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside. HPLC/UV-DAD/ESI-MSn analyses. Chromatographic analyses were carried out on a LiChroCART column (250 × 4 mm, RP-18, 5 µm particle size, LiChrospher 100 stationary phase, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) protected with a LiChroCART guard column (4 × 4 mm, RP-18, 5 µm particle size, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The mobile phase consisted of a mixture of two solvents: water/acetic acid (1%) (A) and methanol (B). For studying both the free flavonol glycosides and the corresponding acylated derivatives, a linear gradient, starting with 15% B, was installed to reach 40% B at 30 min, 60% B at 35 min, 80% B at 37 min, and 80% B at 40 min. The flow rate was 1 mL

min-1, and the injection volume varied between 20 and 70 µL, depending on the compound and extract assayed. Spectral data from all peaks were accumulated in the range 240–400 nm, and chromatograms were recorded at 330 nm for glycosides and acylated derivatives. The HPLC/UV-DAD/ESI-MSn analyses were carried out in an Agilent HPLC 1100 series equipped with a UV diode-array detector and mass detector in series (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany). The HPLC consisted of a binary pump (model G1312A), an autosampler (model G1313A), a degasser (model G1322A), and a photodiode-array detector (model G1315B). The system was controlled by a ChemStation


Ferreresa et al.

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008

Figure 2. Fragmentation pathway of flavonol-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside. Compounds: 1 (R3′: OH) and 3 (R3′: H). software (Agilent, v. 08.03). The mass detector was an ion trap spectrometer (model G2445A) equipped with an electrospray ionization interface and was controlled by LCMSD software (Agilent, v. 4.1). The ionization conditions were adjusted to 350 °C and 4 kV for capillary temperature and voltage, respectively. The nebulizer pressure and flow rate of nitrogen were 65.0 psi and 11 L min-1, respectively. The full scan mass covered the range from m/z 100 to m/z 2000. Collisioninduced fragmentation experiments were performed in the ion trap using helium as the collision gas, with voltage ramping cycles from 0.3 to 2 V. Mass spectrometry data were acquired in the negative ionization mode. MSn was carried out in the automatic mode on the more abundant fragment ion in MS(n-1).

Tables 1–3 show the most frequent ions that characterize the fragmentation of the flavonoid O-glycosides. Other ions were found, but they have not been included because of their low significance on the MS behavior ions. The classical nomenclature (9) for glycoconjugates was adopted to designate the fragment ions. Ions k,lXj, Ynj, Znj represent those fragments still containing the flavonoid aglycone, where j is the number of the interglycosidic bond broken, counted from the aglycone, n represents the position of the phenolic hydroxyl, where the oligosaccharide is attached, and k and l denote the cleavage within the carbohydrate rings. The ions obtained as consequence of a second oligosaccharide fragmentation have been labeled according to a previous report (10).

Phenolics in Pieris brassicae L. Reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008


Figure 3. HPLC-DAD phenolic profile of Pieris brassicae excrements hydromethanolic extract. Detection at 330 nm. Peaks: 3, 7–10, 13, 17–20, 22, 23,

and 31, see Figure 1; (32) isorhamnetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside sulfate; (33) kaempferol-3-O-glucoside sulfate; (34) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside sulfate; (35) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside sulfate (isomer); (36) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside sulfate (isomer); (37) kaempferol-3-O-glucoside sulfate (isomer); (38) isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside sulfate (isomer); (39) quercetin-3-O-sophoroside; (40) kaempferol-3-O-sophorotrioside; (41) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside (isomer); (42) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside (isomer); and (43) kaempferol-3-O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside (isomer). Thus, ions obtained from the ion Y70- (-MS3[(M - H) f Y70]-) have been labeled starting with the ion Y70- and followed by the resultant MS3 ion, for example, the ion Y70Z31- (MS3 of compound 1, Table 1 and Figure 2) denotes the loss of terminal glycosyl + 18 of the diglycoside in the 3 position (Z31-) from the fragmentation of ion Y70- (total loss of a glycosylation in the 7 position). The losses indicated in the MS3 scan show that the fragment came from the trapped and fragmented ion (Y70-) and not from the deprotonated molecular ion. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

