Nanomolar-affinity, non-peptide oxytocin receptor antagonists

Peter D. Williams, Joseph M. Pawluczyk, James L. Leighton, Mary Beth Young, Jill M. ... James B.Hoffman, Debra S. Perlow, Willie L. Whitter, Daniel F...
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J. Med. Chem. 1993,36, 3993-4006


Nanomolar-Affinity, Non-Peptide Oxytocin Receptor Antagonistst Ben E. Evans,' George F. Lundell, Kevin F. Gilbert, Mark G. Bock, Kenneth E. Rittle, Leigh Anne Carroll, Peter D. Williams, Joseph M. Pawluczyk, James L. Leighton, Mary Beth Young, Jill M. Erb, Doug W. Hobbs, Norman P. Gould, Robert M.DiPardo, James B. Hoffman, Debra S. Perlow, Willie L. Whitter, Daniel F. Veber, Douglas J. Pettibone3 Bradley V. Clineschmidt,i Paul S. Anderson, and Roger M. Freidinger Departments of Medicinal Chemistry and New Lead Pharmacology, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania 19486 Received May 13,1993.

Non-peptide antagonists of the peptide hormone oxytocin (OT) with nanomolar OT receptor affinities are described. These compounds incorporate novel amido- and amidoalkylcamphor variations to the lead structure L-366,509 (1) to achieve receptor affinity enhancements of 2-3 orders of magnitude over that compound. The new OT antagonist L-367,773 (35) is shown to be an orally bioavailable agent with good duration in vivo and to inhibit OT-stimulated uterine contractions effectively in several in vitro and in vivo models.

Introduction Premature birth is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns.'" Current therapy for preterm labor using @-adrenergicagonists is inadequate;sIG the peptide hormone oxytocin (OT) appears to play a major role in the induction and maintainance of labor,'J-g and an oxytocin antagonist has been shown to block the uterine contractions of preterm labor.1° Together, these recent observations suggest considerable therapeutic potential for an oxytocin antagonist. Such an agent might effectively interrupt preterm labor, allow gestation to proceed closer to term, and thereby minimize the health risks to the infant associated with preterm birth. For acute application, an ivdrug would be suitable: for longer term, outpatient use, an orally effective agent with good duration in vivo would be preferred. On the basis of these considerations, we developed L366,509 (l),an orally effective, non-peptide antagonist for the peptide, oxytocin.'*'' This compound showed

tissue in vitro and in vivo, and exhibited oral activity of good duration." Aa a potential therapeutic agent, L366,509 suffered from one key weakness: insufficient potency. Efforts to overcome this limitation have been successful, and new compounds with nanomolar affinities for oxytocin receptors have now been developed. In this paper, the structure-activity profile of these new compounds is presented, and the utility of a selected example as a pharmacologically useful oxytocin antagonist is described.


The compounds described in this paper are based on the spiroindenepiperidine-camphomulfonamide nucleus present in L-366,509 (I), substituting amino- or aminoalkyl side chains for the carboxyalkyl group in that compound. Key intermediates for synthesis of the new compounds were prepared as shown in Scheme I. Here, the ketone precursor 2' to L-366,509 (1) was subjected to (1)oximationjreduction, (2) cyanohydrin formation/reduction, or 4 3 (3) acetonitrile additionjreduction to provide the amino (4), aminomethyl hydroxy (61, or aminoethyl hydroxy (8) compounds, respectively. As shown in Scheme I,the amino compound was obtained as a mixture of exo and endo isomers (4ajb; ca. 114) which were separated chromatographically. The exojendo assignment was made based on chemical shift perturbation of one camphor methyl substituent by the exo, but not the endo amino group. This assignment was confirmed by NOE studies described in the Experimental Section. The aminomethyl compound was obtained largely as 1 the single isomer 6a, although a small amount (loo00 ca. loo00 >loo00 >loo00 >loo00



