nelson ANALYTICAL - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Dec 14, 2011 - nelson ANALYTICAL. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (1), pp 71A–71A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00265a766. Publication Date: January 1984. Copyright © 198...
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Our new Model 6000 Chromatography Data System mates our unique and highly successful software with the new Micro 26 member of the HewlettPackard 1000 family of computers. This processor is designed for true foreground/background multitasking with multiple user terminals, all operating simultaneously . . . and for a starting price of only $29,500. Up to 2 0 chromatographs, each generating up to 100 points per second of data, can be run simultaneously. And up to seven terminals and four disc drives can be tied to this computers, including a 132 megabyte Winchester.

You can network the 6 0 0 0 System. For example, three processors networked would per-

mit 6 0 chromatographs to be run on the same net, allowing all to share discs, files, methods, software and other facilities. Our 4 4 0 0 Systems can pass files to the 6000, thus tying the workhorse laboratory desktop system to the central 6 0 0 0 System for reprocessing, archiving, and database management. Nelson Analytical's sophisticated software teamed with powerful HP hardware lets you do extensive batch processing, complex graphics and reconstruction, as well as quantitative analysis. Please call or write to 10061 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. (408) 725-1107. CIRCLE 152 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Multiuser, multitasking chromatography d a t a system t h a t grows and grows ... and