Na3Hx(H2PO4)x[(GeO)4(GeO4)3].cntdot.4H2O: A ... - ACS Publications

One-Pot Hydrothermal Synthesis of Tb13(GeO4)6O7(OH) and K2TbGe2O7: Preparation of a Stable Terbium(4+) Complex. Kyle Fulle , Liurukara D. Sanjeewa ...
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Chem. Mater. 1994,6, 525-530


Na3Hx(H2P04)x[(Ge0)4(Ge04)3]*4H20: A Rhombohedrally-Distorted Germanium Pharmacosiderite Analog with Anion/Cation Exchange Capabilities Tina M. Nenoff,+J William T. A. Harrison,s and Galen D. Stucky*$+ Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9510, and Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5641 Received August 17, 1993. Revised Manuscript Received November 24, 1993" A rhombohedrally distorted germanium pharmacosiderite analog, with the stoichiometry of Na3HX(H2P04),[(GeO)4(GeO4)&4H20, x = 1.38, has been synthesized under mild conditions. As synthesized, this material contains both sodium cations and hydrogen phosphate anions as included species. Both monovalent/divalent cations and a variety of anions are easily exchanged in and out of the framework under aqueous conditions at room temperature. Depending on the ions incorporated, the crystal structure can be transformed to the cubic system [space group P43m (No. 215)] and then back to the rhombohedral system. It appears t h a t the incorporation of a sodium cation and a n y anion will induce the rhombohedral distortion. Rietveld refinement of room-temperature powder X-ray and low-temperature time-of-flight neutron powder data confirmed the space group R3m (No. 160) with a = 7.7121 (4) A and (Y = 89.04 (3)O, final R = 3.32 % and R, = 3.93 % (x2 = 5.055) for 63 variables and 10 693 observations. Crystallographic data for two ion-exchanged cubic frameworks are included along with data for a synthetic cubic K3H[(GeO)4(Ge04)3]-4H20 [K/Gel framework. Further analytical studies, such as 31PMAS NMR and FTIR, were used to confirm the presence or absence of cation and/or anion exchange for all analogs studied.

Introduction Non-aluminosilicate molecular sieves are of great interest because of their possibilities as catalysts, sorbents, and sens0rs.l Many of these new materials form frameworks that are isostructural with the aluminosilicates and also follow a strict alternation of tetrahedral atoms (T atoms) in the framework, yet in general have greatly varying molecular sieving properties and thermal stabilities. However, one common trait among the separate systems is that they are cation exchangers. Pharmacosiderites are molecular sieves built from M06/ X04units and found to occur naturally as iron arsenates, with the framework formula [Fe4(OH)4(As04)31- and charge balanced by potassium ~ a t i o n s . ~This ? ~ framework encloses eight-membered rings with a three-dimensional network of pores, with intercage openings of approximately 4.3 A. Previous studies have indicated that the vast majority of pharmacosideriteanalogs retain the cubic space group Pd3m (No. 215) upon ion exchange with various alkali-metal hydroxides. The possible distortions to bodycentered cubic cells and a tetragonal cell were similarly reported, though crystal structures were not determineda4 There are also reports of aluminoarsenate pharmacosid+ University of California. 8

Current address: Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, MS

0709, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0709.

University of Houston.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, January 15, 1994. (1) Barrer, R. M. Zeolites and Clay Minerals and Clay Minerals as Adsorbents and Molecular Sieves; Academic Press: London, 1978. (2) Zemann, J. Tscherm. Miner. Petr. Mitt. 1948, 1 , 121. (3) Buerger, M. J.; Dollase, W. A.; Garaycochea-Wittke, I. 2. Kristallogr. 1967, 125, 92. (4) Mutter, G.; Eysel, W.; Greis, 0.; Schmetzer, K. N. Jb. Miner. Mh. 0

1984, 4, 183.


erite analogs, which retain their cubic space even upon ion e ~ c h a n g e . ~These .~ frameworks have been extensively characterized by NMR, adsorption measurements,thermal studies, and recently with ionic conductivity studies.'-9 However, less work has been done on structure analysis through X-ray diffraction methods. There has been an increased interest in the microporous germanate systems, in particular the germanium analog of pharmacosiderite and its various ion-exchanged analogs. This framework is similar to the mineral form; however, it consists of Ge04 tetrahedra which corner share edge- and face-sharing GeOe octahedra. Of the various systems studied, including NH4+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Ag+, T1+, Pb2+,and Ba2+ included ions, framework substitution with phosphorus for germanium, and various amounts of extra framework water and/or molecules, none distorted from cubic symmetry and there is no evidence of anion exchange.l0-l7 No cations positions were determined in these studies. In this paper we report the synthesis and characterization of a rhombohedrally distorted germanium pharmacosiderite analog, Na3HX-(H2P0& (Ge0)4(Ge0&1 .4H20 [Na/P/Gel, that has the unique ability to exchange both (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 468.

