Natural fats can be bad for you. For bar soap, use primary paraffin

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Natural fats can be bad for you. For bar soap, use primary paraffin sulfonate. Replace coconut oil and tallow with p r i m a r y paraffin sulfonates converted from CHEVRON Alpha Olefin C15-C205 and look what you have: A great bar of soap! Foams beautifully, particularly in hard water. Leaves a soft, lotion-like feel. Has good bar forming properties. Here's what you don't have: Import problems,

unstable supply, increasing cost, disappearing bars due to unnecessary wear and sluff. Better bars of soap aren't the only things you can build with CHEVRON Alpha Olefin C15-C20· There are other surfactants and an impressive number of other things. Send for our free brochure, CHEVRON ALPHA OLEFINS.



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