Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card. NEW! "PREPKRO". PREPARATORY GAS ... direct-reading illuminated scale. The unit is also equipped with a magneti...
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(A DIVISION OF THE GEORGIA MARBLE COMPANY» 3 8 6 F O U R T H A V E . , N E W Y O R K 6 , Ν . Y. D E P T . C Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card

NEW! "PREPKRO" PREPARATORY GAS CHR0MAT0GRAPH This versatile, inexpensive gas chromato­ graphic unit is designed specifically for preparative work. " P r e p K r o " is equipped with a complete, simple and efficient collection system for t r a p p i n g sample components. Although it is designed as a low cost preparatory column, samples as small as 0.010 ml w i l l produce greater than full scale response on a 0-10 mv recorder. Needed in every laboratory for making large separations impossible by distillation and other conventional means.

' large sample capacity ' collection system • 3 4 " χ 6' or 12' columns


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' automatic heat control

1 9 1 0 West 1 1 t h Street

operation to above 250° C

Circle No. 160 on Readers' Service Card 108 A




Wilmington 5, Del.

direct-reading illuminated scale. The unit is also equipped with a magnetic damping device. There is provision on all models of the series for weighing samples on commodity pans suspended below the balance, and a built-in taring device can be supplied on all models to allow for deducting the weight of empty containers from the gross weight. Three capacities of the balance are available: 800 grams with 0.1-gm. graduations, 2000 grams with 1-gm. graduations, and 4000 grams with 1-gm. graduations. Dial reading in pounds, grains, or pennyweights are also avail­ able. P-15

Uranium Analysis System

A method of analyzing the three major uranium isotopes—U 235 , U 230 , and U238—by emission spectroscopy has been developed by Baird-Atomic, Inc. The company says that a modi­ fication of one of its direct reading optical emission spectrometers enables analysis of both enriched and depleted samples with precision and accuracy comparable with mass spectrometers in general use. In solving the problem of the close proximity of the spectral lines emitted by the isotopes, B-A uses the com­ pany's Automatic Optical Servo Moni­ tor in its Spectromet spectrometer, along with a special diffraction grating and a three-prism beam splitter. The Monitor compensates for atmospheric pressure and temperature variations, and shocks and vibrations. The grat­ ing used is specially blazed for the per­ tinent spectrum region, giving a dis­ persion of 0.8 A. per mm. The beam splitter consists of three glass prisms,