Equipment. INDUSTRIAL FILTER. A high strength disposable car- tridge for superfine filtration of fluids is usable in the manufacture of pharmaceutical...
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A high strength disposable cartridge for superfine filtration of fluids is usable in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, final polishing of solvents, production of deionized a n d process water, a n d toiletries, a n d filtering gas samples for analyzers. Featuring high mechanical strength, the cartridge has a surface area of 5.5 sq. ft. a n d provides longer service life than conventional equipment. T h e filter medium consists of resin-bonded, fine inorganic fibers with voids volume i n excess of 90%. T h e cartridge is obtainable with a wide variety of housings in stainless steel, carbon steel, or plastic construction with threaded and flanged ports to provide u p to 264 sq. ft. of surface area per assembly, with rated capacities u p to 192 g.p.m. Pall 30 1 Trinity Micro Corp. DIVERTER VALVES

T h e valves are designed to divert or hold dry flowable products within conveying systems a n d for operation in high or low pressure systems, either automatically or manually. T h e valves are offered for 2 in., 3 in., 4 in., a n d 5 in. positive or negative systems in wear iron, aluminum, or stainless steel. Within the valves there are n o ridges, stops, or sharp flow direction changes to cause dead spots and product accumulations. A uniform sectional area gives a uniform velocity through the diverter valves to prevent settling out of the materials being conveyed. Salina Mfg. Co., 302 Inc. PASTE MIXER

A 5-gal.-capacity inclined mixer is available for pastes, putties, caulking, a n d filling compounds. T h e mixer can be operated with its axis of rotation 30" from horizontal or in a vertical position. Inclined rotation axis enables easy incorpo102

ration of dry solids with viscous substances. Mixer is available with direct reading tachometer and ammeter and is constructed to permit accurate scale-up from pilot-plant or production design. Operating speeds are from 25 to 100 r.p.m. with top speeds from 75 to 300 ft./min. Operating pressure is from vacuum to 50 p.s.i. Maximum horsepower per gallon is 0.20. T h e mixer is powered by a 1-hp. 1150 r.p.m. motor, 3-phase, ~60-cycle, 220/440-volt a.c. Bench Scale Equipment Co. 30 3



T h e unit is a noncycling absorption type dehumidifier with a single rotating desiccant contactor that operates continuously. T h e 500c.f.m. package requires 34 in. by 40 in. floor space. It is suitable for use in small waterworks, pumping stations, small test and process rooms, and other applications where low c.f.m. flow satisfies design requirements. For applications with larger air moving requirements, the installation of multiples of these units provides an economical solu304 tion. Midland-Ross Corp.



A new series designed for quickly connecting a n d disconnecting flow lines will n o t exceed a n ounce of product loss when the line is uncoupled. T h e series uses valve assemblies in both coupler and adapter portions to control flow, in such applications as chemical manifold systems a n d process lines. X hand lever o n the coupler controls flow. Flow or leakage cannot start when the coupler is turned o n accidentally while disconnected. T h e coupler a n d adapter must be connected before flow can start. Adapters a n d couplers are available in aluminum a n d bronze construction with 11/2-in. and 2-in. female pipe 305 ends. Dover Corp.






A new series of rugged silencers for noise control of heavy duty aira n d gas-handling equipment is available. Specific applications include reducing noise from mechanical draft fans, cooling towers, wind tunnels, aircraft engine test cells, a n d total-energy systems. W h e n used i n a complete gas turbine noise control package, the silencers can handle mass flows ranging from 3 lb./sec. to over 400 lb./sec. and temperatures from ambient to more than 3000” F. T h e units are of allwelded construction a n d are available in both rectangular a n d tubular configurations. Industrial 306 Acoustics Co., Inc.

A packaged electric heat transfer unit is designed to maintain controlled temperatures in the 160OF. to 600°F. range in high performance heat transfer rolls used in paper calendering a n d textile finishing. Using hydrocarbon oil o r other thermal fluid as the heat transfer medium, the system is shopassembled on a structural steel frame a n d completely prepiped a n d prewired for hook-up to a 440-volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle power source with all control wiring a t 110 volts. T h e unit has four 30-kw. (120-kw. total) forced circulation electric heaters, each with special resistance-type electric heating elements designed for high fluid velocities. T h e packaged unit includes a n expansion tank, circulating pump, valves, a n d instrumentation. American Hydrotherm Corp. 309

Chemical Feed System. Catalog 90-49-30 describes the chemical feed system for controlled dosage of liquid chemicals and slurries for water and waste-water treatment. The catalog cites the advantages of the system and design flexibility and lists many of the frequently used chemicals that can be 312 handled. Fischer & Porter Co.