Walenta, K. Tscherm. Miner. Petr. Mitt. 1966,11,121. Schmetzer, K.; Horn, W.; Bank, H. N. J b . Miner. Mh. 1981, 97. Feng, S.; Tsai, M.; Greenblatt, M. Chem. Mater. 1992, 4, 388. Feng, S.; Greenblatt, M. Chem. Mater. 1992, 4, 462. Feng, S.; Tsai, M.; Szu, S.; Greenblatt, M. Chem. Mater. 1992,4,

(10) Nowotny, H.; Szekely, G. Monatsh. Chem. 1952, 83, 568. (11) Nowotny, H.; Wittmann, A. Monatsh. Chem. 1953,84, 701. (12) Nowotny, H.; Wittmann, A. Monatsh. Chem. 1954, 85, 558. (13) Wittmann, A,; Nowotny, H. Monatsh. Chem. 1956,87, 654. (14) Eulenberger, G.; Nowotny, H.; Wittmann, A. Monatsh. Chem. 1961, 92, 949. (15) Wittmann, A.; Vollenkle, H.; Nowotny, H. Monatsh. Chem. 1963, 94, 440. (16) Papamantellos,P.; Wittmann, A.Monatsh. Chem. 1965,96,1014. (17) Bittner, H.; Kerber, W. Monatsh. Chem. 1969,100,427.

0 1994 American Chemical Society

526 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994

cations and anions from its cage, and incorporate a large number of monovalent/divalent cations and anions. Furthermore, analytical experiments show that the presence of both the sodium cation and an anion is the cause of the rhombohedral distortion. Cation siting has been determined for the first time for the cubic phases Cs/Na/Ge, Ca/Li/Ge, and K/Ge.

Experimental Section Na/P/Ge was conveniently synthesized as a microcrystalline white powder by preparing a solution of 1.197 g (4 mmol) of 4 M 3.63 g (36 mmol) of tetraethylamine, 5.09 g (280 mmol) of HzO, and 0.163 g (4 mmol) of 49% HF in a polypropylene bottle. The addition of 3.10 g (4 mmol) of 1 M N ~ G e 0 solution 4 yielded a white milky slurry. This slurry was heated at 100 "C for 3 days (or 70 "C for 4-5 days), after which 0.5 g of product was recovered by vacuum filtration. The product was suitable for structure determination. Simple substitution of DzO for HzO into the NQGeO, solution and vacuum filtration under flowing Nz yielded the same product, yet then suitable for pulsed neutron diffraction studies. Ion exchange involved the exchange reaction of the material twice in aqueous 10%salt (10 mL/g) at room temperature for 1.5 h. The resulting powder was vacuum filtered and washed thoroughly with deionized water. The salts included in analysis were monovalent and divalent cations and various nitrates, phosphates, and carbonates: CsNO3, LiNOs, NazHPO4, KNOs, NaNOs, Ca(NO&, Ba(NOs)z, and CszCOa. The cubic K/Ge analog was similarly synthesized as a microcrystalline white powder by having prepared the same starting solution of 4 M HPOd, tetraethylamine, HzO, and HF in a polypropylene bottle. The addition of 3.10 g (4 mmol) of 1 M K4GeOd solution yielded a white milky slurry. This slurry was heated at 100 "C for 3 days (or 70 "C for 4-5 days), after which 0.6 g of product was recovered by vacuum filtration. The product was suitable for structure determination by powder methods. Analytical Data. High-resolutionX-ray diffractiondata were collected at room temperature (25 (1) "C) on a Scintag PAD-X automated diffractometer, with 6-8 sample geometry and Cu Ka radiation, between 20 = 18 and 100O in 0.02 steps for a total of 4099 data. The instrumental Kal/Kaz profile was reduced to a singleCuKa1peakposition (X = 1.541 78A) byastrippingroutine, and d spacingswere established using silicon powder ( a = 5.430 35 A) as an internal standard, relative to this wavelength. The intense pulsed neutron source (IPNS)at ArgonneNational Laboratories was used to collect time-of-flight diffraction data on 8 g of the polycrystalline sample. Data were collected for 10 h both at room temperature and ambient pressure and then at 25 K. The data seta were at 28 angles of i148O, *goo, and i60" over a cumulative d-spacing range of approximately 0.479-2.970 A. Rietveld refinements were carried out using the program GSAS.lB 31PM A S NMR data were collected on a General Electric GN300 spectrometer system, at 121.65 MHz (field strength 7.05 T). A multinuclear broad band was used in single-pulsedmode, with a 45" pulse length of 3 ps and recycle delay time of 5 min, referenced to 85% H3PO4. FTIR spectra were obtained on a Digilab FTS-60 FTIR spectrometer with a pressed KBr pellet of sample. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data were collected on a duPont 9900 system. Samples were heated at 10 Wmin under flowing Nz gas. Elemental analysis was performed for two samples, the rhombohedrally distorted Na/P/Ge phase and the induced cubic Cs/Na/Ge phase (Galbraith Laboratories, Knoxville, TN). Results. Na/P/Ge: The Na/P/Ge distorted pharmacosiderite was rhombohedral, a = 7.72 8, and a = 89.5O, as determined by room-temperature X-ray diffraction, with further X-ray studies used to determine the space group as R3m (seebelow). Elemental analysis(Na,9.19%;P,0.46%.CalcdNa,6.7%;P,0.47%)showed (18) Larson, A. C.;Von Dreele, R. B. GSAS User Guide; Loa Alamos National Laboratory; Loa Alamos, NM 87545,1985-1988.

