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Multielement Determination in Market-Garden Soils by. Instrumental Photon Activation Analysis. Amares Chattopadhyay and R. E. Jervis. Department of ...
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Multielement Determination in Market-Garden Soils by Instrumental Photon Activation Analysis Amares Chattopadhyay and R. E. Jervis Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, and Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A4, Canada

An instrumental method has been developed for simultaneous photon activation analysis of 30 elements in vegetable crop-growing organic soils using a 45-MeV electron linear accelerator. The method consists of a simultaneous irradiation of a multielement standard and the environmental soil samples at 15, 20, 22, 35, and 44 MeV maximum bremsstrahlung energies for 1 hour to determine concentrations of 27 elements by a high-resolution Ge( Li) detector. Three more elements can be determined by continuing the irradiation for 4 hours at 20 MeV. Guidelines for selecting appropriate activation products and their gamma-rays have been described. The concentrations of several of the elements determined have been independently checked through the use of alternative nuclides and gamma-rays. A comparison of the accuracy of this activation method with other standard analytical techniques, notably atomic absorption spectrophotometry, has been carried out by analyzing a few elements in soils by the latter technique. Agreement among the several analytical methods compared ranged between 2 and 10%. The accuracy of photon activation technique has also been evaluated by analyzing the Standard Reference Materials. The limits of detection for all 30 elements analyzed varied between 10 and 8000 nanograms depending on the nuclide measured.

The determination of trace concentrations of heavy metals in biological and environmental materials has become an important analytical task because of the growing concern about heavy metal contamination of the biosphere as a potential health hazard. Moreover, the toxicity of a particular heavy metal may be increased greatly or decreased by a significant amount of one or more metals present in the sample. Thus multielement determination in a single sample is very valuable for revealing and understanding any such synergistic or antagonistic effects that exist among certain metals a t very low concentrations ( I ) . Consequently, analytical methods for the simultaneous estimation of a number of trace elements of environmental interest in a single sample are being developed in this and other laboratories. In such analyses, the nondestructive approach has obvious advantages. Recently, instrumental thermal neutron activation analysis (INAA) has been used by Nadkarii and Morrison ( 2 ) to determine concentrations of up to 36 elements in biological materials. However, not all the elements of environmental interest can be conveniently and sensitively determined by INAA. Photon activation analysis (PAA), the less-studied but developing branch of activation analysis, has an excellent potential for multielement determination on a purely instrumental basis. A few of the significant advantages of PAA of biological materials over ( 1 ) J. Parizek. Survey paper, "Nuclear Activation Techniques in the Life Sciences," "Proceedings of an International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium," Bled, Yugoslavia, IAEA, Vienna, 1972,p 177. (2)R. A. Nadkarni and G. H. Morrison, Anal. Chem., 45, 1957 (1973).


its sister technique, NAA, have been summarized by Andersen et al. ( 3 ) . The principles and general features of PAA have been well treated by Engelmann ( 4 , 5 )and Hoste et al. (6).As an aid in selecting nuclides on which to base a PAA determination, the gamma-ray energies of nuclides produced by ) have been tabulated by Galatanu (7,n) and ( 7 , ~reactions and Grecescu (7). Recently, a number of compilations of photonuclear reactions have been made available. For example, Toms (8, 9) compiled photonuclear separation energies, activation products, and their gamma-ray energies in two volumes; Berman (IO) reported photoneutron cross sections for many nuclides obtained with monoenergetic photons; and Fuller et al. (11) catalogued photonuclear reaction data. In the past, several authors (12-17) have identified a large number of nuclides produced on photon activation and calculated their relative sensitivities. Lutz (18) has estimated the specific activities of 60 elements irradiated a t 25, 30, and 35 MeV electron energies. Kat0 (19-21) has reported experimental sensitivities for many elements a t 30 and 60 MeV bremsstrahlung beams. Multielement determination in biological materials by instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA), in particular, has been little studied. Recently, review papers have been presented on photonuclear reaction applications by McNeill (22) and on PAA of biological and environmental samples by Hislop (23). I t is evident from these reviews (3)G.H. Anaersen, F. M. Graber, V. P. Guinn, H. R. Lukens, and D. M. Settle, "Nuclear Activation Techniques in the Life Sciences," "Proceedings of an International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium," Amsterdam, IAEA. Vienna, 1967,p 99. (4)C. Englemann, "Advances in Activation Analysis," Vol. (I, J. M. A. Lenihan, S. J. Thomson, and V. P. Guinn, Ed., Academic Press, London, 1972,Chap. I. (5)C. Englemann, "Photonuclear Reactions and Applications ings of an International Conference, Calif.," Vol. 11, 6. L. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1973,p 1137. (6)J. Hoste, J. Op De Beeck, R. Gijbels, F. Adams. P. Van Den Winkel. and D. De Soete, "Instrumental and Radiochemical Activation Analysis." Chemical Rubber Company Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1971,p 87. (7) V. Galatanu and M. Grecescu, J. Radioanal. Chem., I O , 315 (1972). (8)M. E. Toms, NRL Report 7554, Washington, D.C., 1973. (9)M. E. Toms, NRL Report 7591, Washington, D.C.. 1973. (IO) 6. L. Berman, UCRL 74611, Livermore. Calif., 1973. (11) E. G. Fuller, H. M. Gerstenberg, H. Vander Molen. and T.C. Dunn, NBS Spec. Publ. 380,Washington, D.C., 1973. (12)C. A. Baker, G. J. Hunter, and D. A. Wood, AERE Report 5547, H. M. Stationary Office, London, 1967. (13)C. A. Baker and D. A. Wood, AERE Report 5818, H. M. Stationery Office, London, 1968. (14)E. A. Schweikert and Ph. Albert, "Radiochemical Methods of Analysis." "Proceedings of an International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium, Salzberg." Vol. I, IAEA. Vienna, 1965,p 323. (15)T. Oka, T. Kato, K. Nomura, and T. Saito. Buii. Chem. SOC. Jap., 40, 575 (1967). (16)T. Kat0 and Y. Oka, Talanta, 19, 515 (1972). (17)T. Kat0 and A. F. Voigt, J. Radioanal. Chem., 4, 325 (1970). (18)G.J. Lutz, Anal. Chem., 41, 424 (1969). (19)T. Kato, Res. Rep. Lab. Nucl. Sci., Tohoku Univ.. 5,(l),133 (1972). (20)T. Kato, ibid., 5 (2).137 (1972). (21)T. Kato, "Modern Trends in Activation Analysis." an International Conference, Saclay, France, Paper No. M 65 (1972). (22)K. G.McNeill, APS Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C.. 19 (23)J. S. Hislop, "Photonuclear Reactions and Applications, of an International Conference, Calif.," Vol. 11, B. L. Berman, Ed., Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1973,p 1159.

