Nanofiltration Theory - American Chemical Society

classic ENP model, which neglects the ion size, and numerical methods via our NF simulation program,. Nanoflux. A preliminary application of the model...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 16811-16824


Nanofiltration Theory: An Analytic Approach for Single Salts Xavier Lefebvre, John Palmeri,* and Patrice David Institut Europe´ en des Membranes (CNRS ENSCM UMR 5635), UniVersite´ Montpellier II, CC047, Place Euge` ne Bataillon 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France ReceiVed: March 29, 2004; In Final Form: August 17, 2004

We determine the complete set of nanofiltration (NF) parameters (rejection rate, electric filtration potential, volume flux density) of single salts using an analytical approach. Our model is based on the hindered extended Nernst-Planck (ENP) and Stokes equations. We solve the transport equations within the scope of the hindered electrotransport (HET) model, which takes into account ion charge and size (rejection is controlled by both electrostatic and steric effects). We also validate these calculations using both an analytical solution to the classic ENP model, which neglects the ion size, and numerical methods via our NF simulation program, Nanoflux. A preliminary application of the model to organic membranes suggests that the HET model provides a coherent description of ion transport in charged nanoporous membranes.

1. Introduction Understanding nanofiltration (NF) transport mechanisms is essential for making progress in optimizing membrane separation technology.1-3 Despite recent advances, this technique presents a number of difficulties for implementation in industrial processes. The complexity of the transfer mechanisms makes the prediction of membrane performance extremely difficult in charged nanoporous membranes. Indeed, the pore-level description in charged porous media is usually provided by the spacecharge model (SCM).4-10 Recent work employing sophisticated statistical mechanical methods suggests that this model, or suitable extensions thereof, should also be valid in nanopores (perhaps in part because of a canceling out of effects not taken into account in this simplified model).11,12 In the case of sufficiently weak membrane charge and tight pores, the SCM can be approximated by a homogeneous electrotransport model comprising the mesoscopic extended Nernst-Planck (ENP) equations and local charge electroneutrality.13-19 The mesoscopic homogeneous model can be obtained from the pore-level SCM using 3-D volume-averaging techniques that do not require a simple capillary structure at the pore level and are therefore useful even for nanofilters exhibiting complicated morphologies. A computer simulation program, Nanoflux, has been developed in our laboratory to solve the homogeneous electrotransport model for up to 11 ionic species using numerical methods.16 To gain a deeper understanding of NF transport and validate Nanoflux numerical calculations, an analytical approach appeared to be essential.15,17-19 Because of its complexity, the more detailed type of microscopic modeling currently being employed to understand transport in the short ion channels (∼5 nm in length) of cell membranes has not yet been applied to the thicker (∼1 µm) and morphologically more complex artificial NF membranes. A major challenge in the field of NF has been extracting useful physical predictions from the highly nonlinear set of coupled flow and transport equations. By attempting to find an appropriate compromise between the microscopic realism of a model and its tractability, this is the main goal of the present work. * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +33 4 67 14 91 30.

We demonstrate here that, for a single salt, an analytical solution in the form of parametrized equations can be obtained for all physical NF parameters. (The complexity of an analytical solution is such that it seems possible to treat only one salt.) We study not only ionic rejection (as is often the case in recent NF modeling), but also the electric filtration potential and transmembrane volume flux density. An innovative feature of this work is the analytical determination of ion partition coefficients within the scope of a generalized model that can easily accommodate other forces (steric, dielectric, Born solvation, etc.), in addition to electrostatic (Donnan), acting at the external solution-membrane interfaces. The hindered electrotransport (HET) theory, in which only the electrostatic and hindered transport effects are taken into account, is a special case of this more general model. Although the analytical calculations presented here are illustrated via specific examples using the simpler HET model, other interfacial forces can easily be included. Within the scope of the ENP model,6,20 NF parameters have been calculated analytically only for [1:1] salts13,14,21 or in limiting cases (high membrane charge density22 or high volume flux, for instance15); within the scope of the HET model, analytic rejection results exist only for [1:1] salts.23 This paper is organized as follows: We start in section 2 with a short presentation of the models used in this work. We continue in section 3 with the determination of the ion partition coefficients in the HET model. In section 4, we solve both the hindered and the classic ENP equations in order to find an analytic function representing the rejection rate as a function of the Pe´clet number (which is proportional to the volume flux density jv). We then calculate, in sections 5 and 6, the electric filtration potential by using the vanishing of the electric current density in NF and obtain the volume flux density (osmotic and electroviscous effects) by solving the averaged Stokes equation. To validate these analytical calculations, we compare them with numerical results obtained using Nanoflux and with the results of simplified equations based on limiting cases. To provide a preliminary experimental test of the global coherence of the HET model, we also present in section 7 an application to organic membranes. We show that the experimental rejection and filtration potential can be well reproduced by using a unique

