from 30-1000 mj (Cat. No. 1203), pharmaieutical graduates from. 125-1000 ml (Cat, No. 3673), specimen dishes (Cat. No. 5510), and T- and Y-tvpe connec...
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We're easy to see through. Nalgene Labware in TPX* is shatterproof, autoclavabte, has excellent chemical resistance, remarkable heat tolerance, and is d e a r e r than optical glass. You can see right through our sales slory. This is the first transparent plastics labware. Select graduated cylinders f r o m 10-1000 ml (Cat. No. 3663), graduated beakers f r o m 30-1000 ml (Cat. No. 1203), pharmaceutical graduates f r o m 125-1000 m l (Cat. No. 3673), specimen dishes (Cat. No. 5510), and T- and Y-type connectors (Cat. Nos. 6156 and 6157). W h e n y o u specify Nalgene Labware, 20 years' leadership says you're right. O r d e r f r o m your Lab Supply Dealer. *TPX ïs a trademark of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited tor their brand of methylpentene polymer. NALGENE LABWARE DIVISION


1949/1969 Twenty

years of leadership in plastics labware.

Ask your Lab Supply Dealer for our new Catalog or write Dept. 6705, Nalgene Labware Division, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14602. Circle No. 1 on Readers' Service Card