Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products - American

Recovery. %. 0.13. 0.13. 0.08. UVA 2 5 4 o f permeate m"1. 1.9. 1.0. 0.8. Initial feed volume. L. 6. 10 ... Seine River. 26. 51. 78. Sacramento-San Jo...
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Chapter 9

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Natural Organic Matter Characterization of Clarified Waters Subjected to Advanced Bench-Scale Treatment Processes Eric R. V. Dickenson and Gary L. A m y Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0421

Natural organic matter (NOM) from clarified-treated waters was removed or transformed via bench-scale activated carbon adsorption, an ultrafiltration membrane and ozonation/ biodegradation. Based on the results ofNOMcharacterizations such as SUVA , molecular weight distribution by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and XAD-8/4 resin adsorption chromatography, it was shown that activated carbon adsorption preferentially removed nonpolar dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ultrafiltration with a Desal G H membrane removed both polar and nonpolar DOC and biotreatment preferentially removed polar DOC that did not absorb UV light at 254 nm. For clarified Seine River water, P A C adsorbs nonpolar D O C compounds that are likely to form both T H M s and H A A s , the Desal G H membrane did not preferentially remove DOC compounds that are likely to form THMs and HAAs, ozonation transforms DOC compounds that are likely to form THMs and biotreatment removes polar D O C compounds that are likely to form HAAs. 254

Introduction In water treatment, natural organic matter (NOM) is of concern because it serves as a precursor to the formation o f disinfection by-products (DBPs), some of which have serious health effects (/). The N O M typically found in water supplies used for drinking water consists of humic (nonpolar) substances, generally from terrestrial origin, and nonhumic (polar) substances of biological origin (2). Note "nonpolar" refers to humic substances or hydrophobic N O M even though these substances have polar character. Analytical characterization of both the physical and chemical properties (structure, functionality and size) of N O M in water is central toward


© 2000 A m e r i c a n Chemical Society

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

123 understanding organic matter's fate and reactivity. The nonpolar N O M has been well characterized and is more readily removed by coagulation than polar N O M (J). B y contrast, the polar N O M has not been well characterized and polar N O M and D B P relationships are not well understood. Utilities would like to be able to utilize advanced processes to optimize their treatment for the removal of polar and nonpolar N O M and thus the control of D B P formation in drinking water.

Materials and Methods

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Characterization Tests N O M characterization (specific ultraviolet absorption [ S U V A ] , molecular weight [MW] distribution and XAD-8/4 resin adsorption chromatography) has been determined for clarified Colorado River (CRW), Seine River (SRW) and SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta (SDW) that have been subjected to advanced bench-scale treatment processes. The ability to remove (or transform) N O M has been investigated via activated carbon adsorption, membrane filtration, and ozonation/biodegradation, N O M properties that were measured include S U V A , molecular weight as determined by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and N O M fractionation into hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic fractions as carbon. Note all samples were filtered through a 0.45 μηι filter before any tests were performed, representing an operational definition of "dissolved" organic carbon (DOC). Conditions of the analyses are described in the following sections. S U V A was determined by (1) measuring D O C of water samples using a Sievers 800 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer and (2) measuring U V absorbance at 254 nm ( U V A ) using a Shimadzu U V - 1 6 0 U UV-Visible Scanning Spectrophotometer. The Sievers 800 is very accurate at low concentration ranges and utilizes a persulfateultraviolet oxidation method to determine T O C / D O C . The calibration curve for the T O C Analyzer was developed using potassium hydrogenphthalate as the standard and the standard concentrations ranged between 0 and 10 mg/L of D O C . A l l samples were acidified to a p H of 2 before analysis. U V A measurement was performed with a 1 cm quartz cell, detecting only the presence of aliphatic alkenes and aromatic compounds. Molecular weight as determined by SEC was measured using a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) with U V A detection, a sodium phosphate buffer eluant (pH - 6.8), a Water Proteins Pak 125 column, and a 20 μΐ, sample loop. The Water Proteins Pak column is a porous media with low residual hydrophobicity and minimal ion-exchange capacity (4). A calibration curve was developed with varying molecular weight polystyrene sulfonates (PSS) and acetone ( M W = 58 g/mol) at a wavelength of 224 nm. Molecular weights of these standards ranged from 58 to 8,000 daltons. The PSS standards have been used to measure the molecular weight of Aldrich humic acid, which agrees with other literature values measured by other 254