1800 (4) 650 (2) 6500 3oo00 170 470 (5) 2200 450 (3) 390 (2) 1200 650 12000 (2) 240 (2) 410 460 160 310 ca. 1000 250 530 570 1000 190 260 120 170 95 180 620 170 220 140 150 52 (14) 830 1200 ca. loo00 48 150 110 60 65 170 120 94 140 150 32 68 (3) 23 (3) 140 61 130 30 47 37 (3) 29 (2) 45 49 32 580 110 12 (4) 55 (3) 90


a400 >loo00 3200 (2) 7600 (3) ca. loo00 ca. loo00 >loo00 lso00

>3000 >3000 >3000 >lo00 ca. loo00 2700 ca. loo00 >1000 >lo00 >lo00 >lo00 >lo00 >lo00 3900 >3000 >loo00 >3000 >3000 >lo00 >3000 5600 (3) 5100 >3000 >3000 2900 ca. 3000 8100 ca. 3000 4500 (2) 4Ooo


5800 >3000 5200 2200 4700 4000 (2) 1000 >300 1500 710 1700 2100 (2) 530 1500 1700 ca. 3000 >3000 ca. 3000 2300 (3) 2800 3900 2200


7oo00 (4) >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 13000 (2) 26000 (3) >loo00 >loo00 >loo00 13000 >300 >3000 >3000 ca. loo00 >loo00 46000

>loo00 >loo00 ca. loo00 >loo00 >loo00 ca. loo00 ca. loo00 6500 >3000 >loo00 >3000 >3000 ca. loo00 >3000 17000 (3) 13000 >3000 >3000 7500 ~3000

15000 >3000 9400 (2) 16000 10000 21000 >3000 20000 1700 14000 8600 (2) 9600

ca. 3000 12000 6200 8700 11OOo (2) 5500 (2) 5500 3400 ca. 3000 >3000 >3000 6100 (3) 7900 (2) 16000 13000

Non-Peptide Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25 3997

Table I (Continued) structure substituent





position A

OT 92




61 (7)

2700 (3)

8400 (3)


0 H



A 6.3 490 1800 A 2.2 (4) 2300 (3) 810 (3) A >300 2.3 >300 A 1900 1.7 620 1300 4-imidazolyl-CH&ONHCH~CHzCONHz)CH2CONH A 50 5400 1700 A 80 6200 (S)-HO(CH~)SCH(NH~)CONH A (S)-NC(CH2)2CH(NHz)CONH 1400 46 6500 4000 38 A 6700 (S)-HZNSO~(CH~)&H(NHZ)CONH A 2900 200 (S)-HZNSO~(CH&H(NH~)CONH 14000 (RSI-O2N(CHn)&H(NHn)CONH >300 330 A ca. 3000 A 2400 (3) 890 (3) 12 (3) 5200 A 12000 45 (2) 1.2 (4) A 440 (3) 280 (3) 0.7 1200 (2) A 490 (2) 30 2100 A 1500 4.9 (3) A 530 (3) 1300 (3) A 3600 (2) 7400 (2) 54 (3) 4000 A 100 5500 4.1 A (S)-CHSSOZ(CH~~CH(NHCOCHZNH~)CONH 440 1100 6.0 (2) [CHaSOz(CHdzl[4-(l-methylimidazolyl)-CH2CO] N A 320 (2) 650 (2) A [CHSSOZ(CHZM [4-imidazolyl-(CH&lNCONH 16 (3) 700 (2) 1900 (2) A 1500 (2) [CHsSOz(CH2)21[4-imidazolyllCHCONH isomer A 2900 (2) 11 (2) 2200 [CHsSO~(CHh,l[4-imidazol~lI CHCONH isomer B A 3300 . _ _ ~ ~ 11 (2) Receptor binding is expressed as I&, the concentration (nM) of compound required for half-maximal inhibition of binding of [SHIOT to rat uterine tissue (OT) or of PHIAVP to rat liver (VI)or rat kidney (VZ)tissues as described by Pettibone et al." All compounds were initially screened at one concentration. For some weakly bound compounds, ICw's have been estimated from this single determination at concentration "C", and the results appear as ">C" or %a. C". For all other compounds, ICw's were determined from plota of inhibition vs log concentration at seven different concentrations selected on the basis of the initial screening result. Where repeat determinations of ICW were carried out, the number of such determinations is given in parentheses following the ICs0 entry. The ICs0 value in these cases is the mean of all determinations. 38 is a mixture of ca. 2 1 indenehdan. These compounds are diastereomer mixtures, ca. 1:l. d This compound is a mixture of diastereomers, ca. 2.61. e This compound is derived from racemic piperidine propionic acid. HPLC and NMR do not indicate more than one diastereomer. 70 71 72 73 74c 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