B. rapa var. rapa Leaves. The HPLC-DAD-MS screening of the B. rapa var. rapa leaves hydromethanolic extract revealed the existence of several flavonoids, the majority of them acylated with hydroxycinnamic acids. For their characterization, a saponification of the extract followed by the analysis of the deacylated derivatives were performed prior to the study of the native compounds. Saponificated Hydromethanolic Extract. The HPLC-DADMS study of the saponificated extract of the leaves showed the presence of several kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin derivatives (Figure 1A). Their UV spectra indicated a substitution in the 3 and/or 7 position (Table 1) (11). Compounds 1–3 showed a MS fragmentation characteristic of flavonoids bearing a hexoside in the 7 position and a di- or trihexoside in the 3 position (10). In their MS2[M - H]- spectra it was possible to observe the Y70- ion as base peak ([M - H - 162]-, loss of

the sugar in 7 position), which was practically the only ion present. The MS3[(M - H) f Y70]- event revealed the ions resultant from the fragmentation of the glycoside in 3 position (Table 1, Figure 2), whose high relative abundance is related with an 1 f 2 interglycosidic bond (10). Usually, for this kind of compound, the base peak in MS3 corresponds to the aglycon. The presence of the ion at m/z 429 as base peak for compound 3 could give rise to some doubts regarding the nature of this fragment as O-diglycoside or di-O-glycoside. However, its provenance from the loss of 180 u (-162 – 18) indicates that it is an O-diglycoside (12, 13). So, these compounds were tentatively characterized as quercetin-3-O-sophoroside-7-Oglucoside (1), kaempferol-3-O-sophorotrioside-7-O-glucoside (2), and kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (3). The MS fragmentation of compounds 4, 6 and 7, in which it was noticed that the ion [(M - H) - 162]- was the base peak, indicated a di-O-glycosilation. On the contrary, for compound 10 it was observed that the ion Z31- ([(M-H)-180]-) and the base peak belonged to the aglycon, indicating its O-diglycosidic nature. Thus, they were identified as quercetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside (4), kaempferol-3,7-di-O-glucoside (6), isorhamnetin-3,7di-O-glucoside (7), and kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside (10). Other detected compounds (11-13) are monoglycosides: kaempferol-7-O-glucoside (11), kaempferol-3-O-glucoside (12), and isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside (13).

Figure 4. MSn analysis of 32. A: -MS2[M - H]-. B: -MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 80)]-.


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008

Ferreresa et al.

Figure 5. HPLC-DAD phenolic profile of Pieris brassicae larvae hydromethanolic extract. Detection at 330 nm. Peaks: 8, 9, and 10; see Figure 1; 39 see Figure 2; (43) kaempferol-3-O-sophorotrioside.

Figure 6. Chemical structures of several phenolic compounds identified in Pieris brassicae material and in the host Brasica rapa var. rapa leaves.

Apart from flavonoids, p-coumaric (5) (Rt 18.5 min; UV, 290sh and 310 nm; MS, [M - H]-: 163, MS2[M - H]-: 119), ferulic (8) (Rt 21.0 min; UV, 295sh and 325 nm; MS, [M H]-: 193, MS2[M - H]-: 178, 149, 134) and sinapic (9) (Rt 22.2 min; UV, 325 nm; MS, [M - H]-: 223, MS2[M - H]-: 208, 179, 164, and 149) acids have also been identified. These flavonoid glycosides are common in Brassica species, either in the free form or as acylated derivatives. The most abundant, 3, is the most extensively reported in the genus, being described in cauliflower (B. oleracea L. Var. botrytis) (14), broccoli (B. oleracea L. var. italica) (15), tronchuda cabbage (B. oleracea L. var. costata DC) (16–18), and pak choi (B. rapa L. ssp. chinensis L. (Hanelt.)) (19). On the other hand, flavonol-3,7-di-O-glucosides are characteristics of B. rapa. In particular, 7 has been found in the free form in the nectar of ssp. pekinensis (20), as in ssp. chinensis L (19) and turnip tops of ssp. sylVestris (11).

