Near-Infrared Emission Spectrometry Based on an Acousto-Optical

Jan 12, 2005 - Fabiano Barbieri Gonzaga and Celio Pasquini*. Instituto de Quımica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil...
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Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 1046-1054

Near-Infrared Emission Spectrometry Based on an Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter Fabiano Barbieri Gonzaga and Celio Pasquini*

Instituto de Quı´mica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil

A spectrometer has been constructed to detect the radiation emitted by thermally excited samples in the nearinfrared spectral region extending from 1500 to 3000 nm. The instrument employs an acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) made of TeO2 and attains maximum sensitivity by making effective use of the two diffracted beams produced by the anisotropic AOTF. The full exploitation of the transmitted power of the monochromatic beams is reported for the first time and became possible because the detector does not saturate when employed for the acquisition of the weak emission signal in the NIR region, even when exposed to the total (nondiffracted) beam. Thus, modulation and lock-in-based detection can be employed to find the intensity of the diffracted beams superimposed on the nondiffracted beam. The resolution is slighted degraded in view of the small (∼10 nm) difference in the wavelength diffracted in the ordinary and extraordinary beams. The instrument has been evaluated in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, effect of sample thickness, and excitation temperature and for its potential in analytical applications in monitoring high-temperature kinetics, for qualitative identification of inorganic solids, for use with a closed cell to obtain spectra of species that evaporate at the temperatures (>150 °C) necessary for sample excitation, and for quantitative purposes in the determination of soybean oil content in olive oil. The feasibility of near-infrared emission spectroscopy has been demonstrated together with some of its advantages over mid-infrared emission spectroscopy, such as greater tolerance to sample thickness, suitable signal-to-noise, and its use in the investigation of kinetic phenomena and phase transitions at high temperatures. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been employed for analytical purposes based on transmittance/absorbance and reflectance measurements since the pioneering work of Norris and collaborators.1,2 The spectral features of this region, which frequently encompass the range from 800 to 2500 nm, embody mainly overtones and combinations of fundamental vibrational energy transitions occurring in the mid-infrared region (MIR).3,4 NIR technology has undergone a remarkable increase in its * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. (1) Hart, J. R.; Golumbic, C.; Norris, K. H. Cereal Chem. 1962, 39, 94. (2) Ben-Gera, I.; Norris K. H. J. Food Sci. 1968, 33, 64. (3) Workman, J. J. Appl. Spectrosc. Rev. 1996, 31, 251-320.

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applications to real-life analytical problems and has recently been reviewed in most of its historical, fundamental, and applications aspects.5-7 In contrast, there are few papers dealing with spectroscopic emission in the NIR region or on its exploitation for analytical purposes.8,9 On the other hand, the MIR has been the subject of numerous papers dealing with thermal emission of radiation.10-28 One published work has provided a good review of the research developed in this area.18 In these studies, a sample is thermally excited to higher vibrational energy levels and the radiant relaxation process is monitored by a spectrometer. A molecular emission spectrum is recorded whose emission maximums agree with the absorption maximums of the conventional absorbance spectra of the same samples in terms of wavelength position and relative intensities. The evolution to high-sensitivity instruments based on Fourier transform (FT) and interferometric multiplexed spectral data acquisition is responsible for increasing interest in MIR emission (4) Williams, P.; Norris, K. Near-Infrared Technology, 2nd ed.; American Association of Cereal Chemistry: St. Paul, MN, 2001. (5) Pasquini, C.J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 2003, 14, 198-219. (6) Blanco, M.; Villarroya, I. TrAC, Trends Anal. Chem. 2002, 21, 240-250. (7) MacClure, W. F. J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 2003, 11, 487-518. (8) Nelson-Avery, B. A.; Tilotta, D. C. Appl. Spectrosc. 1994, 48, 1461-1467. (9) Ovechko, V. S.; Dmytruk, A. M.; Fursenko, O. V., Lepeshkina, T. P., Vacuum 2001, 61, 123-128. (10) Eischens, R. P.; Pliskin, W. A. Adv. Catal. 1958, 10, 51-53. (11) Low, M. J. D.; Inoue, H. Anal. Chem. 1964, 36, 2397-2399, 1964. (12) Low, M. J. D.; Coleman, I. Spectrochim. Acta 1966, 22, 369-376. (13) Griffiths, P. R. Appl. Spectrosc. 1972, 26, 73-76. (14) Kember, D.; Chenery, D. H.; Sheppard, N.; Fell, J. Spectrochim. Acta 1979, 35, 455-459. (15) Wagatsume, K.; Monma, K.; Sue¨taka, W. Appl. Surf. Sci. 1981, 7, 281285. (16) Allara, D. L.; Teicher, D.; Durana, J. F. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1981, 84, 20-24. (17) Handke, M.; Harrick, N. J. Appl. Spectrosc. 1986, 40, 401-405. (18) Sullivan, D. H.; Conner, W. C.; Harold, M. P. Appl. Spectrosc. 1992, 46, 811-818. (19) Keresztury, G.; Mink, J.; Kristo´f, J. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 3782-3787. (20) Lin, L. T.; Archibald, D. D.; Honigs, D. E. Appl. Spectrosc. 1988, 42, 477483. (21) Tilotta, D. C.; Busch, K. W.; Busch, M. A. Appl. Spectrosc. 1989, 43, 704709. (22) Pell, R. J.; Erickson, B. C.; Hannah, R. W.; Callis, J. B.; Kowalski, B. R. Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 2824-2827. (23) Jones, R. W.; McClelland, J. F. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 2074-2079. (24) Celina, M.; Ottesen, D. K.; Gillen, K. T.; Clough, R. L. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 1997, 58, 15-31. (25) Friedrich, M.; Zahn, D. R. T. Appl. Spectrosc. 1998, 52, 1530-1535. (26) Kloprogge, J. T.; Frost, R. L. Appl. Spectrosc. 1999, 53, 1071-1077. (27) Niemczyk, T. M.; Zhang, S.; Haaland, D. M. Appl. Spectrosc. 2001, 55, 10531059. (28) Jones, R. W.; Meglen, R. R.; Hames, B. R.; McClelland, J. F. Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 453-457. 10.1021/ac048656o CCC: $30.25