(S)-N'-(3-aminopropanoyl)-cglutaminyl-NH ~S~-Nu-(4-imidazolylacetyl)-~-glutaminyl-NH (S)-Nu-((l-methyl-5-imidazolyl)acetyl)-~-glu~inyl-NH ~S~-Nu-((l-methyl-4-imidazolyl)acetyl)-~-glu~inyl-NH

tested (see below), no exceptionsto this general preference were found. The activity advantage of compoundsderived from the (1s)-vs (1R)-camphor ketone was similarly retained in all cases studied, (e.g., 35vs 37)and the majority of amides examined in this work were therefore derived from the (1S,2S) or "S-endo" amine, 4b. Other simple amides, ureas, and sulfonamides (e.g., 1218)of amine 4b proved comparableor inferior to the simple acetyl compound lla as OT receptor ligands. Phenyl substitution at the termini of simple alkanamide chains provided a series of compounds whose OT receptor affinities varied with substituent chain length (e.g., 1922). The maximum OT receptor affinity in this series, however, remained in the lo-' M range of the benchmark compounds: the peak OT affinity achieved with a onecarbon link between the aryl and amido groups (20)was only marginally superior to that of the simple acetyl compound (lla). The endo orientation of the major camphor substituent in this group again proved more effective than the exo (20 vs 23), consistent with earlier observation (ref 1; see also above). Heteroaryl-based substituents provided similarly potent OT receptor ligands such as 24-34 (Table I) with OT receptor affinities clustered in the 10-8 to lo-' M range. The insensitivity of OT receptor affinity to a range of structure variations is perhaps surprising in a series of such relatively potent compounds. This insensitivity was

not absolute, however, for the 2-pyridylacetyl (28), and especiallythe 4-imidazolylacetylgroups (35)enhanced OT receptor affinity into the 1O-a M ICw range. The imidazolylacetyl compound L-367,773(35)exhibits >10-fold improved OT receptor affinity over L-366,509(1). Among amide 35,its exo isomer (36),and their enantiomers (37and 38,respectively),the (1S,2S)or "S-endo" compound 35 proved most effective as an OT receptor ligand, consistent with the (1s)vs (1R) and endo vs exo preferences detailed above. Variations on the imidazole theme incorporating N-substitution (39,42,43),C-substitution (41),Ca-substitution (40,42,44),isomerization (451,homologation (46-481,amide N-substitution (491,and modification to a urea linkage (50-51)provided a number of compoundswith comparable OT receptor affinities,and two (49,51)with significant improvement therein. Major OT receptor affinity enhancements over benchmark compounds such as 1 and lla were also achieved with amides and ureas containing various alkyl-, cycloalkyl-,and bicycloalkylaminefunctions in the camphor 2-substituent (e.g., 52-58). The quinuclidinyl amide 58, for example is some 20-fold more tightly bound at OT receptors than is L-366,509(1) and on a par with the best of the imidazole-containing group described above (i.e., 49,51). Endo amine amides and ureas with single-chain acyl groups, compounds such as 35,50,and 58,had provided

3998 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No.25

Evans et al.