2 5 4

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

124 techniques (e.g. ultracentrifugation) (4). B y integrating the resulting chromatogram from samples detected at 254 nm, the number-average molecular weight (Mn) and weight-average molecular weight (Mw; apparent molecular weight [AMW]) can be determined from the following equations (5):


i= Mj = n, = n Mj = Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on July 31, 2012 | Publication Date: August 15, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2000-0761.ch009


_ Σ^ —I 1


Mw =

ξ —L

incrementing index over all molecular weights present molecular weight of ith molecule number of molecules of molecular weight Mj weight of molecules of molecular weight Mj

These equations are based on a Gaussian distribution. The number-average molecular weight depends upon the number of particles in a test solution and in the case of a polydisperse system, M n emphasizes the lower molecular weights. The weightaverage molecular weight depends on the weight of molecules and favors the heaviermolecular-weight species of a mixture, resulting in higher-molecular-weight values than M n . Note S E C uses a U V A detector to measure the aliphatic alkenes and aromatic compounds, generally higher molecular weight fractions of N O M . D O C substances that do not absorb U V at 254 nm are not detected, generally lower molecular weight fractions. Fractionation by X A D resin adsorption chromatography was used to determine the D O C distribution of operationally defined hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic D O C fractions. Two sequential columns containing X A D - 8 and X A D - 4 resins operated at k' = 50 were used to isolate (adsorb) hydrophobic and transphilic D O C , respectively (6). Pre-acidified (pH 2) samples were first passed through a column containing X A D - 8 resin at a flow rate of 2 mL/min, and then subsequently passed through an additional column containing X A D - 4 resin at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. D O C measurements of influents and effluents of columns were used to perform a carbon mass balance, which yielded hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic N O M fractions. Note S U V A and molecular weight distributions are based on U V measurements, which does not take in account the entire DOC, and the distribution of N O M among hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic groups is based on D O C measurements. These differing measurements may have an influence on the interpretation of results. 2 5 4

Bench-Scale Experiments Advanced bench-scale treatment processes included activated carbon adsorption, membrane filtration, and ozonation/biodegradation. D O C characterization was performed on clarified C R W , S R W and S D W subjected to powdered activated carbon (PAC) treatment. The P A C treatment involved the formation of equilibrium adsorption isotherms, followed by batch-mode experiments. The adsorbent used was Calgon's Filtrasorb 400 powdered activated carbon, which was granular activated carbon that was pulverized. Activated carbon

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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125 was studied in powdered form to enhance kinetics and the ability to collect large quantities of treated water for characterization and D B P tests. Erlenmeyer flasks (125 mL) containing various amounts of carbon ranging from 0 to 32 mg were filled with 100 m L of clarified water sample. Next, the bottles were capped and placed in a rotational mechanical shaker for at least two days. The isotherms were performed at room temperature (« 23°C). The supernatent was then carefully decanted and filtered through a 0.45 μηι filter and then the D O C was measured using the Sievers 800 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer. Based on the isotherms, batch-mode experiments then were performed on clarified water samples to produce larger volumes of PAC-treated waters corresponding to approximately 25%, 50% and 75% D O C removals; P A C and clarified water sample were mixed in 1 liter amber bottles on a rotational mechanical mixer for at least two days. Note, different doses of P A C were observed to achieve the same removal of D O C for clarified C R W , S R W and SDW. The 25%, 50% and 75% D O C removals approximate the initial, middle and later stages of a breakthrough curve for the adsorbent used in a column mode of operation.