© 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/12/2005

spectroscopy (MIRES) because this technique lacks signal intensity, when compared with its counterpart, common absorbance spectroscopy. In fact, with few exceptions,10,11,15 MIR emission has been investigated with the use of FT instruments. Emission methods present some potential advantages over absorption methods. The principal is that the sample by itself is the source of the analytical information. Therefore, it can be used in probe-free methods. Also, it can be exploited in monitoring the sample directly in processes where it is already being heated or it can be heated for the purpose of emission.22-28 A procedure based on emission frequently requires smaller amounts of samples and allows, if thermal excitation is employed, investigations of the behavior of the sample under heating. Opaque solid samples can be easily employed without any prior treatment. The great disadvantages of the emission approach are in the low intensity of the emission signal and in the restriction of applications to thermally stable samples when quantitative or qualitative information is required although not when their thermal behavior is to be investigated. Also, for the MIR region, the low tolerance to sample thickness (only a few papers can be found where thicknesses above 100 µm have been employed20,22,24) has delayed the development of practical applications of the technique. Although measurable molecular emission signals can be obtained from the MIR region even by heating the sample at low temperatures (one paper reports emission from a sample at room temperature16), such low temperatures can produce adverse effects, which impose the need to keep the detector unit at very low temperatures16 and to prevent against spurious emission coming from the instrument, such as the beam spliter in a FT instrument.14 Contrasting with the MIR region, there are few papers dealing with spectroscopic emission in the NIR region or with its exploitation for analytical purposes. In fact, a survey in the literature shows only contributions to the Astronomy and Astrophysics areas in studying the compositions of distant stars and space regions29 and only two contributions regarding the emission of electromagnetic radiation in the NIR spectral region aiming at its use in laboratory investigation of sample composition.8,9 It is evident that the intensities of emission in the NIR region must decrease in a similar way as observed for absorption methods in the same spectral region when compared with the MIR region. However, in a way similar to the optical path used in absorption methods to compensate for losses in signal intensity, the temperature and sample thickness can be used to improve the signal in a NIRES method. Of course, the sample must tolerate the increase in temperature. At same time, NIRES still needs to be investigated regarding tolerances of sample thickness and the effectiveness of the emission signal to provide useful analytical information. There is no contribution in the literature up to the moment dealing with the use of acousto-optical tunable filters (AOTF) as wavelength selectors for NIRES. The advantages of the AOTF technology and its applications in analytical spectrometry has been described and reviewed elsewhere.30,31 Among this is the highenergy throughput, which is very attractive considering the low (29) Hauser, M. G.; Dwek, E. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 2001, 39, 249-307. (30) Tran, C. D. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 971A-981A. (31) Bei, L.; Dennis, G. I.; Miller, H. M.; Spaine, T. W.; Carnahan, J. W. Prog. Quantum Electron. 2004, 28, 67-87.