Table 11. Oxytocin (OT) and Vasopressin (AVP-VI,V2) Receptor Binding Affinities for Spiroindenepiperidine (Aminomethyl)camphorsulfonamidesa

comDd 6.3

6bb 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 1ou


10u 107 108 109 110 llld

112 113 114c*d 115’ 116’ 11P

OT 1300 ca. loo00 130 480 180 100 180 50 81 (2)

H H COCHa COCH2-l-adamantyl CO-2-pyridyl CO-3-pyridyl CO-4-pyridyl CO-5-(3-amino-l,2,4-triazolyl) COCHrEpyridyl COCH2-3-pyridyl COCHr4-pyridyl COCH2-4-imidazolyl CONH-cyclohexyl CO-3-quinuclidinyl CO-3-(l-(carboxymethyl)quinuclidinyl) CO-3-piperidyl L-leucyl L-valvl L-gliiaminyl

53 (2)

35 (2) 45 170 57 (2) 21 110 (2) 42 43 90

(S)-CHsS02(CH2)2CH(NHz)CO (S)-CHnSOzCHzCH(NHz)CO . . (S)[CH$30z(CH2)21[4-imidazolyl-CH2CONH]CHCO Na-(4-imidazolylacetyl)-~-valyl RR’ = -(CH2)aCORR’ CO(CH2)2CORR’ = CONHCH2CO-


110 40 7.6 (2) 8.3 150 110 50 >1000

v1 >1000 1OOOOO


>3000 1100 1600 1200 680 830 890 480 >300 950 470 >300 >300 430 290 >300 3700 1100 310 67 ca. 3000 ca. 3000 2100 >loo00


>loo00 1OOOOO

ca. loo00 >3000 3600 6800 ca. loo00 4800

4700 4600 5100 >3000 18OOO 6100 >3000 5100 2200 4900 ca. 3000 9200 3000 2500 E40

>3000 >3000 1400 >loo00

a Binding affinities defined as in Table I, footnote a. b Stereochemistry at position 2 of the camphor ring is R in all compounds except 6b. €2’ = H in all compounds except 114,115, and 116. d The indene double bond in these compounds is saturated. ‘The 2-OH and RNHCH2 groups in compound 117 are incorporated into an oxazolidinone ring as shown. f These compounds are diastereomer mixtures, ca. 1:l.

OT receptor ligands with ICm’s in the 10-8 M range. A clue to methods for enhancing potency still further was provided by the high-affinity analogs 49 and 51 noted above. What distinguishes these compounds structurally from their confreres (e.g., 35-48,50) is the presence of two major branches in the amide side chain, one bearing the imidazole unit, the other containing a three-carbon carboxylate chain. These features are keys to high OT receptor affinity. Addition of the second, or succinoyl chain to 50 to give 51, for example, more than trebled OT receptor affinity. Another approach to such two-chain amide groups is through a-amino acid analogs. Appending simple a-amines onto the potent imidazole-based compound 46, for example, provided 2-3-fold potency improvement as seen in the histidine derivatives 59 and 60. Extension of the a-amine side chain with a glutaminyl group (61) gave a slight additional potency enhancement. In comparison with the successfulhistidine modification (591, other simple a-aminoacyl groups such as Leu and Val (62 and 63, respectively)generallywere less efficacious. Glutamine proved an exception, providing the 12 nM OT receptor ligand 64. The D-Gln analog 65 was less effective at OT receptors than compound 64, and modifications such as shortening the Gln chain (66) and translating the a-amine to the y-position (67) were similarly detrimental

to OT receptor affinity. The cyclized analogs 68 and 69 also exhibited reduced OT receptor affinity relative to compound 64. In keeping with the two-chain hypothesis, it was elaboration of the a-amine which opened the way to additional potency enhancements in glutamine derivative 64. Thus, attachment of a ,&alanyl side chain (70) enhanced potency some 2-fold, and acylation with the imidazolylacetyl unit seen in compound 35 gave entry into a series of still more potent, nanomolar level OT receptor antagonists, such as the prototype 71 and its N-methyl derivatives 72 and 73. The 8-amido analog 74 of compound 71 was substantially less effective at OT receptors. The apparent effectiveness of the terminal amide group in compound 64 in enhancing OT receptor affinity prompted an examination of other potential hydrogen bond accepting groups in this position. Hydroxy (75) and cyano (76) were reasonably effective as alternate chain termini, though inferior to the prototype amide. Nitro (79) was considerably less effective. Sulfonamide was slightly inferior to carboxamide in both compounds 77 and 78 (cf. 64 and 66, respectively), but methyl sulfone (80; cf. 64) proved fully effective. The relationship between the glutamine (e.g., 64) and methionine sulfone (e.g., 80) series was maintained over several modifications, being reduced by ca. 4-fold upon inversion of the amino acid

