Multichannel Image Detectors Volume 2

Background spectral stripping, 84. Balloon experiments. IR spectrometers, 312-14 spectral data processing, 317-19 spectrometers, 297-320. Balloon-born...
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Downloaded by on April 11, 2018 | Publication Date: November 16, 1983 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1983-0236.ix001

Author Index A i e l l o , Peter J . , 57 Barbara, P. F., 183 Bruckner, Adam P., 233 Busch, Kenneth W., 1 C a l l i s , James Β., 233 Denton, Μ. Β., 117,133 Enke, C h r i s t i e G., 57 Fonck, Raymond J . , 277 Forsley, L., 221 Grabau, Frederick, 75 H i l i n s k i , E. F., 201 Ingle, J r . , James D., 155 Itoh, Tomizo, 297 Knox, W., 221 Lewis, Η. Α., 133

Malina, Roger F., 253 Matsuzaki, Akiyoshi, 297 Milton, S. V., 201 Nakamura, Yoshiharu, 297 Olesik, John W., 31 Rentzepis, P. Μ., 201 Ryan, Mary Andrieu, 155 Siegmund, Oswald H. W., 253 Sims, G. R., 117,133 Strandjord, A. J . G., 183 Talmi, Y a i r , 1 Talmi, Yair, 75 T r i p a t h i , G. N. R., 171 Walters, John P., 31

Subject Index A

Atomic emission spectroscopy apparatus, 77,78-79t,80 procedure, 77,78-79t,80 multielement detection, 75 SIT, 31-56 Azulene, two-photon fluorescence, 204f

Absolute fluorescence timing, 226f Absorbance spectra, f o r albumin s o l u t i o n , 71f Absorbance spectrometry multiwavelength measurement, 66f wide dynamic range array , 57-74 Acridine absorbance, 208 absorption, 209f fluorescence, 212 time-resolved fluorescence, 2l4f Aluminum s i g n a l , 91,94 s i g n a l integration, 93f Analyses, s p a t i a l r e s o l u t i o n conceptual framework, 234-38 i n s p e c t r a l images, 233-52 Array detector one dimensional, 237f use of o p t i c a l systems, 150-51 Arsenic, a n a l y t i c a l c a l i b r a t i o n , 89f,90f Astronomy low-light l e v e l measurements, 59 use o f charge-coupled devices, 139 Atmospheric studies, rocket-borne spectrometers, 299-309


Background corrections, plasma sources, 86-94 Background spectral s t r i p p i n g , 84 Balloon experiments IR spectrometers, 312-14 s p e c t r a l data processing, 317-19 spectrometers, 297-320 Balloon-borne IR spectrometer, 314-17 £-Benzosemiquinone anion, time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy, 179 Bias f l a s h , i n charge-injection devices, 123 B i o l o g i c a l systems, picosecond spectroscopy, 201-20 Blood, copper and zinc analyses, 112 Blooming avoidance, 60 d e f i n i t i o n , 134,135

325 Talmi; Multichannel Image Detectors Volume 2 ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.