Multiobjective Optimization of Dual-Purpose Power Plants and Water

Sep 22, 2016 - This paper presents a multiobjective optimization approach for synthesizing water distribution networks involving dual-purpose power pl...
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Multiobjective Optimization of Dual-Purpose Power Plants and Water Distribution Networks Ramón González-Bravo,† Fabricio Nápoles-Rivera,† José María Ponce-Ortega,*,† and Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi‡,§ †

Chemical Engineering Department, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán 58060, México Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, United States § Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a multiobjective optimization approach for synthesizing water distribution networks involving dualpurpose power plants. The proposed model accounts for environmental, economic, and social objectives by accounting for greenhouse gas emissions, jobs, and net profit. The model considers water and energy demands for domestic, agricultural, and industrial users. Energy is provided through several alternatives including fossil fuels (i.e., natural gas and oil), biofuels (i.e., biomass, biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol), and solar energy. Water demands are satisfied by fresh water from dams, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and artificial storage tanks. The proposed model is applied to a case study from the Mexican State of Sonora. The results show the viability of the dual-purpose power−water plants, the merits of incorporating solar energy in the system, and the economic, environmental, and social benefits of applying the proposed approach. The optimal solution yields a total annual profit of $MM 1,545.9, it generates 1.37 × 107 ton CO2 equiv/y and 19 781 jobs. KEYWORDS: Desalination, Water distribution networks, Optimization, Power production, Dual-purpose power plants

INTRODUCTION Water scarcity is one of the main problems around the world. By the year 2030, a global water deficit of 40% is expected due to population growth, migration, urbanization, and industrialization.1,2 Furthermore, climate change and variability are likely to have a negative impact on fresh water resources. The problem has been experienced more severely in the driest areas of the planet. To address the water shortage problems, several strategies have been proposed.3 These options include extraction of water from aquifers, interstate transportation of water, and constructions of dams and artificial lakes. Other strategies include the installation of seawater and brackish water desalination plants as well as dualpurpose power plants, where water and electricity are simultaneously generated. Currently, more than 86 million m3 per day of fresh water streams are produced using desalination technologies.4−6 The International Desalination Association (IDA) reports that there are around 18 000 desalination plants worldwide with most of the installed desalination plants using reverse osmosis (RO) and multistage flash (MSF) desalination techniques. It is worth noting that most of these plants are coupled with dual-purpose power plants producing simultaneously water and electricity.3 Coproduction of water and power is a common practice, especially in Middle East and North African (MENA) countries, where the lack of fresh water has © XXXX American Chemical Society

prompted the installation of large-scale dual-purpose power plants.4,5 The simultaneous production of water and energy has significant benefits in terms of sustainability, Raluy et al. reported that a dual-purpose power plant can reduce the overall environmental impact by 75% compared with thermal desalination technologies.7 More opportunities are possible and the technological innovation is essential in developing new energy-efficient technologies to produce water and energy by reducing the cost and the environmental impact.8 Fossil fuels play an important role in power plants, where natural gas and coal remain being the main sources of energy to produce water and electricity; however, because the used fossil fuels in power plants are responsible of over 65% of the estimated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions,9,10 renewable energy can play an important role in desalination and power generation by reducing the CO2 emissions that contribute to the global warming and fossil resource depletion.11 The use and development of renewable energy technologies may provide new pathways for sustainable water and energy production to meet future demands.12−15 Several countries (such as Qatar, Egypt, Received: July 31, 2016 Revised: September 21, 2016


DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

springs and deep wells) and domestic and agricultural users. Later, this model was extended to include alternative water sources (harvested rainwater), seasonal availability (natural sources), population growth (water demands) and industrial water demands.34,35 Alnouri et al. presented an energy management approach involving water desalination and power generation, where a deterministic MILP problem was used to identify the optimal allocation of desalination plants, capacities, technologies and energy sources, this model also took into account the variation of water and electricity demands, the results showed significant cost reductions.36 Recently, González-Bravo et al.37 proposed a single objective optimization model for synthesizing water distribution networks involving powerdesalination plants, this model was applied in a water stressed region of Mexico located in the desert of Sonora accounting for the water in lakes, dams, aquifers, and rivers, as well as the water in existing storage tanks. It should be noticed that this approach did not take into account the possibility to integrate multiple fuels as well as the possibility to integrate solar energy to supply the power−desalination plant. These are interesting options, because the region of the desert of Sonora has great solar radiation, and also the use of different fuels may impact positively the sustainability of the system. While previous research activities have tackled the problems of design dual-purpose power−water desalination plants and watermanagement networks separately, there is a need to address both problems simultaneously and to introduce the use of renewable energy while considering multiple design objectives. This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model to determine the optimal water distribution network involving dual-purpose power plants powered with renewable energy. The proposed multiobjective optimization model simultaneously addresses economic, environmental, and social objectives.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Jordan) have developed large solarpowered plants to provide electricity and water.16,17 Solar energy and biofuels represent great potential alternatives to provide heat. Nonetheless, the use of biofuels and solar technologies should be subjected to techno-economic assessment. Recently, some approaches have been reported for the proper use of water in industrial parks18 and refineries.19 Some others have been proposed to enhance the efficiency of power production and desalination involving renewable energy. Gutierrez-Arriaga et al. developed a multiobjective optimization procedure for designing integrated steam power plants, where economic and environmental objectives were considered.20 Ianquaniello et al. presented an economic analysis for water desalination (involving MSF and RO) powered by solar energy, this model accounts for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), the results showed that the price of water in such systems is close to the price of water produced through conventional fossil-based desalination systems.21 Liqreina and Qoaider presented a simulation of a concentrating solar power (CSP) in southern Spain, the results showed that the proposed power plant can work better in dry regions.22 This work was later extended by including an optimization procedure.23 Fthenakis et al. presented an analysis of RO desalination powered by solar energy (PV), the analysis was performed using small (6550 m3/ day) and large (190 000 m3/day) capacities, the results showed that the PV-RO power plants have the potential to replace 19 million m3 of diesel fuel per year along with the corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions.24 Sankar et al. presented an analysis of integrated solar power and desalination plants, where concentrated solar power plants and biomass can be used, the results showed several savings in internal energy consumption and investment cost.25 Gorjian and Ghobadian presented a comprehensive analysis for the potential installation of a water desalination plant powered by solar energy with reduction in CO2 emissions due to the integration of solar energy.26 Abdelhady et al. developed an optimization approach for the cost-effective conservation of energy and reduction of GHG emissions, the model was applied to an industrial process coupled with cogeneration systems including fossil fuels and solar energy.27 Palenzuela et al. presented a techno-economic analysis of several seawater desalination systems with concentrated solar power plants applied to the MENA region.28,29 Diaf et al. proposed a techno-economic analysis for solar desalination plants based on a multiple tray desalination unit running with solar energy to satisfy small scale water demands.30 In addition to the importance of integrating energy and water in yielding sustainable development strategies, it is also important to address the water distribution issues through a macroscopic approach. Liu et al. introduced a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem for the management, production, distribution and storage of reclaimed and desalinated water accounting for the location and capacity of the new desalination plant, pipelines, pumping stations, wastewater treatment, and reclaimed water plants.31 Atilhan et al. developed a mathematical model to design macroscopic water networks, the model accounted for water sources (seawater, underground water and desalination plants) and water demands, which allows identifying the location and capacity of new plants. This work was extended later to include monthly demand fluctuations, water storage and wastewater treatment.32,33 Nápoles-Rivera et al. introduced a mathematical programing formulation for designing water distribution networks considering economic and sustainability aspects, this model includes sources (dams,

PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statement is descried as follows: Given a macroscopic water distribution problem with • water and electricity demands for domestic users which have seasonal variations through the year • water and electricity demands for industrial users which remain constant through the year • water and electricity demands for agricultural users which depend on the cropping season. • industrial and agricultural users which have seasonal variations through the year • water demands that can be satisfied by the existing dams, aquifers, and rivers of each region (the availability of water depends on the natural recharge, precipitation, and extractions) • electricity demands that can be satisfied by the existing power plants of the region • water and energy demands that can be satisfied by the installation of new dual-purpose power plants • overexploited resources (dams, aquifers, and rivers) that can be recharged by the water produced in dual-purpose power plants • existing and new storage tanks in the considered regions which are also part of the distribution model • energy requirements for the dual-purpose power plants that can be satisfied using fossil fuels (i.e., natural gas and oil), biofuels (i.e., biomass, biogas, biodiesel, and bioethanol), and solar energy B

DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Figure 1. Proposed superstructure for water distribution integrated to dual-purpose power plants.

• use of fossil fuels and biofuels which is subject to the maximum availability in each time period The main problem consists of finding the optimal water distribution network accounting for economic, environmental, and social objectives. The model seeks to satisfy energy and water demands accounting for the net annual profit, as well as the overall greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the proposed superstructure embedding the potential configurations of the design alternatives.

time periods (t) (i.e., months). The proposed model includes linear, nonlinear, and logical relationships, which are described as follows. Model for Water Distribution. The change in the total water volume of an aquifer over a certain time period (Wi,t − Wi,t−1) is equal to the sum of the of water received from existing N,aq storage tanks (sE,aq p,i,t ), new storage tanks (sq,i,t ), existing power E,des ), new power desalination plants desalination plants (Bn,i,t agr (BN,des u,i,t ), the recharge from agricultural crops (Fi,t ), and the aq natural recharge (Ri,t ) minus the water that is sent to deep wells dw (ai,j,t ):

MATHEMATICAL MODEL The water distribution network can be described by tracking mass, energy, and economic aspects. The mathematical model is based on the superstructure shown in Figure 1. The water and electricity demands are tracked for domestic users (r), industrial users (o), and agricultural users (g); the water demands can be satisfied by the water volume content in the existing aquifers of the region (i) by extracting water from the existing deep wells in each region (j) and by the existing water in the dams of the region (x). In this case, the model considers the location of existing storage tanks (p) as well as the possible installation of new storage tanks (q). The electricity can be generated in the existing power plants of the region (n) as well as the possible installation of new dual purpose plants (u). The energy requirements of the dual purpose power plant can be fully satisfied using fossil fuels (f), biofuels (b), and/or solar energy. The model is divided in

Wi , t − Wi , t − 1 =

N ,aq E ,des ∑ spE,,aq i , t + ∑ sq , i , t + ∑ Bn , i , t p




agr aq dw ∑ BuN,i,des , t + Fi , t + R i , t − ∑ ai , j , t , u


∀ i, ∈ I , ∀ t ∈ T , t ≠ 1


The water in deep wells (adw i,j,t) is extracted by the distribution stations including domestic stations (ddom r,j,t ), industrial stations agr (dind o,j,t), and agricultural stations (dg,j,t): dom agr ind ∑ aidw , j , t = ∑ dr , j , t + ∑ dg , j , t + ∑ do , j , t , i


∀ j ∈ J, ∀ t ∈ T C



(2) DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering The total water in each central station (hi,t) is equal to the sum of the water received from existing power desalination plants (vEg,n,t), new power desalination plants (vNg,u,t), deep wells (dg,j,t), and dams (wg,x,t).

The total water volume in existing storage tanks in a certain time period (SEp,t − SEp,t−1) is equal to the sum of the water received from existing power desalination plants (DE,Esto n,p,t ) and new power desalination plants (DN,Esto u,p,t ), minus the water sent to domestic E,ind stations (sE,dom p,r,t ), industrial stations (so,p,t ), agricultural stations E,agr (sg,p,t ) and the water sent to aquifers (sE,aq p,i,t ):

For domestic stations hrdom ,t =

dom ∑ vrE,n,dom + ∑ vrN, u,dom + ∑ drdom ,t ,t , j , t + ∑ wr , x , t , n



SpE, t − SpE, t − 1 =


N ,Esto ∑ DnE,p,Esto − ∑ spE,,dom , t + ∑ Du , p , t r ,t n

∀ r ∈ R, ∀ t ∈ T





∀ o ∈ O, ∀ t ∈ T


N ,agr agr agr ∑ vgE,,agr n , t + ∑ vg , u , t + ∑ dg , j , t + ∑ wg , x , t , u



∀ g ∈ G, ∀ t ∈ T




N ,ind ∑ soE, p,ind , t + ∑ so , q , t ,


SW nin,, tE(1 − β) =


∀ o ∈ O, ∀ t ∈ T

soN, q,ind ,t


sqN, i,aq ,t ,

∑ i


The amount of seawater extracted from the sea by the existing power desalination plants (SWin,E n,t ) is equal to the sum of water sent to the existing storage tanks (DE,Esto n,p,t ), new storage tanks E,dom E,ind (DE,Nsto n,q,t ), domestic stations (vr,n,t ), industrial stations (vo,n,t ), and agricultural stations (vE,agr ); also the water sent to recharge g,n,t E,rel aquifers (BE,des n,i,t ), the water sent to recharge dams (Gn,x,t ), and the E,rej water sent to the sea as reject (bn,t ):

N ,dom ∑ spE,,dom r , t + ∑ sq , r , t ,


sgN, q,agr ,t

∀ q ∈ Q , ∀ t ∈ T, t ≠ 1

For industrial users inddemo , t = hoind ,t +


∑ DnE, q,Nsto + ∑ DuN, q,Nsto − ∑ sqN, r,dom ,t ,t ,t


For domestic users

∀ r ∈ R, ∀ t ∈ T



The water demands (domdem) can be satisfied by the volume of water in central station (hr,t), plus the water in existing storage tanks (sEp,r,t) and new storage tanks (sNq,r,t).



