precise speed pre-selection and control . . . exact control and continuous indication of ac- tual specimen temperature during all operational phases ...
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Get Twice as Much for Your Ultracentrifuge Investment... and then some with

MSE Weigh the Facts: By simply changing the heads on the MSE Superspeed 65 or the Superspeed 50 your centrifugation capabilities go from . . . . CONVENTIONAL to ZONAL. One MSE unit does the job of TWO machines. Weigh the Facts: The MSE Ultracentrifuge is rugged, quiet and it's ALL SOLID STATE. Weigh the Facts: The MSE Ultracentrifuge of­ fers smoother operation to provide better resolution. Weigh the Facts: The MSE Ultracentrifuge ex­ tends versatility from standard rotors up to 65,000 rpm to the new Β XIV and Β XV ZONAL rotors.



Weigh the Facts: The MSE Ultracentrifuge fea­ tures a unique, simple overspeed protective mech­ anism . . . precise speed pre-selection and control . . . exact control and continuous indication of ac­ tual specimen temperature during all operational phases .. . . built-in oil recirculation system . . . easy access to all components. Weigh the Facts: MSE Ultracentrifuges are the product of more than two decades of experience in the design and building of the world's most com­ plete line of centrifuging equipment. Weigh the Facts: . . . before you decide how best to meet your Ultracentrifuge requirements . . . Write, wire or call . . .

8 1 1 SHARON DRIVE · Tel: (216) 871-7980

WESTLAKE, OHIO 44145 TWX 216-871-3470

In Canada: Bach-Simpson Ltd., P. 0 . Box 2484, London. Ontario

Circle No. 64 on Readers' Service Card - Circle No. 90 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 39, NO. 4, APRIL 1967


123 A