n-Butyllithium Comes in New Solid Form - C&EN Global Enterprise

First Page Image. n-Butyllithium, formerly commercially available only in hydrocarbon solutions, now comes in a new, easier-to-handle, solid form. Lit...
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n-Butyllithium Comes in New Solid Form Suspended in wax, compound is safer, easier to handle than when dissolved in hydrocarbon solution n-Butyllithium, formerly commercially available only in hydrocarbon solutions, now comes in a new, easier-tohandle, solid form. Lithium Corp. of America has introduced development quantities of the organometallic compound suspended in a specially blended paraffin wax medium. Cast in sticks 1 in. in diameter and 5 in. long,

the new product is available with either' 20 or 30% (by weight) butyllithium. The main advantages of the new material are safety and easy handling, shipping, and storage. Although classed as a flammable solid, it isn't pyrophoric, according to LCA. It can be cut or handled in open air and can

SAFE HANDLING. Lithium Corp. of America's new solid ro-butyllithium doesn't ignite even when immersed in water, n- Butyl lithium has been available only in hydrocarbon solutions which required special handling 46





be exposed to air for up to two hours without significant loss of alkyl, the company says. It can even be immersed in water without igniting. And while it can be ignited by a flame, the fire burns slowly and is easily extinguished, LCA says. The product is shipped in hermetically sealed, throw-away cans at normal atmospheric pressure. In contrast, LCA points out, hydrocarbon solutions of butyllithium are pyrophoric, thus require special handling. In this form, the compound must be shipped under pressure (about 3 or 4 p.s.i.g.) in heavy, returnable cylinders. In use, the solution must be handled in hoods under an inert atmosphere. Wax No Problem. The principal use of butyllithium is as a catalyst in producing polyisoprene and polybutadiene. It's also used as a catalyst in the pharmaceutical industry. Lithium Corp. says it hasn't found the wax to be a problem in processes using butyllithium. The wax goes into solution and doesn't appear to cause any difficulties. LCA sees great potential for the new product, feels its handling ease may help close the wide gap between butyllithium capacity and demand (C&EN, Feb. 6, page 4 6 ) . Current cost of butyllithium in liquid solution is in the $5.50 to $10 range. Initially, the solid form will be "slightly" higher in price, but LCA expects the cost eventually will match that of the older form. The company will continue to produce both varieties for the present. But it feels that the inherent advantages of the new product will swing demand to it. Larger Castings Due. Right now, production is limited, and LCA is restricting orders to 1 / 4 -lb. quantities. However, within about 60 days, the company expects to move into commercial production with 2-lb. cast trapezoidal ingots. These will be 3 V 8 in. high, 10V 2 in. long, 2 x / 2 in. wide at the top, and 3 1 / 2 in. wide at the bottom. They will probably be shipped in sealed fiber containers. LCA has applied for patents on its new product but hasn't revealed any details about the wax it uses or how it makes the suspension. The company says it is also looking into the possibility of producing other organometallic compounds in solid suspension. LCA gives no details, says only that elements in Groups I, II, and III of the periodic table are involved.


Enjay helps reduce cost of 90°C vinyl wire insulation... An important part of Enjay Technical Service is developing useful new products that reduce costs, yet maintain performance. Ditridecyl phthalate for use in plasticizing vinyl wire insulation is a good example of this research activity. By tests, such as the oven aging shown above, Enjay was able to prove that DTDP, made from Enjay tridecyl alcohol, performs as an efficient, non-volatile plasticizer for 90°C wire — yet reduces plasticizer cost. EXCITING


Test results, at right, show that the insulation exceeds the U.L. Specifications. Enjay research facilities and technical skills are available to customers in the vinyl wire, film and sheeting industries. If you would like to receive a free copy of our new Technical Bulletin No. 20 on Enjay oxo alcohol for plasticizers, write to 15 West 51st Street, New York 19, Ν. Υ. THROUGH


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100% retention 101% retention 127% retention 0.36 megohm based on 1000 ft.












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Series of water emulsion copolymers of vinylpyrrolidone are available in development quantities from General Aniline and Film Corp., New York, N.Y. Polectron 130 is a vinylpyrrolidone and ethyl acrylate copolymer emulsion; Polectron 430 and Polectron 450 are both vinylpyrrolidone and styrene copolymers. All have a 40% solids content. Possible applications of these products are adhesives, nonwoven fiber binders, and latex rug backings. They also have potential use as metal primers, top coatings for wood, acid-stable detergent opacifiers, and aerosol starch resins. C2

Nonstaining phenolic antioxidant for polypropylene, Topanol CA, is available in development quantities from Imperial Chemical Industries, New York, N.Y. In combination with dilauryl thiodipropionate, Topanol CA protects the polypropylene during processing, and subsequently imparts stability during fabrication and use, the company says. C3

Thioacetic acid is available in development quantities from Stauffer Chemical Co., New York, N.Y. Major uses for the acid are as an intermediate for making N-mercaptomethyl polyamides, synthetic resins, pesticides, esters, and additives for rubber and oils. C4



Magnetic particle testing concentrates in powder form will be marketed by Magnaflux Corp., Chicago, 111. The complete family of concentrates consists of eight different materials—four for the visible red or black Magnaflux method and four for the more sensitive Magnaglo method. The concentrates differ in particle size, magnetic properties, color contrast, and concentrations. Material used depends on testing situation. Magnetic particle test baths are easily prepared by adding concentrates directly to oil, giving a uniform suspension almost immediately, the company says. C1


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