Net Heat of Combustion of Aviation Gasoline and Its Correlation with

Net Heat of Combustion of Aviation Gasoline and Its Correlation with Other Properties. G. Armstrong, R. Jessup, and T. Mears. Ind. Eng. Chem. Chem. En...
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From the deviations between the experimental values for a, and those calculated by Equations 1 and 2, it is calculated that the probable error of the equation values for vapor pressure is i0.008 mm. of mercury, with a 95% confidence limit of 0.025 mm. of mercury. Three empirical equations are required to represent the viscosities over the range of compositions studied.

7 = v W + 0.223 m A M + 0.0178 m i ,

+ 0.5

mM +

0.05 mMmAM+ 0.0138 (mMmAM)’ (3) (mAM = 0.2 t o 2.7) 7 = 7,

+ 0.206 mAM + 0.0275


- 0.00074 rnlM+

0.5 mM t 0.05 mMmAM+ 0.0138 (mMmAM)’ (4) (mAM= 2.7 to 5.5)

7 = q w + 0.1891 mAML.” + 0.5 mM + 0.05 mMmAM+ 0.0138 ( m M m A M y (5)

(mAM= 5.5 to 18) When mM is zero, Equations 3, 4, and 5 become identical t o equations for the viscosity of pure phosphoric acid solutions (6). For the present use, however, the viscosity equations a r e applied in concentration ranges that differ somewhat from those originally specified, and the empirical constants are rounded to correspond with the experimental data for the three-component system. T h e probable error of viscosities calculated by u s e of Equations 3, 4, and 5, compared t o the experimental values, is k0.05 centipoise, with a 95% confidence limit of i0.148 centipoise. T h e activity of water i n the solution h a s thermodynamic significance and is useful i n evaluating the thermodynamics of the three-component system. In this connection, a study of the activity of calcium ions in the calcium oxide-phosphoric oxide-water system is needed.

The viscosity data are useful in engineering calculations on the handling of calcium phosphate solutions. They a l s o are needed in theoretical calculations relating to diffusion of calcium phosphate solutions. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

K. L. Elmore w a s helpful in planning and directing the experimental work, and J. H. Christensen a s s i s t e d in treatment of the data. J. R. Lehr made the.petrographic examinations of t h e monocalcium phosphate monohydrate. Inez Jenkins Murphy made most of the chemical analyses. L I T E R A T U R E CITED

(1) Am. SOC. Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., “ASTM Standards,” Method D 445-53T. (2) Bassett, H., Jr., 2. anorg. Chem. 59. 1 (1908). (3) Belopol’skil, A. P . , Serebrennikova, M. T . , Bilevich, A. V., J. Appf. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 13, 3 (1940). (4) Christensen, J. H., Reed, R. B., Ind. Eng. Chem. 47, 1277 (1955). (5) Coe, J. R., Jr., Godfrey, T. B., J. AppJ. Phys. 15, 625 (1944). (6) Edwards, 0. W., Huffman, E. O., Znd. Eng. Chem., Chem. Eng. Data Series 3, 145 (1958). (7) Egan, E. P . , Jr., Luff, B. B., Wakefield, 2. T., 1. Am. Chem. SOC.79. 2696 (1957). (8) Elmore, K. L., Farr, T. D., Ind. Eng. Chem. 32, 580 (1940). (9) Elmore, K. L., Mason, C. M., Christensen, J. H., J. Am. Chem. SOC. 68. 2528 (1946). (10) Farr, T. D., “Phosphorus-Properties of the Element and Some of Its Compounds,” TVA Chem. Eng. Rept. 8, Table 23 (1950). (11) Frazer, J, C. W., Lovelace, B. F., Rogers, T. It, J. Am. Chem. SOC. 42, 1793 (1920). (12) Gibson, R. E, Adams, L. H. Ibid., 55, 2679 (1933). (13) Mason, C. M., Culvern, J. B., Ibid., 71, 2387 (1949). (14) Robinson, R. A., Stokes, R. H., “Electrolyte Solutions,” p. 447, Academic Press, New York, 1955. (15) Smith, A. J., Huffman, E. O., Ind. Eng. Chem., Chem. Eng. Data Series 1, No. 1, 99 (1956). (16) Swindells, J. F., Coe, J. R., Jr., Godfrey, T. B., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards 48, 1 (1952). Received for review May 23, 1957. Accepted August 30, 1957.

