N-Halogenoimido complexes of transition metals - American Chemical

Fachberelch Chemte der Unlversltat Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Strasse, ... der Unlversltat Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 18, D-7400 Tubingen, Germany...
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Chem. Rev. lW9, 93, 981-994


WHalogenoimido Complexes of Transition Metals Kurt Dehnicke' Fachberelch Chemie der Universitlit Marburg, tians-Meerwein-Stresse, D-3550 Marburg, Germany

Joachim Strahle Institut fk Anorgenische Chemfe der Universitlit Tubingen, Auf der Morgensteib 18, D-7400 Tublngen, Germany Received August 10, 1992(Revised Manuscn'pt Received November 16, 1992)

Contents I. Introduction 11. Synthetic Routes A. Vanadium

I I I. IV.


B. Molybdenum C. Tungsten D. Rhenium E. Osmium Structures of the Basic Types Chemical Reactions A. Reactions with Lewis AcMs B. Reactions wRh Lewis Bases C. Substitution Reactions at the N Atom D. Substitution Reactions at the Metal Atom Vibrational Spectra Ab InRio Calculations Future Directions References

98 1 98 1 98 1 983 983 984 984 984 985 985 986 989 99 1 99 1 992 993 993

Z, Zntroductlon N-Halogenoimidocomplexesof the transition metals are compounds with the structural element MNX (X = halogen), ita characteristics are a short metal-nitrogen bond, a relatively short nitrogen-halogen bond, and a large bond angle MNX. These characteristics can be represented by the formulations: 0 0 MEN-EI


@ M=N=X

20 Cc

- Q




\5 '\ (A)



Examples are known for the elements vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, rhenium, and osmium. Because of ita ?r-donor character the [NX12- ligand stabilizes the high oxidation states of these metals. The N-halogenoimido complexes are special cases of the numerous known organoimido complexes with the building unit MNR.' However, except for the SiMe3substituted derivatives, these complexes can only be described with the forms A and C. Chemically the N-halogenoimidocomplexes differ from the organoimido complexes especially by the reactivity of the nitrogen-halogen bond, and therefore they represent a synthetic potential. The [NX12-ligand is isolobal with the oxo group 02as well as the ligands [NSRIZ and [NSeR12- (R = 0009-2865/93/0793-0981~12.00/0

C1, organic residue). Close chemical and structural relations as well as similarities of the bonding properties exist especially between the chlorothionitreno ligand [NSCl12- and the chlorimido ligand [NCl12. This is discernible in the following formulas:

N-Halogenoimido groups usually act as terminal ligands. Only one example of a bridging group is known; a paNC1 ligand bridges a w-W bond of a dinuclear tungsten complex:, 0



W--w NQ


I Z . Synthetic Routes A. Vanadium The first example of the synthesis of a N-halogenoimido compound of a transition metal was that of Cl,V(NCl), which yields from the reaction of chlorine azide with vanadium tetra~hloride:~


VC1, + ClN, Cl,V(NCl) + 1/2C12+ N, (1) ClsV(NC1) forms orange crystals, which are very sensitive to humidity and, like V205, are weakly paramagnetic. Reaction with water affords chlorine amine, and therefore it occurs explosively. For the mechanism of eq 1 a nitrene intermediate was postulated, which is formed from the isolable azide CLVN3 and is stabilized by the migration of a C1- to the nitrene nitrogen (eq 2). VCl,

+ ClN,








[Cl,V-=N+(I Cl,V(NCl) (2)

The subsequent synthesis of the corresponding N-I compound from vanadium tetrachloride and iodine azide6showed that the preservation of the N-I bond of the iodine azide can be assumed. Therefore in this case another mechanism can also be discussed. In this 2VC1,

+ 4IN,



+ 2IC1+ 5N,


mechanism the formation of an intermediate donoracceptor complex Cl3V- N(N3I is postulated, in which 0 1993 American Chemical Soclety

882 Chemtcal Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93. No. 3

Dahnlcke end S l r i M

formation of a MEN-Cl moiety.' Cl,V(NI) synthesized according to eq 3 can easily be transformed with bromine or chlorine to the corresponding NBr (eq 4) or NC1 (eq 5) compounds:6

. K u t DehnlckelsProfe~~orol InorganicChemlsbyatmeUnivenity ofMarbug.Gemany. BwninCologneln 1 9 3 1 , h e s t u d ~ c l m m l s ~ a1the University of Leiprig from 1950 to 1955. when he graduated wlth a Diplom. He did his doctoral dissertation with J. Goubaau on borontrifluorideadductsonaminoacidsattheUniversnyo1 ?.lungart anareceivedWmDr. rer. nat.fromthisinstitutionin 1957. I n 1965 he received hls HBbilitation with a work on the chemmy of compounds wimelectroposnivechbrlne In 1967 he wasappointed Full Professor at the Philpps University 01 Marburg. I n 1989 he wasawardedme Wilhelm KlemmPreisof theGe&ischan Denscher ChemiKer (German Cnemlcal Society). His main fdds of research are transition metal complexesof metalmunipry Donaedto nitrogen. alkyne complexes of transition metals in nigh oxdat on states. and poryselenido and potytel ur do complexes.


+ Br,


+ 2C1,



+ IBr



+ ICl,


Since iodine azide can be handled more easily than chlorine azide8 the synthesis of C13V(NCl)via ClsV(N1) is preferable. Considering the necessary safety regulations Cl,V(NCl) can also be obtained by the direct reaction of vanadium tetrachloride and chlorine with sodium azide at 80 "C (eq 6)9 VC1,

+ NaN, + 1/2C1,



+ NaCl + N, (6)

For the synthesis of small amounts of Cl,V(NCI), the reaction of vanadium nitride with chlorine at 120-140 "C is also possible (eq 7):10


VN + 2C1, Cl,V(NCl) (7) This synthesishas been used for the generation of single crystals via the gas phase. Especially interesting is the recently reported synthesis of ClsV(NC1) by slow reaction of [N-(trimethylsily1)imidelvanadiumtrichloride with exceas chlorine in dichloromethane (eq 8):"


Cl3V(NSiMe3)+ C1, Cl,V(NCl) + ClSiMe, (8) In the educt the Cl3VN moiety is already preformed. The relatively long N-Si bond of the monomeric C13V(NSiMe3)I2(Figure 1)assista this reaction. The syn-

Joachlm Strihle, born in Dresden. Germany, in 1937. sMM chemlsky at the University of Stuitgart and graduated wlth a thesis on metal azido and nitlido halides in the group of K. Dehnicke at tlm Instltllteof InorganicChemistryof this universityin 1965. From 1965 to 1968 he worked as a post-doc with G. Brauer at the University of Freiburg and thereafter with H. Emighausen at the University of Karlsruhe for five years. I n Karlsruhe he was introduced to the method of crystal structure determination. I n 1973 he nnlshed his habilitation with a thesis on syntheses and crystal structures of transition metal-nitrogen compounds. In the same year he was offered chairs at the Universities of Hannover and Tubingen. He took that at Tubingen, where ha became full professor in 1976. I n 1987 he refused a chair for Inorganic Chemistry and the University of Stuitgart. He is active in the Synthesis and crystal structure determination of cwrdination compounds wlth nmogen donor ligands. metal nitride fluorides. and transition metal-gold clusters.