10.1021/jp048631t CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society Published on Web 10/07/2004

16812 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 108, No. 43, 2004

Lefebvre et al.

choice for membrane pore size, charge density, and effective thickness in the model calculations. 2. Transport Models We study the pressure-driven transport of ions across a nanoporous membrane separating a feed from a permeate compartment under open electrical circuit conditions. For simplicity, we neglect the effects of any supporting layers and concentration polarization (the influence of which can often be minimized by optimizing the operating conditions). Despite the extensive work on the modeling of solute transfer in NF over the past decade, a complete explanation of the basic mechanisms involved is still not available. In simple terms, the objective of any NF modeling study is to relate the incoming solute feed concentration, cfs, and imposed transmembrane pressure gradient, ∆P, to the outgoing solute permeate concentration, cps , and volume flux density of the solution, jv (L‚h-1‚m-2). The feed and permeate solute concentrations can be used to define the solute rejection, R, as


µ j i(x) ) RT ln[cji(x)] + ziFφ(x)


CνC,s AνA,s f νC,s C |zc|+ + νA,s A|zA|-


z2 c p2


(feed) (permeate)

z1cj1(x) + z2 cj2(x) + Xm ) 0


(2) (3) (4)

where z1 is the valence of the counterion (sign opposite that of the membrane charge), z2 is the valence of the co-ion (same sign as the membrane charge), Xm is the constant membrane charge density (moles per liter of pore volume), cf(p) is the i concentration of the ion i in the feed (f) or the permeate (p) (moles per liter), and cji(x) is the average position-dependent concentration of ion i in the membrane (moles per liter of pore volume) (0 e x e lm, where lm is the thickness of the active layer of the membrane). a. Classic Extended Nernst-Planck Equation. The ENP equation (eq 5) incorporates three contributions to the ion flux: a diffusive term, an electric migration term, and a convective term.6 In the framework of the classic ENP model, the molar flux of ion i (mol‚m-2‚s-1) is given by



across these interfaces.22 At the interfaces (feed-membrane and membrane-permeate), this quasi-constancy leads to Donnan equilibrium

µfi ≈ µi(0+)


µpi ≈ µi(l m) where f(p) µf(p) ) RT ln(cf(p) i i ) + zi Fφ


is the “ideal” electrochemical potential of ion i in the feed (f) or permeate (p) and x ) 0+ and lm are points just inside the membrane at the feed and permeate sides, respectively. The Donnan partition coefficients are then given by


In the following, we work with only one salt (one anion and one cation). Electroneutrality is respected in the system

z1cf1 + z2 cf2 ) 0

F D h z cj (x)∂xφ(x) + cji(x) jv RT i i i

where D h i is the effective ionic diffusion coefficient in the membrane (m2‚s-1), φ(x) is the average electric potential (V), and jv is the volume flux density (m‚s-1 or L‚h-1‚m-2). In this model, the transport is controlled only by electrostatic interactions acting on point ions, and therefore, the ratio D h i/Di is a constant (independent of the ion) and D h i/Di ) lm/leff ) φp/τ, where τ is the tortuosity, φp is the porosity, and leff ) lmτ/φp is an effective membrane thickness. Given that most of the transport resistance is to be found in the membrane, because of its large thickness compared to the Debye length and the relatively low fluxes, we have approximate thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium across the membrane-external solution interfaces.22 This approximate thermodynamic equilibrium can be obtained by first neglecting ji and jv in eq 5 and then integrating this equation across the membrane-external solution interfaces; this leads to constant (ideal) electrochemical potentials

