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Chemical Carcinogenesis Program, Frederick Cancer Research Center,. Frederick, MD 21701. N-Nitrosamines ... Dutton and Heath (J) reported that [^CJ-DM...
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Activation o f N i t r o s a m i n e s t o Biological

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Alkylating A g e n t s C. J. MICHEJDA, M. B. KROEGER-KOEPKE, S. R. KOEPKE, and D. H. SIEH Chemical Carcinogenesis Program, Frederick Cancer Research Center, Frederick,MD21701 N-Nitrosamines require metabolic activation to generate the reactive species which result in tumor induction. The most commonly accepted hypothesis for this activation is the α-hydroxylation hypothe­ sis. Nitrosamines which have hydrogens on the alpha carbons are hydroxylated in that position by a mixed function oxygenase. The resultant α-hydroxyalkyl nitrosamine breaks down to an alkyldiazonium ion and the corresponding carbonyl compound. The diazonium ion alkylates a variety of nucleophiles and releases molecular nitrogen. The determination of the amount of molecular nitrogen provides a measure of the extent of α-hydroxylation. This con­ cept was applied to the in vitro metabolism of doubly [ N]-labeled dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) and N-nitrosomethylaniline (NMA) by uninduced rat liver S-9 (the postmitochondrial fraction). The amount of total metabolism was determined by the measurement of nitrosamine loss. It was found that measurement of formaldehyde formation gave an artificially low value of nitrosamine metabolism. The in vitro re­ sults indicated that about34%of the DMN metabolism proceeded by a α-hydroxylation, while only 19% of the theoretical nitrogen was released by NMA. A similar experiment in vivo, using [ N]-labeled DMN showed that about 66% of the metabolism proceeded by αhydroxylation. Alternative pathways of activation of nitros­ amines, including β-hydroxylation followed by sul­ fate conjugation and the formation of alkoxydiazenium ions are discussed. The formation of alkyldiazonium ions from trialkyltriazenes is presented to show that the formation of the putative ultimate carcino­ gens from nitrosamines can be studied in a system not requiring metabolic activation. 15


0097-6156/81/0174-0003$05.00/0 © 1981 American Chemical Society Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.



In 1956 Magee and Barnes (1) reported that dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) was a potent carcinogen i n rats* This discovery i n i t i a t e d a mighty outburst of research a c t i v i t y . There are now thousands of papers dealing with the chemistry, metabolism, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, and carcinogenicity of n i t r o s ­ amines and other N-nitroso compounds. There are several rea­ sons for this continuing interest. Practically a l l n i t r o s ­ amines are carcinogenic, making them the largest single chemi­ c a l group which has that property. In fact, non-carcinogens among them may provide important clues to what makes n i t r o s ­ amines carcinogenic. Nitrosamines are remarkably site speci­ f i c ; essentially a l l the organs are effected by one or another nitrosamine (JJ). This makes nitrosamines excellent tools for the study of mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis. Perhaps most importantly, nitrosamines can be and are formed i n the human environment. The reason for this i s that the two precur­ sors to nitrosamines, n i t r i t e and amines, are ubiquitous com­ ponents of the environmental mix. Moreover, nitrosamines can be formed i n the stomach by ingesting the precursor amines and n i t r i t e . Several chapters i n this volume concern themselves with environmental and dietary aspects of nitrosamines. The f i r s t ten years of nitrosamine research, particularly with respect to carcinogenesis, were summarized i n an admirable review by Magee and Barnes (^3). Since that time an enormous amount of work has been carried out on those substances. Some of this work up to 1974 was reviewed by Magee, Montesano and Preussmann (j4). Recently, Lai and Arcos (5) provided a useful synopsis of contemporary work on the bioactivation of some selected dialkylnitrosamines. Nitrosamines, i n common with many other organic carcino­ gens, have to be metabolized before their carcinogenic potential can be expressed. Thus, Magee (£) i n 1956 showed that dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) was cleared rapidly from the bodies of rats, mice, and rabbits, with very l i t t l e being excreted i n the urine or the feces. Dutton and Heath (J) reported that [^CJ-DMN was metabolized i n rats and mice, with a major portion of l^C appearing i n expired carbon dioxide, with the rest of the radio­ a c t i v i t y being evenly distributed i n the tissues. Only about 7% of the radioactivity was found i n the urine. These workers also postulated that the metabolism proceeded by a demethylation reaction and concluded that the lesions produced by DMN were the result of the interaction of metabolites of DMN with c e l l u ­ l a r components, rather than with the intact DMN. Since the l i v e r was the principal target of DMN, Magee and Vandekar (J£) used l i v e r slices and subcellular fractions to study the i n v i t r o metabolism of DMN. They found that the metabolizing a c t i v ­ i t y was localized i n the microsomes and i n the cytosol and that i t required molecular oxygen and the presence of NADPH. The formation of formaldehyde from DMN was demonstrated by Brouwers and Emmelot (Jj)). The principal enzyme system responsible for

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.