Figure 1. Structure of C13V(NSiMe3).

thetic route according to reaction 8 could gain importance for the synthesis of N-halogenoimido complexes of other metals. It also shows that the VSNSiMe, group parallels the VENC1 group as the SiMe, residue exhibits. like the N-bound C1 atom..~ a oartial Dositive character. C13V(NCl) and ClsV(N1) form dimeric structures in the solid state (section 111) with the NX ligand in axial position of the square-pyramidal coordination:'3.'4 X

the iodine azide is bound via ita a-N atom and which under the influence of a second mole of iodine azide subsequently decomposes with separation of Nz. An indirect support for this mechanism is provided by the observation that the thermolysis of the tetrachloride monoazides of niobium and tantalum, [MC14(N3)lz, which form dinuclear complexes with azido groups bridging via the a-N atoms, does not result in the



,cl\i,cl 4\c,/v\c,





According to spectroscopic findings CLV(NBr) has a

NHalogenoimMo Complexes of Transition Metals

Chemical Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3 989

corresponding structure., In the gas-phase Cl,V(NCl) is m0n0meric.l~ 6. Molybdenum While molybdenum hexacarbonyl reacts with nitrogen trichloride in a molar ratio of 1:l in tetrachloromethane as solvent to yield MoNCIS1,an excess of nitrogen trichloride affords C14Mo(NCl) at 0 OC17 (eq 9). The compound is a moisture-sensitive, diamagnetic,


2Mo(CO), + 4NC1,

[Cl4Mo(NC1)1,+ 12CO + N2 + C4 (9)

red crystalline powder, sparingly soluble in tetrachloromethane, decomposing to MoNC13via elimination of chlorine at 100 OC1' (eq 10).


[Cl4Mo(NC1)1, 2MoNC1,

+ 2C1,




\M/ N,

4 \ ~

1 \ 4N I


M /o, Cl




4W2NC1, + 3PPh4C1

(PPh4)3[W6N4C1,1] + unknown side products (13)


[W,N4C1,,I3- + 4CH2C12+ 2H,O [W3C1g(N)(0)(NC1)l,2-+ C1- + 2C,H4C1,

+ 4HC1 (14)


According to the IR spectrum [C14Mo(NC1)]2 is dimerized by chlorine bridges with the N-chloroimido group in equatorial position as in the case of all the other imido complexes of this type. CI

high stability of the tungsten complex a relatively large number of derivatives of it are known and structurally characterized (see sections I11 and IV). The only known complex in which the [NC1l2-ligand functions as a 1.1, bridging ligand is [W&lg(N)(O)(1.12-NC1)12~-, which is formed by the reaction of PPh4C1 with W2NC17 in dichloromethane in the presence of traces of water. The not completely clarified route of formation of this compound occurs presumably upon participation of the solvenk4

According to the crystal structure analysis4the [NC1I2ligand bridges a W-W axis in the centrosymmetrical [W3Clg(N)(O)(1.12-NC1)12~-ion (Figure 2). The two W-N




The molybdenum complexes [ M O C ~ ~ ( N S C and ~)I~~~ C [MoC14(0)1219 exhibit entirely analogous structures, as Figure 2. Structure of the trinuclear tungsten complex well. The ligand groups [NSClI and [OI ,-,which are [W3Cl~(N)(0)(p2-NC1)]22with a bridging (NC1)2-ligand. isolobal with [NCl12-,cause strongly asymmetric chlobond lengths of 196 and 189 pm are somewhat shorter rine bridges, owing to their trans influence. than the expected value for a single bond. At the same The corresponding fluoro derivative [F4Mo(NC1)Ix, time the chlorine atom of the N-chloroimido group with an unknown degree of association, can be obtained deviates from the W2N plane by 15 pm, indicating an from the chlorothionitreno complex18as well as from intermediate form between sp2 and sp3 hybridization the cyclothiazeno complex20of molybdenum by treatat the N atom. In accordance with this observation the ment with a diluted stream of fluorine gas at 20 OCZ1 N-C1 distance of 173 pm is relatively long. It is longer (eq 11). The nitrogen bound chlorine atom is not than the distance in complexes with a linear MENC1 CI,MO(NSCI: arrangement and only a little shorter than in NC13(175 Fz"z F,Mo(NCI) + gaseous products pm23)with pyramidal structure. CI,Mo(N,'%) The reaction of the phosphoraneiminato complex (1') W(NPMe3)C1524 with a large excess of chlorine, which presumably contained traces of HOC1 and/or C120,24 substituted even with excess of fluorine. F4Mo(NC1) results in the interesting formation of donor-acceptor is a pale yellow, very moisture-sensitive crystalline complexes of tungsten with a NC1 group. powder, soluble only in solvating solvents. It is stable up to 200 "C. R,



C. Tungsten


The synthesis of the corresponding tungsten compound turns out to be analogous to that described for CLMo(NC1). However, it exhibits a much higher thermal stability. The completion of the synthesis reaction even requires treatment in boiling tetrachloromethane.22 The decomposition of the brownish-red, 2w(co),

+ 4NC13



+ 12CO + N, + C1,


moisture-sensitive crystalline powder of [C4W(NC1)12 to yield WNCl3 occurs only at 200 "C. Because of the


The reaction proceeds better if pyridine N-oxide is used as oxidizing agent. In this way W(NPMe3)ClbZ4 and W(NPPh3)C1524$25 can be transformed into the donoracceptor complexes [W(NC1)C&(0PR3)1(R = Me, Ph),, with good yields at room temperature in dichloromethane. The structure of these complexes is discussed in section 111. The synthesis according to the

Dehnlcke and Strahle

Chemlcal Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3


above reaction is obviously associated with the migration of a chloroligand from the tungsten to the nitrogen atom.