SqN, t − SqN, t − 1 =


domdem r , t = hrdom ,t +


spE,,aq i,t ,

The total water volume in new storage tanks in a certain time period (SNq,t − SNq,t−1) is equal to the sum of the water received from existing power desalination plants (DE,Nsto n,q,t ) and new power desalination plants (DN,Nsto ), minus the water sent to domestic u,q,t N,ind stations (sN,dom q,r,t ), industrial stations (so,q,t ), agricultural stations N,agr N,aq (sg,q,t ), and the water sent to aquifers (sq,i,t ):

For agricultural stations n

soE, p,ind ,t

∀ p ∈ P, ∀ t ∈ T , t ≠ 1

N ,ind ind ind ∑ voE,n,ind , t + ∑ vo , u , t + ∑ do , j , t + ∑ wo , x , t , n

hgagr, t =



For industrial stations hoind ,t =

sgE,,agr p,t

E ,Nsto ∑ DnE,p,Esto + ∑ vrE, n,dom , t + ∑ Dn , q , t ,t p



For agricultural users


vgE,,agr n,t


∀ n ∈ N, ∀


agrdem g , t = hgagr, t +

N ,agr ∑ sgE,,agr p , t + ∑ sg , q , t , p



E ,des ∑ voE,n,ind , t + ∑ Bn , i , t o

∀ g ∈ G, ∀ t ∈ T



GnE, x,rel ,t



bnE, t,rej



A percentage of the used water for agriculture (pca) seeps into the ground, thus it may recharge the aquifer (Fagr i,t ) as follows: Fiagr ,t =

∑ pca × agrdem g ,i ,t

The amount of seawater extracted from the sea by the new power desalination plants (SWin,N u,t ) is equal to the sum of water sto sent to the existing storage tanks (DN,E u,p,t ), new storage tanks sto N,dom (DN,N ), domestic stations (v ), industrial stations (vN,ind u,q,t r,u,t o,u,t ) N,agr and agricultural stations (vg,u,t ), also the water sent to recharge N,rel aquifers (BN,des u,i,t ), the water sent to recharge dams (Gu,x,t ) and the N,rej water sent to the sea as reject (bu,t ):

∀ i ∈ I, ∀ t ∈ T (9)

g (i)

The total water volume in a dam in a certain time period (Mx,t − Mx,t−1) is equal to the sum of the water received from existing power desalination plants (GE,rel n,x,t ), new power desalination plants dom (GN,rel u,x,t ), and the water naturally recharged (Rx,t ), minus the water sent to domestic stations (wdom ), industrial stations (wind r,x,t o,x,t), agr and agricultural stations (wg,x,t): Mx , t − Mx , t − 1 =

GnE, x,rel ,t



GuN, x,rel ,t


SW uin,, tN (1 − β) =



∀ x, ∈ X , ∀ t ∈ T , t ≠ 1

vgN, u,agr ,t



buN, t,rej ,

R xdam ,t



agr ind ∑ wrdom , x , t − ∑ wg , x , t − ∑ wo , x , t , r

∑ DuN,p,Esto + ∑ DuN, q,Nsto + ∑ vrN, u,dom ,t ,t ,t


∑ o


voN, u,ind ,t


∑ i

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T

BuN, i,des ,t



∑ GuN,x,rel,t x


The rejected brine can be calculated by multiplying the total seawater by a factor (β), which represents the ratio of brine to seawater flows:


(10) D

DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering bnE, t,rej = bSW uin,, tN ,

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T


buN, t,rej = β SW uin,, tN ,

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T


The installation cost (InstCostpdes u,t ) is a function of the unit costs (Z3 and Z4), the maximum seawater capacity (SWmax u ), and a factor used to annualize the inversion (kF). The operating cost (OpCostpdes u,t ) is a function of a unit operating cost (Z5), the total water extracted from the sea (SWin,N u,t ), the recovery factor (1 − β), and a factor used to account for the operational time per year (HY):

Model for Power Production. The total produced power (TEnergyt) is the sum of the energy generated in existing (EproductionEn,t) and new (EproductionNu,t) power desalination plants: TEnergyt =

Eproduction uN, t



InstCost updes = kF[Z3·yupdes + Z4(SW umax)α ],

Eproduction nE, t ,



OpCost updes = HY[Z5(1 − β )SW uin,, tN ], ,t



This value is subject to the electricity demands in industrial dom zones (Eind o,t ), domestic users (Er,t ), and agricultural regions dom (Er,t ): TEnergyt =

agr ind ∑ Erdom , t + ∑ Eg , t + ∑ Eo , t , r


∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T


SW uin,, tN ≤ SW umax ,


∀ n ∈ N, ∀ t ∈ T

Existence of New Storage Tanks. The existence, location and size of new storage tanks in each region is modeled through binary variables (ysto q ), if the binary variable is equal to one, then the tank is needed, if the binary variable is equal to zero, the tank is not needed, the existence is subject to the maximum capacity of the tank (Θsto,max ) and the minimum capacity of the tank q (Θsto,min ): q

NPDinstcost =

NPDopcost =



On the other hand, the total operating cost for existing power desalination plants can be calculated using the following expression: TEPDopcost =


∑ ∑ TOpcost nE,,des t n



It should be noticed that the total operating cost for the existing power desalination plant (TOpCostE,des n,t ) also includes the cost of the fuel consumption. The total energy requirement (TERNu,t) of the new power desalination plants is a function of the total seawater fed. This function has a linear behavior and depends on the capacity of the new power desalination plants (SWin,N u,t ) multiplied by a factor (FCF):


The storage cost can be calculated by the next equation: StorageCost = HY ∑ InstCostqsto (23)

Existence of New Power Desalination Plants. The existence, location, and capacity of the new power desalination plants are modeled through binary variables (ypdes u ). If the binary variable is equal to one, then the power desalination plant is needed; if the binary variable is equal to zero, the power desalination plant is not needed; also, the power desalination plant has a maximum capacity (Θpdes,max ) and a minimum u capacity (Θpdes,min ): u yupdes ·Θupdes,min ≤ SW umax ≤ yupdes ·Θupdes,max

∑ ∑ OpCost updes ,t u

N Where Smax q is greater than the existing water in storage tank (Sq,t) in any time period t.