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y . VOL. 46. NO. 12. OCTOBER 1974

that with the availability of high-resolution Ge(Li) detectors, the potential for multielement estimation by IPAA is being more widely recognized at present. Air particulates, blood, bone, geological samples, kale, and urine have all been analyzed by this method. On the other hand, little work has been done on soil samples except that reported by the present authors (24-26) and by Lutz (27). Soil can be considered as a sink for metallic contaminants. I t can accumulate metals from treated seeds, fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, irrigation waters, and atmospheric fallout, among other sources. These metals, in turn, can be translocated from soil to various parts of edible plants, and may eventually find their way to man. For this reason, the importance of soil analysis to environmental health has recently become more fully recognized. Hence, an IPAA method for estimation of 30 elements using a high-resolut,ion Ge(Li) detector following irradiations of environmental soil samples a t different bremsstrahlung energies, has been developed and is reported here. Cultivated soils with high organic matter content, commonly known as “muck” soils, have been collected at the Holland Marsh in Ontario, Canada. Specimens of these soils have been analyzed by the IPAA technique. In this report, emphasis is placed on the nuclear techniques of analysis developed rather than the importance of results obtained to assess the fate of,toxic metals in crop-growing areas which will be reported in a separate publication. EXPERIMENTAL Samples. Soil samples were collected from the Holland Marsh with the assistance of the Department of Botany, University of Toronto, in June 1970. A t each sampling site, two surface scrapings (surface-1 and surface-2) were taken from both sides of a particular plant. Then the whole plant was removed and a soil pit was dug a t the site of plant sampling and soils were removed carefully from the surface and depths up to 45 cm a t intervals of 7.5 cm. The detailed procedure of soil sampling has been described by Czuba (28). About 25 grams of these wet muck soils were air dried at room temperature. Approximately 1 gram of dried soil was packed in a clean polyethylene bag which was then heat sealed. Several such bags were prepared for each soil sample. For IPAA, bags were placed in 5.5-cm long cylindrical polyethylene irradiation capsules fitted with stoppers. The typical sample size was 2 cm long and 1.2 cm in diameter. S t a n d a r d s . A synthetic soil matrix for use as a support for trace metal standards was prepared by mixing high-purity grade starch powder (46.1%),diamnionium hydrogen phosphate (42.8%), silicon dioxide (6.8%), ferric trioxide (2.2%), and calcium oxide (2.1%).T o this mixture, microgram quantities of the following elements were added: antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, cadmium, calcium, cesium, chlorine, chromium, cobalt, indium, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, scandium, selenium, silver, sodium, strontium, tellurium, thallium, tin, titanium, vanadium, zinc, and zirconium. All the chemical reagents used were “spec-pure” or 99.99% pure. The compounds were mixed homogeneously by rotating in a mixer for 3 days and used as a multielement standard (MES). The homogeneity and accuracy of the MES were later examined by analyzing replicate samples and Standard Reference Materials, and by determining elemental concentrations through alternative techniques. Known quantities of the MES were placed in polyethylene bags and were given the identical shape and volume as the soil samples in the irradiation capsules. Apparatus. A Vickers 45-MeV electron linear accelerator (Linac) a t the University of Toronto was used for IPAA of soils reported here. After considerable improvement during recent years, this Linac is now capable of producing electrons of any energy be(24) A. Chattopadhyay and R. E. Jervis, ‘[bid.,p 1009. (25) A. Chattopadhyay, L. G. I. Bennett, and R . E. Jervis, Can. J. Chem. fng., 50, 189 (1972).