c ps

and the primary goal of the model is to predict R as a function of the volume flux density given the composition of the feed (ionic concentrations) and the properties of the membrane. A further goal is to predict the electric filtration potential across the membrane as a function of the volume flux density and the volume flux density as a function of ∆P. Here, we will be interested only in steady-state NF processes for which all quantities studied are independent of time and all fluxes are independent of position in the membrane. The compositions of the feed and the permeate are determined by the concentration of each salt in the electrolyte mixture. Each salt is assumed to be completely dissociated into cations (zC > 0) and anions (zA < 0)

z1c p1

ji ) -D h i∂xcji(x) -

kfi )

cji(0+) cfi


) exp -


zi F∆φfD RT




k pi )

cji (l m) c pi


) exp -


ziF∆φ pD RT


where ∆φf(p) D is the Donnan potential at the feed or permeate side p ∆φfD ) φ(0+) - φf and ∆φ pD ) φ(l m) - φ

By combining eq 9 with electroneutrality (eq 4), an analytical solution for the ion partition coefficients can be found for symmetric salts and certain asymmetric ones ([1:2] and [2:1], for counter- and co-ion valences, respectively).15 b. General Hindered Extended Nernst-Planck Model. The classic ENP model assumes that only electrostatic effects control the transport of ions, which means that the pore radius should be much larger than the ionic radius. However, the loosest nanofiltration membranes contain pores of 1 nm in radius, which implies that this assumption is no longer valid. A coherent transport model has to account for ion size and perhaps other interactions not included in the classic ENP model. In such a

Nanofiltration Theory for Single Salts

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ki ) [electrostatic (Donnan)] × (steric) × (dielectric) × [solvation (Born)] × ...

model, the bulk electrochemical potentials are given by f(p) µf(p) ) RT ln(γ f(p) cf(p) i i i ) + zi Fφ

is the bulk activity coefficient that arises as a result where γ f(p) i of ion-ion interactions (taken to be unity in the classic ENP model). Moreover, the intramembrane electrochemical potentials contain an effective activity coefficient term, γ j i, that accounts for all deviations from “nonideality” and thus encompasses contributions from the extra interactions, including the steric interaction, which depends on ion size

µ j i(x) ) RT ln[γ j i(x) cji(x)] + ziFφ(x)


(in the interest of compactness we have included the so-called “standard chemical potentials” directly in the activity coefficients). By taking into account ion size and the other interactions, the classic ENP equations become the general hindered ENP expressions24-26

ji ) -D h i∂xcji(x) -

F D h z cj (x)∂xφ(x) + RT i i i Ki,ccji(x) jv - cji(x)D h i∂x ln(γ j i) (11)

where D h i ) Ki,d Di φp/τ ) Ki,d Di lm/leff is the effective ion diffusivity in the membrane (m2‚s-1), Ki,d is the diffusive (steric/ hydrodynamic) hindrance factor, and Ki,c is the convective (steric/hydrodynamic) hindrance factor. For the HET model, γ f(p) ) 1 and γ j i ) (ΦSi )-1, as only i electrostatic and hindered transport effects are retained in the membrane. Here, ΦSi is the steric hindrance partition coefficient, defined as ΦSi ) (1 - λi)2, where λi ) ri/rp with ri and rp the ion and the pore radii, respectively. Deen27 has reviewed the different estimates for the hindrance factors, Ki,d and Ki,c, for hard spheres in cylindrical pores and presented results that should be valid over the whole parameter range (see Appendix). Unlike the ENP model, where the ratio D h i/Di is constant, the HET model reveals that this ratio depends on the ionic species considered. Approximate interfacial thermodynamic equilibrium (eq 7) is also valid in this model, which gives rise to Donnan/ steric partitioning across the external solution-membrane interfaces. We adopt the basic simplifying assumption that, within the membrane, the ions interact with each other and the membrane solely via the direct mean field electrostatic interactions, which implies inter alia that the cross-coupling terms that appear in more general theoretical frameworks (such as the Stefan-Maxwell approach) are negligible6 and that the last term in the hindered ENP equation, involving the gradient of the effective activity coefficient, is also negligible in the core of the membrane. Note that this approximation does not require that all other ion-ion and ion-membrane interactions be weak within the core of the membrane, but rather that these interaction potentials be quasi-uniform there, which leads to negligible supplementary forces (proportional to the gradient of the potential) in the transport equations. The simplifying assumption of quasi-equilibrium at the feedand permeate-membrane interfaces allows the ionic concentrations within the membrane to be approximately related to the external concentrations via a quasi-equilibrium partition coefficient. In general, the ionic partition coefficient for ion i in the mixture can be factored into various contributions originating from the different physicochemical interactions operating between the ions in solution (bulk or intrapore) and between the ions in the pores and the membrane matrix