N e t Heat of Combustion of Aviation Gasoline a n d tts Correlation with Other Properties GEORGE 1. ARMSTRONG, R A L P H S. JESSUP, AND THOMAS W. MEARS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. T h e work described w a s undertaken t o determine t h e feasibility of finding for 115/145 grade aviation f u e l s relations between net heat of combustion and anilinegravity product similar t o those found by Jessup and Cragoe (6) and Rothberg and Jessup (11) for AN-F-28 and AN-F-58 aircraft fuels, and by Jessup and Cogliano (5)for JP-4 and JP-5 fuels. T h e previous work had indicated that it is not possible t o make a reliable estimate of the heat of combustion of a petroleum fuel from i t s aniline-gravity product alone, but that such a n estimate can be made for members of a definite class of fuels. T h e data at present available show clearly that net heat of combustion of petroleum products is not a function of anilhe-gravity product alone, but must depend to s o m e extent upon some other variable or variables; thus, data on many pure hydrocarbons a r e not i n accord with any such relation, the individual fuels of a given type depart from t h e equation for that type by considerably more than t h e experimental error of measurement, and different relations between aniline-gravity product and net heat of combustion It appears, are obtained for different types of fuels.



therefore, that to develop a satisfactory method of estimating net heat of combustion it will be necessary t o investigate t h e effect of other factors in addition t o aniline-gravity product. In particular, i t s e e m s desirable t o make an approximate determination of composition in terms of hydrocarbon type. The work described in this report, therefore, includes measurements of this type. FUELS INVESTIGATED

In deriving an equation to represent net heat of combustion a s a function of another measured property such a s the aniline-gravity product, the fuels selected for measurement can b e regarded as a sample from a population of fuels of similar type. T o make valid inferences about the population, the fuels selected must constitute a representative sample-i.e, the fuels of the sample should have c h a r a o teristics typical of t h e specified population. To ensure a representative sample of any given type of fuel, the following minimum requirements were imposed upon the samples to b e used VOL. 3, NO. 1

That fuels be well distributed over the range of net heat of combustion of interest, and include a number of samples that f a i l to meet the specified minimum requirements a s to net heat of combustion or aniline-gravity product. In all other respects, a s far a s possible the fuels to be tested comply with specified requirements. That samples of fuels be obtained from all producers of the type of fuel to be investigated, and the number of samples from each producer be a s nearly a s possible proportional to the amount of such fuel h e produces per year. That fuels include representatives of a l l current refinery methods, and be so identified. That inspection data be supplied for each sample of fuel to be tested, together with other available data, such a s data on composition.

Arrangements for selecting samples i n accordance with t h e s e requirements were made by t h e Wright Air D e v e l o p ment Center. To ensure that the h e a t s of combustion of the samples available should extend below the minimum required by the specifications, a small number of samples of the related aviation fuel, 100/130 grade gasoline, were requested in addition t o t h e 115/145 fuels. A total of 212 fuel samples-26 samples of grade 100/130 and 186 samples of grade 115/145 fuel-were supplied t o t h e National Bureau of Standards by individual refiners, and e a c h w a s assigned a n NBS sample number. T h e producers of the fuels and the number of samples supplied by each are listed in Table I. From t h e s e fuels were selected for detailed study 40 samples, consisting of 7 grade 100/130 and 33 grade 115/145 fuels which, on the b a s i s of data furnished by t h e suppliers, were considered t o constitute a representative sample of the population of interest, and t o cover a sufficient range of heats of combustion t o permit a t e s t of t h e possibility of correlating heat of combustion with other properties of the fuels. T h e study of these 40 fuels forms the b a s i s of t h e findings reported here. In t h e selection of the fuels for study, a s s i s t a n c e w a s provided by the Statistical Engineering Laboratory of t h e National Bureau d Standards.


Net Heat of Combustion. Heats of combustion of the 40 gasoline samples were measured in a bomb calorimeter. T h e calorimeter and accessory apparatus have been described (7). In making the measurements, the samples were enclosed in thin-walled g l a s s bulbs of the type used in previous experiments with volatile fuels. T h e bulbs were filled with a hypodermic needle (No. 27) and syringe. T h e end of the hypodermic needle w a s cut off square to permit extraction of a i r bubbles which occasionally were trapped within or just below the narrow neck of the bulb. The bulbs could b e filled much more e a s i l y and quickly than by methods used previously, and with very much less chance of change in t h e sample by evaporation. The calorimeter was calibrated by burning benzoic acid standard sample 39g. In t h i s calibration the value 26433.8 absolute joules per gram mass (weight in vacuum) (3, 4, 12) w a s taken a s the heat of combustion of benzoic acid under the standard conditions of the bomb process. Six calibration measurements exhibited a standard deviation of the mean of 0.017% of the energy equivalent of the calorimeter. Heats of combustion of the gasolines were made in terms of absolute joules per gram weight of fuel i n air against b r a s s weights, They were converted to British thermal units per pound weight using the factor 1 absolute joule per gram = 0.429917 B.t.u. per pound. A minimum of two acceptable measurements w a s made on each sample. Measurements were rejected i f there w a s evidence of incomplete combustion, such a s an odor of unburned gas, the presence of unburned carbon upon opening the bomb, or other evidence of experimental failure. If two acceptable experiments did not agree within about 0.05%, additional measurements were made, 1958