Figure 1. Schematic of membrane apparatus. D O C characterization was performed on membrane-treated clarified C R W , S R W and S D W . These waters were tested with a rapid small-scale membrane test (RSSMT) using a tight ultrafiltration (UF) membrane. This membrane module is an Osmonics SEPA cell, which is a cross-flow unit operated with a flat-sheet specimen. A Desal G H membrane was used, which is a negatively charged U F membrane with a molecular weight cut off (MWCO) of 2,500. This membrane elucidates both size (steric) and charge (electrostatic) effects on N O M rejection. Selection of this membrane is purely pragmatic, since this membrane provides about 50% D O C removal under appropriate operating conditions, which allows enough D O C in the permeate to undergo characterization and D B P tests. The pressure, temperature, feed flow rate and permeate flow rate were monitored during the experiment. Table I lists the operating conditions of the experiment. Six liters of clarified C R W and ten liters each of clarified S R W and S D W were processes through the membrane system for approximately 4 days. The permeate was collected and the retentate recirculated back into the feed reservoir (Figure 1). The permeate volume was smaller than the finalfeed recirculation volume.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

126 Table I. Average membrane operating conditions of experiments

Operating Condition Pressure

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Unit psi

CRW 15



Clarified Water SRW SDW 15 15 23


Permeate flow





Feed flow















2 5 4

of permeate


Initial feed volume





Final permeate volume





D O C characterization was performed on biotreated clarified C R W , S R W and SDW. Sample waters were first ozonated under ambient p H and a 1 mg 0 /mg D O C transferred dose and then biotreated for 24 hr. A n O R E C O3V5-0 ozone generator was used to produce ozone stock solution concentrations that ranged from 25-32 mg/L of 0 . The experimental setup, a true batch reactor, entailed the use of a 1 L graduated cylinder with a Teflon plunger, and ozonated samples were mixed until complete utilization of ozone (Figure 2). 3


Figure 2. Schematic of true-batch reactor. The dilution of sample waters by the ozone stock solution ranged from 4 to 9%. Ozone was measured using the Hach indigo method to ensure completion of reaction. Ozonated samples were placed into biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) reactors (recirculating biofilm acclimated sand type) (7). A vacuum was used to recirculate (= 15 mL/min) and aerate the water sample (Figure 3). The B D O C apparatus has all glass, Teflon and stainless steel parts. The acclimated sand is rinsed three times with fresh sample (last rinse involves recirculation). The biotreated sample reflects the presence of residual non-biodegradable D O C , as well as the

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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possible presence of soluble microbial products (SMPs). B D O C samples, after 24 hours of biotreatment, were filtered through a 0.45 μιτι filter for D O C analysis.

Figure 3. Recirculating biofilm acclimated sand type reactor.

Results Activated Carbon Treatment Table II shows the actual D O C removal percentages obtained after the addition of P A C to clarified C R W , S R W and S D W waters in batch mode experiments. These low, mid and high D O C removals were close to the 25%, 50%, and 75% D O C removals. Figure 4 shows the clarified waters exhibited, in general, low S U V A values. Clarified S D W had the highest S U V A value of 1.8 L/(mg-m), while clarified C R W had the lowest S U V A value of 1.4 L/(mg-m). As more P A C is added, the S U V A values decreased. A s the S U V A decreases, the degree of unsaturation and aromaticity decreases. Figure 5 shows that hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic D O C were all removed after the addition of P A C . However, the hydrophobic D O C fraction was preferentially removed over the transphilic and hydrophilic D O C fractions for the three water samples. After the removal of about 75% of the D O C by the addition of P A C , nearly all the hydrophobic D O C adsorbed to the activated carbon. Also, the transphilic D O C fractions were preferentially removed over the hydrophilic D O C fractions.

Table II. Percentages of DOC removals by PAC Clarified Water Colorado River Seine River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Note: Ten percent o f S U V A were 0.2 L/(rng-m).

2 5 4

Low 22 26 22

DOC Removals (%) High Mid 76 53 78 51 47 71

values were triplicated. Standard deviations for S U V A

2 5 4

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.



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• zero DOC removal H low DOC removal • mid DOC removal • high DOC removal

Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure 4. SUVA for PAC treated clarified waters.