DMN oxidative demethylation has been shown to be a l i v e r mi­ crosome cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase (10)» Lotlikar et al» (11) found that a reconstituted enzyme system, consisting of cytochrome P-450, NADPH-cytοchrome P-450 reductase and phosphatidyl choline was effective i n catalyzing the demethy­ l a t i o n of DMN. The most commonly accepted mechanism for the oxidative demethylation of DMN and, by extension, of other dialkylnitrosamines i s shown i n Scheme 1. Scheme 1 0



R - Ν - CHo-R 2



R - Ν - CH - R NO I

enzyme NADPH


t R - Ν = Ν - OH ^




R»( 'CHO


cellular * R - Nu + N nucleophiles

+ 2



The α-Hydroxylation Hypothesis The above scheme s a t i s f i e s much of the metabolic data; however, some of i t i s speculative, and i t i s certainly incom­ plete. The evidence for the formation of the α-hydroxylated intermediate i s circumstantial. The acetate ester of ahydroxylated dimethylnitrosamine has been prepared (12.13) and has been found to be a potent, d i r e c t l y acting carcinogen (14). Other esters of a variety of α-hydroxylated n i t r o s ­ amines have also been prepared (15). While i t has been shown that DMN acetate i s hydrolyzed to hydroxymethylmethylnitrosamine by an esterase enzyme, i t has been pointed out that these derivatives of the ot-hydroxylated nitrosamines also dissociate to N-nitrosoimmonium ions (ϋ, 16). Wiessler (15) suggested that the nitrosoimmonium ion could act as the electrophile which alkylates c e l l u l a r nucleo­ philes. OAc" π H C 3



CH 0Ac



H C. 3


CH [ Nu;^Nu-CH3 + Ν 2

ι N=0

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.




Gold and Linder (17) studied the esterase catalyzed hy­ drolysis of £-(-)-acetoxymethyl-(l-phenylethyl)nitrosamine. They found that the stereochemistry of 1-phenylethanol pro­ duced i n the reaction was the same as that observed i n the base catalyzed hydrolysis of the nitrosamine and also of N-(l-phenylethyl)nitrosocarbamate. These results indicated that the same diazotate was produced i n a l l three reactions. The fact that no irreversible i n h i b i t i o n of the enzymatic hydrolysis of the nitrosamine was observed, while extensive i r r e v e r s i b l e i n h i b i t i o n was obtained with the nitrosocarbamate, led these workers to conclude that the a-hydroxynitrosamine produced by the hydrolysis had s u f f i c i e n t s t a b i l i t y to diffuse away from the active s i t e of the enzyme. Recently, the preparation of the f i r s t authentic ahydroxylated nitrosamines has been reported (18,19). NButyl-N-hydroperoxymethylnitrosamine (20,21) was reduced with with sodium b i s u l f i t e or deoxygenated with triphenylphosphine. The resulting, rather unstable product, was converted to the α-acetoxy derivative with acetic anhydride and i t was shown to form formaldehyde and 1- and 2-butanol when allowed to decompose i n an aqueous medium. A l l of these results support the α-hydroxylation hypo­ thesis, but they do not prove i t . No α-hydroxy nitrosamine or a derivative of one has ever been isolated as a metabolite of any nitrosamine. Nevertheless, α-hydroxylation i s an attractive working hypothesis and i t seems to account for many observed facts, at least i n the case of the simplest nitrosamines. One of the salient features of Scheme 1 i s that the α-hydroxylated nitrosamines decompose non-enzymatic a l l y to the unstable monoalkylnitrosamine, which then under­ goes a prototropic s h i f t to the corresponding diazotic acid. This substance (or i t s dissociation product, the alkyldiazonium ion) i s the electrophile that alkylates c e l l u l a r nucleophiles. Many authors write the electrophile as the corres­ ponding carbenium ion. In most cases, this i s incorrect; carbenium ions such as methyl or ethyl are high energy molec­ ules and i t i s highly unlikely that they are formed i n an aqueous medium. Exceptions may exist for such stabilized ions as benzyl or Jt-butyl, but not for primary, unstabilized carbenium ions. In fact, i t was shown that the alkylation of hepatic DNA i n rats by di-ii-propylnitrosamine gave exclu­ sively 7-ii-propylguanine, rather than 7-isopropylguanine, which would have been predicted i f free carbenium ions were involved (22). The RNA from these l i v e r s , however, did show that about 5% of the 7-propylguanine was the isopropyl isomer. Whatever the true details of the metabolic pathway shown i n Scheme 1 might be, there are certain facts which are very secure. Among these are that the nitrosamines are oxidatively dealkylated, that e l e c t r o p h i l i c intermediates which alkylate proteins and nucleic acids are formed, and that one of the