Non-Peptide Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25 3999

Table 111. Oxytocin (OT) and Vasopressin (AVP-VI, Vz)

pounds in the amino series (64 and 80, respectively), although such a result may not be unexpected, since the key spacing between the camphor and terminal units has been increased in the aminomethyl compounds relative to the amino derivatives. This implication, that the various amido chains serve merely as spacer units, is supported by the similarity in receptor affinity between various aminocamphor amides and the corresponding aminomethyl derivatives in which the camphor to end group spacing is the same, pairs such as 26/97,27/96,56 + 571 104, and 54/106. However, affinity differences in other such pairs as 28/95, 29/100, 46/102, and 801111 suggest this interpretation is less than completely rigorous. Though less potent than its amine analog 80, the aminomethyl Met sulfone derivative 110enjoyed a similar (10-20-fold) enhancement in OT receptor affinity when acylated with imidazoleacetic acid (112). Similar imidazolacetylation of the valine amide 108 produced an analogous 5-fold OT affinity enhancement (113). Cyclizationstolactam (114),imide (115),andhydantoin(116) enhanced potency in the aminomethyl series, though not to the ultimate levels achieved in the amines (see below). Cyclization incorporating the.exo hydroxy function (117) was decidedly counterproductive. (Aminoethy1)camphor Analogs. Among the spiroindenecamphorsulfonamide derivatives prepared in conjunction with the investigation of L-366,509 (1) was the corresponding nitrile 7, a compound with OT receptor affinity comparable to that of L-366,509itself.l Reduction of this nitrile to the amine 8 and acetylation as above again gave a 100nM level OT antagonist (1181,and simple alkyl- (e.g., 119), aryl- (e.g., 1201, heteroaryl- (e.g., 121127),and bicycloalkylamine- (e.g., 128)based compounds again provided reasonably effective OT receptor ligands, although the peak affinities reached in this series, including the imidazolylacetyland quinuclidinyl derivatives 127and 128, were inferior to those attained in the amino- and (aminomethy1)camphor groups. Hydantoin/Imide. As discussed above, simple aliphatic amides of the uendo amine” 4b are relatively weak OT receptor ligands (ICw, lo-’ M range). This generalization remained intact over a wide range of structure variants including the succinoyl class compounds 14,15, and 17. It was somewhat surprising, therefore, that simple cyclization of the latter compounds to imide 129 or hydantoin 130 enhanced receptor affinity by more than 1order of magnitude, well down into the lo” M ICs0 range. Interestingly, this effect of cyclization was not general, for closely related cycles, such as lactam (131, 159-161), imidazolone (1321, or imidazoletrione (133) did not engender this potency enhancement. In the substituted imides (134-1361, and particularly in the hydantoins (137-158), OT receptor affiiity again remained relatively consistent over a broad range of substitutions, as in the acyclic amides cited above. In the cyclic cases, however, the receptor affinity plateau was significantly lower, with the hydantoins and imides hovering in the lo”-10-9 M OT receptor affinity range. The imidazolylmethyl compound 144, for example, is a nanomolar level OT receptor ligand, some 5 times more tightly bound to OT receptor than is its acyclic precursor, the histidine amide 59. Biology. As the data in Tables I-IVindicate, numerous analogs with the requisite >lO-fold potency enhancement over the L-366,509 lead have been uncovered. As is also shown, the majority of these exhibit good selectivity vs

Receptor Binding Affinities for Spiroindenepiperidine


ICSO(nM) compd 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126


OT 150 (2) CHs 45 CHsCHzC(CHs)z 220 phenyl 120 2-pyridyl 97 3-pyridyl 79 4-pyridyl 49 2-oxo-Bpyridyl 110 Cpyridylmethyl 300 5-tetrazolylmethyl 4-imidazolylmethyl 90 3-quinuclidinylmethyl 100 (2)



