Multichannel Image Detectors - ACS Publications - American

Jan 1, 1977 - Please send_ copies of SS 94 Monitoring. Toxic Substances (ACI 0480-2) at $26.50 per copy. C Check enclosed for $__. C Bill me. Postpaid...
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This relevant and timely volume describes the most widely recognized state-of-the-art techniques for the rapid biological screening of chemical substances for potential mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, and surveys present instrumental analytical techniques for monitoring toxic substances.

Books second column. The third column presents wavelength values for all maxima, shoulders and inflections, with the logarithms of the corresponding molar absorptivities in parentheses. Last is the reference column.


Monitoring Toxic Substances ACS Symposium Series No. 94 Dennis Schuetzle, Editor Ford Motor Company Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. The recently legislated Toxic Substances Control Act (January 1, 1977) has emphasized the need for evaluating the effect of chemicals on the environment.

Environmental Carcinogens/Mutagens · Human Lymphoblasts · Multimedia Discharges · Volatile Organic Compounds · Industrial Wastewater Toxins · Adsorbent Accumulation of Pollutants for Bioassays · Trace Metal Monitoring by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry · Determination by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy · Surface Microanalytical Techniques · Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis · Opto-Acoustic Spectroscopy · Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Air Pollutants · Semivolatile Brominated Organics · Ion Chromatographic Analysis · W-Nitroso Compounds · Use of the NIH-EPA Chemical Information System

289 pages (1979) Clothbound $26.50 LC 78-27490 ISBN 0-8412-0480-2 SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send _ copies of SS 94 Monitoring Toxic Substances (ACI 0480-2) at $26.50 per copy. D Check enclosed for $ . D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada plus 75£ elsewhere. California residents please add 6% state use tax. Name Address City



Progress in Drug Metabolism, Vol. 3. J. W. Bridges and L. F. Chasseaud, Eds. ix + 372 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1979. $48.50 Liquid chromatography and its applications are covered in this third volume of the review series. Three of the six chapters focus on analysis rather than on metabolism. The first and longest chapter (113 pages) is on HPLC, with the first third devoted to theory, packings and columns, and instrumentation. The rest of the chapter deals with applications to pesticide analysis and to biochemistry. This chapter has extensive tables and 264 references. The second chapter discusses choosing an assay for drugs in biological fluids and briefly treats the main analytical methodologies. A survey of the literature on tricyclic antidepressants is also presented. T h e last chapter covers the application of NMK to drug metabolism.

atory procedure instrumental in chemical research. Specific spectroscopic applications are covered, as well as ultrashort light spectroscopy and unconventional applications. CONTENTS

Multichannel Image Detectors ACS Symposium Series No. 102 Yair Talmi, Editor EG&G Princeton Applied Research Corporation Based on a symposium jointly sponsored by the Divisions of Analytical and Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. An essential acquisition for all those working in the field of spectrometry, this timely and informative work examines the use of optoelectronic image detectors as a viable labor-

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An Overview · Simultaneous Multielement Analysis · Computerized Atomic Absorption · Fluorescence Analysis · Analyzer as an HLPC Detector · Liquid Chromatographic Separation · Multi-Microcomputer Controlled, Vldicon, Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer • Picosecond Laser Spectroscopy · Three Dimensional Picosecond Fluorescence Measurements · Raman Spectroscopy in Photochemistry and Photobiology · Obtaining Accurate Transient Absorption Spectra on the Picosecond Time Scale · Evanescent Wave in the Visible Region of the Spectrum · High Resolution Microspectrofluorometer with Topographic Option (or Studies in Living Cells · Simultaneous Monitoring of All Ion Species over a Wide Mass Range • Analyzing Light Intensity Gradients from the Absorption Optical System of the Ultracentrifuge

351 pages (1979) Clothbound $30.00 LC 79-12441 ISBN 0-8412-0504-3 SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send copies of SS 102 Multichannel Image Detectors (ACI 0504-3) at $30.00 per copy. D Check enclosed for $ . D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada plus 75< elsewhere. California residents please add 6% state use tax. Name Address City





U.S. Government Publications Order copies of the following PREPAID at the price shown by SD Cat. No. from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Foreign remittances must he in If.S. exchange and include an additional 25'"< of the publication price to cover mailing costs Micro-Homogeneity Studies of NBS Standard Reference Materials, NBS Research Materials, and Other Related Samples. R. B. Marinenko, K. F. J. Heinrich, and F. C. Ruegg. 84 pages. 1979. $3.50. SD Cat. No.: SN003-00302114-1 A simple routine technique for studying homogeneity in the micrometer range with the electron microprobe has been developed. A digital periodicintegrator is used for graphic display and a computer program has been developed to numerically evaluate sample homogeneity. Several standard reference materials -including iron and steels, gold alloys and tungsten alloy—and a research material, glasses for microanalysis, have been tested.