N-Nitrosoacylarylamhes as Catalysts in Addition Polymerization'

N-Nitrosoacylarylamhes as Catalysts in Addition Polymerization'. BY A. T. BLOMQUIST,. JOHN K. JOHNSON AND HARRY J. Syms. The most widely accepted ...
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Vol. 65


N-Nitrosoacylarylamhes as Catalysts in Addition Polymerization’ BY A. T. BLOMQUIST, JOHN K.JOHNSON



(II)]. The most widely accepted mechanism for addi- N,N‘dinitroso-4,4‘-dibromosuccindianilide tion polymerization of vinyl derivatives under the The second series contained bromine in the acyl in3uence of peroxide catalysts is the free radical portion of the molecule [N-nitroso-a-bromoischain reaction originally proposed by $taudinger2 valeranilide (III) and N -nitroso-N-phenyl-mand substantiated by a number of other investi- bromobenzamide (IV) 1. 0 gator~.A ~ variety of compounds have been Br-O-Y-C-CH~ I1 studied as sources of free radicals for the initiation of the addition polymerization. Thus it has been shown that the polymerization of ~ t y r e n e ~and *~~~,~ NO methyl methacrylate4is catalyzed by free radicals I formed in the dissociation of tetraphenylsuccino0 0 nitrile,S benzene azotriphenylmethane: p-bromo- Br ~ ~ - C - C1I H & H I1 ~ - - C - - N ~ r benzoyl-, anisoyl- and chloroacetyl peroxide, pI bromobenzenediazonium hydroxide,K 3,4,5-triNO NO bromobenzoyl peroxide,6and chlorobenzoyl perI1 oxide.’ 0 The suggestion of Waters and Heylo that N~ - ~ - - c - c H/I- c H c H , iiitrosoacylarylamines dissociate thermally to II I 1 give active free radicals has been supported by a k0 Br CH3 certain amount of conclusive evidence.10s11v12 I11 The present study was undertaken to obtain addi0 tional experimental data for this free radical mechanism in the decomposition of N-nitrosoI acylarylamines. If the free radicals are formed, NO \Br then addition polymerization should be catalyzed IV by the N-nitroso derivatives of the acylarylWhen catalysts containing bromine in the aryl amines. ‘ A number of these compounds were prepared and studied as catalysts in the poly- portion of the molecule were used, bromine was merization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, and always found in the polymers. This was true acrylonitrile. All of the N-nitrosoacylarylamines in the polymerization of styrene, methyl methawere found to act as catalysts for the polymeriza- crylate, and acrylonitrile using N-nitroso-p-bromoacetanilide as the catalyst, and in the polymerition. It was of interest in view of the observations of zation of styrene using NIN’-dinitroso-4,4’diPrice4J and of Bartlett and Cohen’ on the p- bromosuccindianilide as a catalyst. However, bromobenzoyl peroxide catalyzed polymerization when the catalysts N-nitroso-N-phenyl-m-bromoof styrene t o determine the number of free radi- benzamide and N-nitroso-a-bromoisovalerade cals which were incorporated in the polymer mole- were used in the polymerization of methyl methacule and further to establish whether the aryl or crylate and acrylonitrile, no bromine was found the acid radicals were so involved. Accordingly, in the resulting polymers. These latter catalysts the N-nitrosoacylarylamines used in this study contained bromine in the acyl portion of the molecontained bromine in two different parts of the cule. It appears therefore that in the free radimolecule. One series of compounds contained a cal decomposition of N-nitrosoacylarylamines acbromine atom attached to the aryl portion of the cording to the scheme molecule [N-nitroso-p-bromoacetanilide (I) and 0 0 (1) This paper is an abstract of a portion of the doctoral diascrtaI/ I1 I

tion of Harry J. Sykea submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Cornell University in October, 1943. (2) Staudinger, Trans. Poraduy SOG.,8% 97 (1936). (3) Marvel and Homing,“Orgnnic Chemistry,” by Gilman, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y..1943,pp. 771777. (4) Price, Kell and Krebs, THISJOURNAL, M,1103 (1942). (6) prin and Durham, ibid.. 64,2508 (1942). (6) Price and Tate, ibid., 66,517 (1943). (7) Bprtlett and Cohen, ibid., S I , 543 (1943). (8) Schulz and Wittig. Ndunaissc?cschaflen,10, 387, 465 (1939). (9) Schulr, ibid., PT, 669 (1939). (10)Waters and Hey, C h m . Rev., S i , 179 (1937). (11) Grieve end Hey. J . Chem. Soc , 1797 (19W). (11) Watcn, ibid, 113 (1937).