• Hydrophobic DOC


• Transphilic DOC

• Hydrophilic DOC

0 Low Mid High

0 Low Mid High

0 Low Mid High

Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure 5. XAD 8/4 DOC profiles for PAC treated clarified waters.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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129 The weight- and number-average molecular weight values decrease as more D O C was removed by the increased addition of P A C for clarified C R W and S D W (Figure 6). Intermediate molecular weight compounds are preferentially removed rather than higher molecular weight molecules. M w and M n decreased for these two waters because the compounds with the lowest molecular weights were poorly removed. However, for clarified S R W the weight and number-average molecular weight values increased as more D O C was removed. Note the S E C chromatograms in Figure 6 are nonGaussian, so the M n and M w results were calculated from a Gaussian model that may not be appropriate for Ν Ο Μ . Also, the S E C chromatograms for S D W that had been treated with activated carbon show a peak in the 58-250 Dalton range, a feature that was not observed for the clarified water. This peak may bias the results (especially Mn) that were obtained following treatment with activated carbon. The coefficient of variance (CV) for the S E C analysis is approximately 10%. The C V was based upon reproducibility of data when 10% of the samples were analyzed in triplicate. Note, not only hydrophobicity, but also molecular size exclusion is an important factor in the preferential adsorption of N O M on activated carbon. The more hydrophobic a compound, the higher the adsorbability onto activated carbon, whereas the hydrophilic (more polar) compounds prefer to remain in solution. The hydrophobic D O C , which is generally larger molecular weight compounds, will adsorb more readily than smaller molecular weight compounds (hydrophilic-polar N O M ) . This is in agreement with the hydrophobic D O C fractions and M W trends presented. As more hydrophobic D O C is removed by activated carbon adsorption, larger molecular weight compounds are removed, except for the clarified S R W sample. If molecular weight distributions were based on D O C measurements and D O C fractions not being quantified by U V measurements are relatively more hydrophilic (polar) and have lower molecular weights, then the predicted M W trends would be similar to M W trends presented here. The adsorption of large M W hydrophobic compounds, however, maybe inhibited by size exclusion, whereby large compounds are unable to reach adsorption sites within the micropores of the activated carbon. As more P A C was added, the S U V A values decreased for all three waters. Also, the hydrophobic D O C was preferentially removed in all three waters. Lastly, larger molecular weight D O C compounds were preferentially removed for clarified SDW and C R W . Powdered activated carbon adsorption has a propensity to preferentially remove nonpolar D O C .

Membrane Treatment Table III shows the actual D O C removal percentages obtained after membrane treatment of clarified C R W , S R W and S D W in R S S M T experiments. The D O C removals were between 53 and 59%, which is near the targeted goal of 50% D O C removal. A 50 % D O C removal means that the permeate D O C concentration is half the untreated D O C concentration. Figure 7 indicates there is no preferential removal of unsaturated and aromatic carbon compounds for clarified C R W and SRW.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.




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fdaltons) Clarified CRW

1180 1000

22% DOC Removal


53% DOC Removal



76% DOC Removal






(daltons) Clarified SRW







26% DOC Removal







51% DOC Removal




78% DOCRemoval Π 6 0 740







Clarified SDW


22% DOC Removal



47% DOC Removal



71% DOC Removal




Molecular Weight

Figure 6. SEC chromatographs for PAC treated clarified waters.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


131 Table III. Percentages of DOC removals by membrane treatment DOC Removals (%)

Clarified Water

53 57 59

Colorado River Seine River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

• Untreated

U Permeate

• Final Feed-Recirculation

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2.0 u 1.5

Τ l.o


D 0.5 oo 0.0 Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure 7. SUVA for membrane treated clarified waters.

Ο Hydrophobic DOC

• Transphilic DOC

• Hydrophilic DOC

1.60 - r — —


Untreat. Perm. Feed-Rec. Untreat. Perm. Feed-Rec. Untreat. Perm. Feed-Rec. Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure 8. XAD 8/4 DOC profiles for membrane treated clarified waters.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

