Nanostructured Materials - American Chemical Society

Chapter 1. Parallel Processing of Nanocrystal Colloids: Light-Directed Assembly and Simple Devices. J. R. Heath .... 2 - 1 0. 1. Bias voltage. Figure ...
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Chapter 1

Parallel Processing of Nanocrystal Colloids: Light-Directed Assembly and Simple Devices

Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001

J. R. Heath, T. Vossmeyer, E. Delonno, and G. Markovich Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California— Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569

Chemical strategies for parallel preparation of nanocrystal based single electron devices and nanocrystal-patterned substrates are presented. The Langmuir-Blodgett technique is used for the preparation of ordered particle monolayers, which are incorporated in solid state capacitance devices. Single electron charging is observed in those devices. Patterned thin nanocrystal films are produced by spatially resolved photochemical activation of self-assembled organic monolayers. This method is used to form both metal and semiconductor nanocrystal patterns by binding them to exposed amine groups on the surface.

Chemical techniques for the fabricating crystalline solids in finite size have advanced rapidly, such that it is now possible to fabricate nanocrystals of virtually any class of metallic, semiconducting, and insulating materials. The unique size- and shapedependent physical properties that are obtainable from nanocrystalline materials have made them promising candidates for a host of applications, including chemical ca­ talysis, electronic devices, photonics-based devices, and others. Many applications, particularly those in the realm of solid-state electronics, require that particles be pre­ pared as electrically addressable and processable patterned thin films. In this paper, we discuss two recent advances toward making such films. In the next section, we report on parallel fabrication of single-electron ca­ pacitance devices, in which the capacitive elements are organically passivated metal­ lic nanocrystals. The crystals are prepared as thin particle monolayer films through the use of a Langmuir trough. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film is stabilized against further processing steps via solid-state chemical reactions that link the particles to­ gether. Capacitance devices fabricated in a sandwich-type configuration, exhibit sin­ gle-electron (Coulomb blockade) charging effects. Capacitance/Voltage curves, © 1997 American Chemical Society

Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.




Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001

taken at 77K and 300K, exhibit structure that is consistent with multiple electronic charging states. If the average particle size within the thin film is decreased, the sin­ gle-electron charging energies correspondingly increase. In the last section, we present results on the light directed assembly of metal and semiconductor nanocrystals. Self-assembled organic monolayers containing photo-active sites were prepared on a clean Si wafer. Spatially resolved surface photochemical techniques were used to selectively modify the organic monolayers, producing a pattern of chemically active amines. The amines could be subsequently functionalized to produce a pattern of some particular chemical interaction, or they could be used directly as nanocrystal binding sites. In this paper, we report on using this technique to selectively bind both semiconductor and metal nanocrystals. 49

Single-Electron Capacitance Device

We have incorporated ordered, two-dimensional closest-packed phases of organically-functionalized metal nanocrystals into solid-state devices, and investigated their single electron charging properties. The device is described in the upper part of Fig­ ure 1. The nanocrystal arrays were prepared as Langmuir monolayers and subse­ quently transferred onto glass substrates as Langmuir Schaeffer films (7). The glass substrates had been patterned with a series of evaporated 0.5 mm wide aluminum stripes. The nanocrystal array was cross-linked with dithiol ligands for stabilization, similar to the technique described by Andres and coworkers (2). Poly­ methylmethacrylate (PMMA) was spin coated on top of the nanocrystal film and an­ other striped pattern of A l electrode, perpendicular to the bottom pattern, was evapo­ rated on the insulating polymer. One device existed at each point of electrode inter­ section. In this way, tens to hundreds of devices could be easily fabricated on a sin­ gle 1 cm glass wafer through the use of crude evaporation masks. Ultimately, the number of devices is limited only by the width and separation of the metal strips. A C impedance measurements were carried out to probe the single-electron charging characteristics of the devices under both ambient and 77 K conditions. Device ca­ pacitance as a function of the voltage applied between the A l electrodes was meas­ ured by varying a DC voltage across the electrodes while modulating it with a small amplitude sinusoidal wave and detecting the A C current with a lock-in amplifier. Typical 77K AC-V curves are shown on the bottom left of Figure 1. The ca­ pacitance has a minimum around 0V bias as a result of the finite charging energy needed to load an electron onto each particle (the "Coulomb blockade"). Similar curves have been obtained for granular metal thin film devices (3,4). Generally, the C-V curves exhibit oscillations around 0V where the maxima correspond to a single electron (or hole, depending on polarity) charging of the particles. Ideally, the single particle curve should have a sharp "Coulomb staircase" structure, and, in fact, certain of our devices to exhibit such structure (5). Two factors tend to wash out such stair­ case structure in the current experiments. The first is a distribution in the particle size. Perhaps more important, however, is a distribution of single particle charging times during the cycle of the experiment. Either of these two phenomena will tend to smooth the observed curves after the first couple of oscillations. The difference in 2

Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.


