The PROLABO TENSIOMETER is designed for the rapid and accurate measurement ofthe surface tension of liquids, and the interfacial tension at the interf...
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p r e c i s e measurement


SURFACE TENSION Operation consists essentially of weighing with a sensitive, direct reading electromagnetic balance. The PROLABO TENSIOMETER is designed for the rapid and accurate measurement of the surface tension of liquids,and the interfacial tension at the interface of two liquids. It is also used to measure the elasticity of superficial films. •

Static method avoids the drawback of other methods, measures the exact value of surface tension at equilib­ rium.

Great accuracy finely controlled to 0.05 dyne/cm: precision equals weighing sensitivity.

Rapidity of operation: continuously variable measurements of surface tension can be made.

Both surface tension and interfacial tension are measurable with the same apparatus.

The detachment method may be used. It is possible to measure the elasticity and the strength of super­ ficial films.

with the PROLABO

Exclusive U.S. d i s t r i b u t o r s : NATIONAL INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES, INC 828, E v a r t s S t r e e t , Ν. Ε. W A S H I N G T O N 18, D.C. Circle No. 159 on Readers' Service Card 96 A
