May 23, 2012 - NALGE SYBRON CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44 (7), pp 54A–54A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60315a739. Publication Date: June 1972...
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June 2 to 8

Environmental Techniques, Man, Air, and Water. Exposition Center, Parc de Versailles, Paris, France. Contact: Technoexpo, 8, rue de la Michodiere, 75 Paris 2e, France

June 4 to 9

ASTM Committee E-14 on Mass Spectrometry (with American Society for Mass Spectrometry). Sheraton Dallas, Dallas, TX. Contact: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. 215-569-4200

June 5 to 7

55th Canadian Conference and Exhibition of the Chemical Institute of Canada. Laval University, Quebec, PQ, Canada. Contact: CIC, 151 Slater St., Ottawa KIP 5H3, Canada

June 5 to 9

31st Congress of Groupement pour l'Avancement des Méthodes Physiques d'Analyse (GAMS) with Société Chimique de France. Paris, France. Contact: Secretariat de GAMS, 10, rue du Delta, 75 Paris 9e, France

June 12 to 14

Third International Congress on Advances in Automated Analysis. New York Hilton Hotel. Sponsor: Technicon Corp. Contact: Dept. R34, Technicon Instruments Corp., Tarrytown, NY 10591. Page 104 A, Feb.

CRYSTAL CLEAR is the new look in unbreakable Nalgene Burets These burets do everything glass does . . . except break. Now you can have an individually cali­ brated transparent buret that will not break in normal use. Only a slight meniscus makes readings easier, more accurate. The crystal clear acrylic body, tip, and leakproof stopcock are unaf­ fected by all the usual ti­ trants. The Teflon TFE plug never needs lubrication, is a pleasure to turn. Stopcock assembly easily removed for straight-through cleaning. Clearly the precision burets for industrial labs, schools, and in the field. Sizes: 10, 25, 50, 100 ml. (Cat. No. 3650). Order from your Lab Supply Dealer. Ask him for our Catalog, or write Dept. 1318, Nalgene Labware Divi­ sion, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14602.


Nalgene* Labware... the permanent replacements.

June 12 to 16

27th Annual Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy. Columbus, OH. Contact: Κ. Ν. Rao, Dept. of Physics, Ohio State University, 174 W. 18th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210

June 12 to 17

International Meeting: Pollution: Engineering and Scientific Solutions. Sponsor: Society of Engineering Science. Con­ tact: Ε. Υ. Rodin, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130

June 14 to 16

ACS Northwest Regional Meeting. Eugene, OR. Contact: Donald Swinehart, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403

June 14 to 16

Analytical Chemistry Summer Symposium on Interfacing Analyti­ cal Chemistry and Clinical Chemistry. Western Washington State College, Bellingham, WA. Contact: Merle Evenson, Dept. of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706. Page 51 A, Apr.

June 14 to 16

Pollution Control Show. Exhibition Park, Toronto, ONT. Con­ tact: Ontario Marketing Productions, Ltd., 12 Berryman St., Toronto 5, ONT, Canada

June 18 to 23

Air Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting. Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach, FL. Contact: H. Scott Oglesby, Zurn Air Systems Div., Suite 5F, 1919 Beachway Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32207. 904-398-3359

June 18 to 24

6th International Conference on Water Pollution Research. Spon­ sor: Intl. Assoc, on Water Pollution Research. Jerusalem, Israel. Contact: Israel Host Committee, P.O.B. 16271, TelAviv, Israel

June 25 to 30

ASTM 75th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Statler Hilton and Biltmore Hotels, Los Angeles, CA. Contact: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. 215-569-4200

June 26 to 30

INTER/MICRO-72. Sheraton-Blackston Hotel, Chicago, IL. Con­ tact: Walter C. McCrone, INTER/MICRO-72, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, IL 60616

June 30 to July 1

ACS Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting. Fort Collins, CO. Con­ tact: William B. Cook, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

latter firm will serve the U.S., Canada, and Mexico from headquarters at P.O. Box 749, Cupertino, CA 95014, and an application laboratory at Lakeside In­ dustrial Park, Wakefield, MA (mailing address: Box 42, Topsfield, MA 01983). CIRCLE 1 4 7 O N READER SERVICE CARD

54 A



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