ing operations. Waugh Controls co. 40 1. ELEMENTAL ANALYZER. Microchemical analysis for car- bon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is pos- sible using the Model...
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NEW PRODUCTS Instruments


Automatic electronic temperature compensation of blending is provided for by a new type of inline blending control system called Ratiodyne. This new system eliminates variations in feed rates due to temperature change, consists of a resistance thermometer coupled to a simple computing circuit in each blend control station. These systems are designed for blending two or more components, and system housings are available either for panel or field monitoring of blending operations. Waugh Controls co. 40 1 ELEMENTAL ANALYZER

Microchemical analysis for carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is possible using the Model 240 elemental analyzer. This unit operates on principles used in Peg1 combustion analysis and gas chromatography: samples are burned using standard microchemical techniques, and thermal conductivity measurements are used to determine the difference between gas volumes entering and leaving adsorption traps. Potential applications for the new instrument are in basic research, quality control in production, and product development in pharmaceutical, polymer, and other induvtrial laboratories. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 402 ION MICROPROBE

New instrument can be rapidly used for recorded analysis of surface and bulk of solids without any sample preparation. Analysis is nearly nondestructive as the ion beam sputters off sample at the rate of only 200 monomolecular layers per second and penetration of sample is but 80 microns per hour; secondary ions of sample surface material are electrostatically focused into a double-focusing mass spectrometer where they are separated

into magnetic sectors according to their momentum-to-charge ratio, and ,then according to their energy by an electrostatic analyzer. GCA 403 Corp. CARBON AND HYDROGEN ANALYZER

Submicro combustion analyzer requires a single weighing for operation and automatically records analysis results for future reference. This unit is available complete with standard sample for calibration. American Instrument Co. 404 CONTROL VALVE

This new valve features control ports that are specially drilled to serve as straightening vanes for gas or liquid media. Control valve consists of three components: a continuous heavy duty motor to drive a pump in an oil reservoir, a motion transmitter, and a four-way control valve. Using this valve, flow or pressure can be remotely controlled: with the four-way valve in the neutral position, the oil that powers the piston is by-passed and, should the pressure in the valve change, the piston automatically rebalances itself until regulated pressure is restored. Shafer Valve Co. 405




Recently developed gas chromatograph provides the essential features for automatic preparative gas chromatography including an oven chamber, temperature programmerelectrometer, and timer module. Flame ionization detector is part of oven chamber, which also includes automatic injection equipment, collector mechanism, and individual proportioning temperature controls for an injector-detector-splitter housing, exit elbow, and turntable. Wilkens Instrument 8e Research Co. 406 (Continued


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Electronic indicator-controller incorporates a combination of three control modes and one of any four control actions within a single unit. This controller can be used for single element, cascade, feed forward or ratio control by adding plug-in subassemblies to its featured three modes of control: gain, integral, and derivative. Plug-in alarms may also be added if they are required. Bailey Meter Co. 407 A partially assembled Contactor. Entrance port for solid materials is at top of trough at far corner.. with discharge end in foreground. Discharge elevator has been disconnected.


Counter-current Contactor ... provides continuous, uniform, liquid/solid contact for extracting, leaching, ion exchange, decoloring, deodorizing, crystallizing, washing, flotation exchange, etc.

Operating principle A horizontal trough with outlet weir to control liquid level. Central shaft in trough carries paddles to form an interrupted helix. The paddles slowly lift the solid material ; tumbling i t gently upstream. Scoops at the end of each shaft transfer the solid material from one trough t o the next. A n y number of sections can be combined, in series or in parallel, t o accommodate a number of related processes.

Operating advantages Used in place of batch type equipment. It allows continuous operation without down time for repacking, flushing, regenerating, etc. Continuous countercurrent flow also eliminates start-ofr u n and end-of-run differences, allows controlled, uniform effluent. Channelling” and its reduction of effluent quali t y a r e impossible. Samples of liquid and/or solid may be removed o r introduced. G e n t l e “ l u b r i c a t e d ” t u m b l i n g minimizes o r eliminates attrition of valuable solid materials such a s ion exchange resin beads, crystals, etc.