Table I. Suppliers of Aviation Gasoline Samples Samples Supplied Producer and Refinery California Oil Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. Cities Service Refining COT. Lake Charles, La. Continental Oil Co. Westlake, La. Ponca City, Okla. Cosden Petroleum Corp. Big Spring, Tex. Eastern States Petroleum Co. Houston, Tex. E s s o Standard Oil Co. Baton Rouge, La. General Petroleum Corp. Los Angeles, Calif. Gulf Oil Corp. Philadelphia, Pa. Port Arthur, Tex. Humble Oil and Refining Co. Baytown, Tex. Magnolia Petroleum Co. Beaumont, Tex. Phillips Petroleum Co. Sweeney, T e x Borger, Tex. Richfield Oil Corp. Watson Refinery Shamrock Oil and Gas Corp. Sunray, .Tex. Shell Oil Co. Wood River, Ill. Wilmington, CaL Houston, Tex. Norco, La. Sinclair Refining Co. Sinclair, Wyoming Corpus Christi, Tex. Houston, Tex. Sacony-Vacuum Oil Co. Paulsboro, N. J. Augusta, Kan. Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) Whiting, I n d Wood River, Ill. Neodesha, K e n Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) Toledo, Ohio Standard Oil Co. of California Richmond, Calif. El Segundo, Calif. Standard Oil Co. of Texas El Paso, Tex. sun oil co. Marcus Hook, Pa Texas City Refining, Inc. Texas City, Tex. Texas Co. Port Arthur, Tex. Wilmington, Calif. Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Avon, Calif. Union Oil Co. L o s Angeles, Calif. Utah Oil Refining Co. Salt Lake City, Utah







.... ....

10 7







.... ....


















3 4

.... ... ....

1 2



.... ....

3 9


1 1


2 1















.... ....











3 -



The results were obtained a s the gross heat of combustion at constant volume, Q, (gross), the heat liberated when unit weight of fuel is burned in a constant volume bomb, the products of combustion being gaseous carbon dioxide and liquid water. T h e measurements were made at 28OC. and were adjusted to 25°C. by the procedure outlined by Rothburg and Jessup (21). Net heat of combustion at constant pressure, Q, (net), w a s calculated from Q, (gross) using Equation 1 of (6)

Qp (net) (B.t.u./lb.)


9, (gross) - 91.23 (%H)

(1) In t h i s relation Q, (net) is t h e heat liberated when unit weight of fuel is burned a t a constant pressure of 1 atm. to form gaseous carbon dioxide and gaseous water. C H E M I C A L AND ENGINEERING D A T A SERIES


Q, (gross) and Q, (net) found from each measurement are listed in Table 11, in which they are grouped by NBS sample number and fuel grade. The values of Q, (net) are a l s o shown i n Figure 1, plotted a s a function of aniline-gravity product, and with fuel grade indicated. T h e measurements were made in series, designated a s a, b, and c. T h e run numbers in Table I1 designate the relative sequence of the measurements within each series, but do not form a complete s e t of numbers, because run numbers were assigned to incomplete or rejected experiments and t o a number of measurements on other materials during the same time interval. For each measurement on a given sample, the deviation from the mean of the measurements on that sample is shown in Table 11. An estimated standard deviation of a single measurement of Q, (gross) w a s found to b e 5.0 B.t.u. per pound, which is about 0.026% of the heat of combustion. T h e standard deviation of the mean for a single sample i s estimated t o b e 3.4 B.t.u. per pound. An added uncertainty is introduced into the value of Q, (net) by t h e uncertainty in the percentage of hydrogen in the fuel, which is required for the conversion. With a n estimated standard deviation of 0.1% for the value of hydrogen, the standard deviation in Q, (net) becomes 9.7 5.t.u. per pound. Several points may b e noted in connection with the combustion measurements. After about half of the measurements had been completed, it became obvious that the heat of combustion found for NES sample 108, based on runs 12b and 13b, was far out of line with other measurements. Because of this, and because there w a s some confusion i n the labeling of the material s e t a s i d e for combustion measurements, fresh material w a s obtained from the original sample container and used for runs 26c and 27c. T h e resulting value of Q, (net) is i n good agreement with neighboring values in the various correlations that were made. T h i s fact makes it appear that the second series of measurements gave the proper heat of combustion for sample 108. The large discrepancy between the first and second sets may be attributed either to an error in the selection of the combustion material or t o partial evaporation of the sample before the measurements were made. The samples were received from the suppliers i n 4- or 5gallon cans. For convenience in the laboratory a small screw-cap bottle w a s filled with material t o be used for t h e combustion measurenwnts. Because of t h e high volatility of the gasolines, the small bottles presented one disadvantage, which is clearly evident from the measurements on NBS sample 174. The measurements obtained from runs 33b, 39b, and 46b were made relatively close together i n time. Because of an unsatisfactorily large difference between run 33b and the two following measurements, i t w a s felt advisable t o make additional measurements, represented by runs 42c and 43c. T h e discrepancy between the measurements thus obtained and the previous ones is very striking. The liquid i n the bottle had diminished appreciably in volume, apparently by evaporation due t o a loosely fitting cap. Repetition of the measurements (runs 45c and 46c) using a freshly filled bottle gave results appreciably higher in net heat of combustion. Because of the loose bottle cap it w a s felt that the l a s t .two measurements were the only reliable ones, and the previous measurements were not used in the final results. T h i s experience indicates a factor which could b e of considerable importance in the precise determination of the heat of combustion of s o volatile a mixture a s gasoline. A third feature of the measurements becomes apparent only on close examination. Where two consecutive runs were made on the same sample, in a very high proportion of the cases the result of the first measurement is higher than that of the second. Of 3 9 such pairs of measurements 31 show t h i s trend, seven pairs show the reverse trend, and one pair shows no difference. T h e irregularity is heightened 22