The operating cost for new power desalination plants can be calculated using the next expression:

The associated installation cost (InstCoststo q,t ) is a function of a fixed cost of the tank (Z1), the unit variable cost (Z2), and a factor used to annualize the inversion (kF). In addition, Smax q represents the maximum capacity for storage tanks:

q ∈ Q, t ∈ T

∑ InstCostupdes u




HY is a factor used to account for the operational time per year. The installation cost for new power desalination plants can be calculated as follows:


InstCostqsto = kF[Z1·yqsto + Z 2(Sqmax )α ],


OpCost nE,,des = HY[Z6(1 − β )SW nin,, tE], t

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T

yqsto ·Θqsto,min ≤ Sqmax ≤ yqsto ·Θqsto,max

u ∈ U, t ∈ T

The operating cost is a function of the total water extracted from the sea (SWin,E n,t ) multiplied by the total recovery (1 − β) and the operating unit cost (Z6):

The energy produced in new power desalination plants is a function of their capacity. This function is represented through multiplying the capacity of the new power desalination plant (SWin,N u,t ) times a factor (GEP) that represents the energy usage per unit flow rate of incoming seawater: EProduction uN, t = SW uin,, tN ·GEP,


Where, SWmax is greater than any possible water in a power− u desalination plant (SWNq,t) during any time period t.


SqN, t ≤ Sqmax ,


TER uN, t = SW uin,, tN · FCF,

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T



where is equal to the energy obtained by the combustion biofuel of fossil fuels (Qfossil f,u,t ), biofuels (Qb,u,t ), and the energy obtained solar by the solar collector (Qu,t ) during any period t. TER uN, t =

∑ Q ffossil + ∑ Q bbiofuel + Q usolar , ,u,t ,u,t ,t f ∈F

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T

(24) E


(33) DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Research Article

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering The total energy cost (TECN) is obtained by the next equation, where FFCf and BFCb are the prices of fossil fuels and biofuels, respectively.

The capital cost for the solar collector (SCCostsolar u ) is a solar function of the unit costs (Zsolar and Z ), the maximum 1 2 effective solar collector area (AREAsolar,max ), an area factor (γ), u and a factor to annualize the inversion (kF). The operating cost solar (OpCostsolar u,t ) is a function of a unit operating factor (Z3 ), the solar area of the solar collector in each period (Au,t ), and a factor to account for the operational time per year (HY):

NPDenergycost = HY ∑ ∑ [ ∑ (FFCf ·Q ffossil ) ,u,t u



f ∈F

∑ (BFCb ·Q bbiofuel )] ,u,t b∈B


SCcost usolar = kF[Z1solar·wusolar + Z 2solar(AREA usolar,max )α ],

The amount of heat to be produced is subject to the availability max of biofuels (AVFmax f,t ) and fossil fuels (AVBb,t ) multiplied by its corresponding heating power factor, HPFf for fossil fuels and HPBb for biofuels, according to the next relationships. For fossil fuels

Q ffossil ,u,t

HPFf · AVFmax f ,t ,

solar SOcost usolar ·A usolar , t = HY[Z 3 , t ],


solar,max A usolar , , t ≤ AREA u


∀ b ∈ B, ∀ t ∈ T



∀ u ∈ U, t ∈ T

solar Q usolar = UCEusolar , t ·A u , t ,t

Existence of Solar Collector. The existence, area, and cost of the solar collector are modeled using binary variables (wsolar u ). If the binary variable is equal to one, then the solar collector is needed, if the binary variable is equal to zero, the solar collector is not needed, this is activated according to the maximum min (ATotmax u ) and minimum collecting area (ATotu ): wusolar ·ATot umin ≤ AREA usolar,max ≤ wusolar · ATot umax

existing area of the solar (40)

The heating provided by the solar collector (Qsolar u,t ) is obtained multiplying the useful collected energy (UCEsolar u,t ) by the effective area of the solar collector (Asolar u,t ):

For biofuels ≤ HPBb · AVBbmax ∑ Q bbiofuel ,t , ,u,t

∀ u ∈ U, ∀ t ∈ T

where AREAsolar,max is greater than the u collector (Asolar u,t ) in any time period t.

∀ f ∈ F, ∀ t ∈ T





The total cost for the solar collector can be calculated using the next relationship: SolarCost =

∑ SCcostusolar + ∑ ∑ SOcostusolar ,t u




Pumping and Piping Costs. The water distribution can be calculated using the following equation:


⎤ ⎡∑ DPC1 · y h ,dom + ∑ ∑ DPC2 ·y sE ,dom + ∑ ∑ DPC3 · y sN ,dom + ∑ APC1 ·y h ,agr r r p,r p,r q,r q,r g g ⎥ ⎢ p r q r g ⎥ ⎢ r ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ APC2p , g ·y sE ,agr + ∑ ∑ APC3q , g ·y sN ,agr + ∑ IPC1o ·y h ,ind + ∑ ∑ IPC2p , o·y sE ,ind g ,p g ,q o o,p ⎥ ⎢ p g q g o p o ⎥ ⎢ sN ,ind d ,dom d ,agr d ,ind y y y y ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + IPC3 · + DPC4 · + APC4 · + IPC4 · q,o q,o r ,j r ,j g ,j g ,j o,j o,j ⎥ ⎢ q o r j g j o j ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ DPC5r , x ·y w ,dom + ∑ ∑ APC5g , x ·y w ,agr + ∑ ∑ IPC5o , x ·y w ,ind + ∑ ∑ BPC1n , i ·y BE ,des r ,x g ,x o,x n,i ⎥ ⎢ r x g x o x n i ⎥ PipingCost = kF⎢ BN ,des vE ,dom vN ,dom vE ,agr y y y y ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + BPC2 · + DPC6 · + DPC7 · + APC6 · ⎥ ⎢ u,i u,i r ,n r ,n r ,u r ,u g ,n g ,n u i r n r u g n ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ APC7 · y vN ,agr + ∑ ∑ IPC6 · y vE ,ind + ∑ ∑ IPC7 · y vN ,ind + ∑ ∑ EPC1 · y DE ,Nsto g ,u g ,u o,n o,n o,u o,u n,q n,q ⎥ ⎢ g u o n o u n q ⎥ ⎢ ,rel ,Esto ,Nsto ,Esto ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ EPC2n , p· ynDE + ∑ ∑ NPC1u , q · yuDN + ∑ ∑ NPC2u , p· yuDN + ∑ ∑ GPC1n , x · ynGE ,x ,p ,q ,p ⎥ ⎢ n p u q u p n x ⎥ ⎢ GN ,rel a ,dw sE ,aq sN ,aq y y y y ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + GPC2 · + AQP1 · + SPC1 · + SPC2 · u,x u,x i,j i,j p,i p,i q,i q,i ⎥ ⎢ u x i j p i q i ⎦ ⎣


The piping cost factors are determined by the next equation: PipingCostFactor = kmLDm

piping cost. The existence of the pipe is determined by the binary variable and it is used to activate the pipe cost accounting for the maximum capacity used over all time periods. Maximum values to determine piping cost are described in the Supporting Information. The pumping cost can be calculated using the next expression:


where L is the pipe length, Dm is the pipe diameter, km and m are pipe cost parameters that depend on the pipe material. Because the diameter of the pipes, the distance from the storage points to final users and height are fixed, then the flow rate determines the