Native Hydromethanolic Extract. The HPLC-DAD-MS study of the native leaves extract revealed the existence of several hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives of 1 (compounds 14, 15, 18-20, and 24), 3 (compounds 16, 17, 21-23, 25, and 27), and 10 (compounds 26 and 28-31) (Table 2, Figure 1B). In addition, ferulic (8) and sinapic (9) acids and the nonacylated flavonoid glycosides 6, 7, 10, 12, and 13, detected in the saponificated extract, were also present. Compounds 6–10, 12, and 13 were already described in B. rapa var. rapa (8). The fragmentation of the acylated derivatives of compounds 1 and 3 (Table 2) showed, in MS2, a base peak resultant from the loss of the sugar in the 7 position ([(M - H) - 162]-). The fragment correspondent to the loss of the acyl radical (an abundant peak for the derivatives of compound 1, but absent in those of compound 3) could also be observed, as well as the fragment obtained by the simultaneous loss of the sugar in the 7

Phenolics in Pieris brassicae L. Reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L. position and of the acyl group (also more abundant in the derivatives of compound 1 than in those of compound 3). The MS3[(M - H) f (M - H - 162)]- event revealed the loss of the acyl radical, giving the aglycon fragment linked to the glycosidic fraction at the 3 position. Despite having little abundance, the ion of the aglycon could also be noticed (15). Regarding the fragmentation of compound 10 derivatives (flavonoids without glycosilation in 7 position) in MS2, the loss of the acyl radical was noted to give rise to the deprotonated ion of compound 10 (base peak). The MS3[(M - H) f (M H - Acyl)]- event led to the typical fragmentation of a sophoroside (10) (Table 2). The chromatographic behavior of compounds 26 and 28-30 (acyl derivatives of 10), for which the retention times are equal or less than that of the deacylated compound (10), has been observed in previous studies (14, 17), indicating that the acylated derivatives at the 3 position of the sugar and without glycosilation in the 7 position exhibit an apparent irregular retention time. In the same way, the order of elution in reversed-phase HPLC of the acylated derivatives (caffeoyl, sinapoyl, feruloyl, and p-coumaroyl, respectively) is distinct from that of the free acids (caffeic, p-coumaric, ferulic, and sinapic, respectively), as previously reported (14, 15). Another apparently anomalous data is related with the UV spectra of compounds 15 and 19, which are similar to those of the deacylated compounds. To summarize, all acylated derivatives (methoxycaffeic, caffeic, sinapic, ferulic, and p-coumaric acids) of 1, 3, and 10 were characterized. The derivatives of 3 are the most abundant ones (Figure 1B), whereas those of 10 are present in trace amounts. Quercetin-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside derivatives are found in considerable amounts (Figure 1B). However, the deacylated glycoside (1) is detected only in vestigial amounts in the saponificated hydromethanolic extract (Figure 1A). This can be due to the alkaline decomposition, during the saponification process, of phenolic compounds with an o-dihydroxy group, resulting in the presence of quercetin derivatives in trace amounts while caffeic acid is not observed. In general, this kind of acylated derivatives are very common in Brassicacea (14–18), and particularly in distinct B. rapa subspecies (11, 19). On the other hand, the presence of flavonol3,7-di-O-glucosides, namely of nonacylated isorhamnetin-3,7di-O-glucoside characterizes B. rapa (8, 11, 19) relatively to other Brassica species. Despite contributing to the organoleptic characteristics of the plant, these compounds may participate in the defense against external aggressions. P. brassicae Material. The HPLC-DAD-MS screening of the hydromethanolic extracts of P. brassicae larvae, excrements, exuviae, and butterflies led to chromatograms in which the compounds are present in very low or trace amounts. Besides, the first part of the excrements’ chromatogram exhibited a bad resolution (Figure 3), making UV spectral analysis of the peaks impossible. Thus, for the study of their flavonoids, we had extracted from the HPLC-MS the MSn ions at m/z 285, 301, and 315 (“extracted ion chromatogram”) coming from kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin derivatives, respectively. Even so, for the detection of acylated derivatives that might still exist, we extracted those ions exhibiting the loss of the acyl radical (-146, -162, -176, -192, and -206 u) (“constant neutral loss chromatogram”), and compared these MS spectra and retention times with those of both native and saponificated extracts of B. rapa var. rapa leaves. Additionally, during the above-mentioned ions extraction process some fragmentation compounds were detected that revealed losses of 80 u (98 – 18), characteristic of