(26) A. Chattopadhyay and R. E. Jervis, Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett., 1 1 , 331 (1972). (27) G. J. Lutz, “Nuclear Methods in Environmental Research, ings of an ANS Topical Meeting,” J. R . Vogt, T. F. Parkinson, and R . L. Carter, Ed., University of Missouri, Columbia, 1971, p 144. (28) M. Czuba. M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto,

Canada. 1972.

tween 8 and 44 MeV with an energy precision of about f 0 . 5 MeV, suitable for activation work. The pulse length can be varied from 1.3 nanoseconds to 3.6 microseconds (psec). A repetition rate of 30 to 480 pulsedsec can be chosen. The maximum power output a t a particular electron energy was obtained in this study by using pulses of 2.1 psec duration a t a repetition rate of 240 pulses/sec. The typical average beam currents measured on the tungsten converter by a current monitor were: 25 microampere (FA) a t 8 MeV, 35 p A a t 10 MeV, 50 p A a t 12 MeV, 75 p A a t 14 MeV, 80 p A at 15 MeV, 95 p A a t 20 MeV, 110 fiA a t 22 MeV, 125 pA a t 25 MeV, 145 pA a t 30 MeV, 225 p A a t 35 MeV, 190 p A a t 40 MeV, and 155 p A a t 44 MeV. A peak current of 85 mA was typical. Bremsstrahlung photons for irradiating samples were obtained by converting the electron beam with a 3-mm-thick tungsten plate placed 3 cm away from the face of the beam exit window of the Linac. The size of the electron beam as measured on the converter was 2.3 cm X 1.5 cm. The tungsten converter was water-cooled. Irradiation. T h e cylindrical polyethylene irradiation capsules containing sample, MES, a blank polyethylene bag, 2 copper wires (for monitoring photon flux), and a cobalt wire (for measuring thermal neutron flux) were wrapped with a cadmium foil and were p u t on a rotating sample holder assembly. T h e design and need for such an assembly have been described elsewhere (26). The sample assembly was placed 1 cm away from the rear face of the tungsten converter. Depending on the elements being determined, samples were irradiated a t the maximum peak electron energies of 15, 20, 22,35, and 44 MeV normally for 1 hr in an average flux of 2 X 10l3 photons/cm2 sec. The irradiation energies selected as optimal for determining individual elements are listed in Table 11. Both samples and MES were cooled during irradiation by directing a jet of air toward them. Procedure. The capsules containing sample, MES, and the blank polyethylene bag were removed and opened following irradiation. They were transferred to clean glass counting vials. The sample and MES were given identical geometry without rupturing the polyethylene bag. The copper and cobalt wires were also transferred to counting vials. After a “cooling period” of about 1 hr, the sample and MES were counted under identical geometry conditions using a 60 cm3 Ge(Li) detector. Counting Equipment. Gamma-rays were observed with a 60 cm3 or a 40 cm3 Ge(Li) detector coupled with a 4096-channel Canberra or Kicksort pulse height analyzer. T h e full widths a t halfmaximum of the two detectors were 1.9 KeV and 2.5 KeV at the 1.332 MeV photopeak of 6oCo. The peak-to-compton ratios were 30:l and 18:1, respectively. The efficiencies of the Ge(Li) detectors were measured as 6.7% and 5.8% with respect to a standard NaI(T1) detector.

METHODOLOGY The number of events detected in a gamma-ray peak of interest were summed by using the cursor provided in the Canberra PHA. With the Kicksort PHA, a base-line subtraction technique was used. Background counts recorded using the polyethylene bag were subtracted. Decay corrections were made wherever applicable. The concentrations of elements were calculated by the usual relative method by reference to the MES. However, among the large number of well-resolved gamma-rays recorded by a high-resolution Ge(Li) detector in gross gamma-ray spectra of photonactivated soil samples (Figure l ) ,only a few can be selected for the estimation of the trace concentrations of elements of environmental interest. A t the beginning of this work, a list of prominent gamma-rays emitted by photon-activated products was prepared from the literature (12, 13, 29). However, because of lack of reliable data and also to assess problems of mutual interference, some 30 selected elements were irradiated a t 8, 10,12, 1 4 , 1 5 , 2 0 , 22, 25,30,35, and 40 MeV maximum electron energies, the bismuth and vanadium were activated a t 44 MeV. The gamma-ray spectra of these activated species were recorded as soon as possible by means of a 40 cm3 Ge(Li) detector. The energy and half-life of each gamma-ray were precisely measured and a nuclide was assigned accordingly to each resolved gamma-ray. This list of (29) C. M. Lederer, J. M. Hollander, and I. Perlman, “Table of Isotopes,” 6th ed., J. Wiley and Sons, Inc., N.Y., 1967.


46. N O . 12, OCTOBER 1974



0 0 1 I .