Nenoff et al. that both phosphorus and sodium were present in the sample and indicate a stoichiometry of approximately NaaH,(HzPO~),[(GeO~)~(GeO)~l.4HzO, with x: = 1.38. 31PMAS NMR spectroscopy revealed one major peak at 4.2 ppm, assigned to NazHPO4, and three minor peaks at 11.28, -3.25, and -12.95 ppm, assigned to various sodium phosphate chemicalshifts, after 120 scans and a spinning speed of approximately 6.2 kHz (see Figures 8). For comparison with ion-exchanged materials (see below),FTIRdata were collected on the sample. As was expected, there was no peak in the region of a nitrate stretching band. LiNOs exchange: The Na/P/Ge distorted pharmacosiderite was ion exchangeable with Li+ cations. The Li/P/Ge cubic pharmacosiderite was prepared by ion exchange with LiNOs (10 mL/g). The resultingpowder was filtered and washed thoroughly with water. The material was cubic,a = 7.708 (2) A, as detem-ined by room-temperature X-ray diffraction, with space group P43m. 31PM A S NMR spectroscopy revealed two small peaks at -3.25, and -12.953 ppm, after 81 scans and spinning speed of approximately 5.4 kHz. Because these small peaks were matched exactly with the small shifts in the Na/P/Ge (separate from the strongest peak at 4 ppm), we believe that there was some small amount of phosphorus remaining in the cage. FTIR data of the ion-exchanged product contained a strong sharp peak at 1387 cm-l, in the region of a nitrate stretching band, and indicative of newly included nitrate anions in the framework. The FTIR and NMR data showed that most of the phosphate anions had been exchanged by nitrate anions in the cage. CsNOs exchange: The Na/P/Ge distorted pharmacosiderite was ion exchanged with CsNOa to produce the Cs/Na/Ge analog. The resulting powder was filtered and washed thoroughly with water. The material was cubic, space group P43m, a = 7.723 (6) A, as determined by room-temperature X-ray diffraction (see Table 2 of the supplementary material). Elemental analysis (Cs, 13.19%;Na, 4.43%,P, 0.20%. Calcd Cs, 12.7%;Na, 4.4%;P, 0.2%) showed that cesium had exchanged into while phosphorus had exchanged out, of the sample, whose stoichiometry is approximately CsNa~H~(NO~),(HzPO~),[(GeO)~(Ge0~)~l~4H~0, with x = 1.38. The 3lP MAS NMR data of 77 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5.6 kHz revealed no observable peak. FTIR contained a weak yet sharp nitrate stretching band at 1389 cm-l, implying that the nitrate anion has been primarily exchanged for the phosphate anion in the cage. Ca(NO3)zexchange: The Na/P/Ge distorted pharmacosiderite was ion exchanged with Ca(N03)~to produce the Ca/Na/Ge analog. The resulting powder was fiitered and washed thoroughly with water. The material was rhombohedral, space group R3m, a = 7.725 (2) A and a = 89.3 (4)O, as determined by roomtemperature X-ray diffraction (seeTable 3 of the supplementary material) The 31P MAS NMR with 126 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5 kHz had one small peak, seen at 3.164 ppm. FTIR data contained a medium-strength sharp peak at 1389 cm-1. The observance of a -NO3 stretching band and a weak phosphorus NMR chemical shift indicated there are a mixture of anions in the cage. On the basis of the Cs/Na/Ge data, some sodium is assumed to remain in the framework cage. Ba(N0s)zexchange: The Na/P/Ge distorted pharmacosiderite was ion exchanged with Ba(N0s)Zto produce the Ba/Ge analog. The resulting power was filtered and washed thoroughly with water. The material was rhombohedral, space group is R3m, a = 7.68 (3) A and a = 89.73 (3)", as determined by roomtemperature X-ray diffraction, The 31PMAS NMR with 80 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5.2 kHz had no peaks. FTIR data contained a weak yet sharp peak at 1384 cm-l, indicating predominant nitrate presence with the framework. The observance of a -NO3 stretching band and no phosphorus NMR peaks implied there are mainly nitrate anions exchanged into the cage. Na&lP04 exchange of cubic Li/P/Ge: The material was rhombohedral with space group R3m with a = 7.745 (2) A and a = 89.08 (4)", as determined by room-temperature X-ray diffraction. The 31P MAS NMR with 107 scans and a spinning speed of approximately 5.4 kHz had one small peak at -10.727 ppm. FTIR data contained a very small yet sharp nitrate stretching band at 1384 cm-1. The observance of a -NOs