132 The S U V A values for these waters are higher in the permeate than the untreated clarified (feed water) samples. However, for clarified SDW, the S U V A value is lower in the permeate than in the feed, suggesting a preferential removal of unsaturated and aromatic carbon compounds. The U V A values of the membrane permeates were lower than the untreated clarified waters. For clarified C R W and S D W the hydrophobic D O C was preferentially removed after membrane treatment (Figure 8). However, for clarified S R W there is no preferential removal of the fractions; following membrane treatment, equal amounts of D O C were removed from each of the fractions. The weight- and number-average molecular weight values decrease as the membrane removes D O C for clarified C R W , S R W and S D W (Figure 9). This indicates that higher molecular weight compounds are preferentially removed. U V absorbing moieties are of higher molecular weight, but S U V A did not decrease because D O C was preferentially removed over U V A for clarified C R W and SRW. Utilization of a D O C detector may have observed the removal of low molecular weight compounds. After membrane treatment S U V A values increased for clarified C R W and SRW, but decreased for clarified SDW. Also, the hydrophobic D O C was preferentially removed for clarified C R W and SDW, while there was no preferential removal for SRW. Lastly, larger molecular weight D O C compounds were preferentially removed for clarified C R W , S R W and SDW. There appears to be no clear trend between S U V A , X A D fractions and M W values for the three waters. This is maybe due to the membrane's ability to remove D O C by steric and electrostatic means. The membrane did remove considerable amounts of hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic DOC. Generally, hydrophobic D O C has a higher S U V A than hydrophilic D O C . High molecular weight compounds in the hydrophobic acid fraction (nonpolar) that exhibit a high S U V A may be removed by the membrane due to steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsion and also low molecular weight compounds in the hydrophilic fraction (polar) that exhibit a low S U V A , may be removed by the membrane due to electrostatic repulsion. Thus, the Desal G H membrane removes both polar and nonpolar DOC.

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2 5 4

2 5 4

Ozonation/Biotreatrnent Table IV shows the actual B D O C removal percentages obtained after 24 hour biotreatment of ozonated-clarified C R W , S R W and SDW. Figure 10 shows that for the three clarified waters, the S U V A values decrease after ozonation. This indicates destruction by oxidation of carbon/carbon double and aromatic bonds. However, after the ozonated samples undergo biotreatment, the S U V A values increased slightly. This increase is explained by the D O C decreases due to biotreatment, while the UVA does not change after biotreatment. This trend is shown in Table V for each of the waters. Biotreatment preferentially removes single carbon/carbon bond D O C compounds that do not absorb U V light. Note in Figure 10, there is shown an overall decrease in S U V A values due to the combination of ozone-biotreatment. After ozonation, the hydrophobic D O C fractions decreased (Figure 11). This agrees with S U V A values decreasing after ozonation, since generally unsaturated and 2 5 4

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


30000 -




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Clarified CRW







0 Mw



5 îoooo c ο 6




Clarified SRW







0 Mw



1000 1500 Molecular W eight


Figure 9. SEC chromatographs for membrane treated clarified waters.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


134 aromatic carbon molecules tend to be hydrophobic D O C . After biotreatment the hydrophilic D O C fractions decreased. This fraction is the most likely to be removed by biotreatment. Note after biotreatment the hydrophobic D O C fraction increases for clarified S R W and SDW, which may indicate the presence (production) of soluble microbial products.

Table IV. Percentages of DOC removals by biotreatment D O C Removals (%)

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Clarified Water Colorado River Seine River Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

• Untreated 2.0




18 25 28

ϋ Ozonated —

• Biotreated —

Β w> 1.5

Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure 10. SUVA for biotreated clarified waters

Table V. DOC and U V A


data for biotreated clarified waters


Clarified C R W Ozonated Clarified C R W Biotreated Clarified C R W Clarified SRW Ozonated Clarified S R W Biotreated Clarified S R W Clarified S D W Ozonated Clarified S D W Biotreated Clarified S D W

Standard deviation = 0.02 2.47 2.27 1.87 1.19 1.18 0.89 1.50 1.42 1.02




Standard deviation = 0.2 3.6 1.6 1.7 1.9 0.9 0.8 2.7 1.2 1.0




Standard deviation = 0.2 1.5 0.7 0.9 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.8 0.8 1.0

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

135 • Hydrophobic DOC

• Transphilic DOC

• Hydrophilic DOC

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Untreat. Ozonat. Biotreat. Untreat. Ozonat. Biotreat Untreat. Ozonat. Biotreat

Clarified CRW

Clarified SRW

Clarified SDW

Figure J J. XAD 8/4 DOC profiles for biotreated clarified waters.

