Natural-abundance nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance

Natural-abundance nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Steric and electronic effects on nitrogen-15 chemical shifts of piperidines and...
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Natural-Abundance Nitrogen- 15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Steric and Electronic Effects on Nitrogen- 15 Chemical Shifts of Piperidines and Decahydroquinolines a Rudolf 0. Duthaler, Kenneth L. Williamson,1bDonald D. Giannini, William H. Bearden, and John D. Roberts* Contribution No. 5483 f r o m the Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91 12s. Rewired Deceniber 17, I976

Abstract: Natural-abundance lSN-NMR chemical shifts of closely related methyl-substituted piperidines, decahydroquino-

lines, and their N-methyl derivatives have been measured in cyclohexane and methanol. For both solvents, the secondary amines and two groups of tertiary amines give separate linear correlations with the I3C chemical shifts of their hydrocarbon analogues. Additive shift parameters for carbon substituents near nitrogen, similar to those which correlate "C chemical shifts, have been determined. Except for the 1%'-alkylation parameters, these parameters are relatively solvent insensitive, at least for cyclohexane and methanol. Nonetheless, I5N chemical-shift comparisons are best made for the same solvent or very similar solvents. A large shift effect results when substituents are changed which are antiperiplanar to the orbital of the u n shared electrons of tertiary amines. The use of the additive shift parameters and the general correlation between "N and "C shifts with respect to analysis of conformational and structural changes is illustrated using .V-methylpiperidine and cis-2,3dimethylpiperidine as specific examples.

Introduction I n a previous report on the natural-abundance I5N spectra of saturated amines, it was shown that the nitrogen chemical shifts of primary and secondary ;.mines could be correlated with a set of additive substituent .effect p a r a m e t e m 2 Also, it was found that the I3C shifts o f a variety of saturated acyclic compounds could be correlated with the 15N shifts of primary and secondary amines of corresponding structures. What this means is that the C1 shift of butane correlates with the Ish shift of propylamine, the C 2 shift of butane with the ISN shift of methylethylamine, etc. The purpose of the present work was to extend the same analysis to the I5N shifts of a series of methylpiperidines and decahydroquinolines, as well as their N-methyl derivatives. A useful set of empirical additive structural parameters has been obtained for the carbon shifts of methylcyclohexanes,? and if there is a reasonable linear correlation between carbon shifts of cyclohexanes and the nitrogen shifts of analogously substituted methylpiperidines, it should be possible to derive a similar parameter set for the I5N shifts of substituted piperidines as well. However, there is a number of possible reasons why nitrogen and carbon shifts may not correlate: ( I ) Steric effects on the shifts arising from proton-proton interactions might be quite different from those arising from proton-lone pair interactions. (2) Differential solvent effects, especially when hydrogen bonding is important, may be expected even for very simple saturated a m i n e ~(3) . ~ The degree of (T delocalization of the lone pair by hyperconjugation or the extent of inductive polarization of t h e u electrons could change with the pattern of hydrogen-carbon substitution and conformation with respect to the lone pair and the size of the lone-pair ~ r b i t a l (4) . ~ Differences in energy of n (T*transitions could produce sizable shift effects arising from changes in the second-order paramagnetic effect with changes in structure.


Experimental Section Nitrogen-I5 chemical shifts were measured with a Bruker WH-180 FT-NMR spectrometer operating at 18.25 MHz. Except as indicated, the spectra were taken of 20 mol % (-2 M) solutions in cyclohexane and 8 mol % (-2 M) in methanol at the ambient probe temperature (35-40