A Rhombohedrally-Distorted Ge Pharmacosiderite Analog stretching band and a weak NMR chemical shift implied that some of the nitrate anions were exchanged for phosphate anions in the cage. NaNOs exchange of cubic Li/P/Ge: The room-temperature exchange resulted in a rhombohedrally distorted cell (Na/Li/ Ge), space group R3m, with a = 7.725 (3) A and a = 89.3 (4)’. The 31PMAS NMR with 140 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 6 kHz showed no observable peak. FTIR data contained a weak yet sharp nitrate stretchingband at 1390 cm-l. The observance of a -NO3 stretching band implied the nitrate anions exchanged in the cage. KaPOd exchange of cubic Li/P/Ge: The room-temperature exchange resulted in a cubic cell (K/Li/Ge),space group P43m, with a = 7.6633 (9) A. The 3lP MAS NMR with 72 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5.3 kHz showed no observable peak. The FTIR data contained a sharp nitrate stretching band at 1380 cm-l. The observance of a weak -NO3 stretching band implied nitrate anions remained in the cage. Ca(NOs)2exchange of cubic Li/P/Ge: The room-temperature exchange resulted in a cubic cell (Ca/Li/Ge),space group P43m, with a = 7.696 (2) A. The 3lP MAS NMR with 117 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5 kHz showed no observable peak. The FTIR data contained a sharp nitrate stretching band at 1389 cm-l. The observance of a -NO3 stretching band and the absence of a phosphorus NMR peak implied nitrate anions remained in the cage. The powder X-ray diffraction data were refined (see below), with a resulting approximate stoichiometry of CaLiHa(N03),(HzP04),[(Ge0)4(Ge04)3].4Hz0,with x = 1.38. CsnCOsexchange of distorted Na/P/Ge: The room-temperature exchange resulted in a cubic cell (Cs/COs/Ge),space group P43m, with a = 7.753 (2) A. The 3lP MAS NMR with 80 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5 kHz showed no observable peak. The FTIR data contain a peak at 1383cm-l, which could be assigned to the -(C03)% stretching band. The observance of a FTIR band and an increased cubic cell implied the carbonate anion exchanged into the cage for most of the phosphate anions in the cage. Cubic K/Ge: The room-temperaturesynthesiswith potassium as the charge-balancing cation resulted in a cubic cell (K/Ge), space group P43m, with a = 1.671 (3) A. The 31P MAS NMR with 64 acquisitions and a spinning speed of approximately 5 kHz showed no observable peak. The FTIR data contained no stretching peaks in the area of the nitrate anion. These analytical data suggested that there was no anion present in this cubic cell.