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sulfated derivatives. So, extraction of ions presenting this loss was also performed (constant neutral loss chromatogram). Excrement. In the HPLC-DAD chromatogram of excrement hydromethanolic extract (Figure 3) the two main peaks corresponded to 8 and 9. Other compounds present in considerable amounts, and that have been found before in the native hydromethanolic extract of B. rapa var. rapa leaves, were 10, 7, and 13. Some of the acylated derivatives already described were also detected, in low or trace amounts: kaempferol-3O-(caffeoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (17), quercetin-3-O(sinapoyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (18), quercetin-3-O(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (19), quercetin-3-O-(pcoumaroyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (20), kaempferol-3-O(feruloyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (22), kaempferol-3-O-(pcoumaroyl)sophoroside-7-O-glucoside (23), and kaempferol-3O-(p-coumaroyl)sophoroside (31). Other compounds that were not found in the native extract of the leaves were 3, described in the saponificated extract, quercetin-3-O-sophoroside (39) (Rt 23 min; UV 255, 265sh, 300sh, and 350 nm; -MS: 625 [M H]-, -MS2[M - H]-: 463 (10%, [(M - H) - 162]-), 445 (25%, [(M - H) - 180]-), 301 (100%, [Agl - H]-)), kaempferol-3-O-sophorotrioside (40) (Rt 25.4 min; -MS: 771 [M - H]-, -MS2[M - H]-: 609 (58%, [(M - H) - 162]-), 429 (50%, [(M - H) - 342]-), 285 (100%, [Agl - H]-)), and three isomers of 31 (compounds 41 (Rt 35.4 min), 42 (Rt 35.9 min), and 43 (Rt 37.8 min)), which have MS similar to that of compound 31. In the first part of the chromatogram (Figure 3) several flavonoid derivatives were detected (32-38), for which -MS2[M - H]- showed the loss of 80 u to give origin to the base peak that characterizes as sulfate flavonoids (Table 3). Other observed ions corresponded to the deprotonated aglycon and the one resulting from the simultaneous loss of the sulfate radical and the partial fragmentation of the glycosidic fraction in compound 32 (Figure 4). In the MS3 fragmentation of compound 32 (Table 3 and Figure 4) a base peak at m/z 477 was noticed, indicating its di-O-glucosidic nature: isorhamnetin3,7-di-O-glucoside sulfate. The other sulfate derivatives were monoglucosides; 33 and 37 were kaempferol-3-O-glucoside sulfate isomers, and 34-36 and 38 corresponded to isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside sulfate isomers. These kinds of compounds are very usual in animals’ metabolic process, and their reversed phase HPLC chromatograms are badly defined. Considering the obtained results it can be inferred that during the metabolic process of P. brassicae the deacylation of flavonoids occurs, leading to the disappearance or decrease of acylated derivatives. Besides this, the absence of glycosilation in the 7 position in the majority of flavonoid sulfates, as well as in the remaining compounds (10, 39, 40 and 13), indicates the loss of the sugar in this position, together with the above-mentioned deacylation, in the derivatives of 3 and 1, and in 2 and 7, to originate 10, 39, 40, and 13, respectively. On the other hand, the monoglycosilation of the greater part of flavonoid sulfates (compounds 33-38) points to a new deglycosilation process. Larvae, Exuviae, and Butterflies. The hydromethanolic extract of P. brassicae larvae presented compounds found in the excrements: 8, 9, and 10 (Figure 5). Vestigial amounts of 39 and 40, also detected in the excrements, were also noticed. These compounds may contribute to protect the larvae from external aggressions, such as light, undesirable environmental conditions, oxidative phenomena, or microbial agents. The HPLC analysis of hydromethanolic extracts of exuviae and butterflies revealed peaks in trace amounts, none of them corresponding to the studied phenolic compounds or possibly


