data to the output recording device in the code required by that device. At the same time, it can supply the data to a digital recorder when a visual ...
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... the extra dimension Use the new Nalgene® Carboy to pre-pare, store, and autoclave 5-gallon batches of culture media, distilled wa­ ter, and other solutions. This carboy (Cat. No. 2250) is precision molded of heavy-duty polypropylene to with­ stand repeated autoclaving. Only 2V2 pounds light, has screw closure and two carrying handles for maximum safety and convenience.

Nalge introduces

the first

Model 53 wall stabilized arc is a plasma light source-ultra high tem­ perature (30,000 °F) gaseous fur­ nace. A four-inch long, large diam­ eter dc arc is produced between two fixed water cooled metal electrodes. Sheath gas is used around each elec­ trode and a different gas is introduced in the center two-inch sample section which is enclosed by three ring win­ dows. A column of sample gas of de­ fined length at constant temperature is produced. Uses for this device in­ clude studies of arcs, high tempera­ ture gases and their properties, tem­ perature measurements, controlled emission spectrum, and photosynthe­ sis of chemicals. TAFA Division, Humphreys Corp., 180 N. Main St., Concord, Ν. Η. 03301 412

Specify Nalgene Labware from your lab supply dealer. Ask for our Catalog or write Dept. 1124, Nalgene Lab­ ware Division, Rochester, N.Y. 14602.

unbreakable volumetric

flask .'I. Precision m o l d e d and precision calibrated, the Nalgene® V o l u ­ metric Flask is in a class by itself. It w o n ' t etch, contaminate or break. Repeated a u t o c l a v i n g w o n ' t affect its accuracy. Each flask is individually calibrated to better than ±λΛ of 7 % . 100 m l size n o w in stock, 250, 500, and 1000 ml sizes c o m i n g soon. O r d e r f r o m y o u r lab supply dealer . . . and specify Nalgene Labware. Ask for o u r 1968 Cata­ log or w r i t e Dept. 1124A, Nalgene Labware Division, Rochester, N.Y. 14602.


Circle No. 56 on Readers' Service Card

98 A



Model 2547A, a digital coupler, ac­ cepts data from instruments with digi­ tal outputs, stores the data, trans­ lates it from parallel entry code to serial form, and then transfers the data to the output recording device in the code required by that device. At the same time, it can supply the data to a digital recorder when a visual check is desired of data being re­ corded on magnetic or paper tape or punched cards. The coupler can also format the output, inserting spaces or end-of-line and carriage-return char­ acters between blocks of words as re­ quired. Inquiries Manager, HewlettPackard Co., 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 413


Circle No. 57 on Readers' Service Card