> ?



i 0

c v) 3 m I




4 w z


(NETKB.~.U./I~.I= 18037.7+ 0088322 AN X G





Figure 1. Aniline-gravity product and net heat of combustion of 40 aviation gasoline romplea

Individual experimental values 0

100/130 fuels

c 115/145 fuels

by the fact that of the seven pairs that were reversed four pairs occurred all together in runs 30 t o 39. Data seem t o b e inadequate t o account for these apparently consistent differences between runs. The differences are small; nevertheless, their regularity suggests that, if the c a u s e could be determined, the internal consistency of the measurements could be s t i l l further improved. The differe n c e s noted here do not appear t o b e due t o a regular change of the gasoline sample with time, for additional measurements made a t later dates do not continue the trend. Aniline A n i l i n e Point, API Gravity, and Composition. points of the 40 aviation gasoline samples were determined by ASTM method D 611-53T (2). T h e value s o obtained is the temperature ( B g r e e s Fahrenheit) a t which a clear solution of equal parts of aniline and hydrocarbons becomes cloudy when cooling. T h e API gravity for each sample was determined by ASTM method D 287 (2). Here the density is measured by hydrometer and corrected t o 60' F. by means of t h e ASTM-IP petroleum tables ( I ) . Hydrogen and carbon contents of the samples were determined by microcombustion analysis. T h e results of the measurements of percentage of hydrogen, aniline point, API gravity, and the calculated value of the anilinegravity product are listed for each sample in Table 111, together with t h e mean value of the net heat of combustion for comparison. Each fuel was a l s o analyzed into hydrocarbon typesparaffins (alkanes), naphthenes (cycloalkanes), olefins (alkenes), and aromatics. The analysis was carried out in two steps: The gasoline w a s first separated into saturates, unsaturates, and aromatics; then the saturates were further divided into paraffins and naphthenes. Determination of saturate, unsaturate, and aromatic w a s carried out by ASTM method D 1319-54T (2). A small quantity of gasoline, t o which a fluorescent dye has been VOL. 3, NO. 1

Table I I .

NBS ample No.

Run No.


15 b 16 b 17 b 18 b 21b 22 b 12 a 13 a lb 10 a 11a

17 29 57



Qp (Net)

Heat i f Combustion Measurements

Dev. from Mean

25oc, B.t. U. /Lb.

2s0c., B.t.u./Lb.

20,482.4 20,475.5

19,050.1 19,043.2

20,000.9 19,999.6 20,501.7 20,495.7 20,499.7 20,498.6 20,508.4

18,687.2 18,685.9 19,060.3 19,054.3 19.049.1 19,048.0 19,057.8

+0.6 -0.7 +3.0 -3.0 2.5 -3.6 + 6.2

20,074.2 20.063.0

18,760.5 18.749.3

+ 5.6

NBS Sample No.

T- q p r 3.5





Run No.

2s0c, B.t.u / L a

(Net) 25 O C , B.t.u./Lb.

Dev. from Mean

12b 13 b 26 c 27 c

19,975.3 19,974.5 20,133.0 20,129.6

18,652. Sa 18,651.7 a 18,810.2 18,806.8

+l.7 -1.7

33 b 39 b 46 b 42 c 43 c 45 c 46 c

20,072.8 20,034.6 20,036.1 19,841.2 19,837.5 20,096.9 20,096.0

18,75O.On 18 711.8' 18:713.3a 18,518.41 18,514.7 18,774.1 18,773.2

+0.4 -0.5

Qv (Gross)




