Multicomponent self-diffusion NMR study of acidic microemulsions

Multicomponent self-diffusion NMR study of acidic microemulsions and aqueous solutions of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid [Erratum to document cited in ...
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Additions and Corrections

10828 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 26, 1991


Gregory W. Smith and Emily A. Carter*: Interactions of NO and CO with Pd and Pt Atoms. Page 2329. We have discovered small errors in the energies reported for Pd and Pt atoms in Table I. The corrected Table I is shown below:

TABLE I: Atomic State Splittings at the Hartree-Fock Level for Pd, Pd', Pt, and Pt+O state TE~ IS Pd (d") -29.10661 'D Pd (s'd9) -29.1 IO97 ID Pd (s1d9) -29.08895 'F Pd (s2d8) -29.02477 -28.875 57 2D Pd+ (d9) -28.78596 4 F Pd' (s1d8) 4F Pd' (s2d') -28.53280 -26.238 10 'D Pt (s'd9) IS Pt (dIo) -26.1 99 95 -26.21264 'F Pt (s2d8) -26.201 23 ID Pt (s'd9) -25.955 56 2D Pt+ (d9) -25.94662 4 F Pt+ (S'd') -25.798 64 4F Pt' (s2d7)

AEc 2.7 0.0 13.8 54.1 0.0 56.2 215.1


0.0 23.9 16.0 23.1 0.0 5.6 98.5

0.0 20.7 9.2

0.0 2.3


AE(expt)e 0.0 21.9 33.5 77.9 0.0 73.7 0.0 11.0 14.7 32.1 0.0 17.5 81.9

Wallace O'Neil Parker, Jr.: Multicomponent Self-DiffusionNMR Study of Acidic Microemulsions and Aqueous Solutions of Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid. Page 5331. Equation 6 should read as follows: p = [D(obsd H 2 0 ) -. DJ/[D(micelle) - Of]

Masato Kodaka,* Takenori Tomohiro, and Hiroaki(Yohmei) Okuno: Application of Electrostatic Model to Redox Potentials of Tetranuclear Iron-Sulfur Clusters. Page 6742. There is an error in eq 12. It should be as follows: C = [(no (n + l)D,,,)(D,,, - DJb2"+'+ ((n + 1)D, + nDi)(D - D , ) a 2 " + ' ] / [ ( ( n+ 1)D, + nDi) X - D,)(D, - D ) b Z n f l ] (nD, + ( n + 1)D)a2"+l+ n(n +
