Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: April 19, 1954. Copyright © 1954 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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a lacauei that costs SLIM per square men: W h y KETONES a r e y o u r best solvent buy W H E N AN OYSTER'S delicate body is

irritated by an invading grain o f sand, it surrounds the irritant with nacre.,, a smooth, opalescent protective coating. A s the oyster deposits successive layers of nacre around the irritant, a pearl is b o r n . T h e c r o s s - s e c t i o n (shown above) looks like an onion. But there the resemblance ends, for a fine large pearl may be worth a thousand dollars and more per square inch of surface ! Man-made pearloid lacquers ccme surprisingly close t o rivaling the nat-

ural beauty of the pearl. In decorative coatings, such as these, Ketone solvent systems offer ease of formulation, lowviscosity solutions, higher solids capacity, and more lacquer per pound o f solvent. The Shell "quality group" of solvents includes MEK, MIBK, MIBC, and IPA . . . for both nitrocellulose and vinyl lacquers. Your Shell Chemical representative will be happy t o explain the important advantages o f using Ketones in your lacquers.

When you buy by the pound and sell by the gallon, Ketones give you more for your money because each gallon weighs less. Ketones give you quality, too . . . permit you to formulate at top solids concentration for greater covering power.

Illustration from a photo, courtesy Gemological Institute of America.




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