signal intensities expected in NIRES. It also presents advantages regarding scan speed and robustness (nonmoving parts), provides a simple optical design for the spectrometer, and is able to scan a wide wavelength range (∼1500 nm) in the NIR region (8003000 nm), up to the border of the MIR region. The most common AOTF is based on a TeO2 crystal driven by a LiNbO4 piezoelectric transducer, which produces two monochromatic beams with close wavelengths corresponding to a given rf signal applied to the device.31 For the purpose of absorbance measurements, one of the monochromatic beams reaches a detector and its intensity is monitored as a function of wavelength while the frequency of the rf signal (30-100 MHz, typically) is altered under control of the system computer. Use of the two diffracted beams can provide a simple design for a dual-beam instrument.32,33 For conventional instruments employing high-power radiation sources, such as halogen filament lamps, the polychromatic radiation emitted by the source, remaining after wavelength selection by the AOTF, cannot impinge on the detector. The relative high intensity of this beam will saturate the detector, preventing signal acquisition of the much lower intensity of the monochromatic beams. This should not be the case for monitoring low-intensity signals, such as those produced by thermally excited emission in the NIR spectral region. This fact gives rise to the possibility of using the two monochromatic beams produced by anisotropic AOTFs. This work is directed toward the development of a new NIRES instrument for measurement of near-infrared emission spectra of thermally excited samples. It employs an AOTF as wavelength selector and makes use of the full energy of the diffracted beams generated by this device. The NIRES instrument was then evaluated for its analytical potential and limitations. Fundamentals. Molecular thermally excited emission spectroscopy has its foundations in the emission of electromagnetic radiation by heated samples. The most well known emitting system is a blackbody whose emission behavior, as a function of wavelength at absolute temperature, is described by the Planck’s distribution function (H) expressed by eq 1, where λ is the

H(λ,T) ) 2hc2{λ5[exp(hc/λkT) - 1]}-1


wavelength (in meters), h, c, and k are constants, and T is the temperature (in kelvin). Equation 1 can be used to estimate the position of maximum emission for a blackbody as a function of the temperature at which it is heated. This equation is known as Wien’s law and it takes the form shown in eq 2. Stephan’s law

λmax (µm) ) (2.9 × 103)/T


can be used to estimate the total power (E) delivered by a blackbody heated at a given temperature (eq 3).

E (W m-2) ) 5.69 × 10-8T4


A rough evaluation made with the help of eqs 2 and 3 can be employed to estimate that the minimum excitation temperature (32) Guchardi R.; Pasquini, C. Appl. Spectrosc. 2001, 55, 454-457. (33) Kemeny, G. J.; Soryn, C. G.; Mark, H.; Rachlis, R. E.; Evans, J.; Ashraf, A. Dual Beam Acousto-Optic Tunable Spectrometer. U.S. Patent 5,039,855, 1991.

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required to have a detectable NIR emission signal in the 15003000-nm spectral range would be ∼100° C. For instance, the wavelength of maximum intensity of emission of a blackbody heated at 100 °C will be 7760 nm, well beyond the end of the NIR spectral region. The Boltzman equation for energy distribution as a function of the temperature can also be employed to obtain an increase in the population of excited species of heated samples from the energy difference (Ej) between a given vibrational excited state and its fundamental level

( )

Nj Pj Ej ) exp N0 P 0 kT


where Nj and N0 are the number of molecules in an excited state and its fundamental level, respectively, and Pj and P0 are statistical factors that are determined by the multiplicity of states of equal energy that may be found for each excited level of the molecule. It is important to recall that, in the NIR spectral region, only the higher vibrationally energetic excited states, such as overtones (first, second, and third) and combinations are observed. It means that the population of potentially emitting species is low even at relatively high temperatures. Moreover, the existence of species in an excited vibrational state does not means that its relaxation to the fundamental level will occur through a radiative mechanism providing a NIR photon in the process. On the other hand, the Boltzman equation predicts an exponential increase of the excited population as a function of temperature for any excited vibrational state and, in this way, foresees a way to increase the emission signal by changing an easily controllable variable (the sample temperature). Considering this background knowledge on the behavior of heated samples, it is possible to draw an overall picture of the emission properties in the NIR spectral region: the emission is relatively weak and higher temperatures will be required for appreciable excitation of the higher vibrational energy levels related to overtones and combinations. Conversely, the weak emission coming from the environment and instrument parts, as a result of the relatively low temperature of both the environment and the instrument in relation to the sample, should provide satisfactory measurements even in the absence of any special care regarding cooling the instrument parts or the detector. Therefore, efforts to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio in NIRES measurements must be focused on improvement of the energy throughput by the optics of the instrument and on energy collection by the detector. The measured emission signal can be treated in the same way as proposed by emission in the MIR spectral region. This subject has been recently reviewed, and only the most relevant aspects will be discussed here.19 Figure 1 shows the proposed treatment of the raw emission data in order to obtain the emissivity spectrum of a sample in the NIR region. The literature presents some controversy on the treatment of emission spectral data.19 However, apparently there is agreement that the intensities expressed as emissivity maintain a linear relationship with the concentration of the emitting species in the sample.19 In addition, the emissivity spectrum has been reported to better match the profile (in terms of peak format and relative intensities) of the absorption spectrum 1048