Circle NO. 23



Direct-reading, calibrated-dial, pressure-actuated switch can be set &ith an accuracy of 20.25%. Model 312CE series features external adjustment of setting which can be react on calibrated dial in p.s.i. covering full adjustable range of model. Adjustable ranges available are from 10-480, 26-1300, 50-2500 p i . with corresponding proofpressures of GOO p.s.i., 1600 p.s.i., and 3000 p.s.i. Meletron Corp. 408 PNEUMATIC T I M E R

Continuous ion exchange. Solid arrows show solids phose movement contacting different liquids a t each of 4 steps without mixing the liquids. Variable retention times for any step.


Design features Contact surfaces a r e stainless steel o r other workable material. Troughs can be lined with rubber, plastic, etc. Troughs can be up t o 15’ long; in diameters from 9 in. t o 6 ft. t o handle from a few lbs. t o 35 tons o r more per hour. Wipers may be added t o the blades t o provide continuous self-cleaning action. Troughs can be covered and sealed gas t i g h t . , also jacketed f o r heat transfer. S h a f t speeds can be the same o r varied in any ratio. These, together with simple liquid-flow valves, provide complete o r automatic control of contact time. One Contactor may perform a number of processes, providing its own conveyi n g between processes. It often replaces a number of vertical units a s well a s feed and take-away conveyors using s u b s t a n t i a l l y less p l a n t s p a c e a n d equipment. For comment on suitability and cost range of the Contactor, send us a description of your counter-current process, samples of the solid material, flow rates, contact time, etc. Pilot-plant rental units. Write f o r information on testing operations in your own plant.



View from top of section. Scoops a t far end trans. C r solids to next section upstream.



Gifford-Wood Inc. Dept. IEC-511 Hudson, N. Y. 12534 518-828-7652

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New pneumatic timer for ranges from 0.1 sec. to 1 min. features turnabout solenoid switch which changes operation from “on” delay to “off” delay. For maximum accessibility of time adjustment, all electrical connections are in instrument front. Time delay element is spring loaded diaphragm which forces air through a variable oiifice; clockwise rotation of de1a)ed adjustment increases delay b) reducing orifice size. Machinerp Electrification, Inc. 409 EBONITE FLOAT SWITCH

Float switch designed especially for corrosive-liquid level control, using ebonite (vulcanized hard rubber) which is resistant to most corrosive chemicals. Float assembly design includes permanent magnet opposed by similar magnet in slyitch assembly; adjacent particles of the two magnets repel each other, and as the float position changes lvith rise or fall of liquid level, opposing forces of magnets as they draw closer together cause switch contacts to flip with snap action. Maximum height at working level is 12 f t . of water, maximum working temperature is 140” F., contacts are single-pole double-throw and are of sil+er. Sonic Engineering Corp.




Automatic Flow Rate. Bulletin describes and gives specifications of FloSig automatic flow rate signal device consisting of heavy-duty flow indicator and electrical signaling device for application where adequate and continuous flow of water or other liquids is important. New Jersey Meter Co. 41 1

FREE OF RESIDUAL NUTRIENT IMPURITIES Two powerful sequestrants. SODIUM GLUCONATE, in white crystalline form, produced by a special air oxidation process which eliminates undesirable imp u r iti e s common ly associated with gluconates produced by fermentation processes. GLUCONIC ACID - a 50% aqueous solution, available in clear liquid form. Both sodium gluconate and gluconic acid are most often used in conjunction with caustic soda as metal cleaners, bottle washing compounds, aluminum etchants, alkaline derusters and paint strippers. Because of their unusual ability to sequester calcium and iron, gluconates are frequently used in electroplating baths to prevent scale, dulling films and metallic corrosion.

If you would like more complete technical data about gluconic sequestering agents, and possible product applications, contact your Cowles sales representative, Or write to:

CHEMISTRY AND TECH NOLOGY edited by Roy L. Whistler and Eugene F. Paschal1 assistant editors: J. N. BeMillet a n d Hugh J. Roberts

PCM Bit Synchronizer. Data sheet gives full description and specification information on Model 6203A PCM Bit Synchronizer which accepts RZ, NRZ mark and space, biphase mark and space, or bipolar codes at rates from 0.8 to 1,200,000 p.p.s. Data sheet gives useful bit error probability us. signal/ noise ratio chart. Telemetrics, Inc. 412