0 0



0 Q,















c-OTx 13NNWH3 M3d SlNn03



v) Q,




ci Y


NO. 1 2 ,



nuclides along with their data was then combined with the other list prepared from the literature to obtain an extensive chart of nuclides produced by photon activation. This chart was kept up to date by consulting recent publications and was used throughout this study for identification of nuclides in activated soils. Photonuclear Interference: Optimal Selection of Nuclides a n d Gamma-Rays. In experiments designed to optimize the IPAA determination of selected elements, two types of interfering photonuclear reactions were observed to occur a t about the same photon energies. In one type, a gamma-ray which could have been used for determining the exact concentration of a particular element was found to suffer interferences from partial or complete overlap in energy of one or more gamma-rays emitted by other nuclides present in the same matrix. A second type of interference and more serious than the former was due to the competing reactions which could produce the particular nuclide of interest from a number of other elements present in the same sample. If proper precautions were not taken, a third type of interference due to thermal neutron activation could also offer serious problems. These interferences are described below in detail. Overlapping Gamma-Rays. The choice of a gamma-ray from the nuclide of interest which suffered no interference from other gamma-rays based on the above chart was considered first for measurement, The most abundant gammaray of a nuclide was normally selected except when it had interferences from gamma-rays of other nuclides. Gammarays falling within f 4 KeV of each other were considered to be mutually interfering under the counting system used in this study. In the case of interferences of all gamma-rays of a nuclide, alternative nuclides produced by photon activation of the same element and that could be used for the determination of that element, were sought. For example, 67-m-nuclide 204mPbproduced by the reactions 204Pb(y,y') 204mPband 206Pb(y,2n)204mPbwas chosen for interferencefree lead analysis by IPAA and the 899.1 KeV (100%) gamma-ray was used. Details of the PAA method for trace lead determination have been reported previously (26). When a number of nuclides were formed from different isotopes of the same element, normally the shorter-lived product was given prior consideration because a superior detection limit could be obtained from it using the standard irradiation period of 1 hr. The abundances of target isotopes, their threshold energies, and cross sections for different photonuclear reactions were also taken into consideration in deciding whether or not to base IPAA determination on particular nuclides. In certain instances, it was possible to select more than one nuclide as well as several gamma-rays satisfying most of the above criteria such as zinc and silver. On the other hand, unavoidable interferences were observed in a few cases. If the interference was due to a short-lived nuclide, it was allowed to decay preferentially to minimize its contribution. In the opposite situation, L e . , where a longer-lived nuclide interfered, it was produced in a small quantity by limiting the length of irradiation, resolved graphically, or its contribution was calculated and subtracted from the photopeak under consideration. An example of this interference was encountered in the measurement of barium. The observed intensity due to the 268.1-KeV gamma-ray of 135mBa (28.7 hr) was graphically separated from that due ~ days) by folto the 270.4-KeV gamma-ray of 4 4 m S(2.44 lowing their decay curves. On the other hand, the contribution due to the 804.1-KeV gamma-ray of IOGmAg(8.4 days) was calculated and subtracted from the combined photopeak to obtain the bismuth content as measured by the intensity of the 803.1-KeV gamma-ray of 20sBi. The bismuth 1634

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 12,

content was also independently measured by following the 880.8-KeV gamma-ray of the same nuclide. There are many other examples of interference arising from partial or complete overlap of gamma-rays with nuclides of interest. These are summarized in Table I, along with the nuclides and their gamma-rays which were selected for use in this work. Competing Photon Induced Reactions. As mentioned above, in some cases competing photonuclear reactions, each producing the particular nuclide of interest, interfered in the selection of a nuclide on which measurements were based. An extensive chart containing the activation reactions of interest and photon induced competing reactions along with their separation energies (Esep)was prepared. A few of these reactions are shown in Table 11. I t can be seen from Table I1 that most of the photon induced interferences were eliminated by choosing an excitation energy below the Esepof interfering reactions. For example, manganese was determined by irradiating soils a t 20 MeV which is well above the Esepof 10.2 MeV for the reaction 55Mn(y,n)54Mnbut below the Esepof 20.4 MeV for the competing reaction " F e ( y , n ~ ) ~ ~ M n . In a few instances, the nuclide with the least interference was selected among several products on the basis of the above criterion. For example, the choice of 113mInwas made using this guideline. The reaction 1151n(y,y')115mIncould not be used because of interference from a number of other reactions. The reaction 1131n(7,y')113mInwas also inter(Esep,8.5 MeV). fered with by the reaction 114Sn(y,p)113mIn However, considering the small isotopic abundance of lI4Sn (0.75%) and the energy of irradiation used (Eirr)of 15 MeV, it was concluded that only a small amount of 113mIncould be produced from 114Sn and thus interference from this reaction was neglected. In a few cases, interfering competing reactions mentioned in the literature were studied in the context of muck soils analyzed. For example, 99Mo-99mT~ used in the determination of molybdenum was also reported to be formed from rhodium and ruthenium isotopes. A search for gamma-rays emitted by alternative products of the latter two elements was made in the gross gamma-ray spectra of muck soils recorded a t different time intervals. No such gamma-rays could be identified. It was then concluded that no detectable amount of rhodium and ruthenium was present in muck soils, and thus no interference from these two elements could be observed. In extreme cases of suspected interference in the photonuclear determination, the elements were measured by other analytical techniques as well. Cadmium in soils was determined by destructive NAA and atomic absorption spectrophotometry as well as by IPAA. The values obtained (Table V) were found to agree well within the experimental errors, oiz., about 2~10%.Thus, contributions from any interfering reaction producing lllmCd are thought to be insignificant. T h e r m a l Neutron-Induced Reactions. The third type of interference, Le., thermal neutron activation of the soils from stray neutrons produced in the target assembly is also considered in Table 11. Thermal neutrons were absorbed by a 0.075-cm-thick cadmium foil in which the sample and MES were wrapped. A cobalt wire was irradiated along with the samples and the neutron-induced 6oCo activity recorded with a 7.5-cm x 7.5-cm NaI(T1) detector was found to be completely negligible. Thus, interferences caused by absorption of thermal neutrons in the soil samples were not considered further. Positron Annihilation Radiation. A very large number of nuclides with varying half-lives decay by a positron emission. Thus the determination of concentration of any