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Figure 1. Data treatment of the raw emission data in order to obtain the emissivity spectrum. Three emissivity spectra are shown as the final result of data treatment in order to emphasize the linear dependence of this parameter with the concentration of the emitting species.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the proposed NIRES instrument: (a) heater; (b) emission cell; (c) acrylic jacket; (d) thermocouple; (e) CaF2 lens; (f) AOTF; (g) PbS detector.

of the same material, a desirable target for emission measurements. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the proposed NIRES instrument. The main features of the proposed design are in the vertical alignment of the optics, with the detector placed at 90° in relation to the plane of the output window of the AOTF, which allows for the measurement of both beams diffracted by the AOTF, superimposed on the nondiffracted beam passing straight through the device. Contrasting with absorbance measurements where a relatively high power radiation source is employed, the overall intensities for emission experiments are very low. Therefore, the full power of the nondiffracted beam leaving the AOTF can hit the detector without causing its saturation. In this way, the detector can sense the modulated fraction of the radiation whose wavelength has been selected even when superimposed on the nondiffracted and nonmodulated higher intensity beam. The AOTF is made with a TeO2 crystal, manufactured by Brimrose (TEAF•1.5-3.0) to operate in the spectral region from 1500 to 3000 nm with nominal spectral resolution varying from 9 to 37 nm as the selected wavelength increases in its useful range. The optical aperture of the device is a square window having 7-mm

sides. The AOTF was driven by a radio frequency (rf) signal generated by a digital synthesizer (Analog Devices, AD 9852), assembled to be controlled by a parallel interface (ICP-DAS A8111) placed into a microcomputer running a customized software written in Visual Basic 5.0. Under computer control, the synthesizer board generates a rf signal in the range of 68-34 MHz, necessary to select the wavelength emitted by the sample in the 1500-3000-nm range, respectively. The rf signal is modulated with a TTL level signal at 167 Hz and amplified by a rf amplifier (RF Gain, BBM2C4AJT, 8 W, 10-1000 MHz) to produce a 3.0-W signal applied to the AOTF. Therefore, the radiation of selected wavelengths is also modulated at this frequency. The modulation frequency was selected considering the results of an earlier investigation of the spectral SNR obtained by changing this parameter in the range from 150 to 500 Hz. The more frequently employed sample cell (the open cell) was made of a rod of aluminum with an external diameter of 1.4 and 0.6 cm height, where a shallow circular groove was machined with different diameters and depths. A closed cell was also evaluated. In this case, a screw-capped cell was provided containing a glass window. The lid was attached to the end of the rod and a silicone O-ring was employed to seal the system. The cell (in its open or closed version) is attached to the top of a aluminum cylinder of the same diameter, which contains a 60-W electrical heater. The average power applied to the heater was controlled by homemade electronic circuitry based on the duty cycle of an oscillator driven ac switch. The ratio between the on/off state of the circuit allows close control of the sample temperature at (1 °C around the set point. The maximum temperature the present heating system can achieve is 300 °C. The entire system is contained in an acrylic tube of 3.3-cm inner diameter with 3-mm wall thickness. Nitrogen at a low flow rate can be admitted through the bottom of this tube, providing an atmosphere that is free of oxygen during sample heating. At the same time, the acrylic jacket contributes to isolate the sample from air currents, providing a more stable sample temperature. The temperature of the sample was monitored by a calibrated thermocouple inserted in a small hole drilled in the body of the cell, at the point nearest to the sample. A digital meter was set to monitor the thermocouple signal, which was connected through a RS-232 serial interface to the system-controlling computer. The optics of the emission spectrometer consist of the already described AOTF and two CaF2 plane-convex lenses. The arrangement was vertically positioned in relation to the sample cell in order to provide a way to work with solids as well with liquid samples using the open cell. The detector is based on a thermoelectrically cooled (-10 °C) PbS element (Ealing Electro-Optics 043/035) and is aligned with the main nondiffracted beam coming out from the AOTF. Therefore, when no rf signal is applied to the device, a fraction of the total radiation, emitted by the sample and passing through the AOTF, reaches the detector. By applying the modulated rf signal, the light reaching the sensor becomes modulated because the two diffracted beams are alternately removed from and superimposed onto the nondiffracted beam at the modulation frequency employed. The intensity difference is the measurement of the sum of the intensities of the diffracted beams. This arrangement allows for monitoring the full power intensity of the