115/ 145 Grade


4b 5b

20,569.6 20,565.6

19,091.7 19,087.7

+2.0 -20


21 c 28 c

20.384.1 20,384.6

18,988.3 18.98 8.8

-0.3 + 0.2


55 b 56 b

20,510.6 20,509.4

19,050.9 19,049.7

+0.6 -0.6


15 c 17 c

20,333.0 20,328.5

18,937.2 18,932.7

+2.2 -2.3


7b 8b

20,568.5 20,567.4

19,099.7 19,098.6

f0.5 -0.6


20 c 21 c

20,453.8 20,449.7

19,021.5 19,017.4

+2.0 -2.1


57 b 58 b

20,331.2 20,329.7

18,935.4 18,933.9

+0.7 -0.8



9b 10 b 11b

20,269.8 20,274.1 20,2 70.6

18,874.0 18,878.3 18,874.8

27 a 28 a 34 a 47 c 48C

20,283.2 20,265.9 20,271.4 20,287.1 20,274.3

18,896.5 18,879.2 18,884.7 18,900.4 18,887.6

+6.8 -10.5 -5.0 +lo. 7 -2.1


45 b 47 b 52 b 50 c 51 c

20,294.1 20,3 10.6 20,286.0 20,313.4 20,309.6

18,907.4 18,923.9 18,899.3 18,926.7 18,922.9

-8.6 +7.9 -16.7 +10.7 +6.9


26 b 30 b

20,308.9 20,302.3

18,922.2 18,915.6

+3.3 -3.3


30 c 31 c

20,328.4 20,331.6

18,923.5 18,926.7

-1.6 + 1.6


7a 8a

20,027.1 20,027.1

18,731.6 18,731.6

0.0 0.0


la 2a

20,531.6 20,538.7

19,071.9 19,079.0

-3.6 +3.5

19 1

Sa 6a 9a 33 a

19,964.5 19,964.2 19,969.6 19,963.8

18,678.2 18,677.9 18,683.3 18,677.5

- 1.0


3a 4a 31 a 32 a

20,528.8 20,527.1 20,535.0 20,522.3

19,069.1 19,067.4 19,075.3 19,062.6

-0.5 -1.2 + 6.7 -6.0

- 1.7 +2.6 -0.9


59 b 61 b 34 c

20,400.2 20,397.3 20,399.2

18.995.3 18,992.4 18,994.3

+ 1.3 -1.6 + 0.3


62 b 63b

20,500.7 20,500.2

19,050.1 19,049.6

+0.2 -0.3


64 b

19,058.2 19,051.5

+ 3.3


20,499.6 20,492.9


66 b 67 b

20,240.1 20,242.2

18,871.7 18,873.8

- 1.1


3c 5c

20,274.1 20,2 75.8

18,887.4 18,889.1




2c 44 c

20,285.5 20,273.4 20,270.1

18,917.1 18,905.0 18,901.7

+9.2 -2.9 -6.2


4c 41 c

20,457.8 20,466.7

19,025.5 19,034.4

-4.5 + 4.4


24 c 25 c 29 c

20,316.6 20,305.2 20,315.4

18,929.9 18,918.5 18,928.7

+ 4.2 -7.2 + 3.0


11 c 12c

20,547.3 20,545.9

19,087.6 19,086.2

+0.7 -0.7



13 c 14 c

20,563.2 20,562.3

19,094.4 19,093.5

+0.4 -0.5

53 b 54 b

20,498.6 20,489.2

19,048.0 19,038.6

+4.7 -4.7



18c 19 c

20,293.6 20,293.2

18,897.8 18,897.4

f0.2 -0.2

36 c 37 c

20,367.3 20,370.1

18,953.2 18,956.0

-1.4 f1.4

20 3


23 b 24 b

20,343.8 20,336.8

18,938.9 18,931.9

32 c 33 c

20,344.3 20,350.1

18,957.6 18,963.4

-2.9 +2.9



42 b 43 b 44 b

20,315.8 20,307.2 20.306.5

18,929.1 18,920.5 18,919.8

38 c 39 c

20,424.0 20,427.3

19,000.8 19,004.1

-1.7 + 1.6


-3.4 +LO +0.8

+ 3.5 - 3.5

+6.0 -2.6 -3.3

-1.3 4.1 1.7



Values not considered in average.

added, is forced through a carefully prepared silica gel column. T h e components a r e preferentially adsorbed in the gel in t h e order aromatic, olefin, and paraffin. The dyes, which a r e individually adsorbed in t h e same degree a s the various classes of hydrocarbons, a r e made visible by ultraviolet light and the relative lengths of the respective bands a r e measured. From t h e s e lengths are computed the volume percentages of the hydrocarbon types. The relative amounts of paraffin and naphthene in the saturate fraction were determined by the method of Kurtz, Mills, Martin, Harvey, and Lipkin (8), which is based on an empirical relationship between the volume percentage of 1958

the paraffin and naphthene and the density and refractivity intercept (refractive index density/2). T h e original paper provides a method for cross-checking the results. using the boiling temperatures when 50% of the sample is distilled. However, i n a few cases t h i s c r o s s check w a s in error by a few degrees. When t h i s occurred, the samples were distilled carefully and the several fractions analyzed individually. In each case the summation of the percentege in the various fractions gave the same value a s for the unfradionated sample. All fractions containing more than a few tenths of 1%of olefin or aromatic were passed through a large silica gel column t o remove t h e s e easily adsorbed




Toble 111. Aniline Point, A P I Gravity. and Per Cent Hydrogen . -

NBS Sample No.