with proton noise decoupling). The 25-mm tubes were

Journal of the American Chemical Society

fitted with a Teflon vortex plug which held a concentric 5-mm tube containing 1 M I5N-enriched nitric acid in DlO which served both as a reference and as the deuterium lock signal. The solutions were not degassed. Chemical shifts are reported in parts per million upfield from HI5NOjand in general are reproducible to the precision of the data system (1.25 Hz 0.1 ppm). To obtain a signal-to-noise ratio of greater than 3:l, 500 to 1000 I 5 O pulses were accumulated. This required for each spectrum, depending on the relaxation time of the amine being examined, from 30 min (for a 2-s repetition rate) to 5 h (for a 17-s repetition rate). The half-width of the resonance signals ranged from 1 to I O Hz. Secondary amines generally gave broader signals than tertiary amines. Peak assignments for isomer mixtures were made by comparison with the shift of one pure isomer or by comparing mixtures with known and different compositions. Peak intensities were in good agreement with the ratios determined by other met hods. Except as noted below, the samples were commercially available compounds (Aldrich Chemical Co., and Eastman Kodak Co.). Liquid amines were freshly distilled from calcium hydride and solids were sublimed before measurement. Secondary amines were converted to ,V-methyl tertiary amines by the Leuckart method.6 Carbon-I3 N M R spectra were taken of 10% solutions in deuteriochloroform, using a Varian XL-100, and proton spectra were taken with a Varian A-60 spectrometer. 3,3- (1 la) and 4,4Dimethylpiperidine (12a)were prepared according to the procedure of Hoch and Karrer.' Mixtures of the stereoisomeric 2,6- (5a, 6a), 3,s- (7a, 8a), and 2,3-dimethylpiperidines (9a, loa) were obtained by sodium and ethanol reduction of dimethylpyridines by a procedure described for the reduction of pyridine.* Catalytic hydrogenation of :V-3,5-trimethylpyridinium iodide yielded a mixture of N-methyl-cis- and N-methyl-trsns-3,5-dimethylpiperidines (7b, 8b).9aN-Isopropylpiperidine(20) was prepared in the same way.9bIt was found advantageous to shake the solutions before hydrogenation for 24 h with Raney-nickel C.Io 8(e)-Methyl-trans-decahydroyuinoline(17a),also recently reported by Eliel and co-workers," was synthesized by methylation of octahydroquinoline'* following a method of Evans and Domeier,I3 and subsequent reduction of the imine double bond with sodium in ethanol. The product was shown by proton, carbon, and nitrogen NMR to be contaminated with trans-decahydroquinoline(15a) and minor amounts of two other methyl-trans-decahydroquinolineswhich were not characterized further.


Results and Discussion The IsN chemical shifts of various methylpiperidines, decahydroquinolines, related compounds, and their N-methyl

/ 99:26 / December 21, 1977

8407 Tahle I





2- Methylpiperidine


3- Met h y I pi peridine


4- Methylpiperidine




















trans- Decahydroquinoline


3 15.8 317.3 321.1

cis- Deca hydroquinoline


33 1.6

8(e)-Methyl-trans-decahydroquinoline Pyrrolidine

17 18

326.6 337.3 335.9









3(a)-Methylquionolizidine cis-4-tert- Butylcyclohexylamine

21 22 23

trans-4-tert- Butylcyclohexylamine


2-Aminoadamantane Atropine Scopolamine Quinuclidine

25 26 27 28

6('CN)' b NCH3

336.3 337.0 319.1 320.6 337.0 337.1 337.5 338.0 300.7 303.5 310.2 311.5 336.5 336.4 347.3 347.4 329.9 318.6 343.6 344.2 337.7 338.2 292.3 292.6


trans-2.3-Dimethylpiperidine 3,3-Dimethylpiperidine

a NH

COHI? CH30H C~HI? CH30H ChHi? GHir ChHi2 CH30H C~HI? CHjOH CHiOH CHC13 CHC13 H2 0 C6Hh


323.2 322.0 320.3 3 18.0 3 12.2 321.1 343.4 343.5 334.6 334.8 340.3 314.9 336.4 356.0 366.5

336.6 334.4 325.1 323.1 337.6 334.4 337.0 334.6 31 1.9 311.0 329.6 325.5 331.2 334.2 345.1 341.7 326.9 341.4 338.7 336.7 323.3 318.5 336.0 331.3 321.4 324.7 339.5 335.4 350.2 333.6 330.2

6( '3C)nl


CHCHl -33.4"

-27.4" -36.1









-41.7' -26.7"

-41 .9(eq)h -39.5(ax)* -33.0"



-31.8' -36.4' -22.9'

-39.5' -28.6"



-53.1 '' -38.2d

-50.0(eq) -49.3(ax)* -39.4d





-31.0' -26.5f

-26.6' -35.41

6( I3C)R' -40.6f -44.9k -43.5' -39.2h


R I3C shifts from ref 14a-g. * Calculated shifts. ' Calculated shift using AG(for .?'-inside z N-outside conformations) = 1.06 kcal/mol obtained from the data in ref 15, the carbon shifts of slowly inverting cis-decalin (ref 14e). and assuming a temperature of 37 "C. A Shift of bicyclohexyl (ref 14f). Upfield with respect to NHO,. n l Downfield with respect to TMS.