2700(2) 2300 4600 >lo00 1900 >lo00 1000 ca.3000 >3000 >300 640

3oooO (2) 13000 23000 >lo00 6000 >lo00 2600 >3000 >3000 >3000 6200

127 128b 0 Binding affinities defined as in Table I, footnote a. Compound 128 was prepared from racemic quinuclidinylacetic acid. NMR and HPLC do not distinguish two diastereomers.


center (cf. 81 vs 65) and enhanced 5-10-fold by imidazoleacetateacylation (82,83;cf. 71,73). N-Alkylation (84, 85) produced only small changes, either for good (dimethylation: 85) or for ill (diethylation: 84) in the OT receptor affinity of Met sulfone 80, while reduction to sulfoxide (86) and cyclization (87) were decidedly detrimental. Other modifications to the Met sulfone unit (8892) produced effective OT receptor ligands, but the imidazoleacetyl derivatives 82 and 83 remained the most potent in the series. (Aminomethy1)camphor Analogs. With TMSCN, ketone 2 gave the aminomethyl derivatives 6a/b, as described above (Scheme I). Like the amines 4a/b, these compounds showed poor affinity for OT receptors (Table 11). Even more so than with 4b, however, acetylation enhanced the OT receptor affinity of the endo-aminomethyl compounds 6a considerably, giving the 130 nM OT receptor ligand 93 (cf. lla). A series of amides and ureas of amine 6a containing various carbocyclic and heterocyclic substituents (e.g., 94-103; Table 11)revealed numerous compounds with OT receptor affinities in the 1o-S M range, comparable, and in some cases superior, to analogous compounds in the aminocamphor series (cf. 13, 24-28,35). The imidazolylacetyl derivative 102, though less outstanding in this series in the company of comparably potent analogs (Le., 98, 100, and 1011, was nevertheless superior in OT receptor affinity to the aminocamphor analog 35 containing this same substituent. Cycloalkyl- and bicycloalkylamine-based compounds such as 104-106 exhibited OT receptor affinities in line with those of similar derivatives in the aminocamphor series (e.g. 54-68), and simple amino acid amides of amine 6a (e.g., 107,108)showed enhancedaffinitycompared with analogous amides in the aminocamphor 4b (cf. 62, 63, respectively). Interestingly, cyclization of the aminocamphor cr-amino acid amides such as 62 to hydantoins such as 140 (Table IV), a modification discussed in more detail below, also enhanced OT receptor affinity, though not to the level achieved in the aminomethyl derivative 107. The glutamine and Met sulfone amides 109 and 110 of the aminomethyl base proved inferior to the same com-

4OOQ Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25

Evans et al.

Table IV. Oxytocin (OT)and Vasopressin (AVP-VI, VZ)Receptor Binding Affimities for Spiroindanpiperidine Camphorsulfonamide Lactams, Imides, and HydantoinsO

compd 129 130 131b 132 133 1346 13S6 136b 137b*c



v1 910 (2) 1100 (2) 3500 >300 9200 1600 (3) 2100 770 500



1700 (2) 2100 (2) 9300 >3000 16OOO 2500 (3)


2400 3200


138b 139 140b 141b 142 143 144 146 146 147 148b 14gb 1606 161 162 163b 164 1666 1666 167b


COCH(CHr4imidazolyl)NHCOisomer A COCH(CHr4imidazolyl)NHCO isomer B COCH(CHr4imidazolyl)NHCO isomers A + B COCH2N(CHr4imidazolyl)CO COCHaN((CH2)~-l-imidazolyl)CO COCH.~N(CHp5tetrazolyl)CO COCH(CH2NHa)NHCO




710 960 1200 >300 600 420 580 (4) 370 (2) 500 2000 490 120 1900 >300 530 3700 500 160 (2) 110 410 1100

2100 2700 4200 >300 2000 1400 1500 (4) 940 (2) 1900 4400

2100 450 4100 >300 1700 6700 740 570 (2) 660 1100 3800


1 W CHaCH&H(NHa)CO 60 (2) 1700 5500 l6of CHzCH&H(NHCHs)CO 210 4700 12000 1616 COCH&H&H(COOH) 270 >3000 >3000 a Bindingaffiities defmedas in Table I, footnotea. These compounds are diastereomer mixtures,ca. 1:l(NMR). 0 Absolute stereochemistry at pyrrolidine ring 4-position undetermined. c HPLE does not distinguish diastereomers; NMR is equivocal.