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related with them. The chemical structures of the phenolics identified in the work herein are displayed in Figure 6. Excrements are produced only at the larval stage. Although no quantification was performed, it seems clear that the excrements are the material containing higher phenolic content, which can be inferred not only by the diversity of compounds detected, but also by the intensity of the peaks in the chromatograms of the larvae and its excrements (Figures 3 and 5). This can be accomplished once the extracts of all matrices were prepared using exactly the same quantity of material and solvent volume. These results are not surprising, considering that phenolic compounds are sequestered and undergo metabolization, regarding their detoxification and excretion. If the compounds are excreted, then they will not be present in the subsequent stages, and this maybe the reason for not finding them in the exuviae and butterflies. As far as we know, it is the first time that the phenolic compounds in P. brassicae larvae reared on B. rapa var. rapa leaves have been determined. In a previous work using B. oleracea var. costata as host plant (5), it was possible to see that the larva can sequester and metabolize this type of compounds. The phenolic composition of these two Brassica species is different, so the phenolic profile found for the larvae is also distinct from that observed before (5). This fact confirms the strong dependency on the phenolic pattern of the host plant. In addition, this is the first study involving P. brassicae excrements, exuviae, and butterflies, which allowed accomplishing that, besides deacylation and deglycosylation already reported (5), sulfating reactions also occur in the metabolic process of the larvae and that phenolic compounds are mainly excreted and not transferred into the wings. In conclusion, as insects are unable to synthesize phenolic compounds or their precursors, their presence in the different stages of P. brassicae life cycle can only arise from the food it has ingested, that is, from the complex flavonoid derivatives and free phenolic acids of B. rapa var. rapa leaves. So, the detection of this kind of compounds in the larvae indicates that it has the ability to sequester them. Additionaly, the fact that both larvae and excrements exhibit phenolic compounds distinct from those of the host plant evidence that the larvae has the capacity to metabolize these phytochemicals and to excrete them by the faeces, which included sulfate derivatives, reported for the first time. As these kinds of flavonoids are known for their antioxidant potential (16, 17, 21), in what concerns the obtainment of potential health promoting compounds, unusual in nature and hard to be synthesized in the laboratory, P. brassicae excrements may constitute a promising source. Extracts of P. brassicae excrements fed with B. rapa var. rapa could be prepared to be used as antioxidants by, for example, food or pharmaceutical industries, allowing for some profit from this frequent pest in Brassica cabbage productions. The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/AGR-AAM/64150/2006) for financial support of this work. LITERATURE CITED (1) Renwick, J. A. A. The chemical world of crucivores: lures, treats and traps. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2002, 104, 35–42. (2) Harborne, J. B.; Grayer, R. J. Flavonoids and insects. In The FlaVonoids - AdVances in Research since 1986; Harborne, J. B., Ed.; Chapman & Hall: London, United Kingdom, 1994; pp. 589– 618. (3) Burghardt, F.; Fiedler, K.; Proksch, P. Uptake of flavonoids from Vicia Villosa (Fabaceae) by the lycaenid butterfly, Polyommatus

















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