The weight- and number-average molecular weight values decrease as D O C is transformed by oxidation via ozone for clarified C R W (Figure 12). However, for clarified SRW and SDW, the weight-average molecular weight values increased after ozonation, even though overall U V response decreased. Intermediate molecular weight compounds (-300-1000) are preferentially transformed and the compounds with higher molecular weights were essentially unaffected by ozonation for clarified SDW. For biotreated and ozonated C R W and SDW, the U V chromatograms (Figure 12) are nearly identical, even though biotreatment removed B D O C in both samples. This trend is consistent with the increase of S U V A values after biotreatment for all three waters. Bacteria consume low M W organics that do not absorb U V light, so a D O C detector, which has become recently available (5), is needed to determine the true change in M W distribution of the ΝΟΜ. After ozonation the S U V A values decreased for all three waters. Also, the hydrophobic D O C was preferentially transformed in all three waters. Large and intermediate molecular weight D O C compounds were preferentially transformed for clarified C R W and SDW, respectively. Oxidation by ozone preferentially transforms the nonpolar D O C into polar D O C . After biotreatment the S U V A values increased for all three waters. Also, the hydrophilic D O C was preferentially removed for all three waters. There was relatively no removal of unsaturated and aromatic carbon compounds for clarified C R W and SDW. Biotreatment has a propensity to remove polar D O C that is not detected by analytical techniques that rely on absorption of U V light at 254 nm.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

136 M w


(daltons) Clarified CRW 1180 1000 1140 920


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Clarified SRW

(daltons) 800 580









(daltons) Clarified S D W













Molecular Weight

Figure 12. SEC chromatographs for biotreated clarified waters.

In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

137 Disinfection By-Products Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), total of nine haloacetic acids ( H A A ) , and T T H M and H A A formations normalized by D O C for bench-scale treated clarified SRW are reported in Table V I . The T T H M formation and the H A A formation, both normalized by D O C , decreased after activated carbon. P A C adsorbs D O C compounds (nonpolar) that are likely to form both T H M s and H A As. After membrane treatment the T T H M and H A A decreased, however, the T T H M and H A A , normalized by DOC, increased for T T H M and remained the same for H A A . The Desal G H membrane did not preferentially remove clarified S R W D O C compounds that are likely to form T H M s and H A As. After ozonation of clarified SRW the T T H M normalized by D O C decreased while the H A A normalized by D O C stayed the same. Ozonation transforms D O C compounds (nonpolar) that are more likely to form THMs. After biotreatment of ozonated-clarified S R W the H A A normalized by D O C decreased while the T T H M normalized by D O C remained the same. Biotreatment removes D O C compounds (polar) that are more likely to from HAAs. 9






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Table VI. T T H M and H A A formations for bench-scale treated clarified SRW 9

HA A DOC SUVA TTHM TTHM HAA (mg/l) (L/mg-m) (μηοΐ/l) (μτηοΙ/Ι) (jumolf (μηοΐ/ μηοΐ DOC) pmolDOC) 254

Clarified S R W










Low D O C Removal







M i d D O C Removal







High D O C Removal



























PAC Treated

Membrane Treated Permeate Ozonated-Biotreated Ozonated

Note: Ambient bromide = 40 jug/L and bromate is non-detectable. Following ozonation, 25 jug/L of bromate formed. T T H M and H A A results were obtained from uniform formation condition (UFC) tests (9). The UFC conditions for chlorine experiments, dosed with a buffered sodium hypochlorite solution, were pH = 8.0 (borate buffer), temperature = 20°C and incubation time = 24 hours. The target disinfectant residuals after incubation were 1.0 mg/L free chlorine. a



In Natural Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products; Barrett, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Acknowledgments The authors thank A W W A Research Foundation (Project Manager: Jarka Popovicova) for their support. The authors also thank Cordelia Hwang, Stuart Krasner and Mike Sclimenti of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for their assistance in measuring D B P data.

Literature Cited 1.

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