MS just got real. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 10, 2010 - LC/MS just got real. Chem. Eng. News , 1989, 67 (3), ... More than 1 billion people worldwide suffer from parasitic infections. Because...
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LC/MS just got real Whether you're doing environmental, pharmaceutical, life science, food or drug analysis, HP's new Particle Beam LC/MS (PB/LC/MS) system can really expand your analytical capabilities. That's because it gives you true, reproducible EI spectra— in addition to CI spectra. And it's just as reliable—and about as easy to use— as GC/MS. Even for neophytes!

More than magic. We started with some important qualifications for developing a truly useful LC/MS product. For one, we're the only instrument vendor to make both LC and MS products. For another, we enhanced the acclaimed MAGIC* LC/MS interface technology making it much more practical and easier to use. So easy, in fact, that all you do is turn the system on, insert the probe, adjust the position of the capillary tip in the nebulizer and inject your sample. LC methodology or MS operation requires very little modification.

Keeps all your options open. Available as a complete system or as add-ons, the HP PB/LC/MS consists of an HP modular or integrated LC, an HP MS data system and an HP 5988A mass spec-

© 1988 The Hewlett-Packard Company AG04804

trometer equipped with the new HP PB interface. You can add all the most useful MS capabilities, too. Things like high mass, thermospray, NCI, FAB, DIP and much more. Add an HP GC and interface and you've got a versatile PB/LC/GC/MS system that can be switched between GC/MS and LC/MS in seconds.

Number 1 for customer satisfaction. In numerous customer surveys— including Analytical Chemistry's—HP is consistently top rated for service, support, reliability and technological leadership. Another thing, HP is the only instrument vendor to make and service all system components. Not only LCs and MSs, but GCs and data systems, too. So one phone call is all it takes to summon support for your entire system.

If you'd like to know more. Just call TOLL FREE, 800556-1234, Ext. 1029. In California, call 800-441-2345 Ext. 1029. * MAGIC, invented at the Georgia Institute of Technology, is exclusively licensed to the Hewlett-Packard Company