Table I. Experimental Distances and Bond Angles of N-Halogenoimido Complexes8 complex

D. Rhenium The first examples of N-halogenoimido complexes of rhenium of the type F4Re(NX) (X = F, C1, Br) have been synthesized and characterized by R. D. Peacock et a1.26-28The authors reacted rhenium hexafluoride with trimethylsilyl azide at -50 "C in genetron (1,1,2trichlorotrifluoroethane), which primarily yielded orange colored ReF5N3. The latter decomposes at 0 "C to a brownish product, which presumably is a mixture of ReNF3 and ReF5N3, from which at 70 "C a small amount of ReNF4 can be sublimed as yellow crystals. Subsequent reaction with XeF2,ClF3, as well as BrF3, affords the N-halogenoimido derivatives ReF5(NF), ReF5(NC1),and ReFdNBr) (see Scheme I).28 . Si!CH,),(FJ,)







ReFj(NF) ReFS(NC1) ReNF4-ReFj(NC1)

orange 5zIid






b r o h n residde

ReF, N ( y e l l o w c r y 5 t a . s )

no r e a c t i o n


ReF5(NC1)is also formed by the reaction of chlorine trifluoride with ReF5(NCO)(eq 15),which itself yields from ReF6 and M e ~ S i N c 0 .Another ~~ synthesis for ReF5(NC1) is the reaction of ReNCbZ9with xenon difluoride (eq 16).28

+ 3XeF,






+ 3Xe




Finally, the [NBrI2- ligand can also be introduced with the aid of bromine bis(trimethylsily1)amine. The reaction with ReFG presumably affords primarily ReF4(NBr),which subsequently can be oxidized with bromine trifluoride to yield ReFdNBr) (eq 17V8 ReF,

+ (Me,Si),NBr



175.2(3) 170(1) 179.5(2) 175.0(4) 163(1)

13 15 41 41 14

173.3(6) 172.4(7) 168.7(8) 177(1) 196(5) 153(3) 172(1) 173.7(6) 173.2(5) 173.1(5) 196(3) 189(3)

162.2(7) 162.7(7) 160.2(8) 159(1) 141(5) 183(4) 161(1) 160.8(6) 160.6(5) 160.8(5) 173(3)

176.1(5) 170.7(5) 174.9(7) 170.0(6) 180.0 180.0 176(1) 167.0(4) 175.8(4) 172.2(4) 131(2) 136(2)

49 50 51 73 51

172(1) 173(2) 164(2)

126(1) 156(2) 160(3)

178(1) 177(1) 177(2)

26,28 263 31

22 24 24 4

Values are in picometer and degree.



158.8(9) 159.7(3) 160.3(3) 158.5(6) 193(2)


The reaction of ReNCl,, which can easily be obtained from rhenium pentachloride and nitrogen trichl~ride,,~ with excess fluorine gas without a solvent affords as main product the ruby-red, mixed nitride fluoride+chloroimido complex ReNF4.ReF5(NC1), the components of which are linked together by a linear fluorine bridge.31


+ ClF3

164.2(9) 165.0(2) 165.5(3) 168.8(6) 165(2)






171.5(9) 159(1) 175.8(6) 21 172.6(7) 161.7(9) 177.7(7) 172.9(3) 161.8(3) 175.8(2) 47

Scheme I ReF6



BrF 3

ReF,(NBr) ReF,(NBr) (17) The N-halogenoimidocomplexes ReF5(NX)of rhenium form colorless (X = F) or dark red (X = C1, Br), moisture-sensitive, and, in vacuum, easily sublimable crystals, which have monomeric molecular structures.26s28

+ xF,





E. Osmium The only known halogenoimido complex of osmium is OsF5(NC1). It was characterized by its IR and mass spectrum. Surprisingly it forms colorless crystals. The synthesis proceeds in a manner analogous to eq 15 by the reaction of osmium hexafluoride with Me3SiNC0 and treatment of the intermediate OsF5(NCO)or OsFr (NCO) with chlorine trifluoride (caution!) in genetrone as solvent. The compound is stable up to its melting point, 170-174 0C.32

I I I . Sfructures of the Basic Types Structure determinations of the basic types of the N-halogenoimido complexes are known only of a few examples. In these the building unit MNX is characterized by very short MN distances and relatively short NX bond lengths as well as by large MNX bond angles (Table I). These are usually close to 180". In contrast, complexes of the main group elements have much smaller ENX bond angles like 118"in SFd(NF).,, Both vanadium compounds VCMNC1) and VC13(NI) crystallize isotypically in the space group P i forming centrosymmetrical dimers, which are generated by slightly asymmetric VC12Vbridges (Figures 3 and 4).13J4 The (NX)2- ligands occupy axial positions in the distorted square-pyramidal complexes. While the VNCl group is almost linear with a bond angle of 175.2", the bond angle VNI amounts only to 163". Nevertheless, in both complexes the N atoms can be characterized

N-HalogenoimMo Complexes of Transklon Metals

Chemical Reviews, lW3, Vol. 93, No. 3


@NE I'

A i/ Figure 3. Structure of [ClsV(NC1)12 showing the (5 + 1) coordination.


in VCla(N1) (Figure 4), however, with I--C1(1) = 307 pm, it is considerably shorter than the van der Waals contact of 410 pm.14 These contacts express the partial positive charge of the N-bound halogen atoms. According to the structure analysis with electron diffraction VC13(NC1)forms monomeric molecules with symmetry C, in the gas phase.15 Remarkable is the preservation of the characteristic bonding parameters of the VNCl group, which exhibit almost unchanged distances VN (165 pm) and NCl(161 pm) and an only slightly reduced bond angle of 170'. Crystal structure analyses of the complexes ReF5(NF) (Figure 5 ) and ReFb(NC1) revealed monomeric A \



"1 I"

Figure 4. Structure of [C13V(NI)l2showing the V=N-I.4!1 interaction. as sp hybridized. This is also shown by the short nitrogen-halogen distances of 158.8 pm (NC1) and 193 pm (NI). The latter is the shortest N-I distance measured so far. Within the experimental error both VN distances are equal, at 164 pm they correspond to the expected value for a triple bond.34 VN distances of 157-160 pm are also observed in nitrido complexes of vanadium and are interpreted as triple bond^.^^,^^ As a consequence of the strong ?r-bond character a strong trans influence results, which allows only a weak bond for a sixth ligand. In the solid-state structures of VC13(NC1) and VC&(NI)this situation is expressed by the packing of the dimers, in which one of the chlorine atoms of the neighboring molecule forms a contact distance of 26013and 263 pm,14respectively, such that a ( 5 1)coordination can be assumed (Figure 3). The ?r bond of the VNX group also causes a repulsion of the cis-arranged C1atoms, and the vanadium atom therefore does not form a common plane with them. Finally, the noticably shorter distances between the N-bound halogen atoms and an equatorial chloro ligand of a neighboring complex deserve attention. In VC13(NC1) with Cl*-.Cl(l) = 325 pm, they are markedly shorter than the van der Waals distance of 362 pm;13


Figure 5. Structure of ReFdNF). complexes.26,28In both compounds the group ReNX is nearly linear with bond angles of 177.5' (X = F) and 176.7' (X = Cl), so that the molecular symmetry C4"is fairly well achieved. The fluorine atom in trans position forms a slightly longer Re-F bond than the equatorial F atoms. The difference amounts to 3.2 pm in ReF5(NF) and 5 pm in ReFs(NC1). In spite of the short Re-N bond of 172 pm the trans influence of the [NXI2ligand is only weakly developed, which is also expressed in the NReF,, bond angles being 94' in average.26128 The small trans influence is possibly connected with the short distances NF (126 pm) and NCl (156 pm), since in the imido complex of tungsten [WCl5(NC&15)1with analogous structure, the N-C distance of which corresponds to a normal single bond, a markedly larger trans influence is observed while the WN distance is 168.4 pm. The difference in the bond lengths WCltronsWCl,,, amounts to 10 ~ m . ~ 7