Parallel Processing of Nanocrystal Colloids

Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001

A l electrode


Ag nanocrystal

Size Dependence

Memory Effects Before write






Bias Voltage


- 2 - 1 0


Bias voltage

Figure 1. Top: single electron capacitance device assembly. Bottom left: Ca­ pacitance/voltage curves for two devices with different average particle sizes. Bottom right: The upper curve shows a regular C/V curve taken after biasing a device with 0V for a long period. The lower curve was taken after biasing the same device with -1.0V for 10 minutes, then switching to 0V and running a fast scan.

Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001

oscillation period between the two curves in the size dependence graph of Figure 1 originates in the different average particle size (d) in the two devices. The smaller the particle, the smaller is its capacitance (ocd) and the larger is its charging energy (ocl/C), which is proportional to the oscillation period. These devices exhibit memory effects when cooled to 77K with a fixed DC bias on the electrodes. Once the voltage is removed, a 'memory' of the offset remains with the device. Evidence for this effect is presented at the bottom right of Figure 1. In this data, the C-V curve minima have split into two components. One component is unchanged, but a second component has shifted to the value of the pre-written D C voltage (= -IV) for a period of a few minutes after the DC was turned off (3,4). Light Directed Assembly of Nanocrystals Device related applications of nanocrystals often require precise spatial positioning of the particles into chemically and structurally complex environments. To do so, we have developed a strategy for the spatially resolved, light directed assembly of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles onto various substrates (6). Here, we describe how Pt and CdSe nanocrystalites can be assembled onto a lithographically defined micropattern of protected and deprotected amino groups attached onto a silicon sub­ strate. For preparing the light sensitive substrates, 3-aminopropyldimethylethoxysilane was attached onto a cleaned silicon wafer. This molecular forms a single chemical bond with the oxide surface layer on the silicon wafer, and presents and amine termi­ nus at the air/wafer interface. These amine groups are subsequently reacted with nitroveratryloxycarbonyl glycine (NVOC-GLY) to give a N V O C terminated sample surface. N V O C is a photoremovable protecting group for primary amino groups that is used in combinatorial solid phase peptide synthesis (7). A pattern was photochemically defined onto the substrate surface by exposure to UV/VIS radiation (X > 340 nm) through a microchip mask. In order to scavenge reactive byproducts (alde­ hyde derivatives) of the photo-reaction which could re-react with the deprotected amino groups (8), a, thin film of a semicarbazide hydrochloride solution in methanol was 'sandwiched' between the microchip mask and the wafer surface. This arrange­ ment increases the yield of free amino groups as compared to the 'dry' photodeprotection - i.e. without the addition of a scavenger solution. After photo-deprotection, the wafer was put into a solution of dodecylamine stabilized platinum particles (prepared in the same fashion as amine-terminated A u nanocrystals (9)) or trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) stabilized CdSe particles (10,11) in toluene. Since both types of nanoparticles can bind to free, deprotected amino groups protruding from the substrate surface, the particles assemble preferen­ tially on areas of the wafer surface, that have been exposed to light. In order to en­ hance spatially resolved particle binding, we amplified the assembled pattern by coupling 1,7-diaminoheptane onto the first layer of particles attached to the surface. After this, the wafer was again exposed to the particle solution to bind more particles onto particles that have been attached to the wafer surface, before. Thus, previously bound particles themselves serve as a chemically selective 'substrate' for subsequent

Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.

Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001


Parallel Processing of Nanocrystal Colloids


attachment of bifunctional ligands and further particle binding. This amplification of selective particle binding could be repeated several times. In the micrographs shown in Figure 2, the light directed assembly of Pt nanocrystals is selective (produces a cleaner pattern) than the assembly of CdSe particles. Our initial attempts at binding Pt particles to patterned substrates initially re­ sulted in 'noisy' patterns. In the binding process, we have found that the nanoparticle solution also plays a major role in pattern differentiation. Addition of various branched and linear alkylamines to the solution can have profound affects on particle assembly. The high contrast achieved for the Pt particle pattern was obtained by adding butylamine to the Pt/toluene solution. The CdSe pattern is a 'first generation' attempt, and we believe that enhanced differentiation for those patterns can also be achieved through the appropriate modification of the nanocrystal solution.

Figure 2. Light directed assemblies of Pt nanoparticles a) and CdSe nanoparticles b) on Si substrates. Each pattern was amplified three times by diaminoheptane treatment as described in the text. The lighter sections represent the areas on which the particles have assembled. The finest lines are approximately 3 urn wide.

Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.



Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: December 18, 1997 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1997-0679.ch001

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Shalaev and Moskovits; Nanostructured Materials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.