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.






products of the dealkylation i s a carbonyl compound, formalde­ hyde i n the case of DMN, One consequence of Scheme 1 i s that α-hydroxylation o b l i g a t o r i l y results i n the formation of molecular nitrogen. The measurement of the released nitrogen, i n principle, allows an accurate determination of the extent of α-hydroxylation. Magee (21) was the f i r s t to indicate the p o s s i b i l i t y of use of [^Ν]-labeled n i t r o s ­ amines i n the measurement of the extent of α-hydroxylation. In this work, Holsman, Haliday and Magee measured the forma­ tion i n rats of 15N.15N gas. The animals were dosed with doubly [l^Nj-labeled dimethylnitrosamine, while being main­ tained i n a respiration chamber whose atmosphere was 50% oxygen and 50% sulfur hexafluoride. After 5 hrs, the rats were k i l l e d and the expired gas was put through a set of scrubbers and cold traps to remove 0 , C0 , SF$, and other condensibles. The residual gas, consisting largely of n i t r o ­ gen, was analyzed by mass spectrometry. They found that a major portion of the DMN was metabolized by the α-hydroxyla­ tion pathway, since up to 90% of the t o t a l applied dose was found i n the expired nitrogen. These results, however, were considered to be preliminary. C o t t r e l l ejt a l (24) studied the i n v i t r o metabolism of [* N]-labeled dimethylnitrosamine. They found that the 10,000g supernatant fraction (usually called the S-10 frac­ tion) of rat l i v e r homogenates produced labeled nitrogen at the rate of 5% of the t o t a l metabolism of the nitrosamine as measured by the production of formaldehyde and methanol. These workers concluded that α-hydroxylation was r e l a t i v e l y unimportant during i n v i t r o metabolism. In stark contrast to these results, M i l s t e i n and Guttenplan (25), using unlabe­ led dimethylnitrosamine, found that essentially 100% of the microsome-catalyzed metabolism of DMN proceeded by α-hydroxy­ l a t i o n · Against the backdrop of these seemingly contra­ dictory results, we have undertaken a systematic examination of both the i n vivo and i n v i t r o metabolism of -labeled nitrosamines. These experiments are being carried out i n collaboration with Dr. P.N. Magee of the Fels Institute. In the i n i t i a l experiments we chose to concentrate on doubly [15fl]-labeled dimethylnitrosamine and N-nitroso-N-methylanil i n e (NMA). The i n v i t r o experiments, using the S-9 fraction from l i v e r s of uninduced Fisher 344 rats, was complicated by the fact that i t became apparent that formaldehyde production was a poor measure of the extent of metabolism. The reason f o r that was that the S-9 fraction apparently catalyzed the o x i ­ dation of formaldehyde to formate. Consequently, determin­ ation of formaldehyde i n an S-9 catalyzed reaction consistent­ l y gave low values of nitrosamine metabolism. Many workers use semicarbazide to suppress formaldehyde loss. We found, however, that semicarbazide i s not a neutral bystander, 5




Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.