Aniline Point,

Q p (get)



25 C., B.tu./Lb.



Gravity, API

12 17 29 57 66 108 174


161.7 120.1 161.4 166.6 121.1 126.9 122.4

69.6 63.0 68.5 70.6 64.9 66.6 64.3

11,254 7,566 11,056 11,762 7,859 8,452 7,870

15.7 14.4 15.8 15.9 14.4 14.5 14.5

19,046.7 18,686.6 19,057.3 19,051.6 18,754.9 18,808.5 18,773.7

2 9 43 45 54 68 80 88 102 104


164.3 163.8 164.4 150.2 146.8 153.3 160.2 156.2 145.3 145.9 143.3 155.2 144.8 164.3 163.0 145.9 149.3 148.2 151.8 149.8 154.6 144.2 146.0 149.2 149.9 119.9 159.7 117.0 159.0 162.4 152.6 149.1 155.9

72.9 70.4 74.1 69.0 67.0 68.8 69.7 71.1 67.3 68.3 67.9 69.5 68.5 70.2 73.3 68.4 68.8 70.1 69.7 69.1 71.4 68.4 68.4 69.3 68.7 65.6 73.6 65.1 73.8 72.0 68.7 69.2 69.9

11,977 11,532 12,182 10,364 9,836 10,547 11,166 11,106 9,779 9,965 9,730 10,786 9,919 11,534 11,948 9,980 10,272 10,389 10,580 10,351 11,038 9,863 9,986 10,340 10,298 7,865 11,754 7,617 11.734 11;693 10,484 10,318 10,897

16.2 16.0 16.1 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.9 15.8 15.0 15.2 15.0 15.7 15.2 16.0 16.1 15.3 15.4 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.7 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.4 14.2 16.0 14.1 16.0 15.9 15-5 15.2 15.6

19,089.7 19,050.3 19,099.2 18,934.7 18.875.7 18,994.0 19,049.9 19,054.9 18,872.8 18,888.3 18,907.9 19,030.0 18,925.7 19,086.9 19,094.0 18,897.6 18,935.4 18,923.1 18,988.6 18,935.0 19,019.4 18,889.7 18,916.0 18,918.9 18,925.1 18,731.6 19,075.5 18,679.2 19.068.6 19i043.3 18,954.6 18,960.5 19,002.5

111 113 119 122 130 136 142 147 152 155 161 176 180 181 182 183 186 19 1 193 199 200 ~~

203 2 08


Paraffins Isopentane Straight run Alkylate Naphthene Olefin Aromatic


Molecular Weight

0.620 0.681 0.701 0.759 0.716 0.864

72 101.6 111.8 101.7 114 99

The maximum error introduced by using this method is considerably less than 1%in converting volume per cent t o weight p e r cent and less than 2% in going from weight per cent t o mole p e r cent. T h e s e extremes were found in sample 174, assuming no isopentane present and the aromatic t o b e a l l toluene. Generally the calculation errors are much smaller. The observed volume percentages of hydrocarbon types are given in Table IV, together with the weight percentages calculated from them in the manner shown above. T h e values of mole per cent were calculated but are not shown.



The mean net heat of combustion is shown plotted a s a function of aniline-gravity product (AN x G), aniline point (AN), API gravity (G), and per cent hydrogen (H)in Figures 2 t o 5. An approximately linear relation e x i s t s in each case. No significant difference appears to exist between the 100/130 and the 115/145 grade fuel samples. A s i s evident from Figure 2, the data on these aviation gasolines do not fit the equations found previously for the JP-4 or TP-5 fuels. Equation 2 Dreviouslv determined for TP-4 fuels


(net) (R.t.u./lb.) = 17977 + 0.1056 (AN x G )


is shown a s line 1. Equation 3 previously determined for

JP-5 fuels materials. Only the olefin- and aromatic-free samples were used for refractive index and density determinations. For the determination of volume percentages ASTM method D 1319-54T gives a reported precision to 2% for olefins and aromatics and 1.5% for paraffins. Kurtz and others (8) a l s o claim precision to 2% for their method. Volume percentages were converted to weight and mole percentages by a series of calculated values for densities and molecular weights of the hydrocarbon types. T h e s e values were derived from analytical data obtained on petroleum, gasoline, and alkylate by API Project 6 and summarized by Rossini, hlair, and Streiff (10). Also considered were various manufacturers’ recipes. All calculations were made on thz b a s i s of hydrocarbons in the C , t o C, range. For purposes of calculation it was assumed that if no naphthene was found, there were no straight-run fractions in the gasoline. Therefore the paraffin hydrocarbons were considered entirely alkylate types. Rossini and others have shown that typical straight runs contain a n average of 38% naphthene in the C , to C, region. T h i s w a s used as a b a s i s for deciding how much of the paraffin should b e considered a s alkylate and how much as straight run. In addition, 10% by volume of the fuel was considered as isopentane (9% by weight). A s the olefins occur only i n small quantities, it w a s assumed that the properties for diisobutylene would sufficiently describe t h i s class, The aromatics were taken a s a 50-50 mixture of toluene and the xylenes. T h e only benzene present is an insignificant amount in any straight-run fractions added. From t h e s e assumptions the following values were obtained:



9, (net) (B.t,u./lb.)


