Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers - American Chemical

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Fourier Transform IR and NMR Observations of Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds 1


N . Vasanthan , I. D . Shin , and A. E . Tonelli




Fiber and Polymer Science Program, College of Textiles, and Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University, P . O. Box 8301, Raleigh, N C 27695-8301

Several small-molecule hosts form clathrates or inclusion-compounds (ICs) with polymers. In these polymer-ICs the guest polymer chains are confined to occupy narrow channels in the crystalline matrix formed by the host. The walls of the IC channels are formed entirelyfromthe molecules of the host, and they serve to create a unique solid state environment for the included polymer chains. Each polymer chain included in the narrow, cylindrical IC channels(ca. 5.5Å in diameter) is highly extended and also separated by the host matrix channel walls from neighboring polymer chains. The net result is a solid state environment where extended, stretched (as a consequence of being squeezed) polymer chains reside in isolation from their neighbors inside the narrow channels of the crystalline matrix provided by the small-molecule, host. Comparison of the behavior of isolated, stretched polymer chains in their crystalline ICs with observations made on ordered, bulk samples of the same polymer are beginning to provide some measure of the contributions made by the intrinsic nature of a confined polymer chain and the pervasive, cooperative, interchain interactions which can complicate the behavior of bulk polymer samples. Just as dilute polymer solutions at the Θ-temperature have been effectively used to model disordered, bulk polymer phases (both glasses and melts), polymer-ICs may be utilized to increase our understanding of the behavior of polymer chains in their ordered, bulk phases as found in crystalline and liquid-crystalline samples. Solid state FT-IR and N M R observations of polymer-ICs can provide detailed conformational and motional information concerning the included, stretched, and isolated polymer chains.

The long-chain nature of polymers, coupled with their ability to adopt an almost inexhaustible variety of different conformations permits them to adjust their sizes and shapes in response to both external stresses and internal (intrachain) 0097-6156/95/0598-0517$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



interactions. It is this additional internal degree of freedom that confers upon polymers many of their unique physical properties. In disordered bulk polymers (melts and glasses) each polymer chain is in contact with or influences many (ca. 100) neighboring polymer chains, solely because of their large sizes and pervasive, randomly-coiling shapes. B y comparison, the number of neighboring polymer chains influenced by any given polymer chain in bulk ordered samples (semi-and liquid-crystalline) are much reduced as a consequence of the highly extended polymer chain conformations adopted there. Though fewer in number, the interactions between polymer chains in bulk, ordered samples are stronger, more intimate, and extend over longer portions of their chain contours. To understand the physical properties of all bulk polymer systems requires two distinct types of information: first, the inherent or intrinsic characteristics (conformations and mobilities) of individual polymer chains, which depend solely upon intramolecular or intrachain interactions, and secondly, the effects of cooperative interchain interactions between polymer chains. Observation of isolated polymer chains in dilute solutions at the θ-temperature (1), where the chains are free from both excluded-volume self-intersections and cooperative interchain interactions, provides the means to secure a useful description (2) of the inherent intramolecular behavior of disordered polymer chains. Comparison with the behavior of molten polymers, for example, can provide some measure of the nature of cooperative, interchain interactions occurring in disordered, bulk polymers. We have no dilute solution analogue for the conformationally, orientationally, and/or positionally ordered polymer chains found in liquid-crystalline and crystalline polymer samples. How then might we attempt to understand the properties of ordered, bulk polymers? We believe that certain inclusion compounds (ICs) formed between small-molecule hosts and guest polymers can serve as solid-state analogs/model systems/touchstones useful for separating the inherent, single-chain behavior from the cooperative interchain interactions occurring in ordered, bulk polymer phases. Certain small molecules, such as urea (U) and perhydrotriphenylene (PHTP), are able to form crystalline ICs with polymers (3-7) via a cocrystallization process. The guest polymer chains in these ICs are included in and confined to occupy narrow channels provided by the crystalline matrix formed by the small-molecule host Two such polymer-ICs are illustrated in Figure 1 and are based on X-ray diffraction analysis (8,9) performed on single crystals of polyethylene (PE)-U(10,11) and trans-1,4-polybutadiene (TPBD)-PHTP-ICs (9). The channels occupied by the included polymer chains are nearly cylindrical and quite narrow (D = channel diameter = ca. 5.5Â), and each included polymer chain is separated, and therefore decoupled, from all neighboring chains by the walls of the IC channels, which are constructed exclusively of the host matrix molecules. Polymer chains included in the narrow channels of their ICs with U and PHTP clearly are both highly extended (12) and isolated from neighboring polymer chains. It is precisely these two features of polymer-ICs which serve to