IV. Chemical Reactions A. Reactions with Lewis Acids The molecular complex ReNF4.ReF5(NC1), being formed by the reaction of ReNC14 with fluorine, can be interpreted as the reaction product of ReFb(NC1) with the Lewis acid ReNF4(eq 18). According to the crystal structure analysis31(Figure 6) the two components are


Figure 6. Structure of ReNF4.ReFS(NC1). linked together by a largely linear (bond angle ReFRe = 168') and strongly asymmetric fluoro bridge. Of the two Re-F bonds the shorter one (188pm) is located in trans position to the N-chloroimido group, whereas the longer bond (228 pm) is trans to the nitrido ligand. This example therefore supplies a direct possibility of comparingthe extent of the trans influence of the nitrido and imido ligand. It confirms the experience that the terminally bound nitrido ligand performs the strongest


Chemical Revlews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3

trans influence of all known ligand^.^^,^^ The structure of the ReF5(NC1) component in ReNFcReFdNCl) remains largely unchanged in comparison with ReF5(NC1).26+28 Only the ReN bond length is shortened from 172 to 164 pma31With that it has approximately the same length as the ReN bond of 169 pm in the imido complex [ (POCl3)ReCl4(NC2C15)1 .40 The ReNF4 unit in ReNF4-ReF5(NC1)forms a square pyramid with the Re atom being shifted from the basic plane in direction of the nitrido ligand.31 The short ReN distance of 159 pm corresponds to a triple bond as it was also found with 158 pm in ReNC14.30 A second example of a reaction of a Lewis acid with a N-halogenoimido complex investigated in detail is the reaction of VCldNCl) with antimony pentachloride41 (eq 19). The compound crystallizes upon cooling VCl,(NCl)

+ 2SbC1,


VC13(NC1)*(SbC1,), (19)

of the deep red, saturated solution in antimony pentachloride to form orange, extremely moisture-sensitive crystals being stable only up to 30 OC. According to the crystal structure analysis,41the complex exhibits a molecular structure in which the VC13(NC1) molecule is connected with two SbC15 molecules via asymmetric chloro bridges VClzSb (Figure 7). In that way both - . -..

-. I-

Dehnlcke and Strahle

by an attack of Lewis bases. This applies for the complexes of vanadium, molybdenum, and tungsten, whereas the monomeric compounds of rhenium, ReFdNX), do not exhibit Lewis acidic properties because of the coordination number six at the rhenium atom. Thus VC&(NCl), which is dimerized by chlorine bridges, reacts with tetraphenylarsonium chloride in dichloromethane under formation of the [VC14(NC1)]ion with tetragonal symmetry C4"(eq 20).42According


VCl,(NCl) + AsPh4C1



to the IR spectrum and to a comparison of its X-ray powder diagram with that of AsPh4[VCl401,whose crystal structure was determined using single crystals, the complex crystallizes in the space group P4/n with the [NC112-ligand in apical position.42 The N-halogenoimido complexes of vanadium react with sodium fluoride in acetonitrile as solvent in the presence of 15-crown-5 to yield anionic monofluoro complexes, which according to the IR spectra form ion pairs (eq 21).43 In these complexes the vanadium atom



VCl,(NX) + NaF + 15-crown-5 [Na(l5-crown-5)1[VCl,F(NX)(MeCN)] (21) (X = C1, Br, I) exhibits a distorted octahedral coordination: X


Figure 7. Structure of C ~ ~ V ( N C ~ ) ( S ~ C ~ & X

metal atoms achieve the coordination number six in the form of distorted octahedra. The VNCl group does not undergo a noticable change by this complexation. Because of the bridging function of the chlorine atoms C1(2,3,9,10)the V-C1 bonds are markedly weakened in comparison with free VCla(NC1). The distance V-Cl(9) of 259.7 pm is particularly large; therefore, one can speak of a (5 1)coordination for the vanadium atom. The reason for this is on the one hand the trans position to the V=NC1 group and on the other hand the bridging function of the chlorine atom Cl(9). The vanadium atom itself in VC13(NCl) achieves a comparable coordination by intermolecular interactions in the lattice (Figure 3). To a large extent it obviously does not make any difference to the vanadium atom if its coordination is completed by neighboring SbC15or VC13(NC1)molecules. The SbC4 octahedra are also distorted because of the formation of the chlorine bridges, whereby the Sb atoms tend to form as large distances to the vanadium atom as possible.

A distorted octahedral coordination of the vanadium atom is also observed in the crystallographically characterized bipyridine complex [VCb(NCl)(bipy)l4I(Figure 8). The N atoms of the bipyridyl ligand occupy one


B. Reactions with Lewis Bases

Reactions of the N-halogenoimido complexes with Lewis bases can only be expected €or compounds with metal atoms that have achieved a complete coordination by association via halogen bridges, which can be cleaved


Figure 8. Structure of ClsV(NCl)(bipy).

position trans and one cis to the [NCl12- ligand, the V-N bond in trans arrangement with 218.5 pm being slightly longer than the one in cis position with 213.0 pm. The bond lengths and the bond angle of the VENC1 group are only marginally changed by the coordination with the bipyridine ligand.41 Only the V e N bond length is slightly elongated from 164.2 pm in VC13(NCl) to 168.8 pm in bipyridine complex. MoF4(NC1) which is associated by fluoro bridges dissolveseasily in acetonitrile, affording the acetonitrile

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NHalogenolmMo Complexes of Transition Metals A

- 2


ii AK





9 - L

Figure 9. Structure of [(MeCN)MoF4(NC1)1.

adduct [(MeCN)MoF4(NCl)], which forms yellow, moisture-sensitive crystals.21 The compound forms monomeric molecules, in which the molybdenum atom is surrounded in a distorted octahedral arrangement by four fluoro ligands, the N atom of the chloroimido group, and, in trans position to it, the N atom of an acetonitrile molecule (Figure 9). Two slightly different, independent molecules with the symmetry C, are situated in the unit cell. Not considering the H atoms, the symmetry ClU is almost fulfilled. The differences between the two molecules are especially revealed in the bond lengths MoN(acetonitrile) of 238 and 222 pm and in the bond angles Mo-N-C (167', 178') of this group. The long Mo-N distance is correlated with the smaller bond angle (molecule I). Presumably this is a consequence of the packing of the molecules, which does not allow the acetonitrile molecule of molecule I the ideal coordination in a linear arrangement Mo--NI=C-Me; thus the Mo-N distance is also elongated. In contrast the Mo-N(acetonitri1e) distance of 222 pm in molecule I1 corresponds to the length of a normal donor acceptor bond as it is also observed in the ion [MoBr5(MeCN)](223 The MoNCl group is linear in both individuals (176' and 178'). The MoN distance of 172 pm is slightly longer than in nitrido complexes with terminal nitrido ligands MFN: (-165 pm38,39).It corresponds, however, approximately to the MoN bond lengths in N-organoimido complexes of mo1ybdenum.l According to Pauling, a distance of 170 pm can be assumed for a MoN triple bond,34 while Bart and Ragaix~i~~ discuss a bond order of 2.5 for this distance. The N-C1 bond length in [(MeCN)MoF,(NCl)] of 159 and 162 pm, respectively, corresponds to the expectation. The high electron density of the M e N bond causes a considerable steric effect, which manifests itself in large bond angles NMoF with an average value of 98'; as a consequence the fluorine atoms can not form a common plane with the molybdenum atom. The Mo-F distances are in the range of 186 to 190 pm; thus being somewhat longer than in MoFs (177-186 pm49. In the presence of 15-crown-5 also sodium fluoride can be added to MoF4(NCl), forming the yellow ion pair [Na(l5-crown-5)1[MoF5(NC1)],which is readily soluble in a~etonitrile.~'A F/C1 exchange at the

Figure 10. Structureof the ion pair [Na(lS-crown-5)1 [MoFb(NCb1.

