Multiwall Bag Sports Heat Seal - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Eng. News Archives. Abstract. First Page Image. UNION Bag—Camp Paper Corp. has a solution for packaging hygroscopic, deliquescent, ...
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HEAT SEAL. An operator forms t h e t o p of Union B a g - C a m p Paper's n e w h e a t seaiabie multiwall b a g . T h e special machine heat seals t h e inner polyethylene coating, then folds over a lip coated with adhesive a n d applies a tape over t h e lip. Staggered plies make heat sealing possible, t h e c o m p a n y says

Multiwall Bag Sports Heat Seal ill Staggered plies in n e w multiwall b a g allow inner polyethylene ply to be heat sealed U M O N Bag—Camp Paper Corp. has a solution for packaging hygroscopic, deliquescent, corrosive, seniiliquid, a n d other p r o d u c t s that are hard to protect. A heat seaiabie multiwall b a g system, it's on view this week at the National Packaging Exposition in Chicago. The system actually consists of b o t h the b a g a n d bag closing m a c h i n e . Called Uniseal, the b a g is m a d e in t h e form of a tube with two to six plies of paper a n d is designed to hold 100 l b . of product. T h e inner ply is c o a t e d with polyethylene or other heat seaiabie material. T h e combinations used for the plies, U n i o n - C a m p explains, d e ­ pend on the product being p a c k a g e d . The b a g can be m a d e u p of combina­ tions of kraft paper, kraft and foil, o r polyethylene coated kraft and foil. The bags' chief feature: T h e o u t e r plies a r e staggered or offset, thus leav­ ing t h e inner ply exposed to take a

direct heat seal. Union-Camp explains that this gets around the problem of having t o apply t h e heat seal through all t h e p a p e r plies. The plies, says t h e company, were a n insulating barrier that p r e v e n t e d heat sealing a t accept­ able commercial speeds. When a customer gets the bags, t h e vertical seam and t h e bottom of t h e inner ply are already heat sealed b y the b a g manufacturer. After filling, the closing machine conies into play. It heat seals the top of t h e inner ply, then applies adhesive to the tops of the outer plies. T h e entire lip is folded over and pasted to t h e outside of t h e bag so t h a t n o pressure is exerted on the heat seal. As the lip i s folded over, the machine adds a strip of 2l/2 in. g u m m e d tape, centered over the edge of t h e lip. T h e m a c h i n e operates a t a rate of six filled bags a minute. But Union-Camp

is now working on other models which will have higher speeds. Union-Camp feels that t h e hags can be quite economical in areas now held by pails, d r u m s , a n d cans. T h e y cut container a n d s h i p p i n g costs, t h e com­ pany says, and save on storage and shipping space. SΪ


Machine Casts Urethane





C-CH 3


A new m a c h i n e for p r o d u c i n g ure­ t h a n e elastomer parts by continuous casting has been developed b y Mobay Chemical. It's designed especially for American production t e c h n i q u e s and materials, Mobay says, in c o m p a r i n g it to semiautomatic continuous casting machines for elastomers d e v e l o p e d in E u r o p e for a different processing method. T h e new machine can b e operated by one person horn a push-button con­ trol panel, Mobay explains. It has a system of variable speed p u m p s , drives, supply tanks, a n d valves, t h a t precisely control the u r e t h a n e chemicals. And casting is continuous. Production rate, says the c o m p a n y , is limited only by t h e n u m b e r of machines. Mobay has used the m a c h i n e in its laboratories to successfully cast m e ­ t h a n e elastomer parts w e i g h i n g from 4 oz. to 96 lb. T h e c o m p a n y , however, doesn't make machinery or e q u i p m e n t for sale. It gives design a n d engineer­ ing aid to licensed c o m p a n i e s that want to use the method in their own plants.

Processing • N e w induced d i e f e e d e r , by Arthur Colton Co., Detroit, Mich., enables Colton single rotary tablet presses to m a k e t-··blets at rates of u p t o 1800 p e r min. An agitator and die feeder ro­ tors in a feed frame assembly give posi­ tive die fill, Colton says. Ε2 • Parabolic-shaped, disposable b a g filter, now m a d e by Arco Mfg., N e w York, Ν. Υ., is designed for air condi­ tioning, heating, a n d ventilating sys­ tems. Shape a n d material c o m b i n e to give the strongest filtering action w h e r e the dust particles are finest, according to the company. Ε 3 • Glass b a g filter units are now avail­ able from Dracco division of Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohio, for collecting h o t or corrosive dust and fumes Three cleaning m e t h o d s are available: sonics,


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