derivatives, measured in cyclohexane and methanol solutions, a r e given in Table I along with the I3C chemical shifts of their hydrocarbon ana10gues.I~A plot of t h e I5N shifts vs. t h e corresponding I3C shifts is shown in Figure 1 (for cyclohexane solutions) a n d in Figure 2 (for methanol solutions). ( I n order t o have a positive slope, the carbon shifts which a r e downfield in respect t o TMS were given a negative sign and t h e nitrogen shifts which a r e upfield from nitric acid a positive sign.) It is obvious, that there is no linear relationship which includes all of the structures. This is in accord with our previous work,* where separate linear correlations were found between I5N and I3C chemical shifts for saturated acyclic primary and secondary amines. We now find t h a t secondary heterocyclic

Roberts et al.

amines a r e well correlated with a single line but t h a t t h e tertiary amines divide into a major group a n d a minor group which are correlated by two different lines. T h e slopes, intercepts, and correlation factors corresponding t o t h e d a t a of Figures 1 a n d 2 a r e listed in Table 11. T h e deviations of each nitrogen shift from the least-squares line a r e given in Table 111. T h e nitrogen shifts of a few amines which d o not appear t o fall in a n y of t h e three correlating groups, or which have conformational equilibria of unknown position, have been excluded from t h e least-squares analysis. These compounds a r e marked in Table 111. Their deviations have been determined from t h e slope a n d intercepts of t h e linear l5N/I3C chemical-shift relations.

/ ISN Chemical Shifts of Piperidines and Decahydroquinolines

8408 Table I1 Solvent



Corr coef

No. of examples

C6H 12 CH3OH

1.902 1.804

387.73 385.81

0.997 1 0.9986



1.819 1.726 1.967 1.955

397.30 39 1.54 398.00 394.24

0.9967 0.9988 0.9997 0.995 1


Compounds Secondary piperidines Tertiary piperidines Group I Group I I

II 8 5


6 ( I T ) (downfield from tetramethylsilane, negative values) = X: 6('N) (upfield from HN03, positive values) = Y . Intercept on I5N chemical shift axis (6(I3C) = 0).

1 0 I
















8W 380


8'" 300







Figure 1. ' j N / I 3 C shift corrclation (cSclohexanc)

Figure 2. l 5 Y / I 3 Cshift correlation (methanol)

The I5N shifts which correlate well with the I3C shifts can, of course, be expressed by substituent parameters to the same degree a s the 13C shifts. T h e rather small differences in the slopes of the correlation lines (Table 11) indicate that the substituent parameters for each of the three groups and in both solvents have similar magnitudes. T h e intercepts show a pronounced solvent dependence, especially for the tertiary amines. Because the same carbon shifts were used for both solvents, the changes in intercept and slope reflect the solvent effects on I5N chemical shifts of saturated amines. The solvent dependence makes it difficult to compare the slope and intercept with those previously found for acyclic secondary amines (1.67 and 380.5).l The effect which appears to be most solvent dependent is the a-alkylation parameter of secondary amines, and in the following discussion of shift parameters we will restrict ourselves to shifts measured in cyclohexane. An analogous treatment of the shifts for methanol solution can be easily carried through with the aid of the methanol shifts in Table 1. Analqsis of structural influences on I5N chemical shifts of N-alkylated piperidines must take account of possible conformational differences between piperidine ( l a ) and N methylpiperidine ( l b ) . Whether the lone pair of piperidine is

methylpiperidine, predominance of the conformer with axial lone pair has never been questioned. Nonetheless, the reported equilibrium constants, obtained from different kinds of measurements, cover an even larger range than for piperidine. Thus, the degree of preference for axial methyl a t room temperature has been determined to be: 25% by dipole moment measurements,16c5-9% from I3C chemical shifts,'6d and about 1% from "fast protonation" in the gas phase or in cyclohexane solution. 6e W e expect sizable 5N chemical-shift differences between the two lone-pair conformations of piperidine ( l a ) and N methylpiperidine ( l b ) . O n e way in which 15N and I3C shifts could become uncorrelated is through the possibility of having the nitrogen assume a favorable conformation through inversion which would not be possible for a n analogously situated carbon. Thus, while the methyl group on C2 of cis,cis- 1,2,3trimethylcyclohexane will surely be axial, the N-methyl of cis-2,6-dimethylpiperidine, 6,can either be axial or equatorial.