selected wavelength of the radiation emitted by the sample. For comparison purposes, the detector has been tilted in relation to the main beam in some experiments, to monitor only one of the beams diffracted by the AOTF. A lock-in amplifier (Stanford Research SR830 DSP) was employed for synchronous acquisition of the modulated signal (167 Hz). The analog output of the amplifier was connected to the parallel interface, which was responsible for the conversion of the analog signal to the digital domain with a 12-bit resolution. Wavelength Calibration. The dependence of the radiation wavelength diffracted by an AOTF with the applied rf signal is not linear.8 Therefore, a careful calibration based on standards should be provided. The present emission instrument was designed to operate at 1500-3000 nm, a spectral region that lacks standard emission lines. The region between 1500 and 2200 nm is well supplied by emissions from a low-pressure mercury lamp, and these wavelengths can be easily retrieved.34 However, the region between 2200 and 3000 nm needs to be calibrated against the absorption bands of a silicone oil sample whose absorption spectrum was obtained with a higher resolution (4 cm-1) in a FT NIR/MIR instrument (Perkin-Elmer FT-IR Spectrum GX). The same sample of silicone oil had its emissivity spectrum obtained in the proposed instrument for calibration purposes. An exponential decay equation was generated to convert the desired wavelengths to the rf values to be applied. The set of rf values (at some predetermined nominal resolution, e.g., 5 nm) generated by the equation was stored in the computer, in binary format with a 48-bit resolution (required by the digital synthesizer), and when an emission spectrum is to be scanned, these values were successively sent to the digital synthesizer. An emission spectrum with nominal resolution of 5 nm can be scanned from 1500 to 3000 nm in 1.5 min. The calibration employed to produce the graphics of the spectra in this work was made for the two-beam arrangement. The wavelengths selected for the ordinary and extraordinary beams leaving the AOTF were investigated by employing a lowpressure mercury lamp and looking for the four emission peaks that can be detected in the range from 1500 to 2500 nm. An average difference between the wavelength of the ordinary and extraordinary beams of 10 nm was observed in that spectral range. Obtaining an Emissivity Spectrum. Two cells, matched in terms of size, one containing a shallow circular groove that was blackened with matte black spray paint to approach a blackbody emitter and one whose surface has been roughly polished, were employed throughout the measurements The emissivity spectra of solid and liquid samples were obtained by the following procedure: 1. A blackbody emission spectra is recorded at the desired temperature with an empty blackened cell that matches that for the sample. 2. A predetermined mass (3-10 mg for solids) or volume (1050 µL for liquids) is transferred to the measurement cell, the heater is turned on, and the program waits for temperature stabilization to (1 °C. The raw spectrum is scanned and stored in the microcomputer. Pretreatment of the solid samples can include grinding to produce a narrower range of particle size. (34)

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Figure 3. Obtaining an emissivity spectrum. (a) Raw emission spectra of silicone oil (solid line) and blackbody (dashed line) at 220 °C. (b) Resulting emissivity spectrum (solid line) compared to absorption spectrum (dashed line).

3. Data, after subtraction of the cell emission, are processed by following the steps shown in Figure 1 to produce the emittance and emissivity spectra of the sample. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The proposed spectrometer was initially evaluated by using the emission of a silicone oil sample. This compound is suitable for evaluation of the instrument performance because it is stable up to 250 °C and presents many emission/absorption bands in the region from 1600 to 3000 nm, most of which are due to the presence of Si-OH and CH3 groups in its molecular structure. Figure 3a shows an experimentally obtained data set necessary to produce the sample emissivity spectrum. The blackbody spectral profile reflects the performance of the detector and, to a greater extent, that of the AOTF. The loss of efficiency of the AOTF as the wavelengths move away from central values (at 2250 nm) is responsible for the overall format detected for raw emission spectra. Also it is possible to observe some humps over the blackbody profile in the range from 2600 to 2700 nm, which have been ascribed to an inherent behavior of AOTF in response to the applied rf signal. Figure 3b compares the absorption spectrum obtained in a FTNIR instrument with the emissivity spectrum of the same silicone oil. The absorbance and emissivity peaks shown a very good coincidence in both wavelength position and relative intensities. Differences between the spectral profiles could be attributed to the lower resolution of the AOTF-based instrument (>9 nm) when compared with the FT instrument (