National Industrial Chemical Conference - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 4, 2010 - It might be called commercial chemistry, in that it deals with the commercial application of research work in chemistry. The following p...
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November 25, 1940



National Industrial Chemical Conference The general subject of applied chemistry, in contrast to pure research, will be the feature of this conference. It might be called commercial chembtry in that it deals with the commercial application of research work in chemistry. The following program will provide the highlights of the conference: THURSDAY FORENOON—DECEMBER 12, 1940 Presiding, BRUCE K. BROWN

General Manager of Research and Development Standard Oil Company, Chicago, Illinois "New Development· in Synthetic Chemical* and Material» for Fuels and Lubricants* 9

"The Influence of the Friedel-Crafts Reaction on t h e Development o f the Chemical Industries 9 * By E. C. BRITTON, Director of Organic Research, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan. FRIDAY EVENING—DECEMBER 13, 1940 Presiding, S. C. LIKD

By WALTER G. WHITMAN, Head of Department of Chemical

President, American Chemical Societ> Minneapolis, Minnesota

Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts. "New Developments in 9Synthetic Chemicals and Materials in the Rubber Industry * By PER K. FROUCH, Director of Chemical Laboratories Standard Oil Development Company, New York, New York. THURSDAY EVENING—DECEMBER 12, 1940 Presiding, WILLIAM F. HENDERSON

Chief Chemist, Viskinç Corporation Chicago, 111.

"Service of Chemistry to Human Nutrition" By C. A. ELVBHJBM, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. "Service of Chemistry t o Agriculture" By C. E. FRILBY, President, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa "Service of Chemistry to Industry" By GUSTAV EGLOPP, Director of Research, Universal Oil

Products Co., Chicago, Illinois·


" T h i s W o r l d o f Color' 9

By A. L. TER LOUW, Sales Division, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York. Regular meeting of the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society. This is the Chicago Section's annual Ladies* Night. FRIDAY FORENOON—DECEMBER 13, 1U0 Presiding. C. D. Hunn Professor of Organic Chemistry Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois "The Influence of Electrolytic Processes o n the Develop* ment of the Chemical Industries" By C. G. FINK, Head of Division of Electro-Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, New York. "The Influence of New Solvents o n t h e Development of the Chemical Industries" By C. L. GABRIEL, Manager, Sales Promotion, Commercial Solvent* Corporation, New York, New York.


Technical Director Marathon Paper Mills, Rothschild, Wisconsin "Effect of New Resistant Materials on Modern Industrial Chemical Development" By JAMES A. LEE, Managing Editor, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, New York, New York. "Effect of Economic Conservation of By-Products o n Modern Industrial Chemical Development" By L. W. BASS, Assistant Director, Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Method* Analysis Programs in a Chemical Industry** By J. R. BAILEY, Industrial Engineering Division, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware. "Effect of Instruments for t h e Chemical 9 Industries o n .Modern Industrial Chemical Development' Bv JOHN J. GRBBS, Director of Physical Laboratory, Dow

Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan.


1. "Approved by the Underwriters*' 2. 'The Romance of Iron and Steel" 3. "King Cotton" 4. "Manufacture of Pulp and Paper" 5. "Eyes of Science" 6. "Rubber Reborn" 7 "A Woolen Yarn" 8. "Norton Abrasives" 9. "It Isn't Done with Mirrors" 10. "Frontiers of the Future" 11. 'The Sugar Trail" 12. "A New World Through Chemistry" 13. "Modern Pyramids" 14. "Making of Safety Glass" 15. "Keeping Nature on Ito Course" 16. "The Manufacture of Laboratory Glassware" 17. "Mining, Milling, Smelting and Refining of Nickel'1

SoimcB Underwriters' Laboratories· Inc. American Rolling Mill Co. General Motors Corporation Rhinelander Paper Co. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Co. General Electric Co. Norton Company American Cyanamid Co. General Motors Corporation General Electric Co. EL I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. National Carbon Co., Inc. Ford Motor Co. Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. Corning Glass Works International Nickel Co., Inc.