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




recommend them as model systems whose study can lead to an assessment of the inherent, single-chain behavior of ordered, bulk polymer solids. Principal among the experimental probes used to study polymer-ICs are FT-IR and N M R spectroscopy. FT-IR and high resolution N M R [C-13 (CPMAS/DD)] report individual vibrational absorbances and nuclear magnetic resonances for each structurally and environmentally unique constituent group of atoms and carbon nucleus, respectively, in the IC sample and can provide both conformational and motional information. Interpretation of the FT-IR and N M R observations is facilitated by molecular modeling, which attempts to define those conformations which are accessible to a polymer chain confined to occupy its narrow IC channel and the feasibility of interconverting between channel conformers. In addition, FT-IR and N M R observations and modeling analysis performed on polymer-ICs are compared with identical FT-IR and N M R observations recorded for ordered, bulk samples of the same polymers. In this way we attempt to gauge the relative contributions made to the properties of ordered, bulk polymer samples by the inherent behavior of single, isolated, and stretched polymer chains and by the cooperative, interchain interactions. We will illustrate this approach by way of application to several polymer-U-ICs, where the conformations, mobilities, and stoichiometries of the included polymer chains are estimated. FT-IR and N M R Observations of Polvmer-U-ICs Infrared spectra were recorded on powdered samples pressed into K B r pellets on a Nicolet 510P FT-IR spectrometer operating at room temperature. Spectra in the region 400 - 4,000 cm were recorded with a resolution of 2 c m ' . 1

High resolution C-13 N M R spectra of polymer-U-ICs were recorded under cross-polarization (CP), magic angle spinning (MAS), and high power H - l dipolar decoupling (DD), and sometimes without C P in the single-pulse mode at 50.3 M H z . Spin-lattice relaxation times (Tj ) were measured using the 180°-τ-90° inversion-recovery pulse sequence (13) employing a 5T delay between pulse repetitions. For the more slowly moving, rigid carbon nuclei the CP-Tj pulse sequence (14) was employed. For further details the reader is referred to the original papers and to the figure captions of the N M R spectra presented below. Modeling Polvmer Chains in IC Channels Two approaches have been taken when modeling polymers confined to the channels of their ICs with U and PHTP. Matrice and coworkers (15-19) have employed molecular dynamics simulation techniques. They place a polymer chain fragment inside a single IC channel formed by the host clathrate crystalline lattice, whose molecules are positioned according to their X-ray determined (9) structures. For example (15), a 10-repeat unit fragment of TPBD was placed in

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds


the clathrate channel which is formed by 6 stacks containing 15 PHTP molecules each [see Figure 1 (b)], which results in a channel that is 60% longer than the fully extended TPBD fragment Each of the 4,422 atoms of the TPBD fragment and PHTP lattice channel was explicidy considered, and the C H A R M m potential was employed to calculate the energy of the system. Their dynamic simulation was carried out for a 70 ps trajectory using the Verlet algorithm with 0.5 fs integration steps. We have adopted another approach to model (12, 20-26) the behavior of polymers in their ICs, which utilizes a complete search of rotational isomeric states (RIS) (2) conformations of polymer chain fragments confined to occupy a structureless cylinder whose D = 5.5Â mimics the narrow U - and PHTP-IC channels. Once a population of channel conformers has been established, a test is performed to determine if interconversion between channel conformers is possible within the confines of the channel cylinder. Both modeling methods have particular advantages and shortcomings. The complete RIS conformational search generates all possible channel conformers, but, aside from indicating the potential for interconversion of channel conformers, does not provide detailed information concerning the dynamics of the included polymer motions. The molecular dynamics simulations, on the other hand, must assume a starting channel conformation to begin each trajectory. In a sense, one must know ahead of time the channel conformers. Even i f one "guesses" a potential channel conformer, the molecular dynamics approach will never reveal alternative channel conformers unless they are readily obtained by interconversion of the starting conformer during the course of the dynamics trajectory. A practical way out of this dilemma would seem to be afforded by beginning a molecular dynamics trajectory from each of the channel conformers found in a preliminary, yet complete, RIS conformational search performed on the included polymer fragment as outlined below. Consider the PE (21) chain fragment drawn in Figure 2. The statistical weight matrix U given below the P E fragment embodies the RIS conformational description of the PE chain (27), and its elements are appropriate to room temperature. We adopt C-C and C - H bond lengths of 1.53 and 1.10Â, respectively, along with C-C-C and H - C - H valence angles of 112 and 110°. A Cartesian coordinate system is affixed to the middle of the first C-C bond at ο and is used to express die x,y,z coordinates of each C and Η atom in the P E chain fragment These atomic coordinates depend on the set of 7 φ-rotation angles, resulting in 3 (2,187) total PE fragment conformers when each backbone bond is restricted to adopt only the staggered trans (t) (φ = 0°) and gauche (g±) (φ=± 120°) rotational states. For each of these conformations the x, y, ζ coordinates of all the atoms are calculated and then transformed to the Cartesian coordinate system x* ,y' ,ζ' whose z'-axis connects the mid-points of the terminal bonds in the PE fragment (o and · in Figure 2). The radius of the corresponding cylindrical coordinate system with a coincident z'-axis is r = (x + y ) . 7



Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.





In our selection of channel conformers, we simply determine if r = (x +y ) < r , where r is the radius of the cylindrical channel. If each atom in the P E fragment passes this test, then the conformation is considered to be a channel conformer. c


Matrix multiplication techniques (2) are used to calculate various properties of the P E chain fragment, averaged over all conformations and also averaged over just the set of channel conformers found. This is made possible by the RES conformational model developed for P E (27). Average probabilities, or populations, of channel conformers and fragment bond conformations averaged over all 2,187 conformations, and for just the set of channel conformers, are obtained in this manner for channels (cylinders) of various radii. 7

Summation of the elements in the matrix product (U) yields the conflgurational partition function Z(PE) of the PE fragment in Figure 2. The probability that the PE fragment adopts the ttg+tg-tt conformation, for example, is obtained from [U(1)U(1,1)U(U)U(2,1)U(1,3)U(3,1)U(1,1)]/Z(PE), where U ( l ) is the statistical weight matrix U of Figure 2 with all elements in columns 2 and 3 replaced by zeros. To determine the probability of finding the fourth C-C bond of the P E fragment in the φ = g- rotational state (or conformation), we simply divide the matrix product (U) U(g-)(U) by Z(PE), where U(g-) is the statistical weight matrix U with first and second column elements, which correspond to the t and g+ conformations, replaced by zeros. 3


As a measure of the mobility of PE chains confined to occupy the channels of its ICs with urea and PHTP, we have attempted to determine the feasibility of interconverting between the channel conformers without any part (atom) of the chain fragment leaving the channel during any step in the interconversion process. One of the channel conformers is selected as the starting conformation. As each rotation angle is incremented (Δ0Ι = 20°), the χ ' , y ' , z' coordinates of each atom in the P E fragment are calculated and checked to see that all atoms remain inside the cylinder of the starting channel conformer. This procedure is repeated until one or more atoms passes through the cylinder wall, or another channel conformer is reached. If the former occurs, then another channel conformer is selected as the starting conformer, and the interconversion procedure is repeated. After reaching another channel conformer, all rotation angles are reinitialized to the values of the new starting channel conformer, and the interconversion process is restarted. The test for interconversion between channel conformers is complete after each channel conformer has been used as the starting fragment conformation. The channel conformers found (21) for PE are partially characterized in Table 1, where their numbers, probabilities, and bond rotation state probabilities are presented for cylinders of various diameters (D). Because in the search for channel conformers each atom is considered to be a volumeless point, a channel conformer found to fit into a cylinder of diameter D ' = 2r , would actually fill a c