because i t i t s e l f acts as a substrate for the S-9 enzymes, giving molecular nitrogen as a product. The d i f f i c u l t i e s with semicarbazide as a formaldehyde protector i n S-9 cata­ lyzed reactions were also independently noted by SavenijeChapel and Noordhoek ( 2 6 ) . Since formaldehyde formation was inadequate as an indicator of metabolism, we chose to follow the metabolism by determining substrate loss. This i s an inherently imprecise measurement because the amount of t o t a l metabolism i s small. Nevertheless, we found that with appro­ priate sample pre-treatment, reasonably reproducible data could be obtained. The S-9 catalyzed reactions were carried out i n calibrated flasks. The reaction atmosphere was oxygen containing a precisely known amount of neon. After one hour reaction, the gas was transferred by means of a Toepler pump into a bulb, the contents of which were analyzed on a mass spectrometer. The instrument was calibrated against precisely known mixtures of 1%-J.5JJ and neon i n oxygen. By knowing the t o t a l amount of gas i n the reaction mixture, the absolute amount of 15^-15JJ evolved during the reaction could be c a l ­ culated. The reaction mixture i t s e l f was assayed at the start of the reaction and after one hour by high pressure l i q u i d chromatography (hplc). In order to get reproducible results i n the hplc experiment i t was necessary to f i l t e r the reaction mixture through a membrane u l t r a f i l t e r , which excluded the high molecular weight materials. The results of these experiments on doubly [* N]-labeled DMN and NMA are presented i n Table I. 5

Table I. Analysis of Metabolism of [^N] -Labeled DMN and NMA by the S-9 F r a c t i o n 3



Substrate Lost (μ moles/g liver/hr)

HCOH Detected (μ moles/g liver/hr)


0.732 + .184(5)

0.169 + .050(6)

0.240 + .031(4)


1.570 + .173(5)

0.039 +

0.296 + .074(3)




N- N-Produced (μ moles/g liver/hr)

Results expressed as the average + standard deviation (number of observations)

These results indicate that i n the i n v i t r o reaction, the α-hydroxylation pathway accounts for about 34% of the metabo­ lism of DMN and about 19% of the metabolism of NMA, when uninduced Fisher 344 rat l i v e r S-9 i s used. Thus, our data for DMN f a l l roughly in-between the two previously published

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.







values (_24,.25). The data also clearly indicate that the formaldehyde assay gives erroneous results for the t o t a l amount of metabolism, when the S-9 fraction i s used as the oxidation catalyst. The present data give us no indication of what the other pathways of DMN metabolism might be. Other pathways, including denitrosation and reduction of the NO group to the unsymmetrical hydrazine have been reported (27). The i n vivo metabolism of [ N] -labeled DMN was carried out by a method similar to the one developed by Holsman, Haliday and Magee (21). A rat was injected IP with 276 μ mole/kg of doubly [^N] -labeled DMN and was placed i n a respiration chamber equipped with a collapsible top. The chamber was charged with an atmosphere of SF^, oxygen and a known amount of neon as an internal standard. The entire system was calibrated with precisely known mixtures of 15 _ 1 % , neon, and oxygen. After 6 hrs, the rat was k i l l e d by an injection of chloroform into the chamber and the gas i n the chamber was pumped through a series of traps to remove the condensible gases. The residual gas was analyzed by mass spectrometry. This i n vivo experiment was carried out at the Fels Institute by Ms. C e c i l i a Chu and Dr. Magee. The gas analysis was carried out at Frederick. The results are presented i n Table I I . Table I I . Analysis of the i n vivo Metabolism of [ N]-Labeled DMN 15





moles of N-DMN injected per rat x 10

moles of N - N evolved χ 1 0 1 5



3.04 4.03 4.03 4.14

1 5


% of metabolism resulting i n 15 _15 N

1.81 3.18 2.08 3.08


60 79 52 74 Average + SD » 66 + 12


Each animal received an equimolar dose of 276 μmole/kg. This dose was determined by Magee to be metabolized completely within 6 hrs. ^The determination was made using neon as an internal standard. It i s clear from the results i n Table I I that α-hydroxylation accounts for a major part of the metabolism of DMN i n vivo. The percentage i s a l i t t l e lower than the preliminary values obtained by Halsman, Haliday and Magee (21) > but i t i s

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.