cis,cis-1,2,3-trimeth ylcyclohexane

la, R =


lb, R = CH,

most favorably axial or equatorial has been the subject of considerable controversy. Currently, there a r e reasonable arguments for a slight preference of the lone pair axial (6070% a t 25 "C) in the gas phase or in nonpolar solvents.16aT o account for N M R evidence which indicates a possibility of strong preference for a n equatorial lone pair, a change in conformational equilibria in going to polar solvents has been suggested,'6a but has not as yet been confirmed. For N -

Journal of the American Chemical Society

CH, cis-2,6-dimethylpiperidine( 6 )

Obviously, a preferred choice for making the correlation would be the I3C shift of the isomer in the carbon series which cor-

/ 99:26 / December 21, 1977

8409 Table Ill







3-Methylpiperidine 4-methyl piperidire


Deviation of I5N shifts, ppm b = tertiary amines a = secondary amines Group 1 Group 2 0.7 0.6 0.03

0.1 0.5

0.4 0.4

-0.1 0.4


0.5 -0.02

-0.2 0.6 0.4







-1.2 1.8


-0.2 -0.8 -0.3 8.5 (NCH3 eq)" 4.2(NCH3 ax)" 6.3(NCH3 eq)" Z.I(NCH3 ax)" -0.1 -0.4






cis-2.3-Dimethylpiperidine trans-2.3-Dimethylpiperidine 3.3-Dimethylpiperidine


-1.3 -0.3 -0.4 2.7" 0.1

9 10 11

-0.2 -0.2 1.5


-0.3 0.4

-0.3 4.4-dimethyl piperidine




1 .I




17.0(NCH3 eq)" 1 5.7(NCH3 ax)" 13.3(NCH3 eq)" 1 Z.O(NCH3 ax)"

2.6a 2-Azaadamantane


trans- Decahydroquinoline


0.7 0.4 -0.6

cis- Decahydroquinoline



8(e)-Methyl-trans-decahydroquinoline Pyrrolidine


-2.2 -0.03" -2.1"

N-ethyl piperidire


N - Isopropylpiperidine


3(e)-Methylquinolizidine 3(a)-Methylquinolizidine Ouinuclidine





7.8a -0.03 -0.6


0.5 -0.2




-0.3 " -0.2 0.5 4.7" 3.9" -0.2 0.2 +10.5"

22 _28_



Shift not included in the least-squares analysis, deviation given is that calculated from the least-squares predicted shift based on the shift. responds to the most favorable N-CH3 conformation or, better, the weighted average of the I3C chemical shifts of the appropriate stereoisomers which corresponds to the conformational equilibrium of the N-methyl group. I f there were large effects of this kind with the secondary piperidines, these should be evident in the correlation with the shifts of analogous carbons in the corresponding cyclohexanes. However, Figures I and 2 show that the deviations from the linear correlation are not large. This may mean that all the secondary piperidines have the same or similar axial-equatorial equilibrium positions for their nitrogen lone pairs or that the lone-pair conformational shift changes are linear with the other structural shift effects, or else, that the orientation of the lone pair for secondary piperidines has no important effect on the I5N chemical shifts. T h e same or similar axial-equatorial lone-pair equilibrium positions for the different secondary piperidines studied here is unlikely, particularly because piperidines both with axial 0-and y-methyl groups were included. There is evidence that such substituents do, in fact, influence the lone-pair conformations." T h e possibility of

regular changes in conformation with structure is not supported by the shifts for substances such as 2-azaadamantane (14a) and 8(e)-methyl-trans-decahydroquinoline (17a). Of these, 14a has a single conformation, while 17a is expected,









CH 14a


Roberts et al. / S N Chemical Shifts of Piperidines and Decahydroquinolines

84 I O



Figure 5. Oricntaiionx 01 t i i t r q c r lonc pair .ind m-bond orbit,il\ I'or \ isopropLlpipcridinc (20) ,ind quinuclidinc ( 2 8 ) .