249.6 pm to one of the equatorial fluorine atoms so that together with the five Na-0 bonds to the crown ether molecule a (6 + 1)coordination results for the Na ion. In the anion [MoF5(NC1)1- the molybdenum atom exhibits a distorted octahedral coordination by five fluoro ligands and the [NC1l2-group,which corresponds approximately to the symmetry C4". The distances MoN = 172.9 pm and NC1 = 161.8 pm as well as the bond angle MoNCl = 175.8' are analogous to the corresponding values in [(MeCN)MoF5(NCl)]. The bond angles N=MoF,,, on average, amount to 95.6'; thus they are slightly smaller than in the acetonitrile adduct. The fluorine atom arranged in trans position to the Mo=NC1 group forms a Mo-F bond which is 7.7 pm longer than that of the equatorial F atoms, but it is also effected by the bond weakening bridging function to the sodium atom. The corresponding tungsten compound [Na( 15crown-5)][WF5(NC1)]49crystallizes isotypicallywith the molybdenum compound. This tungsten complex can be obtained in the same way as [K(18-crown6)] [WF5(NC1)150by the reaction of excess alkali metal fluoride in the presence of the crown ether in acetonitrile solution (eq 23). The ion pair [Na(l5-crown-5)] [WFB-


[(MeCN)WCl,(NCl)] + 5NaF + 15-crown-5 [Na(15-crown-5)l[WF5(NC1)1 + 4NaC1+ MeCN (23) (NCl)] exhibits a structure, which is completely analogous to that of the corresponding molybdenum compound; the structural parameters of the W=NC1 group are WN = 173.3pm, N-C1= 162.2pm, WNCl = 176.1°.49 [K(l8-crown-6)] [WF,(NCl)], too, has the structure of an ion pair (Figure ll).,O It is formed by two K-F


NaF + 15-crown-5 + MoF4(NC1) [Na(lbcrown-5)1[MoF5(NC1)1 (22) chlorimido group does not occur, even with an excess of sodium fluoride. The ion pair is formed by two Na-F interactions (Figure 10). A very short Na-F contact of 228.3 pm exists with the fluorine atom F(4) of the [MoF,(NCl)I-, which is in trans position to the NC1 group. This contact is even slightly shorter than the Na-F distance in sodium fluoride (230.7 pma). There is another, however, markedly weaker Na-F contact of


Figure 11. Structure of the ion pair [K(18-crown-6)l[WF5(NC1)I.

contacts of 272.4 and 288.6 pm; the shorter of the two contacts corresponds approximately to the K-F distance in potassium fluoride (266.4 pm49. The bond angle WNCl of 170.7' is slightly smaller than in the two ion

Dehnicke and Strhhle

088 Chemical Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3

pairs described above; the distances WN and NC1, however, are comparable. The educt [(MeCN)WC14(NC1)]taken as a basis for eq 23 has a molecular structure analogous to that of [(MeCN)MoF4(NC1)1.22 The molecule possesses a mirror plane along the axis ClNWNCC (symmetry Cs), the deviation from the symmetry Clu(without H atoms) is, however, only small, because of the large bond angle WNCl of 175.5O. The bond lengths WN = 172 and NC1 = 161 pm are in accord with the expectation. The triorganophosphine oxides OPR3 (R = Me, Ph), too, form stable 1:l adducts with WCldNCl), which have been characterized cry~tallographically.~~ While the bond lengths WN and NC1 are almost equal in both complexes and show no deviations from the values of the tungsten complexes hitherto described, the WNCl bond angle in [W(NCl)C14(0PMe3)] of 167.0' is noticeably small.24 The reason for this is possibly based on the strongly asymmetric coordination of the OPMe3 molecule, which is expressed by the small WOP angle of 151.2O (Figure 12). In contrast the WNCl bond angle

c. 3

l i

Figure 13. Structure of the anionic complex [WC15(NCl)]-.

WCL, amount to 233 pm on average. The perceptibly electropositive character of the N-bound chlorine atom in the chlorimido complexesis expressed by the reaction of [WCl,(NCl)]- ions with an additional chloride ion, which according to the crystal structure analysis links the two C1 atoms of the two WNCl groups in a linear coordination (Figure 14L5l The bonding properties can






b Figure 14. Structure of t h e dinuclear complex [Cl5W(NC1)...C1.-(C1N)WCl613with a bridging C13 unit.




Figure 12. Structure of [WC14(NC1)(OPMe3)l.

of 174.0' (average of two crystallographically independent molecules) in the triphenylphosphine oxide derivative [W(NCl)C&(OPPh3)]isnormal, but at the same time the WOP bond angle of 163.5O on average is also markedly larger than that in the trimethylphosphine oxide compound.24 By using chlorides of bulky cations like PPh4+ or PMePh3+, [WCb(NC1)12can be transformed into the anionic pentachloro N-chloroimido complexes upon cleavage of the chloro bridges in dichloromethane (eq 24).51 The complex can also be obtained from the


[WCl4(NC1)I2+ 2PMePh3C1 2PMePh3[WC1,(NC1)l (24) adduct [ (MeCN)WCl,(NCl)] by substitution of acet ~ n i t r i l e .According ~~ to the crystal structure analysis, [(MeCN)WCl,(NCl)] + PMePh3C1PMePh3[WC1,(NC1)l + MeCN (25) the symmetry ClU is almost fulfilled for the anion [WCb(NCl)]- (Figure 13b51 The negative charge only slightly influences the WNCl group in comparison with the molecular complex [(MeCN)WCL(NCl)I. The distances WN and NC1 are even somewhat shortened (169 and 160 pm) so that the influence of the bond weakening charge is concentrated on the WC1 bonds. The trans influence of the [NC1I2- group becomes noticeable by the long WC1 distance of 239 pm of the chlorine atom in trans position, while the distances