Structure Determination Rietveld refinements of four representative powders were performed in this study: the rhombohedrally distorted Na/P/Ge, the cubic Cs/Na/Ge, the cubic Ca/Li/Ge, and an “as-synthesized” (non-phosphorus containing) K/Ge cubic phase. Na/P/Ge. A room-temperature powder X-ray diffraction pattern was indexed, based on a rhombohedral unit cell, with lattice constants of approximately a = 7.7 A and (Y = 90°. The material had a similar peak profile to a cubic K3H[(Ge0)4(Ge04)3] (space group P43m) pharmacosiderite, yet with no systematic absences indicating R3m as a possible space group. Furthermore, information combined from X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and TGA (6.7 9% weight loss) data indicated Na3HX(H2POr),[(Ge04)3(Ge0)4].4H20, with x = 1.38, as the model stoichiometry. The structure was solved by lowering of symmetry of the atomic general positions of the framework elements and extraframework water oxygen atoms of the iron arsenate mineral pharmacosiderite in the cubic group P43m (No. 215) to similar atomic general positions in space group R3m (No. 160),while maintaining the multiplicities of each site. To describe the process used, the pharmacosiderite formula is generically written as A3M404X30’12.

Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 527 For the octahedral element M with the position ( x , x , x ) , the new positions are MIa t ( x , x , x ) multiplicity = 1 and M2 a t (x,x,z) multiplicity = 3. For the tetrahedral element X with position (‘/2,0,0), the new position is X a t ( z , x , x ) with multiplicity = 3. For oxygen = 01 ( x , x , x ) , the new positions are 0 1a t ( x , x , x ) multiplicity = 1and 0 2 a t ( x , x , z ) with multiplicity = 3. For the oxygen atoms 0’a t ( x , x , z ) , there are two oxygen atoms a t ( x , x , z ) (01’and 02’) each with multiplicity = 3 and 03’a t (x,y,z) with multiplicity = 6 (see Table 1 of the supplementary material). The Rietveld profile refinement began with the manual altering of the a value off 90°, while retaining the unit cell length, and lattice constant determination with the POWPREF option of GSAS.I8 The framework atomic coordinates were determined by the new lower symmetry space group and entered accordingly. After the usual refinement of scale factor, detector zero-point correction, background coefficients, unit-cell parameter, peak shapewidth variation terms, and framework-atom positional and isotropic thermal parameters, the profile R factor was over 20%. Some of the extraframework atom positions were determined by repeated difference Fourier syntheses and were assumed to be oxygen atoms of water molecules. One oxygen atom was located a t a ( x x x ) special position, two were found a t different ( z x x ) special positions, and a final oxygen atom was found a t a ( x x z ) special position. Refinement lowered the profile R factor to 11.5%. The remaining ions (Na+, HP04”) were known to be present from elemental analysis but could not be unambiguously located by Fourier difference maps and are believed to reside inside the cage of this molecular sieve, disordered over the water oxygen atom sites (whose fractional occupancies 11.0). The best convergence value was ensured by careful thermal constraints and positional refinements of all atoms. The final cycle of least-squares calculations converged to give residuals of R = 5.95 % ,R, = 8.44 % (x2= 3.528) for 42 variables and 4099 observations (see Table 2 of the supplementary material). In an effort to distinguish between the intercage ions, a deuterated sample was prepared, as described earlier, and 15 K time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction data were collected. The Rietveld profile refinement was performed using GSAS. Refinement began with the cell and atomic parameters determined by X-ray refinement. After the refinement of scale factor, detector zero-point correction, beckground coefficients, unit-cell parameter, peak shape-width variation terms, and both framework and intercage water oxygen-atom positional and isotropic thermal parameters, the profile R factor was approximately 4%. Repeated Fourier difference syntheses found no other sites in the cage. This supports the original belief that both the cations and the anions in the cage are disordered over the water-oxygen atom sites. The final residuals were R = 3.32% and R, = 3.93% (x2= 5.055) for 63 variables and 10 693 observations (see Table 2 of the supplementary material). The final observed, calculated, and difference X-ray profiles are illustrated in Figure 1. Cs/Na/Ge. The crystal structure of this cubic (space group P43m) material was established by X-ray Rietveld refinement, using the starting potassium and cesium iron arsenate models of pharmacosiderite in space group P43m.293 Elemental analysis and TGA (6.8% weight loss) indicated a model stoichiometry of CsNa2HdN03),(H~PO~),[(Ge04)3(Ge0)41.4H~O, x i= 1.38. Refinement was