Table 11. Interference from Competing Reactions Nuclide analyzed Elemeiit

Antimony Arsenic

Activation reaction

Iz3Sb(r,n) lzzSh

Photon-induced reaction


EWr (MeV)

9 .0




9.1 22.5

35 44

Barium Bismuth Cadmium



Calcium Cesium

12.2 9 .0

20 15

Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Indium

12.6 23.3 70.5

20 35 20 15






Activation reaction

12aTe(-f,p)122Sb lz5Te( 7 ,t) W b 124Te(-,,np)122Sh %e( 7,t)74As We ( y,np)7 4As ...

E.(,, 'MeV)


8.1 15.7 17.5 18.7 19.8

A B B A B ..

3.2 12.8 15.5 16.2 19.1 15.6 17.1 19.8 20 . 0 8.5 16 . 0 17.1 20.3

Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum

14.8 12.1 10.2 8.3 8.3

35 22 20 35 35

Nickel Scandium

12.2 11.3

35 20

Selenium Silver Sodium Strontium Tellurium Thallium Tin

9.3 9.6 12.4 11.5 8.4 7.7

35 20 20 20 20 15 35


9.3 11.3

Vanadium Zinc Zirconium

20.9 31.9 11.1 10 .o 12 .0

22 44 35 35 22

19.2 "

Neutron-induced reaction

.. A B B B B B B B .. B A B B .. B

65Mn(n,~ ) ~ e M n



23.7 20.4


3.1 9.2 16 .0 16.7

B B B B .. B B .. A B


"Ti r,d) 44Sc 4GTi( -/,np)44Sc ... l W d ( -/,np)1osmAg 25Mg(y,t)Z2Na 90Zr ( y ,n a )s5mSr ... *O4Pb(-,,np) z02T1 50V(r,2p)48Sc lV ( 7, 3He)%c 5oCr(r,np)4 V

... 94Mo(~ , n a ) ~ ~ Z r g2Mo(-/, 3He)89Zr

19.4 21.7 17.7 23 . 0 18.2 14.3 19.3 22.6 21.1

14.1 16.9


.. B




.. .. B B

... 64Zn(n,7)"Zn

Interfering photon-induced reactions: A, negligible contribution: B, not observed: C , observed.

element through the 511-KeV annihilation radiation requires extensive measurements at frequent time intervals and resolution of a very complex decay curve. For this reason, the 511-KeV photopeak was not used in this study. However, in gamma-ray spectra of soils irradiated a t 25 to 44 MeV and recorded within an hour from the end of irradiation, the 511 photopeak was so intense that it masked most of the low-energy gamma-rays emitted by many nuclides. On the other hand, high-energy gamma-rays were not interfered with under this condition as was also reported by Aras et al. (30). However, quite a few gamma(30)N. K . Aras, W. H. Zoller, G.E. Gordon, and G.J . Lutz, Anal. Chem., 45, 1481 (1973).

rays could be resolved in a complex gamma-ray spectrum recorded after 2 hr from the end of irradiation at 35 MeV, as reported in our earlier study (26). Consequently, it was apparent that most of the 511-KeV radiation was due to the 20-m-11Cnuclide produced in the carbon by the reaction l2C(y,n)l1C (Eqep,18.7 MeV) in the soil matrix itself. The advantage was taken of the relatively high E,,,, for this reaction in selecting E,,, for certain elements to produce short-lived nuclides which emit low-energy gamma-rays during their decay. For example, tellurium was activated at 20 MeV which is well above the Esppof 8.4 MeV for the reaction 130Te(y,n)129Te, and the 459.2-KeV gamma-ray of 69-m-lZ9Tewas assayed without any interference from the "C positron annihilation radiation. Although the E,,, for



Table 111. Elemental Concentrations of Soil by Depth (ppm, dry-weight basis) Soil depth in cm ~




Antimony Arsenic Barium Bismuth Cadmium Calcium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Indium Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury M ol ybdenum Nickel Scandium Selenium Silver Sodium Strontium Tellurium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Zirconium

2.11 1.72 285 1.52 1.45 20,000 4.82 72.2 14.3 8.52 2.60 28,000 32.2 780 1,350 1.45 2.12 8.11 3.22 1.10 0.92 6,000 80.5 6.25 0.22 14.0 101 10.5 165 200