We note that including the supplementary interactions (other than electrostatic) in ion partitioning across the external solution-membrane interfaces is not incompatible with neglecting the supplementary forces they engender within the membrane core: In these interfacial regions, the interaction potentials associated with these supplementary interactions are strongly varying, which could give rise to nonnegligible interfacial forces. Although the above framework is capable of accounting for any number of contributions to ion partitioning, in illustrating our theoretical results below through specific examples, we limit ourselves to the HET model. (It should be kept in mind that there is still no consensus as to the relative importance of the different supplementary mechanisms currently being invoked as being responsible for ion rejection behavior in nanoporous membranes.) It has been shown15,17,19 that the homogeneous model is valid when rp/λm < 2, where λm is a Debye length associated with the effective membrane charge density, λm ) (2RT/|z1|F2|Xm|)1/2. These two relations lead to the following inequality that delimits the range of validity for the homogeneous approximation

1/2), then electroviscosity effects increase with the salt feed concentration. We note that the volume flux density of the solution studied in Figure 6 is very different from that of pure water (∼30% decrease at high pressure). This difference in flux density is quite important in this case because neither κ ) 0.51 (ηeff/η0 ) 1.51) nor Σ∆Π ≈ 4.4 bar is negligible (Σ∆Π is high because of the high feed concentration and moderately high salt rejection). The term Σ∆Π represents the x intercept of the straight line to which the volume flux density curve, jv vs ∆P, tends asymptotically (with a slope djv/d∆P that depends on the value of κ). The magnitude of the electroviscous and osmotic effects can clearly be sufficiently large for them to be important in predicting the productivity of industrial NF plants during a dimensioning study. Figure 7 shows a comparison between the HET model (ηeff/η0 ) 1.14 and ΣΛΠ ≈ 0.042 bar) and the classic ENP model (ηeff/η0 ) 1.05 and ΣΛΠ ≈ 0.03 bar) for the same salt (10-3 M CaSO4) under the same conditions. Figure 7 shows that, on one hand, the analytical and Nanoflux numerical calculations are in excellent agreement and, on the other hand, the gap between the saline solution and the pure water permeability is larger in the HET model than in the classic ENP one. This phenomenon can be explained by the calculations carried out in section 5c. Indeed, for the same membrane charge density, the inequality νj(HET) gνj(ENP) implies that κ(HET) g κ(ENP). Moreover, we know that RHET g RENP, which implies that ∆ΠHET g ∆ΠENPand ΣHET g ΣENP. We can conclude that (Σ∆Π)HET g (Σ∆Π)ENP. Thus, as is observed in Figure 7, jv(HET) e jv(ENP) for the same transmembrane pressure. Figure 8 represents the volume flux as a function of the transmembrane pressure for the same membrane and salt solution (10-3 M CaSO4) as studied in Figure 7. The upper

Figure 8. jv vs ∆P for (I) pure water, CaSO4, cf ) 10-3M, Xm ) 10-2 M, L 0p/lm ) 18 L‚h-1‚m-2‚bar-1, leff ) 100 µm; (II) a simple RO model; and (III) the HET model (rp ) 1 nm).

straight line is the pure-water permeability (I). The intermediate curve (II) was obtained using a simple reverse osmosis (RO) model for which Σ ) 1 and κ ) 0 in eq 65. The lower curve (III) represents the analytical solution (eq 65) for rp ) 1 nm (HET model). In this last case, ηeff/η0 ≈ 1.14, which implies that the permeability of the saline solution is about 14% weaker than that of pure water. We note that curve II is nearly superposed on curve I, because the electroviscosity effect is not taken into account in the simple RO model and, in this example, Σ∆Π is practically negligible. Figure 8 clearly shows that this simple RO model is not generally appropriate for NF, as electroviscous effects can be important. 7. Application of HET Model to a Tight UF Membrane For a given membrane and given operating conditions, a coherent transport model should be able to account simultaneously for ion rejection (Figures 1-3), filtration potential (Figure 4), and volume flux density (Figures 6-8), using a unique choice for the membrane pore size, charge density, and effective thickness. As a preliminary application of the model, we study a positively charged polylysine-cross-linked collodion membrane for which there are full rejection and streaming potential data at two feed concentrations;30,31 unfortunately, even today, it is difficult to find a complete published data set (rejection, electric potential, flux density) for NF and tight UF membranes.32-39

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Figure 9. R vs jv for KCl at 5 × 10-3 and 5 × 10-2 M for positively (experimental points and theoretical curves) and negatively (simulations) charged tight UF membranes30,31 (rp ≈ 3 nm).