528 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994

Nenoff et al.

Lambda 1.5406 A



J 8 1





Lambda 1.5406 A























i t




0.3 2-Theta, deg











0.9 XlOE




Figure 1. Final observed, calculated, and difference profiles of Na/P/Ge room-temperature powder X-fay diffraction data. Lambda 1.5406 A I

Kc 2-1









i l t



V ], I '

0.2 0.3 2-Theta, deg

u 0






0.9 XlOE



Figure 2. Final observed, calculated, and difference profiles of Cs/Na/Ge room-temperature powder X-ray diffraction data.



0.2 0.3 2-Theta, deg








0.9 XlOE


1.0 2

Figure 4. Final observed, calculated, and difference profiles of K/Ge room-temperature powder X-ray diffraction data.

carried out on X-ray powder Yffraction data collected a t K/Ge.Refinement on the %+synthesizedn cubic material (a = 7.6763 (3)&,with space group P43m, was carried room temperature. With tkie Cs/Na/Ge, the profile R out on X-ray powder diffraction data collected a t room factor was 10.19% with 17 variables refining (including temperature. With the K/Ge, the profile R factor was framework atoms and included water oxygen atoms) but 11.67% with 17variables refining, including intercage water without a cation in the cage. The cation pqsition was oxygen atom positions and thermal factors, but without known to be close to (1/2,l/2,0),but no literature refinement the cation in the cage. Inputting the K+ close to the was reported.3 Elemental analysis indicated that the (1/2,1/2,0.05)site allowed for the best convergence of leastcations present were cesium and sodium. Inputting the squares cycles. Repeated Fourier syhtheses revealed no heavier cation, Cs+, close to this site yet off the zero other sites occupied in the cage. The final residuals were coordinate, allowed for a best convergence of least-squares R = 6.90% and R, = 9.16% (x2 = 1.827) for 23 variables cycles. The final refined position was (1/2,1/2,0.055). The and 3999 observations, for the molecular formula K3Hfinal residuals were R = 8.54% and R, = 11.3% (x2 = [(GeO)4(GeO4)31.4H20. The refinement shows that even 1.859) for 26 variables and 4099 observations (see Table under the same reaction conditions and using the same 3 of the supplementary material). The final observed, reactants, if the sodium cation is not present, the rhomcalculated and difference profiles are illustrated in Figure bohedrally distorted cell will not be formed (see Table 5 2. of the supplementary material). The final observed, Ca/Li/Ge. Refinement in cubic space group P43m was calculated, and difference profiles are illustrated in Figure carried out on X-ray powder diffraction data collected a t 4. room temperature. With the Ca/Li/Ge, the profiie R factor The stoichiometry for only four members of the series was 12% with 17 variables refining, but without a cation have been calculated through the combination of crystalin the cage. Inputting the Ca2+close to the ('/2,'/2,0.092) lographic refinements, elemental analyses, and MAS site allowed for a good convergence of least-squares cycles. NMR. Due to the very small scattering factor of lithium However, the values further improved with the addition resulting in near invisibility to X-rays, those compounds of Li+ disordered on that site (known to be included from exchanged with it were assumed to have complete exchange elemental analysis). The final residuals were R = 6.67 76 of the Li+ for Na+. We assume that the remaining series and R, = 8.63% (x2 = 2.737) for 23 variables and 4099 members follow the same pattern of partial ion exchange. observations. The final formula was approximated to CaLiH~(NO~),(H~P0~),[(GeO)~(GeO~)~l~4H~0, with x i Discussion 1.38 (see Table 4 of the supplemental material). The final observed, calculated and difference profiles are Various analytical results provided evidence for the illustrated in Figure 3. reversible distortion of the rhombohedral cell to a cubic

A Rhombohedrally-Distorted Ge Pharmacosiderite Analog

Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 529


, , , ,










, , , , , , , , ,

, , , ,




Figure 7. ORTEPmdiagram of the rhombohedrally distorted Na/P/Ge unit cell.