1.85 1.61 270 1.46 1.52 20,000 4.91 68.5 12.1 8.65 2.12 28,350 30 :O 765 1,275 2.50 2.00 7.85 3.41 1.43 0.85 5,950 82.8 6.10 0.20 13.5 105 11.6 152 200


1.73 1.85 252 1.33 1.71 14,000 2.22 45.1 18.5 8.24 2.95 21,200 20.1 640 840 1.18 1.32 6.21 3.65 1.22 0.68 5,000 65.6 4.33 0.17 12.2 122 15.2 148 278

7.5-15 .0


0.66 0.96 293 N.D." 0.97 11,500 1.95 32.6 30.2 7.66 1.56 18,000 18.5 420 625 1.62 1.05 6.64 3.06 0.81 0.52 4,320 52.3 2.17 N.D. 12.5 145 21.4 128 323

0.58 0.78 300 -1 0.85 12,300 1.83 26.0 35.4 5.48 1.12 19,750 17.8 400 715 1.80 0.84 5.23 4.31 0.62 0.40 4,170 41.4 -1.2 N.D. 10.1 160 26.1 94 405


0.93 0.85 328

N.D. 1.15 10,550 2.65 38.7 45.8 7132 1.86 22,400 15.2 525 1,120 1.20 1.18 7.55 5.26 1.05 N.D. 3,860 56.7 N.D. 0.18 12.3 168 30 . O 65 467



0.75 0.50 295 N.D. 1.32 11,400 1.78 11.6 28.6 4.37 0.93 24,000 12.4 546 1,200 1.30 1.25 4.81 5.52 0.91 N.D. 3,700 75 . O N.D. N.D. 13.1 173 31.4 48 500

0.70 0.42 330 1.21 0.67 12,200 2.26 8.42 26.7 5.28 0.56 27,750 11.6 583 1,430 N.D. 1.47 3.57 5.88 0.53 N.D. 3,610 89.3 N.D. N.D. 14.2 185 32.3 42 676

N.D., not detected.

"C for production is 18.7 MeV, it is not expected to interfere seriously a t energies only a few MeV above that. Some of the interferences shown in Tables I and I1 have been reported and/or discussed by the authors (24, 26, 31) as well as in publications of others (30, 32-42).

Table IV. Lead C o n t e n t s of Surface and Subsurface Soils (ppm, dry-weight basis) Cultivated soil layers 7.5-15.0 cm


7.5-15.0 cm

32.1 25.6 27.4 34.6 21.0 34.2


35.0 30.6 27.1 21.5 36.2 45.0

20.2 19.4 18.7 14.3 21.6 23.9

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Different types of fertilizer, nutrients, heavy metallic and organic pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides were used to varied extends in the Holland Marsh to stimulate plant growth and to combat fungi and weeds. Although this trend of usage of additives has changed in recent years, the present study was undertaken to detect any residues of metallic elements left in the soil from previous agricultural practices. Attempts have been made also to estimate the distribution of elements in soil depth profiles to assess the effects of topical application and cultivating through the years in distributing metals. Although NAA can be applied for multielement determination, published reports show that it has often been ap(31) R. E. Jervis, B. Tiefenbach, and A. Chattopadhyay, Can. J. Chem., in press. (32) Y. Oka. T. Kato, and N. Sato, Bull. Chem. SOC.,Jap., 42, 387 (1969). (33) H-T. Tsai, T. Kato. and Y. Oka. ibid., 43, 2582 (1970). (34) /bid., p 2823. (35) R. A. Schmitt. T. A. Linn Jr., and H. Wakita, Radiochim. Acta, 13, 200 (1970). (36) J. S.Hislop and D. R. Williams, AERE Report 6910, H. M. Stationery Office, London, 1971. (37) J. S.Hislop and D. R. Williams, Ref. ( 0, p 51. (38) J. S. Hislop and D. R. Williams, Ref. (20, Paper No. M 67. (39) T. Kato, I. Morita, and N. Sato, Colloque international du CNRS, Paper No. C30 (1972). (40) E. Ricci, ibid., Paper No. C 46 (1972). (41) V. Galatanu, M. Grecescu, andG. Baciu. Ref. (23, Vol. 11, p 1011. (42) H. A. Das, G. A. V. Gerritsen, D. Hoede, and J. Zonderhuis, J. Radioanal. Chem., 14, 415 (1973).



NO. 1 2 ,

Virgin soil layers


12.1 19.3 20.0 8.2 10.4

plied to determine single elements (43)for various reasons. Recently, however, kay et al. (44)have reported determination of 23 elements in composite soils by INAA with some preirradiation treatment. In this laboratory, thermal NAA of muck soils for this purpose was very limited because of the large activities of 24Naand 56Mn,and both of these elements are known to be present in soils in large amounts. Consequently, radiochemical separation procedures were developed (25, 45, 46) to assist in the determination of certain elements and others were determined nondestructively. Alternatively, in the present work, IPAA has been used to determine the concentrations of 30 elements in soil. Like NAA, IPAA is also not free from interference. However, in most cases interferences observed with IPAA can be elimi(43) H. J. M. Bowen. Ref. ( 0, p 393. (44) M. A. Kay, D. M. McKown, D. H. Gray, M. E. Eichor, and J. R. Vogt, Amer. Lab., 5 (7), 39 (1973). (45) L. C. Bate, "Forensic Activation Analysis, Text of Papers of the 2nd International Conference," Glasgow, U.K., Paper No. 20 (1972). (46) H. D. Buenafama, Ref. (39,Paper No. C 31.


