Natural and Synthetic Fibers. Edited by Milton Harris and H. Mack

As the editors point out, this is not an abstract service in the usual sense of the word ... of the papers and patents published in this field during ...
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gray iron are each given a single line, whereas these names are generic and include a rr-ide range of analyses and properties. I n contrast, a number of alloy steels of very similar analyses and properties are listed individually and n i t h trade names. The editor has had the assistance of a number of capable educators and technical inen in preparing the handbook. -111 are to be congratulated on the results of their work. The fifth edition, like earlier editions, has made available a niass of valuable material for the technical library. H. H . B A R B EASD R H. F. SCOBIE.

JT h e Total u)id Frce Energies of Forniatioiz of the G x i d e s o j Thirty-tito X e t a l s .