National Carbon Company

HCI Storage—Loading Facilities. Use "Karbate" Centrifugal Pumps. "Karbate" Centrifugal Pumps load and unload commercial strengths of hydro chloric a...
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National Carbon Company Division of Union Carbide Corporation · 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ.

Sales Offices: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco. I N CANADA: Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto


"KARBATE" Impervious Graphite Vital to Increasing HCI Production

New Data Sheets Give Product Specifications on "Columbia" Brand Activated Carbon

Major Plant Items: " K A R B A T E " Falling-Film Absorbers, Stripping Towers, Boilers, Coolers, Condensers, Pumps and Piping. Process improvements made possible by National Carbon's introduction of impervious graphite have established hydrochloric acid and anhydrous hy­ drogen chloride as major industrial chemicals. Today, " K a r b a t e " imper­ vious graphite equipment is used in all HCI production processes. Photograph at left shows typical plant equipment producing anhy­ drous hydrogen chloride from by­ product HCI. Flow sheet below e m ­ phasizes the role of " K a r b a t e " imper­ vious graphite in this operation; the "National" Graphite Combustion C h a m b e r shown is frequently used to produce raw HCI gas by combustion of hydrogen a n d chlorine. T h e d u r a b l e c o n s t r u c t i o n of " K a r b a t e " shell and tube heat ex­ changers, towers a n d centrifugal p u m p s is important to the design and continued economy of all types of HCI processes. A wide range of items available from stock at moderate cost. F o r details on " K a r b a t e " equip­ ment in H C I production, request Catalog Section S-7460 N L .

Designed to facilitate selection of proper type and grade of "Columbia" Activated Carbon in gas purification, gas separation, air conditioning, and catalyst applications. Includes product description, typical applications, prop­ erties, screen analyses and pressure drop curves. Request supplement to Catalog Section S-6450.

Technical Information on "National" Carbon Brick Now Includes Corrosion Resistance Tables

Cover use of "National" Carbon Brick for lining tanks, reactors and similar process vessels containing corrosive liquids or gases. Photograph above shows "National" Carbon Brick linings and "Karbate" Plate Type Heat Ex­ changers in nitric-hydrofluoric acid stainless steel pickling tanks. Catalog Section S-6215

HCI Storage—Loading Facilities Use "Karbate" Centrifugal Pumps

"Karbate" Centrifugal Pumps load and unload commercial strengths of hydro­ chloric acid at tank farms. Pump ca­ pacities up to 1500 gallons per minute at heads up to 125 feet cover wide range of loading requirements. Catalog Section S-7250


The terms "Karbate", "Columbia", "National" and the " N " and Shield Device are trade-marks of Union Carbide Corporation


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