Figure 3. Configuration\ of piperidinm \ h o N ing antipcriphniir oricnt,ltion\ of nitrogen lonc pair and C H or C C rr-bond orbital\

noline (17b), and whether or not the methyl group in IYmethyl-2-azaadamantane (14b) is taken to be axial or equatorial, it will experience the steric and electronic interactions expected of an axial N-methyl. Although a good I3C/l5N shift correlation is found for the tertiary piperidines with N-equatorial groups (group I I , Table I I), large deviations, 15.5 ppm (14b) and 4.5 ppm (17b). were found for the two cases with axial nitrogen methyl groups. with a few exceptions, the remaining 3-methylpipeiidines. for which the conformational preferences are not so extreme, give a good 1 s N / i 3 Cshift correlation with a quite different intercept and slope (group I , Table 11). From all of this, it appears that the conformation at the nitrogen of .W-methylpiperidines does have an important effect on I s \ chemical shifts, which results in changing the intercept and slope of the correlation with the I3C chemical shifts of corresponding hydrocarbons. The tertiary amines. which have large deviations from the group I and group I1 correlation lines. and the axial conformer of N-methylpiperidine share a common structural feature. This is having the lone-pair nitrogen orbital anripriplatzar ro rhr g-bonding orbitals of C-C bonds rather than antiperfplanar to C-H bonds as is the case with the other tertiary amines (see Figure 3). For these amines, special shift effects specific for nitrogen could be the result of n-cr* interactions which would not be the same for C-C and C - H bonds. Corresponding and substantial shift effects on the resonances of protons and carbons antiperiplanar to lone pairs of cyclic tertiary amines have been accounted for by this kind of mechanism (Figure 4 ) . 1 7 " . 1 y Protonation of these amines reduces the shift differences between axial and equatorial protons and carbons to close to the values found for h y d r ~ c a r b o n s . ~ ~Furthermore, ~."~ one line now suffices for a linear IiN/I3C shift correlation of the shifts of tertiary cyclic amine hydrochlorides, including axial N methyl groups.1° It also appears that the I5N chemical shifts of the free bases measured in methanol, a solvent which hydrogen bonds strongly to the nitrogen lone pairs, have smaller deviations of the shifts from the correlation lines. Larger contact shifts with paramagnetic metal ions have been observed for nuclei antiperiplanar to the lone pair than for nuclei with other orientations.21 :Y-Isopropylpiperidine (20) and quinuclidine (28) are further examples where possible conjugative interaction of the lone pair with C - C bonds. as in Figure 5 , can account for the observed dcviations from the lsN-l3c shiftcorrelation line of 4.7 and 7.6 ppm, respectively. Why are the antiperiplanar ISN shift effects larger for tertiary than for secondary piperidines? Similar effects have been reported for carbon shifts.IgbThus. the change from equatorial to axial of the 2-methyl group in 2-methyl-trans-decahydroquinoline gives a 4.3 ppm upfield I3C shift of the 2-methyl group (which, when axial. is antiperiplanar to the lone pair). but the corresponding stereochemical change with the N methyl produces a 12.8 ppm I7C shift of the 2-methyl (Figure 4). A possible reason is the difference in size and hybridization of the orbitals for the unshared electrons in secondary and tertiary amines.5 This could also account for the different I5N/'3C shift-correlation lines found for secondary and tertiary cyclic amines having equatorial N-methyl groups. a-Substituent Parameters. Keglecting possible small shift



through steric interactions, to have its N - H proton a t least predominantly axial, and yet. the nitrogen-I5 shifts of both substances correlate well with those of the other compounds. W e can only conclude. a t this point, that "N N M R shifts d o not seem very helpful for determining the position of equilibrium for different lone-pair conformations of saturated secondarj, a mines. Analysis of the I 5 N / l 3 C chemical-shift correlations for tertiary amines indicates a rather more complex situation (Figures 1 and 2 ) . Here, seven of the compounds are expected to strongly favor one conformation: the ,Y-methylpiperidines having an axial y-methyl group (Sb, 1 l b ) ; N-methyl-cis-decahydroquinoline (16b). and the two 3-methylquinolizidines 21 and 2218 should


C'H 8b


21, R , = CH,, R,= H 22, R,= H, R, = CH,


1 9 CH


have equatorial N-alkyl substituents. The N-methyl is expected to be axial for 8(e)-methyl-N-methyl-trans-decahydroqui-