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds


cylinder with a diameter D = D ' + 1Â, i f van der Waals spheres of 0.5Â radius are assigned to each hydrogen atom. The steric requirements of 0.5Â van der Waals spheres placed on each hydrogen atom are reflected in the cylinder diameters given in Table 1. It should be noted that only ca. 1% of the 2,187 total P E fragment conformers are slim enough to fit into those cylinders (D=5.5À) corresponding to the channels in the polymer-ICs with urea and PHTP. Among these channel conformers is the lowest energy, all-trans, planar zigzag conformation which is found in bulk PE crystals. Furthermore, it is not possible to interconvert between these channel conformers until the cylinder diameter is increased to D > 6.5Â. The inability of P E channel conformers to interconvert parallels the behavior observed when modeling poly(ethylene oxide) (21), aliphatic polyesters and polyamides (22), polypropylenes (23), and trans-l,4-poly(isoprene) (TPIP) (20), when they are also confined to cylinders with D=5.5Â. On the other hand, two other trans-1,4-polydienes, namely,trans-l,4-poly(butadiene) CTPBD) and isotactic trans-l,4-poly(penta-l,3-diene) (TPPD), do exhibit (20) the ability to interconvert between channel conformers when confined to occupy cylinders with D=5.5Â (see below). Results and Discussion To illustrate the utility of FT-IR observations of polymer-U-ICs we will focus on the U-IC formed with poly(e - caprolactone) (PEC) (28). The FT-IR spectra obtained for urea, bulk, semicrystalline PEC, and PEC-U-IC are presented in Figure 3a, b, and c, respectively. The assignments for uncomplexed, tetragonal urea are well established (29). Tetragonal urea has strong absorption bands at 1682 c m due to the C=0 stretching vibration, at 1628 and 1599 cm" due to N - H bending vibrations, and at 1467 cm due to the N - C - N stretching vibration. In the spectrum of P E C , we can assume contributions from both crystalline and amorphous regions. It has been demonstrated previously that the crystalline vibrations can be isolated by digital subtraction of amorphous contributions from semicrystalline samples (30). Though normal coordinate calculations have not as yet been performed on PEC, Coleman et al. (31) have assigned some bands using a group frequency approach. The bands at 1724 and 1737 cm' were assigned to C=0 stretching in the crystalline and amorphous phases, respectively. The FT-IR spectrum of bulk PEC in Figure 3b shows the band at 1724 cm" with a shoulder at 1738 cm' , indicating contributions from both crystalline and amorphous regions. Three bands at 1192, 1178, and 1161 cm' are observed and were previously assigned (31) to coupled modes variously associated with C-C-H and O-C-H bending, and C-C and C - 0 stretching vibrations. The band at 1161 cm" was identified as an amorphous band and the other two bands derive from the crystalline conformation. In order to confirm these band assignments made for amorphous and crystalline PEC, FT-IR spectra were recorded at a temperature well above the melting temperature (59° C) of PEC. 1







Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


















V 1 1 1

.54 .54 .54 .034 .034 .54

Figure 2 - A four repeat unit fragment of P E used to derive (21) the conformations and motions of its channel-bound chains.

Table 1. Polyethylene Channel Conformers (21) D,A

channel conformers

probability of channel conformers


4.0 4.5 5.0 5.2 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 11.0 free chain

1 3 5 11 25 101 365 805 1597 2165 2187

0.012 0.014 0.016 0.032 0.058 0.164 0.349 0.659 0.865 0.998 1.0

1.0 0.855 0.746 0.591 0.575 0.481 0.519 0522 0525 0539 0.540

Ρ(ο,«Ρ for n° " 2,6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.750 0.756 0.618 0.605 0.608 0.605 0.605



1.0 0.855 0.746 0.591 0.640 0.648 0.695 0.663 0.617 0.596 0.596

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.870 0.751 0.650 0.674 0.641 0599 0.598

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds



The PEC-U-IC spectrum shows bands characteristic of uncomplexed urea, P E C included in the IC channel, and charmel-forming, hexagonal urea in the IC. New bands that are not observed in the spectra of pure urea and bulk P E C are observed at 1658 and 1491 cm' in the PEC-U-IC spectrum (Figure 3c) and are assigned to channel-forming, hexagonal urea. The bands originating from channel-included P E C chains do not show appreciable differences from those of bulk crystalline PEC, except for the following: the C=0 stretching band at 1724 cm" shifts to 1738 cm" and a single band is observed for the C-O-C stretching vibration at 1178 cm. It is known from X-ray diffraction (32) that crystalline P E C adopts a nearly all trans conformation, and similarities in both spectra (b and c) indicate that P E C chains in the channels of PEC-U-IC adopt a conformation similar to bulk crystalline PEC. The P E C carbonyl group in PEC-U-IC vibrates 14 wave numbers higher than in bulk, crystalline PEC. This is opposite to the behavior expected i f the P E C carbonyl group were hydrogen-bonded to the amide hydrogen of urea in the inclusion compound, and so we suggest that the host (U)-guest(PEC) interactions in PEC-U-IC are principally of the vander Waals type. 1