Figure 10. Experimental points and theoretical curves. ∆Φmes vs jv for KCl at 5 × 10-3 and 5 × 10-2M for positively and negatively charged tight UF membranes30,31 (rp ≈ 3 nm).

In Figures 9 and 10, we present the experimental rejection and electric potential for this membrane as a function of volume flux density for KCl at feed concentrations of 5 × 10-2 and 5 × 10-3 M. The electric potential measurements include the Nernst (electrode) potential for anion reversible electrodes

∆Φmes ) ∆ΦF +

( )

p c Cl RT ln f F cCl-

The curves in these figures were obtained using the HET model with an estimated pore radius of 3 nm31 and the following choice of effective membrane charge density and effective thickness

Xm ) +3.75 × 10-2 M and leff ) 284.5 µm for cf ) 5 × 10-3 M Xm ) 0.1 M and leff ) 180 µm for cf ) 5 × 10-2 M It is important to note that these values, which were obtained by fitting the model to both rejection and potential data, are physically reasonable for these older tight UF membranes (cf. measured values for actual thicknesses and analytical ionexchange capacities for similar collodion/polyvinylamine membranes, Table 2 of ref 31). This choice of membrane parameters allows one to account simultaneously for both ion rejection and filtration potential data. This is direct evidence for the global coherence of the model and indirect evidence that the active layer controls both rejection and potential; therefore, the contribution of any supporting layers, if there are any, appears

Lefebvre et al.

Figure 11. jv vs ∆P simulations for KCl at 5 × 10-3 and 5 × 10-2 M for positively and negatively charged tight UF membranes30,31 (rp ≈ 3 nm).

to be negligible (cf. ref 39). (The slight drop in rejection at high flux density is probably due to incipient concentration polarization effects not taken into account in the model.) As is usually the case, we observe that the salt rejection strongly decreases with increasing concentration, even though the effective membrane charge density itself increases; this is because Xm increases more slowly than the salt feed concentration [Xm ∝ (cf)a, a < 1], and therefore the normalized effective membrane charge density, ξf ) Xm/cf, which directly controls the rejection amplitude, decreases with increasing concentration. We have allowed the effective membrane thickness to depend on the salt concentration, because we believe that the effective tortuosity might include electrical effects that would tend to increase the effective thickness at low concentrations, where such effects are most important.16,40 We do indeed observe that leff increases by a factor of 1.6 when the salt concentration decreases by a factor of 10. Although the experimental data for the flux density as a function of applied pressure were not published, we still plot in Figure 11 the model curves using the estimated value of 1 L‚h-1‚m-2‚bar-1 for L0p/lm; we observe that, under these conditions, both osmotic pressure and electroviscous effects appear to be rather weak. Although negatively charged polylysine membranes were also obtained by succinylation of the positively charged ones, only the filtration potential data were published in refs 30 and 31. In this case, we first fit the model to the measured potential vs volume flux density data (Figure 10) to find

Xm ) -0.1 M and leff ) 198.9 µm for cf ) 5 × 10-3 M Xm ) -0.1 M and leff ) 149.6µm for cf ) 5 × 10-2 M and then used these membrane parameters to simulate the rejection and flux density (Figures 9 and 11). Contrary to what was found for the positively charged membrane, we found in this case that the effective negative membrane charge density remains approximately the same for the two salt concentrations studied, although, as before, leff does decrease with increasing concentration. We observe once again a strong drop in salt rejection (here only by simulation) with increasing salt concentration. At low salt concentration (cf ) 5 × 10-3 M, see Figure 9), we see that, by plotting the measured potential, ∆Φmes (which includes the electrode potential), the curved part of the ∆ΦF vs jv curve (see Figure 4) gets subtracted out for positive membrane charges and amplified for negative ones. The explanation is as follows: At low concentration, the strong coion exclusion, and therefore high salt rejection, leads to a