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⎤ ⎡∑ ∑ h dom PPD1 + ∑ ∑ ∑ s E ,dom PPD2 N ,dom agr r ,t r ,t p,r ,t p , r , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ sq , r , t PPD3q , r , t + ∑ ∑ hg , t PPA1g , t ⎥ ⎢ r t p r t q r t g t ⎥ ⎢ E ,agr N ,agr E ,ind ind ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ sg , p , t PPA2g , p , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ sq , g , t PPA3q , g , t + ∑ ∑ ho , t PPI1o , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ so , p , t PPI2o , p , t ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ g p t q g t o t o p t ⎥ ⎢ N ,ind dom agr ind ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ sq , o , t PPI3q , o , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ dr , j , t PPD4r , j , t+ ∑ ∑ ∑ dg , j , t PPA4g , j , t+ ∑ ∑ ∑ do , j , t PPI4o , j , t ⎥ q o t r j t g j t o j t ⎥ ⎢ agr ind ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ w dom PPD5 w w ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + PPA5 + PPI5 r ,x ,t r ,x ,t g ,x ,t g ,x ,t o,x ,t o,x ,t ⎥ ⎢ r x t g x t o x t ⎥ ⎢ E ,des N ,des E ,dom ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ Bn , i , t PPC1n , i , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ Bu , i , t PPC2u , i , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ vr , n , t PPD6r , n , t n i t u i t r n t ⎥ PumpingCost = HY ⎢⎢ E ,agr N ,agr ⎥ v v ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + ∑ ∑ ∑ vrN, u,dom PPD7 + PPA6 + PPA7 r ,u,t g ,n,t g ,n,t g ,u,t g ,u,t ,t ⎥ ⎢ r u t g n t g u t ⎥ ⎢ E ,ind N ,ind E ,Nsto v v D ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ o , n , t PPI6o , n , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ o , u , t PPI7o , u , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ n , q , t PPE1n , q , t o n t o u t n q t ⎥ ⎢ N ,Nsto N ,Esto ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ D E ,EstoPPE2 D D ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + PPN1 + PPN2 n,p,t n,p,t u,q,t u,q,t u,p,t u,p,t ⎥ ⎢ n p t u q t u p t ⎥ ⎢ N ,rel dw ⎥ ⎢ + ∑ ∑ ∑ GnE, x,rel , t PPG1n , x , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ Gu , x , t PPG2u , x , t + ∑ ∑ ∑ ai , j , t PAQ1i , j , t ⎥ ⎢ n x t u x t i j t ⎥ ⎢ E ,aq N ,aq s s ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ + PPS1 + PPS2 p,i p,i ,t q,i,t q,i,t ⎥ ⎢ q i t p i t ⎦ (45) ⎣

The pumping cost factors are determined by the Darcy− Weisbach equation:38

The economic objective function consists in maximizing the gross annual profit, the function includes water sales, energy sales and tax credit reduction, minus the total annual cost.

PumpingCostFactor =

1 L (no. of hours)($/kW h) f 0.0000576 D5 η

AnnualProfit = WaterSales + EnergySales + TCR − TAC (50) (46)

Where the annual water sales include the water sold to domestic, industrial, and agricultural users, and it can be calculated through the next relationship:

where f is the friction factor, L is the pipe length, D is the pipe inner diameter, and η is the combined pump and motor efficiency. The friction factor is based on the pipe roughness, pipe diameter, and the Reynolds number. Tax Credit Reduction. It is needed an equation to represent the revenues obtained by the reduction of GHGE as tax credits, which is obtained taking into account the reduction of GHGE by replacing fossil fuels (i.e., natural gas and oil) with biofuels and solar collectors: REF TCR = HY[(TFCO − FCO2) ·R tax ] 2

WaterSales = N ,dom ⎡( h dom + ⎤ ∑ ∑ spE,,dom r , t + ∑ ∑ sq , r , t )WDCt ⎥ ⎢ ∑ r ,t r p r q r ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ agr E ,agr N ,agr h s s + ( + + )WAC ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ g ,t g ,p,t q,g ,t t ⎥ HY ∑ ⎢ q g g g p ⎥ t ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ind E ,ind N ,ind ⎢ + (∑ ho , t + ∑ ∑ so , p , t + ∑ ∑ sq , o , t )WICt ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ o o p q o



TFREF CO2 is the amount of total GHGE when only fossil fuels are used in the dual purpose power plants, and FCO2 is the amount of GHGE when fossil fuels, biofuels, or solar technology is used. Rtax is the tax credit for CO2 emissions. The amount of GHGE are calculated as follows:

The energy sales can be calculated using the next equation: EnergySales = HY ∑ [∑ Erdom , t ·DEC t + t



∑ Egagr,t ·AECt g

∑ Eoind,t ·IECt] o

FCO2 =

∑∑∑ f



[GHGEfossil ·Q ffossil ] f ,u,t


The total annual cost (TAC) includes the installation (NPDinstcost), operating (NPDopcost), and energy consumption cost (NPDenergycost) for new power-desalination plants, as well as the total operating costs for existing power desalination plants (TEPDopcost), the equation also includes the storage cost (StorageCost), piping cost (PipingCost), pumping cost (PumpingCost), and solar collector cost (SolarCost).


] ∑ ∑ ∑ [GHGEbbiofuel ·Q bbiofuel ,u,t u




Objective Function. The proposed multiobjective optimization model involves three important aspects. The first one consists in maximizing the gross annual profit, as economic objective. The second one is the minimization of the overall GHGE, as environmental objective. Finally, the third one is the quantification of the jobs generated by the project, as a social objective.

TAC = NPDinstcost + NPDopcost + NPDenergycost + EPDopcost + StorageCost + PipingCost + PumpingCost + SolarCost

OF = Max AnnualProfit; Min OGHGE; Quantifying ONJobs (49)


The environmental objective function (OGHGE) seeks to minimize the overall greenhouse gas emissions, as an indirect G

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Figure 2. Overview of the addressed case study. Created using Google Earth.