Journal of the American ChemicalSociety


/ 99:26 / Decetnher 21, 1977

841 I Table IV.Comparison of "N and I3C Substituent Shift Parameters




0.0 ( 2 )


+20.2 ( 1 )


-17.8k 0.6 ( 2 )


9.0 (1)




-2.5 W

0.5 i 1.0 ( 6 )




* 0.0 ( 2 )


UAverage values with deviations for nonpolar solvents. Parenthetical number? refer to the number of' example5 run to obtain the average. Reference 14b. effects arising from the lone-pair orientations in the secondary piperidines, approximate N-methylation parameters can be derived from the shifts of Table I for nonpolar solvents. Thus, aeq = -2.2ppm from compounds 8 and 11, and cyax = +20.2 p p m from compound 14. Only small shift changes, either upor downfield, are observed on N-methylation of piperidine (la) and those methylpiperidines that d o not have 0-or axial ymethyl groups (3a, 4a, 7a, and 12a). From this fact, and from shifts expected for equatorial and axial N-methylation derived above, the percentage of axial methyl group in N-methylpiperidine is estimated to be 10% (AG = 1.4 kcal/mol, T = 310 K ) . A similar value (AG = 1.35 - 1.77 kcal/mol) has been reported from the I3C chemical shifts of piperidines and

trans-decahydroquinolines.1 6 d N-Methylation of piperidines with equatorial methyl groups on the cy carbons (2, 5, 10, and 15) results in increased shielding. Part of this may be due to a n increase of the conformer with an axial "methyl group as suggested for m a l kylated piperidines,Ihe the rest to the gauche interactions between cy and P carbons as will be discussed below in conjunction with the P-substituent effects. Very large upfield shifts a r e connected with the N-methylation of piperidines having axial @-methyl groups (6, 13, and 14). Possible causes have been discussed above. The largest effect, +3 1 ppm, was observed on 1%'- methylation of 2,2,6,6- tetra met h y I pi per id i ne ( 13b) . The different steric environments of N substituents i n five-membered rings make the N-methylation effect on the resonance of pyrrolidine (-3.6 ppm) different from that for piperidine ( + 0 . 3 ppm) and for this reason pyrrolidine (18a) and N-methylpyrrolidine (18b) were excluded from the I5"/l3C shift correlation. @-SubstituentParameters. The average shift effect produced by an equatorial @-methylgroup, as observed for the secondary piperidines 2a and 5a (Table I ) is - / 7 . 8 p p m . The /3 effect i n simple primary amines is similar, -18.2 ppm.' The Pq-methyl effect on the lsN chemical shifts of N methylpiperidines appears to be reduced by the gauche diequatorial interaction of the N N and /3 substituents. Thus, a 2b oeq-methyl parameter of about 12 ppm is found for l b and 2b -.+5b.


Roberts et al.

Gauche interactions between equatorial 0-and y-methyl groups cause only minor shift changes: -0.5 ppm for 2a loa; and 1.8 ppm for 2b .+ lob. On this basis, comparison of the shifts of trans-decahydroquinoline (15a) with 3-methylpiperidine (3a) suggests an equatorial P-substitution effect of about - 15.9 ppm. The I5N chemical-shift change from 2-methylpiperidine, 2a, to trans-2,6-dimethylpiperidine, 6a, yields a n axial 0methyl parameter of about -9 ppm. The change from 2b 6b is upfield by 4.5 ppm, a difference of 13.5 ppm, resulting from the effect of the axial 0-methyl on the nitrogen shift of a tertiary amine as discussed above. y-Substituent Parameters. The spectra of piperidine ( l a ) , 3-methyl-, and cis-3,5-dimethylpiperidine (3a and 7a, respectively) show that equatorial y-methyl groups have a negligibly small effect on 15N chemical shifts. This is not quite as expected when account is taken of the influence of first-row heteroatoms on the chemical shifts of carbons antiperiplanar to the heteroatom.22Thus, the I3Cresonances of the y-methyl groups of 3a and 7a are shifted upfield by about 4 ppm, as the result of what is thought to be a hyperconjugative effect of the nitrogen lone pair.22 It is surprising that there seems to be no corresponding effect on the nitrogen shifts of secondary and tertiary piperidines. The I5N-chemical shift of 2-aminoadamantane (25) is 3.2 ppm to lower field than that of cis-4tert-butylcyclohexylamine (23) and this could be the result of 4








the expected effect. However, the anti y-carbons of 25 are only shifted 1.2 ppm toward higher field compared with the parent adamantane.14'. In close analogy to " C - N M R , the I5N resonances of piperidines are shifted upfield by gauche interactions with y