vasopressin V1 and V2 receptors. The imidazoleacetate L-367,773 (35), for example, showed high affinity for both rat (Ki,26 nM) and human (Ki,61 nM) uterine OT receptors with good selectivity vs vasopressin VIand VZ receptors. L-367,773was effectivein blocking OT-induced PI turnover in rat uterine slices and behaved as a competitive OT antagonist (pA2,7.93) in the isolated rat uterus, showing no agonist-like activity. In keeping with ita hypothesized OT selectivity, L-367,773 did not affect uterine contractions induced by bradykinin or prostaglandin F2a. As an important prerequisite for iv formulation, L367,773 showed good aqueous solubility (HC1 salt: 10.2 mg/mL in water, final pH 4.5; 5.4 mg/mL in physiological saline; 3.5 mg/mL in 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0). Administered iv, L-367,773showed a long-lastingand dosedependent (ADSO,1.5 mg/kg) inhibition of OT-stimulated uterine activity in the rat. When administered intraduodenally (10 mg/kg), the compound showed sub-

stantial OT antagonist activity, indicative of significant absorption from the gut. The compound showed no appreciable AVP agonist or antagonist activity in the rat, consistent with the OT selectivity gleaned from receptor binding results. In rat, dog, and rhesus macaque, L-367,773 (20 mg/kg) showed good oral bioavailability (50-100 % ;by AUC PO/ AUC iv) and good duration (t1p ca. 60 min). Given orally or iv to near-term pregnant rhesus, L-367,773was effective in blocking OT-stimulated uterine contractions. Discussion In the development of the non-peptide oxytocin receptor antagonist, L-366,509 (11, a large number of spiroindenecamphorsulfonamide compounds' were prepared based on an original screening lead, and an optimal compound (1) was selected from among them. Several criteria dictated this selection: L-366,509 was among the most potent OT antagonists uncovered in this study (ICm 800

Non-Peptide Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25 4001

nM), it possessed reasonable selectivity vs vasopressin (AVP) receptors, it exhibited effectivenessin antagonizing OT-induced uterine contractions,it had aqueous solubility sufficient for iv formulation, and most importantly, it showed good oral bioavailability. While suitable as a prototype compound, L-366,509was judged insufficiently potent by at least 1order of magnitude for development as a potential drug candidate. Investigation of a wider range of novel substitution patterns in the spiroindenecamphorsulfonamideseries was the goal of the present effort. This investigation led to the amide-based compounds shown in Tables I-IV. Included in this group are compounds with ICm's for OT receptor binding in the 10-9 M range, potencies suitable for a potential drug. The development of these amides followed a series of stepwise progressions from the ca. 400 nM OT receptor affinity of a simple amide such as l l a to the 1 nM level of compounds such as 71, 82, and 155. Among the different major steps found to increase OT receptor affinity were two-chain amide formation (e.g., 51,61),imidazole acetylation (e.g., 35), bicycloalkylamino acid acylation (e.g., 58) and imide/hydantoin cyclization (e.g., 129,130). In some cases, the benefits of the individual modifications appeared to be synergistic in their combination (glutaminylside chain, 64, ICw, 11.5 n M imidazole acetylation, 35, ICm, 52 nM; combination, 71, ICw, 2.2 nM), while in others they did not (hydantoin, 130, ICw, 18nM; imidazoleacetylation,35, ICw, 52 nM, combination, 143,ICm, 12 nM). In the course of the present investigation, numerous high affinity (IC50 1-10 nM) OT receptor ligands have been uncovered (Tables I-IV). On the basis of OT receptor affinity alone, compound 35 would appear to be less than optimal as a candidate for further study. In practice, however, the cumulative profile of this compound-its good aqueous solubility, its bioavailability from the gut in several species, ita duration in vivo, its oral effectiveness in rhesus-more than offset its apparent receptor affinity disadvantage. Though theoretically more potent in receptor binding assay, the 1-10 nM compounds proved uniformly less effectivein vivo due to offsetting deficiencies in one or another of these properties. These results illustrate again how numerous factors, not only target receptor affinity, dictate the potential utility of new pharmacological agents. In our previous report on L-366,509,'we described another example of how a single basic structural nucleus, in this case, the spiroindenepiperidine, can be targeted toward multiple receptors by appropriate structural modification. This approach, which we have recommended in the past,lSZ1provides a valuable route to new receptor ligand leads, but as noted in the previous report,' subsequent optimization remains a major undertaking. The present paper describes optimization of the L-366,509(1) lead, and as is illustrated by the extent of the Tables I-IV, themselves by no means all-inclusive, the second, optimization stage of drug development was at least as labor intensive as the initial lead discovery process. A key factor driving this labor requirement is the apparent high precision required to adjust receptor affinity in a base ligand such as l l a using chemical structure variation. We have developed elsewhere a detailed model19-21 which attempts to account for the levels of precision required in such an undertaking. Comparing ligand binding constants with free energies of binding, this model describes how seemingly small structure