Table V. Concentrations of Elements Determined through Alternative Nuclides of Gamma-Rays Content (ppm, dry-weight basis) Element

Arsenic Bismuth Iron

Silver Zinc

Gamma-ray energy, KeV


595.8 634.8 803.1 880.8 1433.2 846.8 451.1 717 . O 1045.6 1115.4 184.8


nated instrumentally and by control of bombarding energy as already described in the Methodology Section. Gamma-Ray Spectrum. A typical gamma-ray spectrum of one of the marsh soil samples irradiated a t 44-MeV maximum electron energy for 1 hr and recorded with the 60 cm3 Ge(Li) detector is shown in Figure 1. Since many complex photonuclear reactions are observed to occur a t about 44 MeV and since many of these reactions can seriously interfere with the determination of a particular element (Table 11), therefore, a t this energy, only bisuth and vanadium concentrations can be estimated with reasonable accuracy and free of interference. The time of the radiation analysis of a particular nuclide during sample decay is also very important in order to avoid interferences from gamma-rays overlapping in energy. The time of counting of all the nuclides analyzed is shown in Table I. Half-lives of all nuclides analyzed have been calculated from the gamma-ray spectra recorded a t different time intervals and the ones which agreed best to the reported values have been selected. Good counting statistics have been obtained by counting samples for several hours whenever required. I t should be pointed out here that there are a few gamma-rays observed in several spectra to which no nuclides can be assigned definitely at this stage. Elemental Distribution in Soil Depth Profiles. Muck soils were analyzed by using the nuclides and gamma-rays selected as optimal for this purpose and as detailed in Table I. Concentrations of 30 elements a t different depths of one muck soil are given in Table 111. It can be observed that whereas some elements are concentrated more in surface layers, others are distributed over the entire soil profile. Significance of elemental concentration is better understood by analyzing vegetation species grown on these soils which is beyond the scope of this paper. Lead, the element of particular interest in several current environmental pollution studies, has been measured in a number of soil samples using IPAA and is shown in Table IV. Nuclear parameters for lead analysis are given in Table I. A radiochemical separation method sensitive to nanogram quantities of lead has been described elsewhere (26). The lead content of surface soil scrapings was a t least 10 ppm higher than that obtained in subsoils. This is not surprising in view of the fact that the farms are located near two motor expressways. Thus, it is likely that, owing to surface deposition of lead from automobiles, the lead content of surface layers could not be used to understand the distribution of lead in soils. For this reason, we have chosen a surface and a subsurface soil layer at 7.5-15.0 cm depth and have summarized the results in Table IV of lead in 6 cultivated and 6 virgin (uncultivated) soils. Virgin muck soils, in general, contain more lead than the cultivated ones, which may be indicative of uptake of lead by vegetation.

Sample No. I

Sample No. 2

Sample No. 3

1.72 1.70 1.58 1.52 28,000 28,415 0.92 0.90 0.95 170 165

1.61 1.64 1.49 1.46 28,350 28,620 0.85 0.88 0.89 150 152

1.85 1.84 1.37 1.33 21,200 22,000 0.68 0.70 0.73 153 148

Precision and Accuracy. As stated above, the concentrations of different elements in muck soil were normally measured by using one particular gamma-ray emitted by a characteristic nuclide. The elemental contents shown in Table I11 were obtained in this manner. However, in certain instances, it was possible to select more than one photonuclear product of the same element such as iron and zinc, and more than one gamma-ray of a particular product such as bismuth and silver for independent assay of soil concentrations. The results of such independent evaluations are shown in Table V. The agreement between different concentration results for the same sample is, in general, quite good, i.e., within f 5 % to &lo%. The agreement in iron contents measured through 52Mn and 56Mn indicates that the interfering reaction 55Mn(n,y)56Mncould not have contributed an appreciable error in the determination of iron by nondestructive PAA using 56Mn under the experimental conditions already described. Moreover, the agreement in iron concentrations of the same sample measured in two separate irradiations, namely, at 20 and 35 MeV for assaying 56Mn and 52Mn (Table 11), respectively, reflects the excellent reproducibility of the method developed in this study. The muck soils analyzed in this study had 85-90% organic matter content. The complexity of soil organic matter has been described by others (47-49). In the preparation of a synthetic soil mixture to be used to support the standard elements for IPAA, no effort was made in this study to simulate the exact soil organic matter, if that were even possible. Instead, a mixture was prepared containing the main constituents of muck soils, namely, carbohydrate, phosphate, calcium, iron, and silicon. Microgram quantities of standard elements were added to it and mixed thoroughly, and used as the MES. To check the accuracy of elemental concentrations determined using this MES in the IPAA, a few elements were also measured by using other standard analytical techniques such as NAA and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Destructive NAA method for determination of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and zinc has already been described by the authors (25). Atomic absorption measurements were carried out by using a Jarrell-Ash DialAtom Mark I1 spectrophotometer and a standard technique. As can be seen from Table VI, most of the values agreed well within the experimental error of each method, i.e., approximately &lo%,it can be concluded that IPAA is at least as accurate an analytical method as are the other methods listed. As an additional check on the accuracy of the IPAA tech(47) J. L. Mortensen and F. L. Himes, "Chemistry of the Soil," F. E. Bear. Ed., Reinhold Publ. Corp.. New York, N.Y.. 1964, Chap. 5. (48) M. M. Kononova. T. 2. Nowakowski, and A. C. D. Newman. "Soil Organic Matter," 2nd ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966. (49) T. L. Lyon, H. 0. Buckman, and N. C. Brady, "The Nature and Properties of Soils," 5th ed., Macmillan Co., New York. N.Y., 1956, Chap. 6.

