MS Techniques (Flavoromics) To Identify

Ethanol extracts of oranges products were aged and sampled every 48 hours. RP-UPLC-MS (ESI-NEG) was used for data collection and two modeling techniqu...
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Chapter 19

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Application of Untargeted LC/MS Techniques (Flavoromics) To Identify Changes Related to Freshness of Food I. G. Ronningen and D. G. Peterson* Flavor Research and Education Center, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, 1334 Eckles Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota *E-mail: [email protected].

Freshness in food is a highly desirable attribute that has proven difficult to chemically characterize using traditional targeted methods. This work focuses on applying untargeted chemometric techniques to investigate differences in the chemical composition of orange extracts as they age as a strategy to identify compounds that contribute to the “fresh” flavor character. Ethanol extracts of oranges products were aged and sampled every 48 hours. RP-UPLC-MS (ESI-NEG) was used for data collection and two modeling techniques including the projection to latent variables (PLS) and Random Forest analysis were utilized for data analysis. Random forest and PLS provide different modeling criteria and identified common as well as unique features in the data set. Future work will focus on the compound identification and further sensory characterization of the selected markers. In summary, a method was developed to chemically profile the changes in a food product during aging to provide a unique basis to investigate changes in flavor profiles, identifying chemical attributes that may relate to freshness perception in food.

© 2015 American Chemical Society In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Downloaded by GEORGETOWN UNIV on August 17, 2015 | Publication Date (Web): June 15, 2015 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1191.ch019

Introduction From the point of harvest to the processing and distribution of foodstuffs, these materials are continually undergoing complex chemical changes that impact the product quality. Often these reactions lead to a reduction in flavor quality with different foods having a unique time point of optimal flavor quality, and a set of chemical reactions that lead to flavor degradation. Strategies to successfully mitigate undesirable flavor changes are more likely to be realized by understanding the chemistry involved with the loss of quality. Historically, targeted approaches have been implemented to chemically characterize flavor attributes of food products (1). Although these analytical approaches have provided valuable insight into the identities of compounds that contribute to flavor they are not without limitation. Often they ignore food matrix complexity by evaluating compounds singularly or out of the context of a food system. Commonly utilized methods include Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis (AEDA), CHARM, “sensomics” and LC-taste (1). The identification of flavor compounds are generally made with small panels identifying aroma through gas chromatography techniques (2) or taste through liquid chromatography (3). With the successful development of untargeted chemical fingerprinting analytical methods coupled with multivariate analysis for research and discovery in biological sciences, a new opportunity has emerged for flavor analysis to identify and understand chemical drivers of flavor, termed Flavoromics (4). Drivers of ‘fresh’ flavor have been previously associated with the volatile aroma compounds which are rapidly released from food systems (5). The non-volatile composition of food flavor is commonly overlooked and it is the focus of the current study. Through a better understanding of non-volatile changes novel tastants may be discovered or precursors of volatile flavor compounds elucidated. Shedding light on compounds related to ‘freshness’ can lead to enhanced understanding of formulation tools to better meet consumer demands. This work will differ from other applications of untargeted research that emphasize prediction of sensory results with analytical instrumentation (4, 6, 7). The underlying goal of this work is to develop untargeted methods to identify chemical differences in a food isolate (orange) during aging and to develop data management practices that maximize the likelihood for flavor identification through leveraging varietal composition for screening of common chemistries. In a subsequent study the impact of the identified markers on the flavor quality was defined and identified (8).

Experimental Methods Citrus Model Systems Oranges was purchased at local markets, the varietys purchased included Navel, Valencia, and Mineola Tangelo. The fruit was washed, lightly scrubbed, and dried. The entire citrus fruit was sliced to a thickness less than 5 mm. For 270 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

each 500 g of fruit 200 g of ethanol was added. After a 24 hour extraction on a shaker table the fruit was removed and aliquots were taken. Aliquots were aged for either 0, 48, 96, or 144 hours before freezing at -80°C for further preparation.

Sample Clean up

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Orange juice samples were passed through a 3,000 MW cutoff ultrafiltration membrane (Millipore, MA). The filtrate was further cleaned up with solid phase extraction using a 3 mL tube, 500 mg packing C18 phase (Supelco, St. Louis MO). Isolates were eluted with 600 µL UPLC grade acetonitrile (JT Baker) and to this 400 µL Nanopure water (Barnsted, Waltham, MA) was added.

