Need Piping Equipment··· Any Kind?··· CALL CRANE - C&EN Global

Nov 4, 2010 - CALL CRANE. Chem. Eng. News , 1944, 22 (17), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v022n017.ibc. Publication Date: September 10, 1944. Cop...
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Need Piping E q u i p m e n t · · · Any Kind?· · · CALL CRANE O N E SOURCE OF S U P P L Y . . . O N E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y It's as easy as that! Call Crane whether you need a single fitting, or all the materials for a complete piping system. Valves — fittings — pipe — fabricated assemblies—and piping accessories—for power or processing fluids—for high or low pressure—your Crane Branch supplies all your requirements for any service. In brass, iron, and steel—you will find that the Crane line provides the world's greatest selection of piping equipment. One reponsibility for quality and craftsmanship of materials helps assure your getting the best pip-


ing installations. One order covers all your needs at any one time. Maintenance work—handling parts stocks—getting emergency replacements—all such procedures are simplified by taking advantage of Crane complete materials service. But, mainly, your installations get full benefit of Crane Co.'s 89-year experience and leadership in piping equipment. CRANE CO., General Offices: 836 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois. Branches and Wholesalers Serving All Industrial Areas.

ONE STANDARD OF QUALITY From end to end, piping systems are more dependable w h e n one high standard of quality guards every part. Typical of Crane quality, here's what Crane Iron Gate Valves add to your piping: Strong body sections resist severest line strains. Straight-through ports give streamline flow. A deeper stuffing box lengthens packing life. Extra l o n g guides keep disc travel true, while finest design in every part assures l o n g life and smooth, positive operation.


Installation in Chemical Processing Plant... Piping Materials 100% Crane.