2[(MeCN)WCl4(NC1)1+ 3PPh4C1 (PPh4)3([WC15(NC1)12Cl) + 2MeCN (26) be described in a formal way as follows: [C15W = N = a *


a=N= I [ClEWE



- - N-CllC&-C_1-"EWCl5l3I1

The Cl.~~Cl-Cl distances amount to 288 and 278 pm. Thus they are noticeably shorter than the van der Waals distance of 350 pm according to B ~ n d (sperical i ~ ~ C1 atoms) or than the sum of the ionic radius of Cl-53and the van der Waals radius, which amounts to 339 pm according to Nyburg and Faerman" (flattened C1atom). The association can be interpreted as mainly electrostatic in the sense of formula I; it clearly shows the electrophilic character of the chlorine atom of the WNCl group. Covalent bonds in the sense of formula 11, which shows an analogy to the Cl3- ion, can, however, to a certain extent, also be assumed. In the C13- ion of AsPh4C13 two bonds of different lengths are also observed (223 and 231 which, however, are markedly shorter than in our case. The Cl.-Cl contacts of different lengths correspond to differently long W-Cl distances of the chlorine atoms being in trans position to the WNCl groups: the shorter contact Cl(l)-*C1(23) is related to the longer bond W(2)-C1(21) of 252 pm, while the longer contact Cl(l)-C1(13) corresponds to the shorter bond W(l)-Cl(ll) of 241 pm. The [WC&(NCl)]building units, however, differ only slightly from the anion in PPh3Me[WCl,(NCl)I. (PPh4)3( [WCld NC1)12Cljcrystallizes upon inclusion of one molecule of CCl4 and four molecules of MeCN per formula unit. The ([WCI~(NC~)]ZC~)~ions and the included CC14molecules alternate along the 4-fold axis

KHalogenOlmldo Complexes of Transition Metals

Chemical Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3 Q80

of the space group P4/n. The tetrahedral structure of the CCl, molecule is, however, not consistent with the 4-fold rotational symmetry, therefore the C C 4molecule is disordered. The PPh4+ ions are stacked along the axes. This is an arrangement which, along with the space group P4/n, is frequently observed with tetraphenylphosphonium salts, always exhibiting the lattice parameter c in the stacking direction of about 780 pm.56 Since the ion ([WC15(NC1)12Cl~3-islonger than the stacking height of two PPh+ ions three PPh+ ions per anion are necessary along the direction of c in order do retain at the same time the electroneutrality. The lattice constant c therefore is tripled in comparison with other tetraphenylphosphonium salts (3 X 780 pm = 2340 pm). In addition it is elongated to 2720 pm by the inclusion of MeCN molecules. The insertion of MeCN molecules in the cation stack and of CCl4 molecules between the anions serves for a compensation of the different lengths of the (PPh+)3stacks and the ([Cl5W(NCl)l~Clj~-ions.


C. Substitution Reactions at the N Atom Substitution reactions at the N atom of halogenoimido compounds have so far only been successful with silylated thio and seleno compounds. In one case the reaction with a silylated phosphido compound was also possible (eq 27h5' [ (MeCN)WCl,(NCl)I

+ Ph,PSiMe,






+ ClSiMe,


The silylated thio and seleno ethers Me3SiSR (R = Me, Ph) and MesSiSeMe react with WCl,(NCl) in acetonitrile solution at -40 "C under separation of trimethylchlorosilane and formation of a N-S or N-Se bond (eq 2 8 ) . 3 ~ The ~ ~ resulting (organothi0)- and


[(MeCN)WCl,(NCl)] + Me,SiER [(MeCN)WCl,(NER)] + ClSiMe, (28) (E = S, Se; R = Me, Ph) (organose1eno)nitrene complexes, respectively, form monomeric red complexes,which are moisture-sensitive and easily soluble in organic solvents. The crystal structure of [(MeCN)WCb(NSMe)l is known (Figure The 176' WNS axis of the (methylthiohitrene L..

t L 4

ct 2

Figure 16. Structure of [WC15(NSeMe)l-.

can therefore be formulated according to the following formula: W=



0 N = SI 0

The structural and bonding situation is very similar to that in (ch1orothio)nitrene complexes. In the structure of [WC14(NSC1)]2,for example, bond lengths of WN = 176 pm and NS = 158 pm, and a bond angle of 104' at the S atom are observed.6o The bond distance W-N of 229 pm to the acetonitrile ligand is virtually of the same length as in [ (MeCN)WCb(NCl)](228 pm),,, therefore in both complexes an equally strong trans influence exists. In an analogous way as in eq 28 the anionic N-chloroimido complex of tungsten can be substituted at the N atom with Me3SiSeMe.3 This reaction proceeds quantitatively at room temperature in dichloromethane solution (eq 29):


PPh,Me[WCl,(NCl)I + Me,SiSeMe PPh,Me[WCl,(NSeMe)l + ClSiMe, (29) In the structure isolated anions [WC15(NSeMe)l- are present (Figure 16), in which the WN distance of 172 pm (average of the two symmetry independent units) corresponds approximately to the WN distance in the ion [WC15(NCl)]- (169 ~ m ) . ~ The l Se-N bond length of 180.6 pm is a little shorter than the expected value of a single bond (186 pm), even though it is longer than that of a SeN double bond (164 pm49. Since the bond angle WNSe is 173.7' just as it is in the comparable thio compound and the bond angle at the Se atom is only 98.3', the bonding properties can be described according to formula shown above. Interestingly the (chlorose1eno)nitrene complex included in the anion of PPh,Me[WC15(NSeCl)] does not form isolated units, the [WC15(NSeC1)1- ions are associated via chloro bridges to build up chains according to the following formulaP


r .

S ii


i! 2

Figure 15. Structure of [(MeCN)WC14(NSMe)l.

group [NSMeP is almost linear, the WN bond length of 174 pm is only slightly longer than those in the N-chloroimido complexes of tungsten. The bond angle at the S atom amounts only to 102', so that in agreement with the Gillespie-Nyholm two lone pairs at the S atom can be assumed. The bonding properties




These chloro bridges can be degraded with an additional chloride anion forming isolated anions [WC15(NSeCUI 2-:62


[WCl,(NSeCl)]- + C1- [WCl5(NSeC1,)I2- (30) The crystal structure analysis of the PPh+salt (Figure 17) shows an almost linear WNSe axis (bond angle 175')

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990 Chemlcal Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3

which are related to the N-chloroimido complexes, if excess chloride is s ~ p p l i e d . ~ ~ , ~ ' [WCl,(NSCl)I,

+ 2C1-


[Cl5W(NSN)WCl5I2-+ SC1, (35)

c1[WCl,(NSBr)I, + 2C1IC1,W(NSN)WCl5I2-+ '/,S,Br,

@ Figure 17. Structure of [WCl5(NSeCldI2-.

for the anion with bond distances WN of 176 pm and SeN of 174 pm, which correspond approximately to double bonds. The selenium atom exhibits a +trigonal bipyramidal surrounding with the two lone pairs and the N atom in equatorial positions, and the chlorine atoms are in axialarrangements.62 The WNSeC12 group can therefore be described according to the following formula:

+ '/,Br,


Presumably the reaction proceeds via a primary nucleophilic attack of chloride at the S atom of the first-formed chlorothionitrene complex [C15W(NSC1)1leading to the separation of SClz whereafter the liberated nitrido complex [Cl5WNI2-can react with further [C&W(NSC1)l- forming the NSN bridge.@







