National Carbon Company - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - National Carbon Company. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (4), pp 71A–71A. DOI: 10.1021/i650580a759. Publication Date: April 1958. Copyrigh...
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News from

National Carbon Company


Division o f Union C a r b i d e C o r p o r a t i o n

3 0 East 4 2 n d S t r e e t , New Y o r k 1 7 , Ν. Υ.

Sales Offices: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco. I N CANADA : Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto

National Carbon representatives expand your engineering force


L. Ε . B R U G M A N N , SALES


M r . B r u g m a n n was graduated from P u r d u e University with a B.S. Degree in Chemical Engineering. F o r three years h e worked in the midwest as a process engineer with a large chemical c o m p a n y . His work cov­ ered development of new chemical proc­ esses a n d the improvement of existing processes, both from t h e technical a n d economical aspects of the process. It was necessary for Brugmann t o know the r e ­ quired equipment thoroughly, t o work on the design of new equipment a n d t o draft an economic evaluation of any changes. Mr. B r u g m a n n has been with National C a r b o n C o m p a n y since 1954. His first t w o years were spent in the Cleveland Office working u p Engineering Proposals on in­ coming inquiries from chemical and allied industries. H e h a s been a field engineer covering the west coast since 1956. Call y o u r National C a r b o n Sales Engineer today.

This carload of "Karbate" pumps was shipped to a major rayon producer. During the past twenty years, "Karbate" impervious graphite pumps have gained an envious performance record corro­ sion wise. A recent survey on service applications indicates these pumps han­ dle a wide variety of corrosives over a wide temperature range. Some of these solutions a r e : hydrochloric acid, all concentrations; phosphoric acid — up to 7 5 % ; sulphuric acid from 1 to 9 3 % ; chlorinated hydrocarbons such as ben­ zene h e x a c h l o r i d e , m o n o c h l o r a c e t i c

acid, D D T ; mixed acids such as nitrichydrofluoric, sulphuric-hydrofluoric, hydrofluoric-chromic oxide, chromicnitric hydrofluoric, phosphoric-hydro­ chloric nitric; chlorinated sodium and potassium chloride brines, ferric chlo­ ride; caustic; chlorine saturated water. The excellent corrosion resistance of "Karbate" pumps permits a given plant to utilize one type pump for all corro­ sive services. Such a pump standardiza­ tion means a saving in pump parts in­ ventory, and also means lower main­ tenance costs due to greater proficiency in handling one type pump.

"KARBATE" PUMPS FEATURE LOW MAINTENANCE COSTS A rayon manufacturer reports us­ ing " K a r b a t e " impervious graphite pumps to handle rayon spin bath solutions. Maintenance costs on each pump were $25.00 the first year and $25.00 the second year — costs on an alloy pump were $25.00 the first year and $500.00 the second year. A major chlorine producer is

using "Karbate" impervious graph­ ite pumps to handle chlorinated cell brines. Eighteen pumps are in service. Maintenance costs on the " K a r b a t e " pumps are approxi­ mated at $100.00 per pump per year as compared to costs on an­ other non-metallic type pump of $500.00 per pump per year. • • •


" K A R B A T E " PUMP TABLE OF SIZES A N D CAPACITIES Pump size Motor-Mounted Frame-Mounted Suction Discharge Type F Type C 2

1 X 1 IV2




I Xj



2-CA 2-CB


j x ]


3-CA 3-CB


1 X 1 4


The terms " N a t i o n a l " , " N " and Shield Device, "Karbate" and "Union Carbide" are registered trade-marks of Union Carbide Corporation.



VOL. 50, NO. 4

APRIL 1958
