Natural and synthetic high polymers

Much has been said, also, of thevalue of applying "the scientific method" to problems--e. g., in the social sciences-forgetting that there is no one s...
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448 transfer of training does not occur easily nor in quantity, slthough same ciroumstances are more favorable for transfer of learning than others. This text does not only discuss interesting and pertinent applications of physics but, through questions and problems it requires analysis of concepts and theories, the exercise of ingenuity in designing experimental methods, and the solution of quantitative prablems-all of which should lead to a mastery of the subjects discussed, as well as respect for the power and limitations of the science. To the reviewer, this seems to present a favorable situation for the trrtnsfer of learning. Much has been said, also, of thevalue of applying "the scientific method" to problems--e. g., in the social sciences-forgetting that there is no one scientific method but that the scientific attack of problems makes use of a. variety of methods, suiting the kind of method to the nature of the problem. To the student of this text i t will be evident that there are a variety of methods w e n for a. singleicience, the method frequently being determined by the nature of the problem or the kind of solution desired. Perhaps this will make it easier for him to appreciate thst in some disciplines "the scientific method" is only of supplementary value, and that many disciplines (e. g., line arts, history, literary criticism) have their own methods, distinct from "the scientific method" and particularly suited to their own field. The triple-point temperature tor water is given as 0.W72'C. instead of 0.W98'C. (p. 24G), an error which results from ignoring the effect of dissolved air on the freezing point of water. In Chapter 22 are references to Zn ions, SO. ians (even in chemical eouations for electrode reactions). where it would be nreferable

ians in the process of dissolving them in water. On the other hsnd, the sections on atomic structure and on radioactivity are more informative and interesting than the corresponding discussions in most elementary chemistry texts. The discussions are easy to follow, the mathematic8 simple, the figures clear, and the book attractively printed. WALTER B. KEIOHTON



Kurt H. Meyer, Professor of Chemistry, University of Geneva, Genera, Switzerland. Second revised and augmented edition. 891 pp. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New Yark, 1950. u 184 figs. 7 6 tables. 15.5 X 24 em. $15.


THIStext and reference book, Volume IV in the High Polymer Series, is by all odds the best in the field and is a credit to the author., the editors of the series. and the nublisher. I t has inhwited its r nosit,ion in the~ field~of nolvmer -~~~ ~.. ~ ~~-~ ,~ science from its mandsire, "Der Aufbau der hochpolymereri organischen Naturstoffe," by Meyer and Mark, which, through clarity, penetration, and timeliness, won first place in the polymer libraries of 20 years ago. The volume opens, after sauntering through a. nine-page introduction, with 80 psges outlining physical and physico-chemical investigations of high polymers, laying a substantial foundation for the ~ubsequentten sections. Much valuable information on the physical and quantitative aspects has accumulated since the first edition. The reviewer is gratified to note in the preface, .warning must be given against too confident however, that use of so-called quantitative theories that are based upon mare or less inadequate models." The temptation to place great confidence in a mathemrttical derivation, because of its mysticism and elegance, should be consciously resisted. The second section, devoted to inorganic polymers, is well placed near the head of the list, not because of the importsnce it has won but bemuse of its potential significance for the future. Sections follow on high polymeric hydrocarbons; polymeric rthers, esters, sulfides, etc.; cellulose; a n d on palysaccbarides and lignin. Significant advances in these fi~ldsare being made ~



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almost daily, and Meyer discloses t h s t he has been alert t o them. Then come 160 pages devoted to proteins, a. subject well deserving of the space both due to its inherent importance rtnd to the quality of the work being done on it. The fallowing two sections on properties of polymers in solution, and elasticity, viscosity, and plasticity are complementary to the opening chapter and provide with it an excellent compendium of the quantitative side of the science. The final chapters on films, foils, and membranes, and on molecular structure of animal and plant tissues bring to a clos? this reference hook and text that no individual seriously interested in high polymers can afford to be without. S. 6. KISTLER NOXTON COMFANY




William C. Oelke, Professor of Chemistry and Chairman of the Department, Glinnell College, G~innell,Iowa. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 1950. ix 377 pp. 3 9 figs. 14 X 22 om. $3.75.


PR~FE~~ Oelkek O R book "Semimicro Qualitative Analysis" introduces thestudents to a. great deal of chemistry besides giving them the necessary directions for carrying out the laboratory work. The theory in general is well organized and good sets of problems follow e x h section. The discussion of equilibrium constants is very well done and should he understandable even to the poorer students. A few advanced sections, however, are more complicated and same teachers may object to the introduetion of such concepts as free energy and quantum energy levels. The 1a.bboratory directions are well done. Good explanations are given for the tests used. These include structural formulas far oreanie reaeents. The tests seem to be selected for their element titanium in the scheme. The book is relatively free from errors. However, on page 169 there seems to be s n error in the explanation of the test for oridieing agents. The product of the reaction is a higher valent chloride rather than MnO*. The use of the ahhrevistion HOAc instead of the customary HAc isvery confusing. The book provides for the analysis of 20 anions and 28 cations counting sn ion for each of the two valences for Sb, Sn, Hg, and Fe. An abbreviated system is provided for both anions and cations. Many teachers who are looking for a semimicro book will doubtless find Mr. Oelke's book very satisfactory for their purposes. RAY WOODRIFF





Robert Kunin and Robert 1. Myers, Robm and Haas Co., Phila212 delphia. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1950. xi pp. 104 figs. 30 tables. 15.5 X 23.5 om. $4.75.


SYNTHETIC, resinous, ion exchangers were described for t h e first time in 1935 by Adams and Holmes. Now after 15 years s book of 212 p q e s is required to summarize the propertier and uses of these remarkable products. With few exceptions the preparation of ion exchangers and their use in industrial processes have been in the hands of industrial chemists. The rapid development of this suhject is a tribute to the initiative of the practical scientist. This progress and the orensration of this book bv two industrial scientists illustratetes the vital role of industry in the advancement of science. Aeknowkdgment of the helpful suggestions from tho ion-rx-