UPLC-MS Conditions A Waters I-class sample manager and binary solvent manager were coupled to a Waters Xevo G2 Q-TOF. A Waters BEH C18 (2.1 x 50 mm) was kept at 45°C in a Waters Column Manager. A flow rate of 0.55 mL/min was used with initial gradient conditions of 3% acetonitrile (ACN) and 97% Water (0.1% Formic Acid), which was held for 0.5 min. A linear gradient and raised ACN content to 15% at 1.5 min, 45% ACN at 8 min followed by a 1 min column wash (100% ACN) and re-equilibration. Electrospray Spray ionization was run in negative mode with source temperature of 120°C, desolvation temperature of 350°C, capillary set to 1.75 kV, sample cone of 25 V, TOF scan range was 100-1200 m/z, with lock mass corrected automatically. The reference compound was reserpine and 6 traces were used for correction per injection. Each sample was injected 5 times in a randomized block design. Injection volume was 1 μL, with randomized blank and standard injections added to each replicate block.

Pre-Processing Optimization To the citrus extract, methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl parabens were added at 5 parts per billion and 10 parts per billion. Pre-processing techniques were optimized piecewise to achieve differentiation though PLS modeling. Once fully accurate classification was achieved, the variable of importance was used to ensure that the 4 doped compounds were identified as the most statistically significant compounds present in the modeling. The pre-processing conditions that gave the highest quality model were used to for the full aging study. The doping experiment was repeated, with the addition of a control sample that had been aged at room temperature for 24 hours. This ensured that modeling would still be sensitive to small differences as well as being robust for larger chemical variation. 100 ppm parabens were run in acetonitrile as a standard to generate expected mass and retention time values. LC-MS conditions were improved to reduce runtime and increase throughput for the aging experiment. 271 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.


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UPLC-MS peak processing was done using Markerlynx software (Waters, Milford, CT). Peak detection was performed between 0.2-8 min, to exclude column wash and dead volume, m/z range was 100-1200 m/z using a m/z step of 0.01, noise elimination was set at 15, and spectra smoothing was applied. Peaks were matched if the retention time was within 0.1 min, established by the variation observed in elution of standard runs across analysis, the mass within 0.03 m/z and the peak detected in four of five injections. Peak lists were exported in CSV format for further analysis. Unit variance scaling was applied. Variables with a coefficient of variation of zero (no significant change) were eliminated, to reduce model over fitting and reduce time required to generate models. Model Generation Projection to latent structures (PLS) models were generated using SIMCA-P+ 12 (Umetrics, Umeå, Sweden), random forest (RF) models were generated using the R (R v.3.0.1 “Good Sport”, University of Aukland) package “randomForest”. Data was divided into training and test sets (70% training, and 30% test), and was sampled randomly. Sample groups were identified by age of extract and binning varietys across an age point. Before analysis PCA was used to screen for outliers in data sets to prevent over leveraging. PCA and PLS models went through permutation testing and Leave One Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) to ensure model quality. For random forest generation, the forest depth was optimized based on minimization of the classification error. Model optimization produced a model with 2.38% out of bag error using 110 trees and 110 variables tried at each split. Forest depth and variable tried at each split was piecewise optimized for model quality and speed of analysis. An importance plot provides insight into the variables that provided the most powerful leverage into classification of the samples.

Results and Discussion A key component of untargeted chemical fingerprinting methods involve statistical modeling of data for discovery. To enhance the goal of compound discovery, model sensitivity was evaluated and optimized to ensure analytical and statistical robustness. Initial doping studies helped establish baselines for pre-processing conditions and established analytical thresholds for limits of detection. These steps helped ensure that pre-processing methods were reliable and provided detection of compounds at low concentrations typical of taste compounds, while limiting noise as much as possible. As any pre-processing approach includes noise to some level, ensuring that the statistical framework is still able to detect small differences given a specific method and food matrix helps ensure that the extracted data is as noise free as possible. Comparison of the doped samples at 5 or 10 ppb to the control system produced a model that allowed for complete classification (data not shown), indicating strong sensitivity and 272 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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selectivity of the method. To further test the model, a sample that had been aged for 24 hours was added for analysis.Once again full classification was achieved, this is critical as the model is sensitive to small changes in chemical composition (differentiation of 5 ppb and 10 ppb samples), while still being able to handle and differentiate more chemical complexity (aged sample) (Figure 1). The model presented in Figure 1 was comprised of 3 factors, with a a cumulative 59.9% of variation of X variables and 99.3% of Y variables explained in 3 factors.

