Multichannel Image Detectors Volume 2 - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 29, 2012 - Multichannel Image Detectors Volume 2. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (3), pp 435A–435A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00267a746. Publication Date: March ...
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Mass Spectral Correlations, Second Edition


Novel Approach for Microscop-

ic Surface Analysis. P.E. FilpusLuyckx, E.A. Schweikert 9:40

Trace Determination of Rho-

dium Using Proton Activation Fol-

Multichannel Image Detectors Volume 2

lowed by X-ray Counting. S.M. Kormali, E.A. Schweikert 10:30

Laser-Enhanced Ionization

Spectrometry with an Acetylene/ Nitrous Oxide Flame. N.E. Schmidt, J.D. Messman, S.-C. Lee, R.B. Green 10:50

Sensitivity of Waveguide

Spectroscopic Probes of Thin-Film Structure. P.W. Bohn 11:10

Solvent Desorption in Sub-

strate Materials during Processing and Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards. J.T. Huneke, D.M. LaPerriere, K.R. Elmendorf, M.S. Ger-

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Y a l r T a l m i , Editor Princeton Instruments, Inc. Examines t h e principles and applications of optoelectronic image detectors (OlDs) as multichannel spectrometric devices. Expands on Symposium Series No. 1 0 2 , "Multichannel Image D e t e c t o r s , " including VUV-X-ray and electron spectroscopy as well as UV-NIR spectral regions. Deals with theoretical and fundamental aspects of multichannel image detectors and compares their performances. CONTENTS Guidelines for Selection of Four Optoelectronic Image Detectors for Low-Light Level Applications · Silicon-Intensified Target Vidicon Detector: Operation, Characterization, and Application in Atomic Spectroscopy Research · Wide Dynamic Range Array Detector for Absorbance and Rotation Spectrometry · Inductively Coupled PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectroscopy with Multichannel Array Detection · Multielement Emission Spectrometry Using a ChargeInjection Device Detector · Charge-Injection and Charge-Coupled Devices in Practical Chemical Analysis · Luminescence Measurements with Intensified Diode Array · Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Radiation-Chemical Processes · Picosecond Emission Spectroscopy with Intensified Photodiode Arrays · Methods of Picosecond Spectroscopy and Applications to Chemical and Biological Systems · Data Acquisition System for Jitter-Free Signal Averaging Streak Camera · Analytical Chemistry with Spatial Resolution: Obtaining Spectral Images with Multichannel Detectors · Detection of Extreme UV and Soft X-Rays with MicroChannel Plates · Multichannel Extreme UV Spectroscopy of High Temperature Plasmas · Spectrometers for Rocket, Balloon, and Spacecraft Experiments Based on a symposium cosponsored by the Divisions of Analytical and Physical Chemistry ot the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 236 342 pages (1983) Clolhbound LC 79-12441 ISBN 0-B412-0814-X US & Canada S49.9S Export $59.95 Also available: Multichannel Image Detectors ACS Symposium Series No. 102 351 pages (1979) Clolhbound US & Canada $39.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 55 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your VISA or MasterCard.



MARCH 1984 · 435 A