clave 5-gallon batches of culture me- dia, distilled water, and other solutions. Withstands repeated autoclaving, has screw closure and two carrying h...
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Read any good books lately? Here's one. The 1969 Nalgene Laboratory Catalog—56 pages of descriptions, specifications, and prices on the c o m plete Nalgene® Labware line. Plus, laboratory equipment from other divisions of Sybron Corporation. This is the most complete line of plastic products manufactured specifically for the laboratory. Every item is precision m o l d e d of the proper material, and in the most efficient design for specific laboratory functions. Every year, more and more laboratories specify Nalgene Labware to make sure they get all the safety and economy benefits of the finest plastic labware. Here are some items of special interest from our 1969 Catalog: NALGENE PIPET WASHER-RINSERS. Exclusive one-piece design eliminates all washer-rinser problems. Back siphoning is impossible. W i d e range of cycling speeds. Repeats automatically. Also available—unbreakable Nalgene Pipet Jars and Baskets. NALGENE LABORATORY BOTTLES. W i d est range of unbreakables available anywhere. Variety of materials, designs and sizes to handle any laboratory application. Safer and easier to use because they're designed specifically for the laboratory. New linerless polypro-

pylene closures make them leakproof w i t h o u t danger of contamination. O u r Teflon® bottles have fluorocarbon closures.

glassware. W o n ' t etch or contaminate. Can be autoclaved repeatedly w i t h o u t affecting accuracy. Sizes from 100-1000

NALGENE ASPIRATOR CARBOYS. Rectangular and conventional designs— w i t h spigot or tubulation. Tough, rigid, no-leak construction. Sizes from 1 to 13 gal. Larger sizes have m o l d e d - i n handgrips for greater safety.

NEW! NALGENE AUTOCLAVABLE CARBOY. Use to prepare, store, and autoclave 5-gallon batches of culture media, distilled water, and other solutions. Withstands repeated autoclaving, has screw closure and t w o carrying handles for maximum safety and convenience.

NALGENE WASH BOTTLE. O n e - p i e c e construction of bottle and tube e l i m i nates any possibility of leakage. Entire contents can be dispensed w i t h o u t t i p p i n g or shaking. Hundreds of t h o u sands in use all over the w o r l d . Sizes f r o m 30-1000 m l . NALGENE GRADUATES AND BEAKERS IN TPX. Crystal clear, shatter-proof, a u t o c l a v a b l e , c h e m i c a l l y resistant. Graduates from 10-1000 m l ; beakers from 30-1000 ml. TPX is a trademark of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited for their brand of methylpentene polymer. NEW! NALGENE VOLUMETRIC FLASKS. First plastic volumetric flasks. All the accuracy of standard glass flasks—plus the unbreakability of plastic. Precision molded and individually calibrated, handle any procedure n o w done w i t h


NEW! NALGENE DESICCATOR AND PLATE. Unbreakable desiccator w i t h tubulation on lower part for easy handling. W i l l hold 24-inch vacuum for more than 24 hours, implosion-safe at full vacuum. Cover is transparent polycarbonate; lower part is chemicallyresistant polypropylene. Accepts Nalgene Nucerite® Plate (230 mm) or standard glass plate. Most Nalgene Labware can be assorted for maximum discount—another good reason to specify Nalgene Labware from your lab supply dealer. Ask him for our 1969 Catalog or w r i t e Dept. 6704, Nalgene Labware Division, Rochester, New York 14602. NALGENE LABWARE DIVISION


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