MTP international review of science. Inorganic chemistry series

students the unity of chemistry by using three main themes-periodicity, electronic structure, and thermodynamics-to illu- minate the whole of chemistr...
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book reviews too complicated. But, is it really beyond all freshmen to substitute the correct aroC in place of C (the total phosphate) in the K., expressions? There follow some points on which there is not universal agreement or even concern. The reviewer offers them to help clarify the point of view of the authors in this text. Applications of solution reactions in bioand geochemicsl systems are hardly mentioned. Redox is defined as electron transfer only, and oxidation potentials are used rather than the IUPAC conventions of sign and direction. There is an attempt to fit all solutes into the categories acid, base, and salt which meets the usual impasse of contradicting overlaps. Although Lewis and Bronsted acid-base concepts are presented, the authors frequently revat to hydrolysis and amphaterism terminology. No mention is made of recent equilibrium diagrams and graphical or computer methods of problem solving. Students should find this a helpful laboratory guide. Points of difference in theory between teacher and text can p r e vide good discussion initiation. Interest in the epistemology of science, for example, might be stimulated by inviting examination of the implications of the authors' statement, "Substances can he inherently scidic hut behave as acids only if bases are present to accept protons." The text deserves careful reading to decide whether its good features make its use feasible a t the level required.

Volume 1: Main Group Hydrogen and Groups I-IV


Edited by M. F.Lappert, University of Sussex. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 355 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Contributors: M. H . Fard-Smith; D. J. Cardin; N. F. Travers; R. Snaith; K. Wade; R. H. Cragg; J. Simpson; J. E. Drake; J. W. Anderson. Volume 2: Main Groups V and VI



Edited by C. C. Addison and D. B. Sowwby, both of University of Nottingham. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 327 pp. Figs. and tahles. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Cmuributom: M. G. Barker; D. H. Kerridge; R. Schmutzler; 0 . Stelzer; D. B. Sowerby; T. K. Wiewiarowski; K. W. Bagnsll; R. G. Cavell; A. R. Sanger; J. W. George; W. Beck; W. P. Fehlhammer; J. A. IMcCleverty.

This is the first of three sections in chemistry aimed s t providing authoritative reviews of an entire discipline. Each volume contains chapters by' various authors, compiled by a volume editor under the overall supervision of Professor H. J. EmelBus. The present section provides comprehensive surveys of the literature pertinent to s topic through 1970. Each chapter is preceded by an outline of contents and followed by extensive bibliographies. An index for the entire section is in a separate volume. The comprehensiveness of coverage will make this series attractive to libraries plagued with the problem of stretching budgets to provide authoritative uptodate coverage of an entire field. The editorial plan is good; its presentation in careful layout and excellent binding is high quality. Workers in each specialty will recognize the high reputations of chapter contributors.


1 Journal of Chemical Education

Edited by K. W. Bagmll, University of Manohester. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1971. 367 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $21.50. Contributors: E. K. Hulet; D. D. Bode; C. Keller; D. Brown; K. W. Baguall; J. Fuger; R. M. Dell; N. Bridger; T. Maeller; B. Ksnellakopulos; J. L. Ryan. Volume 8:


Edited by A. G. Maddock, University of Cambridge. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 335 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Contributo~s: G. N. Walton; J . I. Vargas; R. J. Silva; M. Lefort; D. S. Urch; A. G. Maddock; J. H. Green; A. C. Pappas, J. Alstad; E. Hagebo. Volume 9: Reaction Mechanisms in Inorganic Chemirtry


Edited by V.Gutmann, Technical University of Vienna. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 291 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50.

Contributors: M. T . Beck; E. L. Muetterties; J . C. Lockhart; A. J. Deeming; R. B. Bueat; D. W. Watts; C. H. Langford; V. S. Sastri; L. Cattalini; R. G. Linck; R. H. Prince.

Volume 3: Main Group Groups VIE and Noble Gases

Contributors: F . Sladky; A. I. Popov; T . C. Waddington; R. J. Poulet; P. M. Spaeisnte; E. H. Appelman; R. J. Gillespie; M. J. Morton; B. J. Brisdon; J. J. Turner. Volume 4:

Edited under supervision of H. J . Emcl6us. University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland.

Lanthanides and Actinides

Edited by M . L. Tobe, University of London. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 393 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 om. $24.50.

Organometallie Derivatives

W. B. GUENTHER of the Main Group Elements Lrniuersity o j the Smdh Sewanee, Tenn., 57576 Edited by B . J . Aylett, University of London. University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland 1972. 412 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 em. 84.50. MTP International Review of Science. Inorganic Chemirtry Series, Volumes 1-10

Volume 7:

Contn'buto~s: P. West; K. C. Bass; K. Niedenzu: J. B. Farmer: K. Wade: V. Chvalovsk;; H. Burger; B. J. ~ u l t e n t A. J. Bloodworth; J. P. Crow; W. R. Cullen. Volume 5:

Transition Metals-Pa


Edited by D. W. A. Sha~p,University of Glasgow. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 396 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Contributors: R. E. Hester; J. D. M. MeConnell; D. C. Bradley; K. J. Fisher; Roland Ward; S. M . Nelson; J. A. McGinnety; J. IM. Winfield; R. Calton; F. Jellinek. Volume 6:

Transition Metols-Parl2

Edited by M . J. Mays, University of Cambridge. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 442 pp. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Contributors: R. D. Johnston; A. T. T. Hsieh; M. J. Mays; F. Glockling; S. R. Stobart; S. D. Robinson; M. Green; R. D. W. Kemmitt; J . Powell; J. M. Davidson; T. A. Stephenson.

Volume 10:

Solid State Chemistry

Edited by L . E. J. Roberts, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972. 313 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 16 cm. $24.50. Contributors: L. Nsgel; M . O'Keeffe; E. K. Storms: G. G. Libowita: B. C. H. Steele; H. ~ b w o t n y ;J. Flahrkt; B. E. F. Fender; R. J. D. Tilley.

The Science of Chemirtry: Periodic Properties and Chemical Behavior

Reed A. Howald, Montana State University and Walter A . Manch, formerly of Montana State University. The Maemillan Co., New York, 1971. xiii + 689 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 19.8 em. $12.95. The Preface of this new text clearly lays out its approach: to show first-year students the unity of chemistry by using three main themes-periodicity, electronic structure, and thermodynamics-to illuminate the whole of chemistry. To this end the authors use the first five chapters to introduce these themes (and s fourthelectrode potentials), and the other 22 chapters cover descriptive topics and additional chemical principles. The first question to be answered about an introductory text is the compcsition of its sndience-to whom is it addressed? Clearly the authors have chosen a n almost ideal approach to reach a wide audieneethey have selected what mast would agree are the major chemical themes, and yet they also manage to cover a variety of