Figure 1. PLS Model of doped samples and aged control show good model sensitivity and selectivity.

The VIP were extracted from the model that indicated the compounds with the largest leverage on the model were the parabens doped compounds (see Table 1). For the orange samples aged at different time points, the model generation was first conducted on collected data using varietal and time as the sample identifier. Initial model generation focused on the citrus variety (Figure 2), which would be expected given the large differences in the fruit varieties selected. The model was subsequently adjusted to emphasize the sample age for unique grouping by time. Driving classification of samples using time as the sample identifier, rather than time and varietal, allowed for reduced significance of varietal differences and provided a different model for chemical driver classification (9). The model generated from this approach showed a high quality multiple correlation coefficient (R2= 0.95) and a Q2 of 0.981. Additionally this approach effectively filtered varietal specific compounds, ensuring that the model emphasized chemical changes that are associated with the aging of oranges. Thus the model effectively differentiated aging chemistry that is ubiquitous to this food platform. Figure 3 shows tight grouping of the samples based off time, rather than variety. 273 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Table 1. Top Four Compounds from PLS Model Generated for Doping Experiment. Retention and m/z Match What Was Present for the Standards Run.

Although this modeling approach may eliminate some compounds that contribute to the unique freshness of a variety it increases the likelihood of discovering compounds that relate to the freshness loss of a food platform. Furthermore this experimental design utilizes sample variation to help filter the data and provides great variable reduction utility in complex and often varying systems like food.

Figure 2. PLS model generated with varietal chemistry dominationg latent classification. Model generation does not focus on desired research outcome, in order to address aging model generation has to classify by time. 274 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 3. PLS model generated to focus on aging rather than varietal chemistry. From this model features that relate to aging are more likely identified. A PLS-Differential Analysis (PLS-DA) was also conducted between each aging point. The four comparisons: Time 0 versus 48 hours (R2=0.982, Q2=0.942), 48 hours versus 96 hours (R2=0.987, Q2=0.941), 96 hours versus 144 hours (R2=0.985, Q2=0.963), produced 3 data sets through selecting the top 1200 markers based on Variable of Importance (VIP). These four data sets were compared and of the collective 3600 markers, 97 were identified to be present in all comparisons. A second-order analysis such as this helps focus on active compounds across a number of sample classes (9). Albeit the application of this metafilter is not without limitation, it does provide a focused view of common orange chemistry changes induced by aging that are associated with loss of freshness. The VIP from the original model was used to give a systematic order for which compounds were isolated first. For each of the 97 compounds the VIP was of significance (over 1.0), indicating importance to both the overall model and the individual comparison models. Since Random Forest algorithms model data in a different manner than PLS, meta filtering was not required. PLS typically favor data trends whereas Random Forest does not necessarily emphasize trends, and can identify markers that may have maxima or minima inflections at an intermediate time points. Numerous collinear variables can increase the challenge of interpretation and variable selection in PLS, combined with noisey data sets can lead to challenging variable selection. Additional benefits to random forest include explicit noise elimination, not present in PLS (10, 11). As the data is iterated through poorly classifying compounds are eliminated from decision nodes and only strong classifiers are kept. Noise elimintation and identifying trend independent compounds are 275 In The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration; Guthrie, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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beneficial for this experimental design. Consequently Random Forest analysis can nicely compliment chemical markers identified through PLS modeling. This is also the reason classification Random Forest modeling was used rather than regression. With an out of bag error rate at 2.38%, the model is of high quality showing very low misclassification of sample identifiers. Both statistical modeling approaches proved successful in identifying small chemical differences down to part per billion levels for sample classification. The benefit of using both approaches comes in the ability to identify supplemental information that using a singular approach would miss. Random forest modeling is robust against noise and colinearity and non-parametric variables, while PLS allows for effective implemtnation of meta-analysis for variable selection. Big data approaches are frequently outcome sparse, especially considering the amount of data collected. Reliance on a single approach to modeling and variable selection simply obscures other possible valuable information.

Conclusions In this work, the application of chemometrics was applied to identify chemical changes that happen as food systems age. Based on this variable reduction technique, multiple modeling approaches were able to successfully identify specific changes in large scale chemical data sets that were ubiquitous to changes in orange juice isolated over time. Both PLS and Random Forest modeling effectively modeled aging of the food system. Subsequent fractionation and recombination models of identified compounds led to sensory active compounds in a majority of the statistically significant variables. Future work will address chemical characterization and identify structure of compounds of interest.

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