described by González-Bravo et al.37 The city of Hermosillo is located in the Sonoran Desert region where the low rainfall and the increasing demand have led to shortage of water from lakes, rivers and aquifers. The most critical situation occurred during 2012, when the Sonoran State Government proposed the construction of an aqueduct that would bring water from El Novillo dam to the inhabitants of the Hermosillo city. Nonetheless, there was insufficient supply from EL Novillo dam because of the water used for agricultural and drinking needs of the inhabitants of the Valle de Yaqui region. This caused conflicts between the people of Hermosillo city and the Valle del Yaqui tribe. The government decided to rule in favor of the inhabitants of the Valle del Yaqui region. Consequently, this caused a serious water shortage in the Hermosillo region. Figure 2 shows a map of the region to be analyzed in the case study. Water demands for domestic and industrial users from Hermosillo city, Obregon city, and Guaymas city are taken into account. The agricultural users involve the irrigation districts 018, 041, 051, and 084. The considered water bodies include the Sonoran River, Yaqui River, and Matape River; also the volume of water content in the “El Novillo” dam, “Alvaro Obregon” dam, “Ignacio R. A.” dam, “Abelardo L. R. dam”, and “El Molinito dam” is considered. The study includes the aquifers of the region, Costa de Hermosillo, “Guaymas”, and “Valle de Yaqui”. It should be noted that the Abelardo L. R. and El Molinito dams are drained and the Costa de Hermosillo, Guaymas, and Valle de Yaqui aquifers are overexploited. Additional information has been presented by Gonzalez-Bravo et al.37 The Hermosillo region is near to the Sonoran desert, and this represents an attractive location for solar collectors, due to high direct normal

environmental impact assessment. The equation takes into account the GHGE for fossil fuels (GHGEfossil ) and biofuels f (GHGEbiofuel ), the emissions for the solar collector is assumed to b be zero, according to the next equation: min OGHGE =

∑ ∑ ∑ [GHGEfossil ·Q ffossil ] f ,u,t f




] ∑ ∑ ∑ [GHGEbbiofuel ·Q bbiofuel ,u,t b




The quantification of jobs (ONJobs) is determined indirectly through the amount of energy used (see the work of LiraBarragan et al.39) based on the JEDI model (jobs and economic development impact), in which the number of jobs can be obtained per kilowatt hour produced by fossil fuels (NJOBfossil ), f biofuels (NJOBbbiofuel), and solar energy (NJOBsolar); this objective can be obtained as follows: ONJobs =

∑ ∑ ∑ [NJOBfossil ·Q ffossil ] ,u,t f f



] ∑ ∑ ∑ [NJOBbbiofuel ·Q bbiofuel ,u,t b





] ∑ ∑ [NJOBsolar ·Q usolar ,t u



CASE STUDY As a case study is addressed the water scarcity problem in Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico (Figure 2). This problem has been H

DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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Figure 3. DNI irradiation for the case study (Reprinted from ref 40. Copyright 2012 NREL).

irradiation (DNI) values (around 3000 kWh/m2) as can be seen in Figure 3.40 Figure 4 shows the total energy received by the

second largest company producing power and water desalination in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region). This company generates electricity by 5432 MW and produces 258 million gallons of water per day. The fuels and biofuels taken into account are presented in Table 1, which contains their heating power, overall GHGE, unit cost, and number of jobs created by each fuel, whereas Table 2 shows the maximum availability in each month for biofuels, this availability depends on the seasonality as well as the production of agricultural wastes.38,43 For the specific case of Mexico, there are not restrictions for the availability of fossil fuels to operate the dual purpose power plants.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed model was coded in the software GAMS. The solvers DICOPT in conjunction with CONOPT and CPLEX were used to solve this model.44 The model consists of 9714 equations, 10 058 continuous variables, and 720 binary variables. The model considers three main objectives: Profit, OGHGE, and NJOBS. The model was solved using the constraint method to obtain the Pareto curve taking into account only two objectives (Profit vs OGHGE) because these objectives are reconciled. Meanwhile ONJOBS are evaluated for each point on the Pareto curve. The results are presented through a Pareto curve (see Figure 6), where the points A, B, C, D, and E can be identified. Point A

Figure 4. Useful collected energy for the case study. Data taken from ref 40.

solar collector and the useful energy in each month based on a solar collector efficiency of 50%.41 It should be noted, in Figure 4, that the highest DNI is always around noon, reaching its extreme between May and August. The solar collector was modeled according to the data reported by Liqreina and Qoaider.23 For this case, the dual purpose power plant was modeled using the data reported by a similar facility operated by the Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC).42 The QEWC is the Table 1. Data for Fossil Fuels and Biofuels38,43 fuel

cost ($/MM kJ)

heating power (kJ/kg)

overall GHGE (ton CO2 equiv/kJ)

number of jobs (jobs/kJ)

8.05408 × 10−8 7.90892 × 10−8

1.81677 × 10−11 5.25431 × 10−11

2.44307 × 10−8 2.68216 × 10−8 5.13283 × 10−8 5.8436 × 10−8

6.6964 × 10−8 5.25431 × 10−7 2.46582 × 10−6 2.87453 × 10−6

Fossil oil natural gas

26.195 2.554

45200 54000

biomass biogas biodiesel bioethanol

1.980 7.215 30.920 13.915

17200 52,000 40,200 29,600



DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Table 2. Maximum Availability of Fuels and Biofuels (kg/month)38,43 fuel/month













biomass biogas biodiesel bioethanol

10000 5000 5000 10000

10000 5000 5500 11000

40000 6000 6000 12000

50000 6500 7000 12000

70000 6500 10000 15000

150000 10000 10000 15000

100000 10000 10000 15000

50000 10000 10000 15000

40000 8000 9000 14000

40000 7000 8000 13000

30000 6000 7000 11000

20000 5000 6000 10000

Figure 5. Optimal solution for point A.

González-Bravo et al.,37 where the dual purpose power plant is installed in the Hermosillo beach at time period 1, and the total amount of water produced in the dual purpose power plant is injected to the Costa de Hermosillo aquifer (402 × 106 m3/y), the aquifer also receives water from agricultural users (4.2 × 106

represents the optimal results maximizing the Profit, in this case a total of 1.45 ton CO2 × 107/y are released, and a total of 10 307 jobs are generated. In this case, the optimal configuration for water and electricity distribution is presented in Figure 5. As it was expected, the results are similar to the results presented in J

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Figure 6. Pareto curve for the case study.

