Nano Letters After Two Years - ACS Publications

Middle East, South America, and Australia. As a journal of the American Chemical Society, we are very pleased that we have succeeded in reaching out t...
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VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 2003 © Copyright 2003 by the American Chemical Society

Editorial Nano Letters After Two Years Nano Letters is now two years old, and I would like to thank our many authors and reviewers for the phenomenal support of this new journal. In this short period of time, Nano Letters has grown to become an important part of the emerging field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Our journal is truly international, with almost a quarter of our contributions each from Asia and Europe, and almost half from North America. The remainder comes from around the world, including the Middle East, South America, and Australia. As a journal of the American Chemical Society, we are very pleased that we have succeeded in reaching out to colleagues from diverse disciplines, with a large fraction of our publications coming from physics, biology, and engineering disciplines, in addition to chemistry. We continue to invite all members of the community to participate here. Despite rapid growth, our speed of publication remains exceptional, with a most probable time from receipt to review of only four weeks, receipt to online publication in six weeks, and receipt to print of only nine weeks. This speed is achieved with rigorous peer review. Most important to our community is the high quality of the publications that appear in Nano Letters. Presently, about one third of submissions are returned after a very rapid prescreen; slightly more than half of the remaining papers are ultimately accepted for publication. The high quality of the papers appearing in Nano Letters is attested to by the many citations emerging in the literature and at conferences. Please take a moment to look 10.1021/nl020238g CCC: $25.00 Published on Web 01/08/2003

© 2003 American Chemical Society

through last year’s author list or index; you will see that many of the most prominent groups in nanoscience and nanotechnology have published multiple papers here. Later this year we look forward to receiving a first set of impact factor numbers; these will grow over the coming years. This past year we added some very popular features to Nano Letters, including cover art and multimedia capabilities. There are some changes afoot for this year as well. We have decided to move to exclusively online submission, as more than 95 percent of the current submissions are online in any case, and the speed of processing electronic submissions is much greater. There are a couple of changes in the masthead. Dr. Nicole Alivisatos is now Coordinating Editor. Her efforts to maintain the speed and quality of the review process are well known to all authors and reviewers. We are also very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Younan Xia of the University of Washington as Associate Editor. Professor Xia’s work in assembly and synthesis of nanomaterials is well known to the community, and we are grateful that he has agreed to serve in this capacity. Best wishes for a healthy and productive New Year!

A. Paul Alivisatos Editor NL020238G