-sc11 [Cl5W(NSC1,)l2[C1,W(NSN)WC15]2- (37)


The methyl compound [C15W(NSeMe)]-in contrast is not able to add a chloride at the selenium atom. It should be noted that the (chlorose1eno)nitrene complexes of molybdenum and tungsten can be obtained6lv64365by the reaction of molybdenum pentachloride or tungsten hexachloride with the long known but very explosive Se4N4,or even better with Se4N2.63With 2[MoC151,

+ Se,N,


In the case of the seleno compound the primary product of eq 37 could be established by isolation of (PPh4)2[C1~W(NSeC12)1, being stable in this case (see eq 30). While the anion in ( A S P ~ ~ ) ~ [ C ~ ~ W ( N S Nis) W C ~ ~ I disordered and therefore its structure could be determined only relatively inaccurately," the structure of (PPh&[C15W(NSN) WC151CH2C12could be ascertained without problems (Figure 18).67The two tungsten



+ Se,N,



+ Se,N,






2[C14W(NSeC1)1,+ 2C1,


+ Se,Cl,



the bis(trimethylsily1)chalkogenides E(SiMe3)z(E = S, Se) the N-chloroimido complex of tungsten can be reacted in acetonitrile at room temperature to the p-dinitridosulfato or p-dinitridoselenato complexes, in which the formal building unit [NENIP is present.58 2[(MeCN)WC14(NC1)1+ E(SiMe3),


[(MeCN)Cl,W(NEN)WCl,(NCMe)l (E = S, Se)

2C1SiMe3 (34)

With tetraphenylphosphonium or -arsonium chloride, the dianions [Cl5W(NEN)WC1~l2can be synthesized, the representatives of which with E = S are also obtainable from the (halogenothiobitrene complexes,

Figure 18. Structure of [C15W(NSN)WC1J2-with a bridging [NSNIP group.

atoms are connected by a folded NSN bridge with the skeletal atoms WNSNW lying nearly in one plane. The WN and SN distances approximately correspond to double bonds, while the bond angle of 104.0' at the S atom indicates the stereochemical influence of two lone pairs, which is in agreement with the assumption of a [NSNIP ligand; see Scheme II.'j7 On the other hand for the [ N S N P ion, being isolable as dipotassium salt,68a NSN bond angle of -125' is estimated from the vibrational frequen~ies,~' while from MO calculations a bond angle of 1 1 8 O is expected.69 A reaction for which primarily the substitution at the N atom of C13VNCl has to be assumed is present in the synthesis of ReNC13from ReCl5,which proceeds

Scheme I1










NHelogenolmido Complexes of Transttlon Metals

Chemlcal Reviews, 1993, Vol. 93, No. 3 991

in tetrachloromethane saturated with chlorinee70 In ReC1,

+ (ClN)VCl,



+ VCl, + C1,


this reaction, upon separation of chlorine, the substitutional product C14Re-N=VCl3 is formed first. Because of the more favorable ?r-overlap it is transformed by a n i n t e r n a l redox r e a c t i o n t o C14Re=N-VC13, which then, after a 1,3-shift of chlorine from rhenium to vanadium leads to the separation of vc14:70

Figure 19. Structure of [WC4(N3)(NCl)]-.


formation of the corresponding azido derivatives:73



C14ReV~N-V'VC1, Re(N)Cl, + VCl, (39) A N-chloroimido compound is a factor, too, as an intermediate product in the synthesis of (nitride)(phthalocyaninato)manganese(V); here the ammine complex is chlorinated to form the NC1 compound first, and the nitrido complex is produced afterward upon separation of ch10rine:~l



[NMnV(pc)l (40)


(H,pc = phthalocyanine) D. Substitution Reactions at the Metal Atom Substitution reactions at the metal atom of N-halogenoimido complexes have so far been studied only to a small extent. These also include the fluoridation of [Cl4W(NC1)12 with NaF and KF in the presence of crown ethers (reaction 23), which represents a combination of an acid/base and a substitution reaction. The N-halogeno function is not always preserved by attempts to exchange the halogeno ligands at the metal atom. Thus the bromidation reactions with boron tribromide or trimethylbromosilane lead to the nitridobromides VNBr372and WNBr358when solvents are not used:

3VC13(NC1)+ 4BBr,


3V(N)Br, + 4BC1, + 1.5Br2 (41)


[WCl4(NC1)I2+ lOBrSiMe, 2W(N)Br, + lOClSiMe,

+ 2Br,


[WCl4(NC1)I2reacts also with tris(trimethylsily1)amine in acetonitrile solution to form the nitrido derivative?


3[WC14(NC1)(MeCN)]+ N(SiMe,), 3[WNCl,(NCMe)I + 0.5N2 + 1.5c1, + 3C1SiMe3 (43) The resulting nitrido complex exhibits the tetrameric structure, being typical for the solvates of the nitridechlorides M(N)ClrL (M = Mo, W, Re)38339with alternating long MN bonds in the MEN-M bridge and with the solvate molecule in the position trans to the short MN bond.58 The reactions of [WC14(NC1)(NCMe)lor [WCls(NC1)I-with trimethylsilyl azide in contrast-however with stoichiometric direction of the reaction-proceed easily upon Cl/N3 exchange of one chlorine atom and



[WCl,(NCl)]- + Me,SiN, [WCI,(N,)(NCl)]- + ClSiMe, (44) As the (triphenylmethy1)phosphonium salt the complex could be isolated as red, nonexplosive crystals. According to the crystal structure analysis73the azido group occupies a position cis to the WNCl group (Figure 19). Presumably because of ita influence the WN bond of the N-chloronitreno group with 174 pm is longer by 5 pm than in PPh3Me[WC15(NC1)l,51whereas the 204pm W-N distance of the azido group, which is oriented in the direction of the free space between the two neighboring chlorine atoms, corresponds approximately to a single bond. V. Vlbratlonal Spectra

The expected spectrum of the characteristicfragment M=N-X of N-halogenoimido complexes depends on the bond angle at the N atom. With the ideal linear arrangement it possesses the local symmetry C,", with smaller angles the symmetry C,. According to the selection rules74the following correlation results: type



z z






A' A' A" A'

In each case all fundamental vibrations are active in the IR and Raman spectra.74 Since the bond angles of most of the N-halogenoimido complexes exhibit only small deviations from the linear arrangement M=N-X the splitting of the 11-vibration into the type modes A' and A'' is in general not observed. Because of the large bond angles a strong coupling of the two stretching vibrations has to be expected.74 v,,(MNX) mainly has the character of a MN vibration; v,(MNX) on the other hand has mainly that of a NX vibration. The larger the mass of the halogen atom X, the longer the wavelength of v(NX) is to be expected, and the smaller its coupling influence on v(MN). This can clearly be shown with the examples of the VNX stretching vibrations of Cl,V==N-X with X = C1, Br, I (values in cm-l): ON) 4NX)