m3/y) and from natural recharge (250 × 106 m3/y). The agricultural users extract 416.7 × 106 m3/y of water from the aquifer. The water for domestic users is taken from the Costa de Hermosillo aquifer (23.95 × 106 m3/y), El Molinito dam (1.93 × 106 m3/y), and from the Abelardo L. R. dam (68.2 × 106 m3/y). The water for industrial users is taken from the El Molinito dam (41.4 × 106 m3/y). In the case of the Guaymas region, the Guaymas aquifer receives water from natural recharge (78 × 106 m3/y) and for agricultural users (7.4 × 103 m3/y). The agricultural users extract water from the Ignacio L. A. dam (0.784 × 106 m3/y). The domestic demands are supplied with water from the Guaymas aquifer (18.2 × 106 m3/y) and from water produced in the Guaymas II power plant (9.6 × 104 m3/y). While industrial demands are supplied with water from the aquifer (6.9 × 106 m3/y). The agricultural users from the irrigation district 041 (2106.2 × 104 m3/y) and irrigation district 018 (235 × 104 m3/y) in Obregon are supplied by water from the Alvaro Obregon dam. Also, domestic users (50.12 × 104 m3/y) and industrial users (20.7 × 104 m3/y) are supplied with water from the Alvaro Obregon and El Novillo dams. Points B, C, D, and E have similar results in the water distribution network. In point A, the new dual purpose power desalination plant has a maximum capacity of 4880 MW and 1.4 × 106 m3 per day. In this case, the sales of water reach 1,552 MM$/y, and the sales of energy are 1,346.3 MM$/y. The total annual cost of the plant is 1237.4 MM$/y, which accounts for the cost of fuels (467.4 MM $/y), the operational cost of a new power desalination plant (592 MM$), piping (1.1 MM$/y) and pumping costs (65.7 MM$/y), and other operational costs of the existing power plants (80 MM $/y). The economic results are shown in Figure 6. Point A has an annual net profit of 1,660.9 MM$/y, for this point the CO2 emissions are 1.45 × 107 ton CO2 equiv/y and 10 307 jobs are generated. Point B has an annual net profit of 1,627.9 MM$/y, annual CO2 emissions of 1.44 × 107 ton CO2 eq/y, and 10 902 jobs are generated. Point C has a total annual net profit of 1,600.8 MM$/y, point C also has 1.42 × 107 ton CO2 equiv/y, and 13 449 jobs are generated. Point D has an annual profit of 1,573.5 MM$/y, 1.40 × 107 ton CO2 equiv/y of CO2 emissions, and 16 309 jobs are generated. Point E has an annual net profit of

1,545.9 MM$/y, it represents 6% less than the optimal solution of point A; this reduction is mainly due to the fixed cost of the solar collector, which has virtually the same annualized cost as the installation cost of the dual purpose power plant. In point E, there is a reduction of CO2 emissions of 7.98 × 105 ton CO2 equiv/y due to the installation of the solar collector. In this case, 19 781 jobs are generated. The capacity of the dual purpose power plant for points B−E has the same capacity as point A (4880 MW); however, there are small differences in the fuel consumption. Figure 7 shows the annual fuel consumption for

Figure 7. Fuel consumption for each Pareto point.

each point on the Pareto curve. The total energy requirement in point A is totally fulfilled using natural gas, in this scenario no renewable energy (biofuels or solar energy) was consumed. On the other hand, points B−E also include energy from both biomass and solar. However, the use of biofuels is still very limited for this region due to limited availability of biomass while the use of solar energy is restricted in this case by the capital cost and land requirements. In terms of acceptability, the construction of this project would satisfy energy and water requirements of 784 342 inhabitants and 117 360 ha of crops in the Hermosillo region, the water and energy requirements of 409.310 inhabitants and 255.672 ha of crops in the Obregon region, and 149.299 inhabitants and 20.042 K

DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Research Article

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ha of crops in the Guaymas region. The project would also boost the development of 200 relevant companies throughout the region.45 It is important to analyze the effect of the tax credit benefit due to the reduction of GHGE associated with the use of clean energies. In this case, tax credits of $5, $10, $20, and $30/ ton of CO2 equiv were evaluated. Table 3 shows the effect over

Table 3. Sensitivity Analysis for Different Values of the Tax Credit


$5/ton of CO2 equiv


1660.9 1627.9 1600.8 1573.5 1545.9

1660.9 1628.4 1602.3 1576 1549.9

$10/ton of $20/ton of CO2 equiv CO2 equiv 1660.9 1628.9 1603.8 1578.5 1553.9

1660.9 1629.9 1606.8 1583.5 1561.9

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +52 443 3223500 x 1277. Fax.: +52 443 3273584 (J.M.P.-O.).

$30/ton of CO2 equiv


1660.9 1631.4 1611.3 1591 1573.9

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

■ ■

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the financial support from the World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program.

the total annual profit for the tax credit reduction. In general, the total annual profit increases when the tax credit reduction increases; however, it is significant only when the unit tax credits are over $20/ton of CO2 equiv and the overall GHGE are greater than 5 × 105 ton of CO2 equiv.



b f g i j n o p q r t u x

CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented a multiobjective mathematical programming model for the optimal design of water distribution networks involving dual purpose power plants and renewable energy. The considered objectives are the maximization of the net annual profit and the minimization of the overall greenhouse gas emissions while tracking the overall number of new jobs. The optimal water distribution network and the existence of new dual purpose power plants is determined using binary variables, and the energy requirements are satisfied using fossil fuels, biofuels and solar energy. The optimal solution is subject to the water and electricity demands of domestic, agricultural and industrial users. A systematic solution approach for this multiobjective optimization model has been presented. The approach involves the solution of the multiobjective optimization formulation and the construction of a Pareto curve to show the trade-offs of the involved objectives. The water scarcity problem in the Sonoran Desert in the northwest of Mexico has been considered as a case study. The results show important economic benefits due to the installation of the new dual purpose power plant. Additionally, the integration of renewable energy (biofuels and solar energy) can be an attractive option to satisfy water and energy in water stressed areas with high solar radiations; however, availability and cost of biofuels as well as restrictions for the needed land for solar technology still represent disadvantages to compete against fossil fuels. The trade-offs have been presented and analyzed for the various solution scenarios. Future works must take into account fluctuations for prices and availability of fossil fuels through a stochastic optimization formulation.


Corresponding Author

total annual profit without tax credit reduction

Restrictions used to calculate piping cost as well as the description of the used nomenclature. The existence of the pipe is determined by the binary variable, and it is used to activate the pipe cost accounting for the maximum capacity flow rate over all time periods. Additional data used to perform the simulation as well as their corresponding references (PDF)

biofuels fossil fuels location of agricultural users existing aquifer deep wells location of existing power desalination plants location of industrial users location of existing water storage tanks possible location of new water storage tanks location of domestic users distribution time in months possible location of new power−desalination plants existing dam as natural resources

Positive Variable

adw i,j,t AnnualProfit AREAsolar,max u Asolar u,t bE,rej n,t bN,rej u,t BE,des n,i,t BN,des u,i,t ddom r,j,t dagr g,j,t dind o,j,t DE,Esto n,p,t