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 12, OCTOBER 1974



Table VI. Intercomparison of Elemental Concentrations by Different Analytical Techniques Content (ppm, dry-weight basis)



Sample No.







Instrumental PAA

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1.72 1.61

1.45 1.52

14.3 12.1

1.45 2.50

165 152


... ... ...

... ...

32.2 30.0 31.3 31 . O

Destructive PAA Instrumental NAA Destructive NAA Atomic absorptiona

... ... ... 1.65 1.62




13.5 12.5

1.42 1.57 1.45 1.55

... ... ... ...



... ...


... 170 160 161 150


... ... ...

1.41 2.51

32.8 31.3





After chemical separation.

Table VII. Multielement Content of Intercomparison Standards by IPAAa Orchard Leaves Element

This workh

Sb As Ba

3.15 f 0.26 10.2 f 1 . 0 51.3 f 4.5



Cd Ca, %

cs c1

Cr co In Fe Pb

Mg, Mn Hg




0.11 f 0.01 2.08 f 0.01

... 685 f 32 2 . 2 2 i 0.20 ...

... 290 j= 12 44.2 f 2 . 1 0.61 i 0.01 88.2 f 3.4 0.14 f 0.01 2.26 i 0.21 1.27 f 0.08 0.22 f 0 . 0 1

Se Ag

... ...


79.3 i 5.0 36.2 f 2 . 0

Na Te T1

Sn Ti V Zn Zr

... ... ...

... ... 24.2 =t 1 . 5 0.21 i 0.02


Cert. values

3 .Oc 11 i 2d 51L (0.1) 0 . 1 1 i 0.02 2.09 i 0.03 Se


106mAg 22Na 85mSr

lZ9Te 20ZT1 117


48SC 48V

/6jZn \67CU



Instrumental PAA has been found very useful for the multielement determination in environmental soil samples. It is an invaluable technique for certain elemental analysis because of such factors as the higher specific count rates obtained, minimal interferences from other activity in the matrix, convenient half-life for routine analysis, and lower detection limits. If proper precautions are taken, the accuracy of IPAA is comparable to that of other sensitive methods of analysis. A careful choice of Eirris absolutely essential for IPAA. It is understood that a higher Eirrwill give a higher yield of the product nuclide; however, it will also enhance interferences from competing reactions and will introduce much error in the measurement. From our experience, we feel that a lower electron energy and a higher beam current are sufficient to estimate a number of elements on a purely instrumental basis with reduced interferences. I t should be stressed again that the use of a particular nuclide for elemental determination largely depends on the Esep of the reaction and knowledge of approximate concentrations of interfering elements present in the sample. Apart from the application of IPAA for determining elemental concentrations in soil samples, we feel that this method has an excellent potential for multielement determination in other matrices of environmental health interest. Consequently, blood, bone, hair, and urine are being analyzed in this laboratory to monitor ingestion, accumula-

Detection limit, ng

100 300 1,000 100 5,000 100 100 1,000 3,000 100 2,000 1,000 100 2,000 1,400 100 100 350 200 200

400 1,000 10 1,000 150 8,000 80 2,500 6,000 100 80

tion, and excretion of several toxic metals in the human body. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thankfully acknowledge the research group of T. C. Hutchinson, Department of Botany, for assistance in sampling, and J. R. Brown, Environmental Health, School of Hygiene, for continued interest in this project. We also acknowledge the cooperation of the University of Toronto Linear Accelerator Users' Committee and operating staff, and the SLOWPOKE Reactor operating staff for their help in providing irradiation time and assisting in the irradiations. RECEIVEDfor review November 26, 1973. Accepted April 30, 1974. This paper was presented a t the International Conference on Photonuclear Reactions and Applications, Pacific Grove, Calif., 26-30 March 1973, and a summary is available in the Conference Proceeding, B. L. Berman, Ed., Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Vol. 11, p 1009 (1973). This research was supported in part by an Ontario Ministry of Universities and Colleges grant and by a National Research Council of Canada research operating grant. The award of a University of Toronto Open Graduate Fellowship to one author (A.C.) is gratefully acknowledged.