I x==o



0 !I


-+ Nt + Ar. + RCO.

only the active free aryl radicals are incorporated in the polymer molecules. In each experiment in which N-nitroso-N-phenylm-bromobenzamide was used as the catalyst m-bromobenzoicacid was isolated from the reaction mixture. No attempt w8s made to isolate a-bromoisovderic acid from

Dec., 1943




the reaction mixtures in which it should have been TABLE I formed. N-NITROSOACYLARYLAMINES PREPARED BY THE NITROSYL From the calculations based on the bromine CHLORIDE METHOD' content and molecular weights of the polymers M,. P., C. Nitrogen, % (viscosity method) it was found that the fragAcylarylamine Product (uncor.)b Calcd. Found ments of the catalyst contained in the polymers Fumardianilide Dinitroso 121 17.3 17.6 varied over a wide range. Although several of SuccindianilideC Dinitroso 111 .. the polymers contained one fragment per polymer 4,4'-Dibromosuccindianilide Dinitroso 116 11.6 11.7 96 14.2 13.8 molecule, others were obtained which appeared to 4,4'-Dichlorosuccindianilide Dinitroso ad-Dibrornosuccindianilide Dinitroso 110 11.6 11.3 contain two or more such fragments. In view of N,N'-Diphenylsuccindiamide Dinitroso 117 11.7 12.0 the recent studies of F10ryi3 on the molecular N,N'-fl-Naphthylsuccindiamide Dinitroso 118 13.2 12.9 weights of polyisobutylenes the calculated molecular weights for the higher polymers are probably N-Phenyl-lit-bromobenz61 9.6 9.3 amide Nitroso too low. This would explain a figure of 3.5 ob- a-Bromoisovaleranilided Nitroso 59 .. .. tained for the number of catalyst fragments per Attempts to prepare the nitroso derivatives of apolymer molecule observed for one of the poly- trichloroacetanilide and 2-acetamido-6-chlorobenzothiazole styrenes (Table 11). Nevertheless, it is possible were unsuccessful. b Melting points were taken by insertthat more than one path might be followed in ing the sample at a temperature about 5' below the depoint and raising the temperature four to five stabilization of a free radical polymer chain. composition degrees per minute. Prepared by Haworth and Hey14 There may be, for example, disproportionation of by the use of nitrous fumes. This derivative could not hydrogen with some other polymer radical in the be obtained in sufficient purity to give consistent analytical solution or combination with a second free radical data. from the catalyst, and so on. Polymerization Studies-It was necessary to use The N-nitrosoacylarylamines used in this in- freshly prepared catalysts in the polymerization experivestigation were all prepared by the recent ments in order to obtain consistent results. N-Nitroso compounds which had been stored in a refrigerator a t - 10' method of France, Heilbron and Hey14 using ni- for several days were unsatisfactory catalysts as they detrosyl chloride in the presence of fused potassium composed slowly with the liberation of oxides of nitrogen. acetate. The molecular weights of the polymers were obtained by I


+ NOCl + CHsCOzK -+ ArN(N0)COR

+ KC1 + CHaCOzH

This method is of more general applicability than the nitrous-fume method and gives the desired products in higher purity and improved yield. A number of new N-nitrosoacylarylamines were prepared by this method and are described in the experimental part. Experimental Preparation of N-Nitrosoacylarylamiuea.-The general method of France, Heilbron and HeyL4was used to prepare all the nitroso compounds. The detailed procedure is given for the nitrosation of fumardianilide. Table I lists the new nitroso compounds prepared by this method. Nitrosation of Fumardianilide.-A linely divided suspension of fumardianilide (2.6 g., 0.01 mole) in 90 cc. of glacial acetic acid and 30 cc. of acetic anhydride, containing about 8 g. of fused potassium acetate and about 2 g. o,f phosphorus pentoxide, was stirred and cooled to f 7 . To the slurry there was added slowly 25 cc. of a 20% solution of nitrosyl chloride ( 5 g., 0.08 mole) in acetic'anhydride.U Stirring wascontinued for two hours, the temperature being maintained at 7-12". Much of the suspended material dissolved. The reaction mixture was poured into 500 cc. of ice water while stirring vigorously. The nitroso compound which separated as a fine yellow precipitate was filtered, washed thoroughly with cold water (using about 1 liter of water), air-dried on the filterfor three hours, and finally dried in a vacuum desiccator over calcium chloride. There was obtained 2.4 g. (88%yield) of product melting a t 121' (uncor.) with explosive decomposition. Anal. Calcd. for C ~ B H I ~ O ~N,X :17.3. Found: S, 17.6. (13) Flory, TEISJOURNAL, 66, 372 (1943). (14) France, Heilbron and Hey, J . Chem. Soc., 369 (1940). (16) The hitrosyl chloride was furnished through the courtesy of 1)r. E. D. Crittcnden of tLc Solvay Process Co., Hopewell, Vn.


viscosity measurements of benzene solutions of the polymers. With the styrene polymers calculations were made using the revised equationlo =


1% nr

x Klm

C = 0.45 X 10' for polystyrene in benzene

The original Staudinger equation was used in calculating the molecular weights of the methyl methacrylate polymers. M = ~trp/CX K,; K , = 1.7 X 10-4 for polymethyl methacrylate in benzene. Molecular weight measurements were not made on the acrylonitrile polymers due to the great insolubility of these products. Polymerization of Styrene.-A. With N-nitroso-pbromoacetanilide as a catalyst: a few test experiments with the nitroso compound as a catalyst showed that styrene could be polymerized under conditions which did not lead to polymers in the absence of the catalyst. Thus a 10g. sample of freshly distilled styrene containing 0.2 g. of N-nitroso-p-bromoacetanilidegave 3 g. of polystyrene when allowed to stand at room temperature in a sealed tube in the dark for ten days. A sample of uncatalyzed styrene gave no polymer under these conditions. Other polymerization experiments with styrene are given in Table I1 which summarizes the experimental data from a variety of experiments. B. With N,N'-dinitroso-4,4'-dibromosuccindiade as a catalyst: a mixture of 5 g. of styrene and 0.5 g. of the catalyst was kept in a sealed tube under nitrogen at room temperature (25'') for two days. The experiment was carried out in the absence of light. The polystyrene was precipitated and purified by the usual precipitation procedure. The polystyrene (2.5 9.) was light cream colored. Anal. Calcd. for BrCdf,(GH&s: C, 88.32; H , 7.30; Br, 4.38;m d . wt., 1,820. Found: C, 87.89; H, 7.26; Br, 4.33; mol. wt., 1,970 (visc.). Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate.-A. With N-nitroso-p-bromoacetanilide as a catalyst: a 20-g. sample of freshly distilled methyl methacrylate was treated a t room temperature (20') with 5 g. of freshly prepared (16) Rernp and Peters, I n d . Ling. Cbcm., 34, 1007 (1943).



Vol. 65


NVM~SO cat!llg¶t


Concn , moles/ liter



8.72 8.72 8.72

75 27

12 24 48


Methylmethacrylate 10.00



0.23 4,4'-Dibromosuccindianilide p-Br-acetanilide


Styrene Styrene Styrene



Concn., moles/ T $ ~ P . , T i m liter $. brs.

I n mer,

4ald, %


Msl. wt. (vi&







35 50





3.56 1.34 1.07

A. 0.80" 12,100


A. 35 B. 45

aot anal,

7.5 A. 18.5 A. 3.00 5,660 2.12 B. 18.4 not qnal. Same 0.26 Acrylonitrile 15.00 40-60 2 60 5.24 .. Same 0.15 1.50 50 2 45 7.5Qd ,... *, 4 Ard.f C, 99.63; H, 7.68; Br, 1.85. Anad. 87.89; 8, 736; Br, 4.33, Calcd. for B r M d C d & ) ~ s : C, 88.32; H. 7.30; Br, 4.38; mol. wt., 1828. Anal. C,59.53; H. 8 0 0 ; Br, 0.88; Q31.67 (diff.1. Calcd. for BrC+H4{C$bO&lla: Bromine analyses C, 58.44; H, $,M; 0,31,83; Br, 0.69; m~l..wt., 11,660. Anal. C, 68.03; H, 7.18; Br, 7.59. Carbon and hydrogen analyses by Robert Holley. by Parr bomb combustioe and Volhard titration. Methylmethacrylate






catalyst. Within a few minutes the mixture warmed spontaneously. After thirty minutes the reaction had become so vigorous that stron external qwjiqg was required to prevent lpss d material from the retlction flask. After holding the reaction mixture at 26' for sixteen hours it set to a solid mas.9. The crude polymer (9 g.) obtained on adding methyl alcphol tQa dioxane solution of the reaction mixture was purified i s the usual way b three precipitation treat9.) was white. meats. The purified pplymer Anal, Calcd. fw B ~ C ~ & ( C ~ B ~ OC,~ I59.44; I~: H, 8.04; 0,31.83;; Br, 0.69; md. wt., 11,660. Found: C, 59.53; H, 8.00; Br, 0.80; 0,31.67; mol. wf., 12,100 (visc.), See Table I1 for other pertinent experimental data on polymethyl methacrylate prepwed using N-nitroso-p-bromoacetanilide as a catalyst, B. With ~ J - n i f t w r x - b r w & a w l w ~ ~asd ea catalyst: with this catalyst methyl methacrylate was polymerieed by standing at r m temperature (asq) for six horns. Examhation of the polymer, isolated and puri. tled In the usual way, showed thst no halagen was present (negative Bellstein test and negstive test in the qualitative analysis for bramiae by aodium fusion). C. With N-n~CrerilsN-phenyl-m-bromob~~de as a catalyst: The addition of 1.4 g. of catalyst to 16 g. of methyl methacrylate at 269 resulted in the formation of B very viscous liquid within twenty minutes. After allowing the mixture te stand for twelw hours the polymer was isolated and purified in the usual way. The polymer gave a negative Bcilstein test and qualitative analysis after fusion with sodium skowed no bromine in the polymer. From the dioxane Btratee a small amount of m-bromos benzoic acid (m. p. laa) was isolated by extraction with cold difute alkali f o l h e d by acidification. Pol~riaatlonof AePyloniMe. A. With N-nitrosop-bromoacetanilide CB a catalyst: the addition of 1.5 g. of catalyst t p 20 g. of acrylonitrile at room temperature initiated polymerization with an accompanying rise in temperature. The mixture was held at 60-65' by external cooling A dark yellow d i d mass was famed which was insoluble in boiHng dioxttne and in acetone. After long extraction with methyl alcobDl and ether in Soxhlet extractor the polymer remaining contained 5.24% Br. A mmpk of acrylonitrile containing na catalyst gave no polymsr wken heued at 65*un$u coetrol csaditioes. A secand ~03?+7?tiisn wes c a m out on a solUtiQnof 22 g. of acrylonitnle in 100 cc. ctf bemene at M'. After


two hours the mixture ww cooled to room temperature and €0g. of dry palymer ww abtgned. Five, p~amsof the crude polymer was extracted with ether uatJ t4e solvest came through colorless (three hours). Less t h a s 0.5 g. of polymer was removed by this extraction. The composition of the remaining polymer was determined. A w l . Found: C, 68.03; H,7.18;Br,'?.50; N,27.29. B. With N:nitraso-cu-bromoisovalerrnilide as a catalyst: Polymerization of 8 g. of acrylonitrile in 50 cc. of petroleum ether (b. p. 60-70') was effected a t room temperature for eight hours using 1 g. of catalyst. The resulting polymer was washed well with petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and dried a t 80 'for one hour. This polymer gave a negative Beilstein test €or halogen. Quahtative analysis €or bromine by sodium fusion was also negative. C With ~N-nitroso-N-phepJ.1:m:brpmobanzamideas a c a t a l ~ s t : Tw rams of acrylasitrrle in 60 sc, of bepame was olymerizei by adding 0.0 g. of the catalyst and allowing t&e solution to stand a t reem temperature under nitrogen. The solution was kept a t 27-80' by external cooling. The resulting polymer gave negative tests for bromine by the usual methods. J+gosstion tke tiltrat@f r w thc palmeizatiotl reaction was carried out at TQQUI temperature. From the resulting residue m-bromobenzoic acid was isolated by extraction with dilute alkali.


SUmmarY 1. It has been shown that the N-nitrosoacylarylamines will effect the polymerization of sty-

rene, methyl methacrylate, and acrylonitrile. 2. The number of catalyst fragments contained in the polymers varied. Although some pol mers showed only one catalyst fragment attac ed per polymer molecule, others were formed which contained two or more such fragments. 3. Only the active free aryl radicals produced in the decomposition of the N-nitrosoacylarylamines are incorporated in the polymer molecules. The free acid radicals do not appear to be involved in the polymer formation. ITHACA,SEWPORK RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 17, 1943