mucilages of CARBOPOL 934 give high viscosity with easy handling

Nov 6, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (8), p 63. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n008.p063. Publication Date: February 23, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN ...
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D.r.vouurivii uritemuiCSil ravr


r - i i m o s a n u w a u m i j j a*^* Heavy stiver s p o o n ' Is s u s p e n d e d . A l s o eeasy stirring-— y o u c a n d o . . . . — --,««= t e s t f o r v o u r s e i i .

mucilages of C A R B O P O L 9 3 4 give high viscosity with easy handling 1^Λ"ΑΚΕ the spoon and feather test—prove this ideai combinaJLVJL tion of manufacturing advantage and end-product benefit* Mucilages o f neutralized Carbopoi 9 3 4 gi"ve you high viscosity combined with real o f stirring and pumping. The end prod­ uct has excellent spreading qualities. It is highly compatible -with materials most frequently used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial compounds using water base dispersions. - Caxbopol 9 3 4 retains viscosity better than natural or other syntbetic polymers—at room temperatures, ele­ vated temperatures,, during prolonged aging periods and in the ftin4>i, xnr£*"

Samples are available, also a new booklet that tells all the ad­ vantages of Carbopoi 934. Write to Dept. DA-l, B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, 313 5 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15. Ohio. Cable address: Goodchemco. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario·


O E O N p o l y v i n y l m a t e r i a l s · H Y C A R A m e r i c a n r u b b e r and) f a t e x 6 Q O D - R I T E c h e m i c a l s a n d pISLStioizers» · H A R M O N c o l o r s ^


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