Nanofiltration Theory for Single Salts situation in which the low-flux nonlinear part of the ∆ΦF curve is dominated by the Donnan potential, which becomes equal in sign and amplitude to the electrode potential for negative membrane charge, leading to amplification, and opposite in sign but equal in amplitude to the electrode potential for positive membrane charge, leading to cancellation. For both types of membranes studied, we can verify that inequality 12 is obeyed and, therefore, the homogeneous approximation to the SCM should be valid. 8. Conclusions The purpose of this work was to calculate nanofiltration physical parameters by analytically solving the electrotransport equations. We have seen that this seems possible only in the case of simple saline solutions. These methods cannot therefore be used in real industrial situations where one often encounters up to 10 different species. Nonetheless, this work has allowed us to gain deeper insight into NF transport mechanisms via explicit analytical solutions to the transport equations. We have also been able to compare the nanofiltration parameters obtained using two different models. Our results confirm that ion and pore size cannot be neglected in the NF range and that size exclusion might be incorrectly estimated using the StokesEinstein choice of ionic radius instead of the crystal one.16,40 We have also shown that electroviscous effects can be strong in NF. Furthermore, the sensitive dependence of the electroviscosity on the effective intramembrane ion diffusion coefficients explains why the electroviscous effect is amplified by both the hindered transport coefficients (finite pore and ion size) and tortuosity (large effective membrane thickness). Furthermore, the exact analytical results presented here for salt rejection, filtration potential, and volume flux density show clearly that the HET model is a true three-parameter model, and therefore, all three parameters (the membrane charge density, Xm; the effective membrane thickness, leff; and the membrane pore radius, rp) must be specified before the model can be solved. The preliminary application presented here is encouraging and suggests that the HET model provides a reasonably coherent description of ion transport in tight UF membranes. To perform more stringent tests of the model, it is necessary to obtain a full set of data, ideally as a function of feed salt concentration and pH, for the tighter NF membranes. The excellent agreement between the Nanoflux numerical calculations and the analytical results for all of the parameters studied (rejection, electric potential, and flux density) has also allowed us to validate our numerical algorithm. We can therefore use Nanoflux with confidence for complex industrial problems. Because of adjustable parameters (Xm and leff) of the computer simulation program Nanoflux, we can build a database characteristic of salt/membrane pairs that can then be used to predict the behavior of complex salt mixtures.16,40 Our goal is to predict NF performance in industrial situations such as effluent treatment and drinking water production. The use of Nanoflux should allow one to substantially reduce the time spent performing costly pilot tests, which should, in turn, lead to a more widespread use of nanofiltration in industry. Furthermore, the analytical analysis presented here should be useful in tackling one of the major open problems in the area of ion transport and partitioning in nanoporous media, namely, the role and importance of the supplementary interactions (besides the electrostatic one). In a subsequent article, the analytical approach presented here will be used as the starting point for deriving simpler approximate expressions, valid in certain limiting cases, for all physical NF parameters.

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 108, No. 43, 2004 16823 Appendix Analytic Determination of the Diffusive and Convective Hindrance Factors.27

Ki,d )

(2 - ΦSi )Ks(λi) 6π and Ki,c ) 2Kt Kt(λi)

Calculation of Kt and Ks. 2 4 9 Kt(λ) ) π2x2(1 - λ)-5/2[1 + an(1 - λ)n] + an+3 λn 4 n)1 n)0

and 2 4 9 Ks(λ) ) π2x2(1 - λ)-5/2[1 + bn(1 - λ)n] + bn+3 λn 4 n)1 n)0

with a1 ) -73/60, a2 ) 77.293/50.4, a3 ) -22.5083, a4 ) -5.6117, a5 ) -0.3363, a6 ) -1.216, a7 ) 1.647, b1 ) 7/60, b2 ) -2.227/50.4, b3 ) 4.018, b4 ) -3.9788, b5 ) -1.9215, b6 ) 4.392, and b7 ) 5.006. Study of Useful Functions Introduced in Section 2 and Used in Section 5c Demonstrations. Figures A-1-A-3 display plots of functions discussed in sections 2 and 5c.

Figure A-1. Kd vs λi.

Figure A-2. Kc vs λi.

Figure A-3. (1 - λi)2Kc vs λi.

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