National Bureau of Standards - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 30, 2012 - National Bureau of Standards. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (3), pp 292A–292A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00130a844. Publication Date: February 1987...
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easurements That Measure Up are important to everyone who needs quality. Perhaps your lab is the backbone for quality assurance in your company. Perhaps your lab helps a surgeon decide whether or not to operate. Perhaps your lab is in government and helps decide who is in compliance with the law. Certainly your group has paid good money for instruments and is paid good money to measure with them.

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instruments and check on measurement accuracy. One of these may be just the sample type you are trying to analyze. In cases where the specific material you need has not yet been issued by NBS, there still may be an instrument performance Standard Reference Material ready to help you. Listed below are some of the areas where NBS has instrument performance SRM's available: Atomic absorption Calorimetry Clinical analysis Electron probes Emission spectroscopy GC/MS HPLC Inductively coupled plasma Mass Spectrometry Neutron activation analysis Optical emission


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