DN,Esto u,p,t

S Supporting Information *

Edom r,t Eagr g,t Eind o,t

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817. L

water sent to the deep wells from aquifers, m3 × 106/y annual profit from water sales, $ × 106 maximum effective solar collector area, m2 effective solar collector area, m2 water sent to the sea as reject from existing power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y water sent to the sea as reject from new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y water received from existing power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y water received from new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y water distributed in central stations from deep wells (domestic), m3 × 106/y water distributed in central stations from deep wells (agricultural), m3 × 106/y water distributed in central stations from deep wells (industrial), m3 × 106/y water received in storage tanks from existing power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y water received in storage tanks from new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y energy demand by domestic users, kW × 106 energy demand by agricultural users, kW × 106 energy demand by industrial users, kW × 106 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering energy sales from power desalination plants, $ × 106 EproductionEn,t energy produced in existing power desalination plants, kW × 106 TEPDopcost total operating cost for existing power desalination plants, $ × 106 N Eproductionu,t energy produced in new power desalination plants, kW × 106 Fagr aquifer recharge from agricultural users, m3 × i,t 106/y FCO2 amount of GHGE emitted in the dual purpose power plant, ton of CO2 equiv GE,rel water received in dams from existing power n,x,t desalination plants, m3 × 106/y N,rel Gu,x,t water received in dams from new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y hdom water in domestic central station, m3 × 106/y r,t agr hg,t water in agricultural central station, m3 × 106/y ind ho,t water in industrial central station, m3 × 106/y HY operating hours for the plant per year, h/y InstCoststo storage installation cost, $ × 106 q pdes InstCostu installation cost (new power desalination plants), $ × 106 kF factor used to annualize the inversion, 1/y Mx,t water in dam, m3 × 106/y NPDinstcost installation cost for new power desalination plants, $ × 106 NPDopcost operational cost for new power desalination plants, $ × 106 pdes OpCostu,t operational cost (new power desalination plants), $ × 106 E,des TOpCostn,t total operating cost (existing power desalination plants), $ × 106 pca percentage of water that seeps into the ground PipingCost piping cost, $ × 106 PumpingCost pumping cost, $ × 106 Q heat, kJ× 106/y aq Ri,t natural recharge of water, m3× 106/y SolarCost total solar collector cost, $ × 106 solar SCCostu capital cost of solar collector, $ × 106 SOCostsolar operating cost of solar collector, $ × 106 u,t E,aq sp,i,t water received from existing storage tanks, m3 × 106/y N,aq sq,i,t water received from new storage tanks, m3 × 106/y sE,dom water received from existing storage tanks p,r,t (domestic), m3 × 106/y N,dom sq,r,t water received from new storage tanks (domestic), m3 × 106/y E,agr sg,p,t water received from existing storage tanks (agricultural), m3 × 106/y N,agr sg,q,t water received from new storage tanks (agricultural), m3 × 106/y E,ind so,q,t water received from existing storage tanks (industrial), m3 × 106/y N,ind so,q,t water received from new storage tanks (industrial), m3 × 106/y E Sp,t water in existing storage tanks, m3 × 106/y N Sq,t water in new storage tanks, m3 × 106/y max Sq maximum storage value, m3 × 106 StorageCost storage cost, $ × 106 SWmax maximum seawater consumption, m3 × 106/y u

SWin,E n,t


total water extracted from the sea for existing power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y total water extracted from the sea for new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y total annual cost, $ × 106 tax credit reduction, $ × 106 total energy cost, $ × 106 total energy produced, kW × 106 total energy requirement, kJ × 106 water received in central stations from existing power desalination plants (domestic), m3 × 106/ y water received in central stations from existing power-desalination plants (agricultural), m3 × 106/y water received in central stations from existing power desalination plants (industrial), m3 × 106/ y water received in central stations from new power desalination plants (domestic), m3 × 106/ y water received in central stations from new power desalination plants (agricultural), m3 × 106/y water received in central stations from new power desalination plants (domestic), m3 × 106/ y water sales from power desalination plants, $ × 106 water in aquifer, m3 × 106/y water received in central stations from dams (domestic), m3 × 106/y water received in central stations from dams (agricultural), m3 × 106/y water received in central stations from dams (industrial), m3 × 106/y

SWin,N u,t TAC TCR TECN TEnergyt TERu,t vE,dom r,n,t vE,agr g,n,t vE,ind o,n,t vN,dom r,u,t vN,agr g,u,t vN,ind o,u,t WaterSales Waq i,t wdom r,x,t wagr g,x,t wind o,x,t Parameters

AECt APC AQP agrdemg,t ATotmin ATotmin AVFmax AVBmax BPC BFC DECt DPC domdemr,t EPC FCF FFC GEP GPC HPFf HPBb IECt IPC inddemo,t M

agricultural energy cost, $ × 106/kW × 106 agricultural piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 deep well piping cost, $ × 106/ × 106 m3 water requirements of agricultural users, m3/y minimum available area of solar collector, m2 maximum available area of solar collector, m2 maximum amount available for fossil fuels, kg × 106/ month maximum amount available for biofuels, kg × 106/ month aquifer recharge piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 biofuel cost, $ × 106/kJ × 106 unit domestic energy cost, $ × 106/kW × 106 unit domestic piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 water requirements of domestic users, m3/y storage recharge piping cost (existing PD plant), $ × 106/m3 × 106 fuel consumption factor, kJ × 106/m3 × 106 fossil fuel cost, $ × 106/kJ × 106 energy generation factor, kW × 106/m3 × 106 unit dam recharge piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 heating power for fossil fuels, kJ × 106/kg × 106 heating power for biofuels, kJ × 106/kg × 106 unit industrial energy cost, $ × 106/kW × 106 unit industrial piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 water requirements of industrial users, m3/y DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Research Article

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering NPC PPA PAQ PPC PPD PPE PPG PPI PPN PPS Rtax SPC SWN,max u,t TF′REF CO2 UCEsolar u,t WACt WDCt WICt Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Zsolar α β Θsto,max q Θsto,min q Θpdes,max u Θpdes,min u

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unit storage recharge piping cost (new power desalination plant), $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit agricultural pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit deep well pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit aquifer recharge pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit domestic pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit storage recharge piping cost (existing power desalination plant), $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit dam recharge pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit industrial pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit storage recharge piping cost (new power desalination plants), $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit storage pumping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 tax credit for CO2, $ × 106/ton of CO2 equiv unit storage piping cost, $ × 106/m3 × 106 maximum value of seawater extracted from the sea, m3 × 106/y total GHGE when only fossil fuels are used, ton of CO2 equiv useful collected energy, kJ × 106/m2 month unit cost of water for agricultural use, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit cost of water for domestic use, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit cost of water for industrial use, $ × 106/m3 × 106 unit fixed cost of the tank, $ × 106 unit fixed cost of the tank, $ × 106 unit fixed cost of new power desalination plants, $ × 106 unit fixed cost of new power desalination plants, $ × 106 unit fixed cost of new power desalination plants, $ × 106 unit fixed cost of new power desalination plants, $ × 106 unitary cost of solar collector, $ × 106 economic scale factor reject factor of power desalination plants maximum capacity of the tank, m3 × 106 minimum capacity of the tank, m3 × 106 maximum capacity of new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y minimum capacity of the new power desalination plants, m3 × 106/y

Binary Variables

wsolar existence of a solar collector u ysto existence of storage tanks q ypdes existence of power−desalination plants u


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DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01817 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX