N. T. Belaiew (1878-) - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

N. T. Belaiew (1878-). J. Chem. Educ. , 1938, 15 (10), p 451. DOI: 10.1021/ed015p451. Publication Date: October 1938. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 15, 10,...
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"I w a r rent to the .\licharl .\rullerj School (IX%), ;and tlwrv again I had the p r i ~ ~ i l r goie lirtewnf to tho lertun, td ;t set 1 0 , most brillinnc proicssors.. \\'. S . Il,;,tmrN (now nt Ch:cago) my senior by b+ ten years; be taught organic chemistry.. . . . . . Cantain Sanoinlkoff. a =nunil of MendelCef and a n authoritv in P~*I Cl;&ist&." wrote the recent Bessemer Gold medalist. Colonel Nicolas Timothbe Belaiew. A student of the famous Russian metallurgist, Professor D. K. Tschernoff of the Michael Artillery Academy; of Professor Wiist of Aachen, and of the late Professor Henry Le Chatelier a t Paris, Colonel Belaiew received his train-




~ & nin St. ~ e t e r s b u ;a~n June 26, 1 8 7 ~;f and into a &\tinguished military family, N. T. Belaiew followed a n equal1.v &tin uished military and scientific career. Recipient, a t the age ofthirty-two, of the coveted Michael Medal of the Michael

Avtillryy Academy, and, a t the age of fift nine, of the Bessemer Gold .Medal of the British Iron and stee~Phstitute,his name will dways stand foremost in the ranks of those'interested in crystallization of metals. and especially in the Widmanstaetten structure. The wide extent of Colonel Belaiew's research is evident from some one hundred publications dealing with such subjects as: thermoluminescence, weights and measures, .high power photomicrography, origin and structure of meteorites, Damascene steel. inner structure of steels, Icelandic sagas, 'Vikings of the north, hio raphies oi Oemond, Tschernoff, Hen++ Marion Howe, Henry ~e&ntelier, and so forth. The Colonel is a t present Consulting Engineer br the Institut Soudiure AntogenC, Paris. Truly i t ma? b e s a d that n chemical training bnilds ifull, well-balanced. ;an< frurttul Me. ,. .