There are no mechanical complications in a Nash Compressor. A single moving element, a round rotor, with shrouded blades, forming a series of buckets,...
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This is W h y the Mash is the Most Simple Compressor


It's the Nash! There are no mechanical complications in a Nash Compressor. A single moving element, a round rotor, with shrouded blades, forming a series of buckets, revolves freely in an elliptical casing containing any low viscosity liquid. This liquid, carried with the rotor, follows the elliptical contour of the casing. The moving liquid therefore recedes from the rotor buckets at the wide part of the ellipse, permitting the buckets to fill with gas from the stationary Inlet Ports. As the casing narrows, the liquid is forced back into the rotor buckets, compressing the gas, and delivering it through the fixed Outlet Ports. Nash Compressors produce 7 5 lbs pressure in a single stage, with capacities to 6 million cu. ft. per day in a single structure. Since compression is secured by an entirely different principle, gas pumping problems difficult with ordinary pumps are often handled easily in a Nash. Nash simplicity means low maintenance cost, with original pump performance constant over long periods Data on these pumps sent immediately on request



No internal wearing parts. No valves, pistons, or vanes. No internal lubrication. Low maintenance cost. Saves floor space. Desired delivery temperature automatically maintained. Slugs of liquid entering pump will do no harm. 75 pounds in a single stage.



313 W I L S O N , S O . N O R W A L K ,


Circle Nos. 61-1, 61-2, 61-3, 61-4, 61-5 on Readers' Service Card