17914 + 0.1056 (AN x G)


is shown a s line 2. Each line is broken in the region in which it is extrapolated beyond the range in which it w a s fitted. The heats of combustion of the 100/130 and 115/145 grade fuels lie below either of these equations and fit a line with a smaller slope, although the possibility that the 115/145 fuels alone would fit a line of the same slope w a s not thoroughly investigated. Not shown is Equation 4

Q, (net) (B.t.u./lb.)


17940 + 0.1056 (AN x G)


which was previously derived to fit AN-F-28 aircraft fuels. Equation 4 would lie between Equation 2 and Equation 3. No simple graph has been devised which will represent the net heat of combustion a s a function of the three variab l e s required for defining t h e compositions of the fuels in terms of t h e four hydrocarbon types. However, the composition suggests itself a s a logical property for correlating with t h e net heat of combustion. It may be assumed that i n a fuel having boiling range and other properties limited by specifications such a s those required for aircraft fuels, the hydrocarbons of which it is composed are limited to a relatively small group of compounds within each hydrocarbon type. Within such a group of compounds the range of possible values of heat of combustion ismuch less than for hydrocarbons of this type whose mixtures do not meet fuel specifications. A s a consequence, the approximation may b e made that mixtures within such a restricted group of compounds have a characteristic heat of combustion per unit weight which does not vary much from one mixture t o another. T h e heat of combustion per unit weight of the fuel will i n this c a s e b e a linear combination of the percentages by weight of the various hydrocarbon types. V O L . 3. NO. 1

Table IV. Composition o f Gasoline Samples

Hydrocarbon Types NBS Sample No. 12 17 29 57 66 108 174 2 9 43 45 54 68 80 88 102 104 111 113 119 122 130 136 142 147 152 155 161 176 180 181 182 183 186 191 193 199 200 203 208

Volume Per Cent

Weight P e r Cent











91.2 74.8 97.7 94.8 84.7 87.0 72.4 99.6 98.7 99.7 93.6 89. 3 95.3 99.2 89.0 90.4 91.8 91.8 84.1 90.7 99.1 99.2 92.1 922 91.1 94.2 91.4 94.6 90.8 92.2 93.0 91.4 82.9 95.2 80.6 93.3 97.8 94.9 92.7 94.3

7.2 7.8 0.8 4.7

0.6 1.0 0.6

1.0 16.4 0.9

90.3 71.3 97.4 94.5 81.9 84.4 69.0 99.6 98.4 99.7 92.3 87.5 94.3 99.2 87.9 88.4 89.9 90.1 80.9 88.9 98.8 99.2 90.8 90.9 89.6 92.8 90.5 93.7 89.0 90.6 91.5 89.9 79.6 94.8 77.7 92.7 97.4 93.9 91.0 93.0

7.9 7.7 0.9 5.0

0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.6 3.3 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.4 1.7 2.2 2.1 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6

1.2 20.0 1.1





... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10.0 ... ... ... 15.2 2.0

... ... ... ... ... ... 1.2 2.5 0.8

... ... 1.2 ... 4.4 ... 6.4 ... ...




0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 3.2 0.5


0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 1.7 2.2 2.1 0.5

0.9 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5

Linear equations have been derived t o fit the data relating each of t h e independent variables measured t o the net heat of combustion a s the dependent variable. For aniline-gravity product, aniline point, .4PI gravity, and per cent hydrogen, an equation of t h e form U=a+bX

w a s derived, in which U is the calculated net heat of combustion and X represents, respectively, AN x GI AN, G, or H. T h e equations derived were:

Q, (net) = 18037.7 + 0.088322 (AN x G)

Q, (net) = 17747.4 + 8.071 (AN) 9, (net) = 16152.4 + 40.477 (G) Q, (net) = 15859.2 + 201.06 (H)

(5) (6) (7)

(8) For t h e composition in terms of hydrocarbon types an equation of the form


= a

+ b X + C Y + dZ

in which X , Y , and Z represent t h e weight per cents of naphthenes, N, olefins, 0, and aromatics, Ar, respectively, w a s derived t o fit. the data. The equation found w a s

9, (net)



- 2.09


- 14.16 (0) - 19.24

+ N + 0 + Ar




Accordingly, any one of the percentages c a n b e obtained from a knowledge of the rest. A l l four types may b e made 1958

... 0.8 ...