I t ' /I I I




1 I


1 /





1 I




( I , 30



l ,

I 36

l /

1 I


,i 40

Figure 5. LAZY-PULVERIXl9powder X-ray diffractionpattern simulation of (a) the rhombohedral Na/P/Ge and (b) the cubic Cs/Li/Ge.

Figure 6. ORTEPm diagram of the cubic Cs/Li/Ge unit cell.

cell upon ion exchange. Crystallographically, we have seen that the rhombohedral cell has a similar X-ray powder pattern to the cubic cell. Inspection of the model unit cell from powder refinements, though, does not readily provide a clear view of the difference between the two frameworks. However, X-ray diffraction pattern simulations of both cages duplicate the observed datalg (see Figure 5). Obvious differences are evident when the location of the intercage species are examined. In the case of the cubic phase, the cations (in this case Cs+) and water molecules are ordered on their special positions (see Figure 6). However, Figure 7 of the distorted phase shows that not only are the sites for the ionic species not on high-symmetry positions, but also they are actually disordered over all sites (see Figures 6 and 7). ~~~

(19) Yvon, K.;Jeitschko, W.; Parthe, E. LAZY-PULVERIX User Guide; University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1976. (20) Johnson, C . K. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL5138; Oak Ridge, TN, 37830, 1976,with local modifications.

When the refined crystallographic X-ray data are closely examined, both for the distorted cell and also in comparison to the cubic cells, interesting structural information is obtained. In the distorted Na/P/Ge framework, there are three crystallographically distinct germanium atoms; Ge(1)and Ge(2) are octahedrally bound to oxygen atoms, while Ge(3) is tetrahedrally bound to oxygen aFoms (see Table 7 of the supplementary material). The wide range, yet within expected values, of bonds lengths is due to the type of Ge-0-Ge connectivity involved and also the distortion of the unit cell angles. Ge(1) and Ge(2) are tightly bound in a cubic substructure that is located a t each of the corners of the unit cell. Half of their bonds are through oxygen atoms in the cube to the other octahedral germanium atom forming shorter bonds and near octahedron angles [dave(Ge-O) = 1.94 (2) A, BaVe(Ge0-Ge) = 97.5 (51'1. The other half of the octahedral Ge-0 bonds are bound through the oxygen atom to the tetrahedrally bound germanium atom (Ge(3)). These bonds are much longer and the angles are approaching tetrahedral angles [dave(Ge-O),t = 2.0501 (4) A, eave(Ge-0-Ge)b 126.4 ( 2 ) O I . These are distinctly different from the totally tetrahedrally bound Ge(3) atoms. This atom is bound to only four oxygen atoms but has two short an3 two long bonds. If the cell did not have the rhombohedraldistortion of the angles, these bond lengths and bond angles would be much closer in value. However, due to the distortion along the 3-fold axis, there is an asymmetry in bonding on the Ge(3) site, where bondangles decrease with O(5)while bond length increases according to Table 7 of the supplementary material. The sodium cation and the phosphate anion could not be located by either X-rhy or neutron diffraction studies and are assumed to be disordered over the four water oxygen atom sites. The induced cubic phases, whose structures were refined in space group P43m, show similar results to the rhombohedral cell. Using the cesium-exchange system as an example, there are now only two crystallographically distinct non-oxygen framework atoms, as in the previously studied minerals and synthesized pharmacosiderite analogs. The same cubic substructure is present in this framework, made of the octahedrally bound Ge(2) atom. I t is bound to two different oxygen atoms with longer bonds (daVe(Ge(Z)-O) = 1.896 (8) A) and near 90' bond angles (8,,,(0-Ge(2)-0) = 93.2 (2)'). The center of the edges of the framework unit cell are occupied by the tetrahedrally bound Ge(1)atom. I t is bound to the oxygen atom through a short bond (1.721 (8) A) and four near-tetrahedral bond angles (Bave(O-Ge(l)-O)= 109.95 (2)"). Thecesium cation,

530 Chem. Mater., Vol. 6, No. 4,1994 NITRATE

Nenoff et al.