The inclusion compounds of n-hexadecane (H-U-IC) (33) and poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA-U-IC) (34) with urea were formed and characterized using X-ray diffraction, DSC, FT-IR, and solid state C-13 N M R . The FT-IR spectra of H-U-IC and PLLA-U-IC are compared in Figure 4 with that of PEC-U-IC. Hexagonal urea lattice bands at 1658 and 1491 cm" are observed for all three U-ICs indicating similar overall crystal structures. The crystal structures of H-U-IC (8) and P L L A - U - I C (34) were studied using x-ray diffraction and showed that urea forms a hexagonal lattice in the presence of H and P L L A in the IC channel. Also a very similar X-ray diffraction pattern was observed recently (35) for PEC-U-IC. Consequently it seems reasonable to assign the 1658 and 1491 cm" bands to C=0 and N - C - N stretching vibrations of urea in its hexagonal IC lattice structure. 1


Analysis of the FT-IR spectrum of a polymer-U-IC may provide information concerning the types and strengths of interactions between the guest polymer and host urea matrix. To carry out such an analysis a clean polymer-U-IC sample, free from uncomplexed urea and/or polymer, is required. Though not shown here, the D S C thermogram of our PEC-U-IC sample indicated very little uncomplexed urea and PEC. The FT-IR spectrum for PEC-U-IC (see Figure 4c) shows small bands at 1682 and 1467 cm consistent with the presence of a small amount (ca. 5%) of free, uncomplexed, tetragonal urea. By subtraction of the spectrum observed for tetragonal urea (Figure 3a) from our PEC-U-IC spectrum, which is achieved by momtoring the disappearance of the 1682 and 1467 cm" bands due to tetragonal urea, the FT-IR spectrum of 100% crystalline PEC-U-IC can be obtained, as shown in Figure 5. Here only the vibrational bands characteristic of hexagonally arranged host urea and channel-included P E C chains are observed. 1

The stoichiometry of the PEC-U-IC (moles of urea/moles of P E C repeat units)

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Figure 4 - A comparison of FT-IR spectra in the region between 1400 and 1800 cm' for the urea based inclusion compounds (a) H-U-IC, (b) PLLA-U-IC, and (c) PEC-U-IC. 1

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds

can be determined by taking the ratio of urea carbonyl (1658 cm' ) to P E C carbonyl (1738 cm" ) intensities i f the relative absorption coefficients are known for these two vibrations. Though absorption coefficients are generally not easily obtained, in this case when the integrated carbonyl absorbance is normalized with respect to a PEC-U-IC internal standard band (1491 cm" ) a ratio of one is obtained. Thus it appears that the C=0 stretching vibrations of both carbonyl groups have approximately equal absorption coefficients. On this basis, a stoichiometry of 4 is obtained through comparison of the areas of both carbonyl stretching bands. This FT-IR estimate of PEC- U-IC stoichiometry agrees closely with that obtained previously (35) from DSC measurements. 1


We close our discussion of the FT-IR observation of polymer-U-ICs with a comparison of the FT-IR spectra observed (36) for polytetrahydrofuran (PTHF) and PTHF-U-IC as presented in Figure 6. Focusing on the 745 cm" CHj rocking band observed in the bulk polymer, but absent in the IC, we can draw a conclusion concerning the conformation of PTHF chains in the PTHF-U-IC. Imada et al. (37) have demonstrated that the 745 cm' C H j rocking band only appears in those poly(alkane oxides) like PTHF that assume an all trans, planar zig zag conformation in their crystals (38). Those poly(alkane oxides) adopting helical crystalline conformations do not evidence this C H rocking band, because the C E ^ rocking mode couples with other skeletal stretching and bending modes when the chain conformation is distorted from the planar symmetry of the all trans conformation. The absence of the 745 cm" C H j rocking band in PTHF-U-IC points to a nonplanar, helical conformation for the included PTHF chains. A n X-ray diffraction analysis of PTHF-U-IC single crystals (39) reached a similar conformational conclusion based on the reduced fiber repeat distance observed for PTHF chains in the U-IC compared with the fiber repeat obtained (38) from bulk PTHF fibers. 1