Thorough, uniform, timed, mechanical mixing of small amounts of epoxies a n d other viscous chemicals a n d materials is provided by the Teflon helical stirrer. T h e rheostat-controlled, variable-speed stirrer provides thorough mixing by forcing materials from the top down to the bottom of the vessel a n d up along the sides. T i m e d mechanical stirring eliminates tedious hand mixing and ensures results which are reproducible. T h e helical rod has a pitch of four threads to the inch a n d is attached to the stirrer motor by means of a stainless steel shaft. Stirring speed a n d time may be varied as required by adjustment of the rheostat. P o l y sciences, Inc. 307 MECHANICAL AERATORS

A complete line of mechanical units for waste treatment applications is designed for both municipal a n d industrial use. T h e units range i n size from 1 to 100 h.p. a n d larger depending on specific process requirements. T h e units consist of motor, “E” series drive, shaft, a n d special impeller. Design features include independent bearing support, torsionally resilient coupling between the hollow drive shaft and impeller shaft, and shaft submergence adjustment for variations in liquid level. The units are available with submerged o r surface impellers (or with both) and can be furnished with floating platforms for lagoon operation. Mixing 308 Equipment Co.


A control valve for use i n the chemical process, industrial control, a n d instrumentation industries features use as a pilot for larger valves, remote positioning, precise pressure modulation, and feedback control systems when coupled to matching servoamplifiers. Pressure range is from 0 to 3000 p.s.i. with a flow rate of 0.5 g.p.m. Delta Hydraulics, Inc. 310 PRESSURE VESSELS

Lightweight pressure vessels which cost approximately the same as coated steel are suggested for use as scuba tanks, industrial gas containers, nonexplosive hospital gas tanks, pneumatic tanks, a n d similar applications. T h e oval-ended vessels are of filament wound oriented glass fiber/epoxy with blow-molded thermoplastic lining and have a working pressure to 5000 p.s.i. Normal sizes are lengths to 4 feet a n d diameters from 2 in. t o 6 in. Chemical and Engineering Associates. 311

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Filter Chambers. A 2-page bulletin No. 402B describes compact in-line filter chambers with improved design. They offer high flows at low pressure drops, convenience in disassembling and use, as well as greater strength. A new section describes how carbon treating is accomplished easily and conveniently, both inside and outside of the filter chamber. Sethco Mfg. Corp. 313 Dryer-Cooler. Bulletin D959 describes the DEHYDRO-MAT dryer-cooler. A schematic drawing of the unit showing its component parts is included. These units are compared with conventional dryers along with the theory and practice of drying. Edw. Renneburg & sons c o . 314 Fluidic Systems. A 175-page working reference manual, “Fluidic Systems Design Guide,” reports engineering specifications and application data; “how to” information is also included in the book. The design guide evaluates fluidic devices and describes their functions. Specific fluidic solutions to control problems are provided and explanations given as to how to apply the solutions. Imperial-Eastman Corp. 315 Straight-Through Valves. Bulletin 540.1 provides one source reference to over 600 variations of the straightthrough flow, nonlubricated Okadee valves. The bulletin is specially designed to facilitate finding the valve option closest to each individual requirement. American Meter Co. 316 Glass Batch Plant. A colorful, 8-page bulletin covers the design, engineering, and construction of glass batch plants. The bulletin pictures partial and complete glass plants and focuses reader attention on automation equipment which takes the “guesswork” out of glass-making. FanningSchuett En317 gineering Co. Oscillating Spreader. A 2-page bulletin No. 492 describes the equipment used for spreading a product evenly across a moving conveyor of a drying or other moving belt. The bulletin describes the applications of the machine and lists the features of the spreader. Specifications are provided, and accessory equipment is described. Proctor & Schwartz, Jnc. 318 VOL. 5 9

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