1 zoo0







- 2 0 DDm



























distortion can be induced by ion exchange of the Na/P/ Ge. Furthermore, the unique ability for this molecular sieve t o exchange not only the cation but also the anion can be easily monitored by the methods employed in the experiment above.


\[ -.wo3










Figure 8. An exampleof the reversible rhombohedral distortion

monitoredby room-temperature powder X-ray diffraction,FTIR, and 3lP MAS NMR.

which may also have the nitrate anion disordered over the same site, is 8 coordinate to the framework oxygen atoms (d,,(Cs-O(1)) = 3.205 (4)A) and is also coordinated to the ordered, yet partially site occupied, water-molecule oxygen atoms included in the cage (see Table 11 of the supplementary material). A sequence of experiments were performed that were designed to determine the cause of the distortion of a rhombohedral cell during synthesis and due to certain ion exchanges (see Figure 8). Starting withan "as-synthesized" distorted Na/P/Ge framework, the sample was ion exchanged with LiN03, under the previously mentioned conditions, to make the Li/P/Ge. The cell became cubic as determined by powder X-ray diffraction. The sample was analyzed by 31P MAS NMR and shown to have only trace, disordered amounts of phosphate present in the cage. Furthermore, the FTIR spectra clearly showed the presence of a strong -NO3 stretching band. Obviously most of the sodium cation and phosphate anion had been exchanged for the lithium cation and nitrate anion. The same sample was then further exchanged with NaN03 to make the Na/Ge system, under the before-mentioned conditions and was shown to redistort to the rhombohedral space group of R3m. The sample was again analyzed by the same analytical methods and shown to only have the nitrate anion and mainly the sodium cation present. In conjunction with the data from the Na2HP04 exchange, it seems evident that the presence of a sodium cation and any anion in the cage of these germanium pharmacosiderite analogs induces the rhombohedral distortion in the framework. It is significant to note that a distortion does not seem to be induced on the firstsynthesized cubic systems that are widely known and studied, but a rhombohedral to cubic to rhombohedral

We have synthesized and characterized a distorted rhombohedral germanium pharmacosiderite framework analog, which transforms reversibly to the cubic modifications upon ion exchange. With only one reference to a possible tetrahedrally distorted pharmacosiderite after ion exchange with Ba2+,4research has not uncovered this interesting molecular sieve until now. This framework is of interest not only because of its ease of synthesis and interesting crystallographic distortion but also because the included anion and cation from synthesis are reversibly exchangeable. There are a very small number of such molecular sieves known and well characterized to date. The characterization techniques, used to study many aspects of this molecular sieve and its ion-exchanged analogs, involved MAS NMR, FTIR, Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray and neutron diffraction data, and elemental analysis. A complete picture of this class of sieve has been developed which shows that the rhombohedral distortion occurs due to the inclusion of both a sodium cation and an anion in the cage. The presence of both species occurs during the synthesis, thereby directly forming the rhombohedral crystal system. It is only after the material has been ion exchanged with either monovalent or divalent cations that the known cubic crystal system is observed. Further exchanges with sodium salts will reinduce the distortion; however the anion simply needs to be present to be rhombohedral. The included ion does not need to be phosphate to force the framework to distort off a = 90° and form in the rhombohedral structure. This theory is further supported when comparing as-synthesized cubic potassium germanium pharmacosiderite analog with the K/Li/Ge. This material (K/Ge) remains cubic after ion exchange and does not have an anion included in its cage as does the ion-exchanged K/Li/Ge framework (cubic, yet derived from the distorted cell and containing some phosphate anion). Synthetic and characterization studies continue in order to further investigate the molecular sieving properties of this class of material, with leading interests lying in gasseparation applications suited to frameworks with pore opening of approximately 4.3 A. However, further work is needed with these pharmacosiderite analogs in stabilizing the framework through dehydration.

Acknowledgment. We thank the National Science Foundation (DMR 9208511) and the Office of Naval Research for their financial support. We are grateful to Dr. James W. Richardson, Jr. for collecting the time-offlight neutron diffraction data a t IPNS, Argonne National Laboratories. Supplementary Material Available: A listing of crystallographic and atomic positional parameters and thermal parameters for Na/P/Ge, Cs/Na/Ge, Ca/Li/Ge, andK/Ge (11pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.