/ 5N Chemical Shifts of Piperidines and Decahydroquinolines

841 2 substituents. The axial methyl-group cffect on the nitrogen Sa) is + / 0 . 3 p p m . shift of rran.r-3.5-dimethylpiperidinc(3a The $7.5 ppm change for the 1%'-methylderivatives (3b Sb) is likely to be thc result of differences in the proportion of axial 1%'-methyl for these compounds ( a s discussed above). The 8.9 ppm difference bctween thc resonance signals of the epimeric 3-methylquinolizidines 21 and 22 shows the same influences as in I3C N M R . The upfield shift per gauche interaction is also not ver) constant:14bthe effect of the gauche y-methyl group on the nitrogcn shift of 8(c)-methyl-rrans-decahydroquinoline (17a) is o n l y +5.5 ppni and the upfield shift per interacting



hexane (Table 11). Now wc find that the observed nitrogen shift, 329.9 p p i , lies bctwcen the shift obtained from the correlation line 332.6 p p m (and the calculated carbon shift of the hydrocarbon analog of 9c) and the shift of 327.3ppm from thc correlation line (and the mcusurcd C 3 shift of the 1 : l conformer mixture of ci.7- 1.2-dimcthyl~yclohcxane~~~). This analysis and thc preferred conformation of the closely related cis-decahydroquinolinc. 16a,Ii suggest that conformer 9c of cis-2,3-dimethylpiperidine may be more stable than conformer 9d, and indeed. a rccent I'C N M R study'3 suggests about a tenfold prefcrcncc for conformer 9c over 9a at low tcmperatures.






methylene group is 5.3 ppm for c.i.s-decahydroquinoline(16a) and 4.4 ppm for c~i.r-4-rrrt-butyIcyclohex~lamine (23). The y-steric effect on 15Y chemical shifts is not restricted to intcractions with alkyl groups. Thc shift differcnce between c i s - and trnnt-l.2-diaiiiinocyclobutaneis 13.5 ppm.'and the y-epoxy oxygen of scopolamine (27) causes an upfield shift of 21.5 ppm coiiipiired to atropine (26) (Table I ) . The gross effect of the geminal -,-methyl groups in 3,3dimethylpiperidine ( l a I l a ) is +6.3 and f 4 . 8 ppm on A'mcthy1-3.3-dimeth)Ipipcridinc( l b 1 l b ) . Thus, the cffect of y-geminal CH3 groups is -3.7 ppm. &Substituent Effects. The influcnce of either equatorial or axial 8-methyl groups on the I5hchemical shifts of piperidines. ;is sccn from the changes: l a -, 4b, I b 4b. l a --12a, , and lb 12b (Table I ) , are very small for both secondary and t c r t i ;I r y a mi ncs . llse of Substituent Parameters. The substituent-shift parameters derived from the ISNchemical shifts of a series of piperidines, related compounds, and their "methyl derivatives mcasurcd in cyclohexane solutions arc summarized in Table IV. Therc is clearly ii parallelism with the corresponding carbon-shift parameters14bexcept for only the d q . wiY,and the ( t K H 3 )parameters. A similar set of shift parameters can be obtained using the shifts of Table I for methanol solutions. Use of these parameters and thc I 5 h / l 3 Cshift correlation for structural and conformational analysis can be illustrated by 1.i.s-2.3-dimethylpiperidine (9a). With this compound, ring inversion equilibratcs two noncquivalent conformers, 9c and 9d. The calculated I5N chemical shifts on the basis of Table IV a r e 328.8ppm for 9c and 327.3ppni for 9d which are both








close to the cxperimcntul valuc of 317Y.Y p p m and. of course. d o not permit any conclusions about thc position of the conformational equilibrium, Morc help is possible from the " N / ' ' C shift correlation for sccondary piperidines i n cyclo-

Journal of the American Chenzical Societj.