variations can (but might not) exert large effects on receptor binding affinity.'Szl Such a high sensitivity to structure is illustrated by the OT receptor affinity data for the compounds of Tables I-IV, most of them closely related in structure but showing large differences of 109 M or more in OT receptor affinities. The model also predicts that the alternative result is possible: namely, that similar, or even more substantive structural changes, at or near the same locus, can have surprisingly little effect on affinity in the same base ligand, as in the subset 24-34 discussed above.1g-21 It is usually no surprise when structural change in a weakly bound receptor ligand produces a new ligand with similar (Le., similarly poor) affinity. The series of compounds 24-34, however, are relatively high affinity OT receptor ligands, so the insensitivity of receptor binding affinity to structure variation within this group is noteworthy. Human oxytocin receptors have now been cloned and expressed,22but there is as yet no detailed structural information available for these receptors. Therefore, we have relied on the informed trial-and-error method of traditional medicinal chemistry to achieve oxytocin receptor ligand optimization. The success of this method in the present instance provides yet another affirmation of its continuing value in the practice of modern medicinal chemistry.

Conclusion In the first paper in this series,l we described the development of a prototype for an orally bioavailable,nonpeptidal OT receptor ligand, the micromolar affinity (1). That compound, and the many compound, L-366,509 analogs prepared in its class, lacked adequate OT receptor affinity for further development as potential drugs. In this companion paper, we have detailed the structureactivity studies which have successfully refined the L366,509lead to yield a series of nanomolar affinity OT receptor antagonists. One of these, the amide L-367,773 (35), has been shown to be an effective OT antagonist in vitro and in vivo, orally bioavailable with good potency and duration in several animal models. It has demonstrated effectiveness in blocking OT stimulated uterine contractions in pregnant rhesus and represents a significant advance in the development of new tocolytic agents. Clinical evaluation is pending. Experimental Section Melting points (Thomas-Hoovermelting point apparatus) are uncorrected. Spectrawere obtained as follows: FAB mass spectra on aVG MM/ZAB-HFspectrometer,"NMRspectraonaVarian XL-300,Nicolet NT-360, or Varian VXR 400sspectrometerwith Me&i as internal standard. HPLC was carried out on a HewlettPackard Model 1084Bliquid chromatographusinga Waters C-18 column (30X 0.39 cm). Elementalanalysesfor carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen were determined with a Perkin-Elmer Model 240 elemental analyzer. Analytical TLC was carried out on 250 pm, 5-X 20-cm silica gel plates (60 F-254, E. Merck) with ultraviolet light and/or phosphomolybdic acid for visualization. Syntheses. The specificexamples presented below illustrate the synthetic methods used in preparing the compoundsof Tables I-IV. Methods used, HPLC purities, mass spectral molecular ion determinations, and C, H, N analytical data for new compounds are given in the supplementary material. All new compounds gave NMR spectra consistent with the reported structures. In general, samples prepared for physical and biological studies were dried in high vacuum (