1107 510

1032 435

963 390

The influence of the coupling can also be recognized indirectly, since e.g. the WN stretching vibration of [WCl4(NC1)I2is observed at 1207 cm-l (see Table 11),

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992 Chemlcal Revlews, 1993,Vol. 93,No. 3

Table 11. IR Spectra of N-Halogenoimido Complexesa complex u(MN) u(NX) G(MNX) ref(s) 1107 510 375,238 5 VCl3(NC1) 285 6 1032 435 VC13(NBr) 265 6 963 390 VCl3(NI) 41 VC13(NCl)(SbClj)z 1108 498 41 VCl3(NCl)(bipy) 1110 498 320 42 AsPh4[VC14(NCl)I 1114 520 21 1175 495 MoF4(NCl) 21 [MoF4(NCl)(MeCN)I 1165 550 420 17 1145 638 MoCla(NC1) 22 1207 531 WC14(NCl) 22 [WCl.dNCl)(MeCN)] 1203 51 PPhaMe[WC15(NC1)1 1165 51 (PPh&( [WCldNCl)IzC1) 1142 1200 [Na(l5-crown-5)1[WF~(NC1)1 [K(18-crown-6)1[WF~(NCl)]1192 1205 ReFdNCl) ReNFdeReFs(NC1) 1221 1215 OsFj(NC1) 0 Values in cm-1.

520 532 475 495(?)

49 50 26,28 31 32

Table IV. Partial Charges at the Atoms of N-Halogenoimido Complexed' complex s(M) q(N) q(CU 1.10 +0.14 -0.37 VCl3(NF) 1.19 -0.38 -0.37 VC13(NCl) VC&(NBr) 1.19 -0.52 -0.36 1.21 -0.60 -0.39 VCls(N1) 1.54 -0.45 -0.36 MoCld(NC1) 1.59 -0.37 -0.56 [MoCl,(N)IWCl,(NH) 1.90 -0.17 -0.40 WC&(NF) 2.06 -0.32 -0.40 1.91 -0.66 -0.39 WCld(NC1) WC14(NBr) 1.92 -0.80 -0.39 1.92 -0.88 -0.41 WC14(NI) 2.05 -0.79 -0.57 [WCI,(N)I-

Q(X) -0.14 +0.31 +0.40 +Oh6 +0.36

+0.47 -0.14 +0.32 +0.43


while it appears at 1036 cm-l 38 in the nitrido complex [WC14(N)]-with a terminal WEN: group. The comparison between the corresponding stretching vibrations of [MoC14(NC1)]-(1145cm-l) and [MoCl,(N)]- (1054 cm-')3* has a similar result. The characteristic vibrations of N-halogenoimido complexes are summarized in Table 11. VI. Ab Initio Calculaflons

Preliminary ab initio calculations have been carried out for the fictitious monomeric N-halogenoimido complexes VC13(NX), WCl,(NX), and MoC14(NC1).75 The monomeric gas-phase structure is known only for VC13(NX)with X = C1. The results of the optimization of the geometries76are presented in Table 111. For the Table 111. Calculated Geometries75 of N-Halogenoimido Complexesa complex M-N N-X M-Cl M-N-X N-M-C1 E,,,,,, 106.3 -268.093767 VCl,(NF) 156.1 129.1 213.2 179.1 106.3 -183.948480 VCll(NC1) 156.2 162.0 213.6 179.2 VCII(NBr) 155.9 181.8 213.2 179.1 106.6 -181.673673 106.2 -180.418980 VCl,(NI) 154.7 197.7 214.3 179.3 WCld(NH) WCld(NF) WCld(NC1) WC14(NBr) WCld(N1) [WCl,(N)I

166.0 166.0 167.0 167.0 166.4 161.6

100.0 129.7 162.1 181.5 197.6

230.4 230.0 230.3 230.1 230.8 237.8

MoCld(NC1) 165.1 161.2 231.0 [MoCl,(N)I- 157.7 239.2

180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0


103.5 103.0 103.1 103.7 103.0 102.4

-181.139214 -279.356309 -195.219604 -192.951331 -191.694943 -180.689639

102.3 101.4

-194.852044 -180.356957

Distances in pm; bond angles in deg; energies in atomic units (Hartrees).

Figure 20. Laplacian distribution of the electron density in intersecting planes C1-VrN-X in the molecules VCl3(NF) (above) and VCl,(NCl) (below).

vanadium complexes C Bsymmetry ~ is approximately obtained, and for those of molybdenum and tungsten ClUsymmetry. The calculated bond lengths MN and NX are in good agreement with the results of crystal structure analyses of comparable complexes (see Table I, section 111). The calculations for the hypothetical WC14(NH)fit well into the general trend. In comparison with the nitrido complexes [MCl,(N)]- (M = Mo, W) of the same ~ y m m e t r y , 3the ~ , ~MN ~ distances in the N-halogenoimido complexes are somewhat longer. This agrees quite well with the experiment.

In the case of the vanadium complexesthe calculation of the charge di~tribution'~ (Table IV) indicates negative amounts of the partial charge for the N atom if X = C1, Br, I; a positive charge, however, if X = F. In the case of the tungsten complexes the imido nitrogen atoms actually always have a negative partial charge, the amount for WC14(NF),however, is much smaller. A corresponding picture results for the halogen atoms of the M=N-X groups, which have a negative sign for X = F only. In the sequence I Br C1 the amount of the positive partial charge decreases. The amount



NHalogenoimMoComplexes of TransRlon Metals

of q(C1) = +0.32 for WCl,(NCl) is sufficient to fix a chloride ion between two WEN-Cl groups, as the exampleof the f[WC14(NC1)]2ClJ~ionshows (see section 111, Figure 14). Changing from V=N6+-F6- to V=N*--C16+ a reversion of the partial charge results. This is supported by the analysis of the Laplacian distribution of the electron density.'* In Figure 20 intersections of the electron density distributions of t h e planes C1-VEN-X (X = F, C1) in the molecules VC13(NF) and VC13(NCl) are represented. For the N-C1 bond a covalent bond results, while for the N-F compound a polar, weak covalent bond situation is found by investigating the electron density of the N-F bond.

VII. Future Dlrecflons N-Halogenoimido complexes are only known for a few transition metals. With the development of additional synthetic routes more examples also of other metals will presumably be obtained. In addition-as the N-halogenoimido complexes comprise a high synthetic potential-interesting new transition metal nitrogen compounds can be synthesized; they may be useful for the synthesis of organic compounds e.g. as catalysts or specific oxidizing agents. Further development on the field of N-halogenoimido complexes therefore seems to be worthwhile. Acknowledgements We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaftand the Verband der Chemischen Industrie for generous support of our work. Thanks are also due to our coworkers for their enthusiastic and invaluable cooperation. We thank Mrs. U. Siepe for checking the manuscript, Mrs. E. Niquet for preparing the SCHAKAL79diagrams, and Dr. A. Neuhaus for reporting the results of the ab initio calculations.

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