interesting to note that this pathway i s more important i n vivo that i n v i t r o by about a factor of two. The α-hydroxylation reaction of c y c l i c nitrosamines has been shown to be a significant metabolic pathway i n several studies (28-33). I t s l i k e l y importance i n determining carcin­ ogenicity was demonstrated by the finding that deuteration of DMN lowered i t s carcinogenicity (34) and that 3,3,5,5tetradeuteronitrosomorpholine was less carcinogenic than i t s protio-analog (35). The data i n Table I indicate that only 19% of nitrogen was released during the i n v i t r o metabolism of N-nitroso-Nmethylaniline (NMA). Control experiments showed that phenylring hydroxylation was negligible under those conditions. It i s possible that some of this nitrosamine was degraded by denitrosation and some may have been reduced to 1-methyl-lphenylhydrazine. I f , however, demethylation of NMA occured, the product of this reaction would have been the phenyldiazonium ion. The aromatic diazonium ions are substantially more stable than their a l k y l analogs, hence, i t i s not auto­ matically certain that the phenyldiazonium ion would release molecular nitrogen. In fact, i t i s known that aromatic d i a ­ zonium ions enter into azo coupling reactions with nucleic acid bases (36). We found that addition of phenol after the S-9 catalyzed oxidation of NMA was quenched, resulted i n the formation of a detectable amount of 4-hydroxyazobenzene. Thus, i t appears that the extent of α-hydroxylation of NMA may be higher than the value of 19% ^5^-15^ u l d indicate. W O


+ 2

+ ^^-OH

» Ph - Ν - Ν


As was stated above, the putative alkylating intermediate which results from the α-hydroxylation of dialkylnitrosamines i s the alkyldiazonium ion. These ions can be generated chemically by the reaction of primary amines with nitrosating agents, but that reaction i s d i f f i c u l t to carry out cleanly i n the presence of biological materials. However, N-nitrosoN-alkylureas, N-alkyl-nitrosamides and N-nitroso-N-alkylcarbamates, have been shown to decompose non-enzymatically to alkyldiazonium ions (37). 0 II 0 X - c -Ζ R-N-C-Z+X * R - Ν - C-Ζ R - Ν = Ν - 0~ I W I NO

Ν f

Ζ - NH , NHR', NR 2> OR», R» X" - nucleophile 2


H+ R -N

+ 2

+ OH"

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.






These nitrosated amides, i n contrast to the nitrosamines, do not require metabolic activation i n order to alkylate c e l l u l a r nucleophilic targets. Thus, many of these substances are d i r e c t l y acting mutagens and also carcinogens (38). We have recently developed a general method of prepara­ tion of the heretofore r e l a t i v e l y unknown t r i a l k y l t r i a z e n e s (39). These substances are readily prepared by reaction of a Grignard reagent or an a l k y l l i t h i u m with an a l k y l azide, followed by the reaction of the intermediate dialkyltriazene with base, and alkylation of the resulting triazenyl anion with an a l k y l halide. RN



+ R Li(or




», R-N=N-NHR

»> R-N=N-N-R

These trialkyltriazenes were found to be very acid sensitive, decomposing with evolution of nitrogen. Representative t r i a zenes were tested i n the Ames assay for mutagenicity. They were found to be directly acting mutagens (40)· The mutagenic a c t i v i t y was correlatable with the expected r e a c t i v i t i e s of the alkyldiazonium ions produced by the decomposition of the triazenes. Thus, for example, 3-benzyl-l,3-dimethyltriazene A was about three orders of magnitude more mutagenic than i t s isomer, 1-benzyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene B. Triazene A, on decomposition, would yield the methyldiazonium ion, ^CH Ph 2





^CH PhCH - Ν = Ν - Ν J ^CH




A CH N 3

+ 2



Β +


PhCH N (PhCH ) 2



while triazene B^ would form the benzyldiazonium ion (or the benzyl cation, since the diazonium ion would be unstable relative to the stabilized carbenium ion). Interestingly, triazenes which gave rise to the ii-butyldiazonium ion were less mutagenic than triazene A. The reason for this i s that the n-butyldiazonium ion has several reaction paths open to i t (rearrangement to the more stable 2-butyl cation followed by elimination to form butènes, etc.) and hence, less i s available for reaction with the genetic material of the bacterium. I t i s significant i n this regard that Mochizuki

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.



