NaBH Comes in New Form - C&EN Global Enterprise - ACS Publications

NaBH Comes in New Form. Metal Hydrides now sells sodium borohydride in water solution. Chem. Eng. News , 1958, 36 (50), pp 55–57...
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NaBH^Comes in New Form M e t a l H y d r i d e s now sells sodium b o r o h y d r i d e in w a t e r solution

UODRM n o u o m DHIDI is now available in a new form—a stabilized w .iter solu­ tion ( S W S ) which lias all t h e reactive properties ot pure i9S'» ) sodium boro­ hy dride. But it's much cheaper--al­ most (iO'r U*ss than the pure material. The new product form was devel­ oped by Metal 11\ drilles which states Hath tluit SWS was put on t h e market to catch the interest of cost sh\ chemi­ cal processors. SW'S is sold as a caustic solution, contains 12'- sodium hornhy dride by weight. It will sell tor S 1 "> a pound ( in 50-gak drums, about 1 . 1 pounds of X a B H , per gallon) based on pure so­ dium borohy dride content. Metal l l \ drides v\ ill still sell the pure product at the present juice: $33 a pound in lOOO-lb. lots. This means, adds the coinpaiix. that SW'S will be the lowest cost boiohx dride available commer­ cially . The trick to the lower priced mate­ rial is to t a p t h e sodium hornhydriile process stream before drying to the solid 9> Fusion engi­ neering. Cleveland, for use on auto­ matic silver brazing production lines. The product contains standard silver brazing allox s v\ ith special silver braz­ ing fluxes in stable paste form, elimi­ nates separate application of braze allov and flux, says the company. CI4

F u r t h e r useful i n f o r m a t i o n on k e y e d C h e m i c a l îferns m e n t i o n e d is r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e . . .

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Who Makes It? The National Registry of Rare Chemicals. Armour Research Foun­ dation. Illinois Institute» of Tech­ nology. 13 West 33rd St.. Chicago 16. 111., is interested in locating sources of supply for the following chemicals: 4-Amino-3.ô-dimethyîl>en/oic acid acid (mellophanic acid) 3- Bromoan isole 3-Bromopropen\ lbenzene 3-Bromosalic> lie acid p-i Ihlorocumene Cohaltous cyanate Diallyl bic\ clo- ( 2.2.1 ) -hept-5-ene2.3-dicarbox\ late 2,6-Diaminobenzoic acid 2.4-Dichloro-3-meth\ Iphenol i/iwi/m-Diethyl dicyclohexyl thiuram disulfide 1.4-Dihyclronaphthalene 5.5-Dimethyl-3-heptene .V-Eth> lallylamine Ethylphosphine Hexakis ( hydroxy methyl ) melamine .V-Hexanal Λ7-Ηβχ\1 azide Lithium cyanide, anhydrous 4-Trimethvlsilvlbenzoic acid


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