The CPMAS/DD C-13 N M R spectrum (28) of PEC crystallized from solution is presented in Figure 7b. Five resonances at 172.9, 64.8, 32.6, 28.5, and 25.1 ppm are evident A single resonance is obtained for each carbon though two methylene carbons in the P E C repeat unit resonate at identical frequencies. Since the spectrum was recorded with cross polarization (CP), the rigid crystalline carbons, which cross polarize efficiently, are enhanced relative to the mobile carbons in the amorphous phase, which do not cross polarize efficiently at temperatures well above the glass transition temperature. Therefore these resonances are assigned to crystalline carbons. The crystal structure of PEC was studied by Chatani et al. (40) who proposed a nearly all trans, planar zig zag conformation for the crystalline P E C chains. This is consistent with the observations of single resonances for the methylene carbons in the C P M A S / D D C-13 N M R spectrum (Figure 7b). Recording the C-13 N M R spectrum without cross polarization (not shown) also yielded five resonances at 172.0, 63.7, 33.3, 28.2, and 25.0 ppm corresponding to the amorphous carbons in our sample of PEC. The chemical shifts observed for carbons in both the crystalline and amorphous phases are listed in Table 2.

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.








Figure 5 - FT-IR spectrum of 100% PEC-U-IC obtained by subtraction of the FT-IR spectrum of free urea [Figure 3(a)] from that of our PEC-U-IC sample [Figure 3(c)].





Wavenumbers(cm" ) 1

Figure 6 -

FT-IR spectra of (a) bulk PTHF and (b) PTHF-U-IC.

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds
















ppm From Me SI

Figure 7 - The CPMAS/DD C-13 N M R spectra at 50.3 M H z measured (28) for (a) PEC-U-IC and (b) bulk PEC. Table 2. Chemical Shift Values for Poly (e-Caprolactone) in Bulk and in the IC Channel Carbon

Crystalline chemical shift(ppm) 64.8


Amorphous chemical shift(ppm)











24.9 26.2










24.9 26.2 32.9 34.0 172.6

ο - -(-C—C—C—C—C—C—0-)~ 1

2 '





Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



The C P M A S / D D C-13 N M R spectrum of PEC-U-IC is shown in Figure 7a, where it is observed that three of its methylene carbons (carbons 3, 4, and 5) show multiple resonances. A similar spectrum is observed when recorded without cross polarization (MAS/DD) and reflects the motion of P E C chains in the narrow U-IC channels which render the cross polarization of magnetization from the abundant H - l nuclei to the rare C-13 nuclei ineffectual. Multiple resonances can be attributed to more than a single conformational or packing environment Our molecular modeling (22) of aliphatic polyesters suggested that the all trans bond conformation accounts for at least 40% of all channel conformers found for PEC. The remaining channel conformers found were of the g±tg+ kink variety. The bulk PEC chains crystallize in a nearly all trans conformation, which is the most stable for isolated chains, though the conformations about the CHj -O bonds deviate somewhat from 0 . The modeling of PEC in the narrow IC channels also indicated that conformational interconversions among and between kink and all trans conformers was not possible. Because the increased entropy attendant upon the presence of rapidly interconverting channel conformers cannot be realized, the higher energy kink conformers are not expected to be present in the U-IC channels. Furthermore, the splittings observed for the methylene carbon resonances are not consistent with either the pattern or with the magnitude of splitting expected (41) for a population of rigid all trans and kink conformers in the U-IC channels. These observations lead us to suggest a nearly all trans conformation for the P E C chains in PEC-U-IC, and we attribute the multiple resonances observed for methylene carbons 3, 4, and 5 to distinct packing environments in the IC channels. Spin-lattice relaxation times ÇT ) were determined for bulk PEC and PEC-U-IC via the C P - T method (14) and the results for each of the carbon nuclei are presented in Table 3 along with the results for several other bulk and U-IC polymers. T^s observed for the carbons of U-IC included P E C chains are reduced by factors of 2 to 5 compared with the bulk polymer and provide some measure of the motional constraints produced by the cooperative, interchain interactions occurring in the ordered bulk polymer. The T *s of P E C in the urea channels can be compared with the T^s of n-hexadecane (H) in H-U-IC and P E in its PHTP-IC (42). The T / s of CHj carbons in PEC-U-IC are 4-10 times longer than the Ύ observed for P E C H carbons in PE-PHTP-IC, while the central carbons of Η in H-U-IC have Ί = 15s, intermediate between 6s for P E in PE-PHTP-IC and 20-50s for P E C in PEC-U-IC, though all three types of included chains adopt the nearly all trans conformation. Variable temperature, spin-lattice relaxation measurements (42) demonstrated that P E in its PHTP-IC is on the fast motion side of its Ί minimum. If we assume that n-hexadecane is also on the fast motion side of its Ί minimum, then the 16 carbon n-alkane in H-U-IC is moving faster than P E in its PHTP-IC. On the other hand, it seems most likely that P E C in its U-IC is on the slow motion side of its T minimum, and is therefore moving more slowly than either n-hexadecane or P E in their ICs. Tfs two to three times longer are observed for PEC compared with n-hexadecane in the urea channels, reflecting the differences in the interactions between guest X









Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds


Table 3. C-13 Spin Lattice Relaxation Times (T^Observed for Polymers in Their Ordered IC and Bulk Crystalline Phases TpS





16-51 (CHj), 45 (c=o), 16 (U)



15,16 (U)


Bulk 93-111 (CHj), 146 (c=o)







8 (CHj), 10 (CH=)

10.5 (CHj), 12.2 (CH=), Fonn Π crystals (42)



80(1), 70 (2), 50 (3), 60,10 (2')

80 (1), 50 (2), 50 (3), 90 (4), 40, 10 (2') β - form crystals (44)

1.5,10.4 (U)












17-26 (CH), 32-36 (C=0), 1-1.5 (CHj) 4.2,35 (U)



a--C -C = C -C I c ' 2

b - PEO-U-IC adopts a trigonal crystal structure (39) and not the more prevelent hexagonal structure (8).

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



polymer and urea host PEC contains the bulky, rigid, and polar carbonyl group which may interact with urea amide groups forming the channel, and this may be the reason for the longer Tj's observed for P E C compared with n-hexadecane, which cannot interact specifically with urea in the channel. Ί \ measurements of the urea C=Os were also carried out for H-U-IC and PEC-U-IC. Approximately the same Ί (16s) is observed for both ICs. Differences in the mobilities of the included n-hexadecane and P E C chains apparently do not effect the mobilities of urea molecules forming the IC channels. ι

Aside from the two diene polymers [trans- 1,4-polybutadiene (TPBD) and isoprene (TPIP)] (43,44), the spin-lattice relaxation times observed for included polymers are generally substantially shortened compared with the T^s for their bulk crystalline samples. This serves to emphasize the important contribution made by cooperative, interchain interactions to the mobilities of ordered bulk polymers. The geometrical constraints imposed on included polymer chains by the narrow IC channels (D~5.5Â) are very comparable to those imposed by nearest neighbor chains in bulk crystalline polymer samples. [See for example the interchain distances observed in the crystal structures of polymers (38,45 ).] The substantial shortening of spin-lattice relaxation times observed for isolated polymer chains residing in their IC channels must be a consequence of the removal of coordinated polymer-polymer motions which impede the mobilities of bulk crystalline polymer chains. In order to determine the stoichiometry of PEC-U-IC by C-13 N M R , we recorded the M A S / D D spectrum without cross polarization, but with a sufficiently long delay time between signal accumulations to obtain quantitative spectra (13). This estimate of PEC-U-IC stoichiometry was obtained by measuring the intensities of the C=0 resonances for P E C and urea. The C=0 resonance of P E C had the longer Tj of 45s, so the delay time of 200s (5 χ the longest Ύ ) was employed. The areas of both C=0 resonances were then measured and resulted in a 4:1 mole ratio ( U : P E Q estimate of PEC-U-IC stoichiometry. This is in close agreement with the stoichiometry expected for PEC-U-IC based on the all trans conformation for included P E C chains and 1.83Â channel length per urea molecule observed (8) for H-U-IC by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the stoichiometry detennined previously by D S C (35) and by FT-IR spectroscopy (28). χ

Acknowledgment We are grateful to the National Science Foundation (DMR-9201-094), North Carolina State University,and the College of Textiles for supporting this work.

Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Crystalline Polymer Inclusion Compounds533

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Urban and Provder; Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.