Acknowledgments. Wc are indcptcd to Dr. AndrC Gagneux of Ciba Geigy A.G.. Basel. who provided a sample of 2azaadaniantane. to Professor Robert T. LaLonde of the College of Environmental Science and Forestry of the State University of New York a t Slracuse for the sample of 3methylquinolizidine, and to Dr. Donald K . Dalling of the tiniversit! of Utah for calculations of '?C-chemical shifts of decalins. References and Noter (a) Supported by the Public Health Service, Research Grants No. GM-10224 and GM 11072, from the Division of General Medical Sciences, and by the National Science Foundation. (b) John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, 1975-1976. (a) R. L. Lichter and J. D. Roberts. J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94, 2495 (1972): (b) J. P. Warren and J D. Roberts, J . Phys. Chem.. 78, 2507 (1974). D. M. Grant and E. G. Paul, J, Am. Chem. SOC., 86,2984 (1964) M. Alei, Jr.. A. E. Florin, and W. M. Lichtmann, J. Am. Chem. SOC..92, 4828 (1970). G. A. Webb, private communication. M. L. Moore, Org. React.. 5, 301 (1949) D. Hoch and P. Karrer. Helv. Chim. Acta, 37, 397 (1954). C. S. Marvel and W. A. Lazier, "Organic Syntheses", Collect. Vol. I, Wiley. New York, N.Y.. 1941. p 59. (a) Y. Kawazoe, M Tsuda, and M. Ohnishi. Chem. Pharm. Bull.. 15, 51 (1967); (b) M. Tsuda and Y . Kawazoe. ibid., 16, 702 (1968). C. D. Hurd and B. Rudner, J. Am. Chem. SOC.. 73, 5157 (1951). F. W. Vierhapper and E. L. Eliel, J. Org. Chem., 40, 2734 (1975). Prepared according to the procedure of R. F. Parcell and F. P. Hauck, Jr., J. Org. Chem., 28, 3468 (1963). D. A. Evans and L. A. Domeier. Org. Synth.. 54, 93 (1974). (a) D. K. Dalling and D. M. Grant. J. A m Chem. SOC., 89, 6612 (1967); (b) ibid., 94, 5318 (1972): (c) ibid.. 95, 3718 (1973); (d) J. B. Stothers. "Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy", Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1972; (e) G. E. Maciel and H. C. Dorn, Org. Magn. Reson.. 6, 178 (1974): (f) D K . Dalling. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Utah, 1970: (9) G. E. Maciel and H C Dorn, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,93, 1268 (1971). H. Booth and D. V. Griffith, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 2, 842 (1973) (a) I. D. Blackburne. A. R. Katritzky, and Y. Takeuchi, Acc. Chem. Res, 300 (1975): (b) J. B. Lambert and S. I. Featherman. Chem. Rev.. 75, 61 1 (1975): (c) I. D. Blackburne, R. P. Duke, R. A. Y. Jones, A. R. Katritzky. and K . A. F. Record, J. Chem Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 332 (1973): (d) E. L. Eliel and F. W. Vierhapper. J. Am Chem. SOC..97, 2424 (1975): (e) P. J Crowley, M. J. T Robinson, and M. G. Ward, Chem Commun. 825 (1974). (a) J. E. Lambert, D. S. Bailey, and B. F. Michael, J. Am. Chem. SOC, 94, 3812 (1972): (b) H. Booth and J. H. Little. J. Chem. SOC..Perkin Trans 2. 1846 . . (1972). - -, (18) R. T. LaLonde and T N Donvito, Can. J Chem, 52, 3778 (1974) (19) (a) H. P.Hamlow and S. Okuda. Tetrahedron Lett.. 2553 (1964): (b) E L Eliel and F. W. Vierhapper, J. Org. Chem, 41, 199 (1976) (20) R . 0 . Duthaler and J D. Roberts. manuscript in preparation (21) (a) I. Morishima. K Okuda. M. Ohashi. and T Yonezawa. Chem. Commun.. 33 11971): (b) I. Morishima. K. Okuda. T. Yonezawa. and K. Gato. J. Am Chem. SOC..93, 3922 (1971). (22) E. L. Eliel, W. F. Bailey, L. D. Kopp, R . L. Willer. D. M. Grant. R. Bertrand, K . A. Christensen. D. K Dalling. M W. Duch. E. Wenkert. F. M. Schell. and D. W. Cochran. J. Am Chem SOC..97. 322 (1975) (23) E. L. Eliel and D Kandasamy Tetrahedron Lett.. 3765 (1976) I

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