et a l . ( 1 9 ) found that the trapping of the alkyldiazonium ion with thiophenolate anion was much more e f f i c i e n t from N-methyl-N-(hydroxymethyl)nitrosamine (which gives the methyldiazonium ion) than from Ν-Ή-butyl-N-(hydroxymethy1)nitrosamine (which gives the n-butyldiazonium i o n ) . The trialkyltriazenes are essentially protected diazonium ions. They decompose cleanly and quantitatively to the diazonium ions and the corresponding amines over a wide pH range ( 4 1 ) · Good k i n e t i c data were obtained over the range of pH 6.9 - 8.3. In more acid solutions, the reactions are too rapid to measure by conventional k i n e t i c s . The decomposition reaction i s subject to general acid catalysis. Thus, the t r i a l k y l t r i a z e n e s w i l l be a useful tool for the study of the reactive intermediates produced by the metabolism of d i a l k y l nitrosamines. Alternative Pathways of Nitrosamine Activation Although the α-hydroxylation hypothesis has been given considerable support, i t i s clear that nitrosamines with a l k y l side chains longer than methyl present additional p o s s i b i l i t i e s for biological activation. I t was stated ear­ l i e r that even the α-hydroxylation hypothesis i s based on considerable circumstantial evidence. This means that the other possible pathways are even more speculative, and hence, much more research needs to be carried out before some of the ideas advanced below w i l l gain acceptance, or be put to rest. It i s known that nitrosamines with side-chains longer than methyl are metabolically hydroxylated on v i r t u a l l y every carbon. For example, the urinary metabolites i n the rat of di-n-butylnitrosamine include the glucuronides of the follow­ ing hydroxylated nitrosamines ( 4 2 ) .









O N - N

\ c-c-c-c


\ C-C-C-C






In this particular instance, ω and ω-l hydroxylation, which i s then followed by further oxidation and chain degradation, are the principal reactions ( 4 3 ) . In the case of di-n-propylnitrosamine both a- and 3-oxidation occur, with the l a t t e r being about 1 5 % of the former ( 4 4 ) · The α-hydroxylation leads to the formation of the n-propyldiazonium ion ( 2 2 ) , while the 3-hydroxylation results, at least i n part, i n oxidation to N-propyl-N-(2-oxopropyl)nitrosamine. Krtiger and Bertrum ( 4 5 ) suggested that this product can be cleaved to methyl-

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.






propylnitrosamine, which allows the formation of a methylating agent by subsequent α-hydroxylation of the propyl moiety. Recently, Singer et a l . ( 4 6 ) studied the rat urinary metabo­ l i t e s of a series of N-methyl-N-alkylnitrosamines with a l k y l chain lengths from C 4 to ( ^ 4 · The principal metabolite of nitrosamines with odd-numbered chains was N-methyl-N(2-carboxyethyl)nitrosamine. The even-numbered chain n i t r o s ­ amines also gave some nitrosamino acids (major components were N-nitrososarcosine and N-methyl-N-(3-carboxypropyl)nitrosamine. The s t r i k i n g feature, however, was that the evennumbered chain nitrosamines gave considerable amounts of of N-methyl-N-(2-oxopropyl)nitrosamine, while the odd gave r e l a t i v e l y small amounts. Since the even-numbered chain nitrosamines are bladder carcinogens i n the rat (.47), Singer et a l . suggested that N-methyl-N-(2-oxopropyl)nitrosamine might be the proximate carcinogen i n the bladder. That hypo­ thesis i s being tested. The foregoing data suggest that metabolic oxidation of nitrosamines at carbons other than the α-carbon may be impor­ tant i n the activation of longer chain nitrosamines. The problem of 3-hydroxylated nitrosamines i s discussed i n a sep­ arate chapter (by R. Loeppky). However, i t i s worth pointing out that substitution of the 3-carbon by a group which i s capable of acting as a leaving group i s an activation process. We have pointed out ( 4 8 , 4 2 ) that tosylates of 3-hydroxylated nitrosamines solvolyze extremely rapidly, owing to the neigh­ boring group effect of the N-nitroso group. The reaction pro­ ceeds through the intermediate formation of an oxadiazolium ion which can be isolated when the tosylate i s warmed i n a nonnucleophilic solvent. CHo 3

^ V ^ /


CH~ + ^N 11








s 7


The 3-hydroxylated nitrosamines do not appear to be very mutagenic i n the Ames assay, with or without S-9 activation (50). We have found, on the other hand, that their tosylate derivatives are potent d i r e c t l y acting mutagens (.51), d that the oxadiazolium ion i n the above equation has e s s e n t i a l ­ l y the same dose-response behavior i n the mutagenicity assay as the parent tosylate. I t i s interesting to note that the next higher homolog, N-methyl-N-(3-tosyloxypropyl)nitrosamine i s not a d i r e c t l y acting mutagen (51). Tosylate derivatives are not usually found i n nature, but sulfate derivatives of alcohols are common (52)· They are formed by the reaction of an alcohol with sulfate, catalyzed by a sulfotransferase enzyme. a n

Scanlan and Tannenbaum; N-Nitroso Compounds ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.