Process Computers. Booklet presents series of relevant questions and answers describing unique role of the processing control computer in industrial automation, unique features and capabilities, functions, where and how it is used, and how process control computer differs from general purpose counterpart. Process Computers Section, General Electric Co. 413 Automatic Lift Truck. Booklet describes advantages, mode of operation, and advantages of solid state control for industrial lift trucks. Included is diagram illustrating principle of pulsing battery current to drive meter and explaining how it is used to obtain infinite speed control. Automatic Lift Trucks Co. 414 X-Ray Spectrometer. Data sheet describes vacuum simultaneous x-ray spectrometer, discusses fixed channel system which simultaneously analyzes from one to six elements in determinations of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, calcium, and iron in slag, cements, and related materials. Philips Electronic Instruments Div. 415 Modular Recording System. Brochure describes Mark 200, Series 1707 modular recording system, which can be assembled in various ways to produce many readout configurations. Modular subsystems include oscillograph of vertical, horizontal, or extended chart presentation; writing modules for analog or event recording; preamplifier in push button attenuator, rotary attenuator, and individual-channel interchangeable configurations. Brush Instruments Div., Clevite Corp. 416 Automatic Voltage Regulator. Bulletin provides complete features, speci-

Provides comprehensive reviews of recent discoveries fundamental to the understanding of starch and it‘s uses in both food and non-food applications. Volume 1: Fundamental Aspects CONTENTS: ROY L. WHISTLER, Starch -It’s Past a n d Future. H. E. BODE, History of t h e Corn Starch Industry. PAUL L. FARRIS, Economics a n d Future of t h e Starch Industry. M. S. ZUBER Genic Control o f Starch Development: N. P. BADENHUIZEN, Occurrence a n d Development of Starch in Plants. REZSOE GRACZA Minor Constituents of Starch. JOHN H: PAZUR, Enzymes i n Synthesis a n d Hydrolysis of Starch. JOHN A. THOMA, T h e Oligo- a n d M e alosaccharides o f Starch. JOHN A. TH%MA a n d LYNN STEWART, Cycloamyloses. M. L. WOLFROM a n d H. EL KHADEM.

of Amylose a n d Amylopectin i n Solution. RAYMOND R. MYERS a n d CARL J.

(W390) Volume 1, 1965, 579 pp., $22.00 (W392) Volume 2, in preparation .-----ORDER





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VOL. 5 7

NO. 1 0 O C T O B E R 1 9 6 5



kcations, and outline drawings of pro3ucer’s automatic voltage regulators used to maintain constant output regardless of line or load changes. Included are electromechanical types in ratings to 275 kva., and instantaneous electronic types to 15 kva. Superior 417 Electric Co.









Direct Process Annunciator. Bulletin describes direct process annunciator giving a complete description of a self-contained, solid-state set-point unit that operates directly from field-transmitted analog points. A simplified block diagram is given to show the principle of operation. Rochester In~ t r u m e n tSystems, Inc. 419


Differential Pressure Transmitter. Bulletin describes differential pressure transmitter which converts pressure differences from 20 to 1000 in. of water into a proportional 4- to 20-ma. d.c. output signal. Hagan Controls Corp. 420



NEW PRODUCTS The best in the industry from over 500 manufacturers of process equipment, materials handling and packaging equipment, chemicals and raw materials, laboratory equipment and supplies, control instruments, automation, etc.


2 3

Time Delay Relays. Available literature describes units which permit delays from 0.05 through 800 sec. with repeatability within 21%. Delay relays provide timing on eriergization or de-energization, manual or electric control for pulse or steady state, and automatic repeat cycling with independently adjustable control of on-and-off times. Airborne Accessories Corp. 418

Don’t lag behind. Learn about the new techniques that have been developed that can apply to your operations methods that will help you meet today’s intensively competitive con. ditions in the chemical industry.



How to cut costs, increase production, improve your prod. ucts. Hundreds of engineers, representing every area of activity in the field, are ready to discuss your problems and suggest ideas that will help solve them. See that ALL your deparfrnenfs visit fhe show

Analytical Instrumentation. Literature describes new precision analytical instrumentation consisting of an analog computer with accessories. Precision of unit described is within 0.25y0 of full scale. McKee Pederson Instru421 ments Co. Function Modules. Six bulletins describe applications of analog function modules available from the manufacturer for program control, liquid pipeline control systems, pelletizing machines, hopper outflow, and other control purposes. Consolidated Electro422 dynamics Corp. Process Chromatograph Programmer. Brochure describes newly available process chromatograph programmer, its monitoring and control capabilities, and a wide range of potential applications for the unit. This new unit is capable of monitoring a single stream for up to six components. Beckman Scientific and Process Instruments Div. 423

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