5.8 7.5 4.2 0.4 0.5 9.0 7.7 7.6 0.4 6.8 9.7 0.4 6.2 5.6 6.8 5.3 6.5 2.6 7.8 7.2 6.4 6.2 16.7




1.6 4.4 6.8 3.8


... *..




... ... ... ... 10.9 ... ... ...

18.3 2.1

... ... ... ... ... ... 1.2 2.7 0.8

... ... 1.3 ... 4.8 ... 7.0 ... ...




17.6 15.0 15.4

... 1.0 ...

7.1 9.2 5.1 0.4 0.6 11.0 9.5 9.3 0.5 8.4 0.9 0.4 7.5 6.9 8.3 6.6 7.5 3.3 9.6 8.8 7.9 7.5 20.0



... 2.0 5.4 8.4 4.8

to appear in t h e equation, by adding any multiple of Equation 1 0 t o 9. Thus by adding 190.892 x Equation 10 t o Equation 9 one obtains:

9, (net) = 190.892 (P) + 188.80(N)

+ 176.73 (0)+

172.65 (Ai) (11) Or if it is desired t o include P and leave out some other type, this too can b e done. Equations 5 through 9 were fitted t o the data by the method of l e a s t squares; in each case it w a s assumed that the independent variables are without error and that all the error is i n t h e net heat of combustion. The fitting of the data and calculation of deviations were carried out by the Statistical Engineering Section, National Bureau of Standards. An error, later found for some samples, in t h e conversion from Q, (gross) to Q, (net) c a u s e s the fitted equations t o deviate slightly from a least squares fit. A s the error thus introduced is less than 1 B.t.u. per pound, no modification of the equations h a s been undertaken. T h e deviations between observed and calculated values of Q, (net) on the b a s i s of these equations are shown i n Table V. The average scatter of t h e data points around the fitted line w a s computed from the usual formula

(Ar) (9)

T h e percentage of paraffins, P, h a s been omitted f r o m t h e fitted equation, because for each fuel the sum of the observed P, N, 0, and A r is 100%. That is P


14.8 12.4 12.8

where I J , is the calculated value of U, N is the number of data points (in the present case N = 40), and P is t h e number of constants t o b e determined. T h e u’s are t h e observed values of U, and are the averages of two or more determinations. If the straight line is the true functional form for relating the variables, S u is a n estimate of the CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING D A T A SERIES




Observed NBS Qp (Net) Sample 2SoC, No. Grade B.t.u./Lb.

12 100/130 17 29 57 66 108 174 2 115/145 9 43 45 54 68 80 88 10 2 104 111 113 119 122 130 136 142 147 152 155 161 176 180 181 182 183 186 191 193 199 200 203 208

19,047 18,687 19,057 19,052 18,755 18,809 10,774 19,090 19,050 19,099 18,935 18,876 18,994 19,050 19,055 18,873 18,888 18,908 19,030 18,926 19,087 19,094 18,898 18,935 18,923 18,989 18,935 19,019 18,890 18,916 18,919 18,925 18,732 19,075 18,679 19,069 19,043 18,955 18,961 19,002

Standard deviation Max. deviation


Correlation of Net Heat of Combustion with Other Properties

5 16.7

Deviations (Observed


Eq. 9 Ea. 6 Ea. 7 Ea. 5 Ea. 8. aniiine grakty A ~ G%H -5 29 +7


-40 + 30 + 37 38 + 16 19 + 25 25 57 +9




+ 10 + 47

-- 4737 +4

+30 10 14 + 31 -27 18 -21 + 16 -21 24 22 10 33 32 17 + 39 12 38 15 24 +9 -3

+ +





+7a -15 +132 +42 -24 -40 +19 -14

+48 -53 -11 +11 +57 +76 +25 -4 -29 +7 +65 +1 +93 -25 -23 -3 -67 +15 -14 -23 -31 -5 -39 -8 -76 -56 -108 -71 -23 +22 +7 +21

+ i s + 31 -18 - 67 +43 -25 +23 +24 +41 -6 -6 -14 -19 -30 +25 +26 +36 -29 -30 +11 i-40 +12 +31 +1 -22 -10 -32 +17 -17 +6 -19 -4 -32 -22 -1 0 -31 -6 -27 -9 +12 +2

+21 -5 0 34 -1



sition +5 -7

-2 20 -6 +1 +5 +6 12 + 14 17 +1 +6 -26 +8 -7 - 19 -3 -8 +2 18 18 31 +3 15 + 28 -4


- 27 - 26 +3 -1 - 60 + 38

-6 19 -2 27 + 33 14 10 11 -2 38 -21 +8 + 53 -1 +4 26



+ + +



+l +4 -31 + 17 -1 15 -8 13 -21 + 45 +7







2 18,900 3


5 0 LL






c w


+ +



0. (NET)(E.t.u./lb.l = 18.037.7 + 0.088322 AN


-6 13 +2 -5 -2 -1 26 33 13




I 8.000


- 14 +2 - 18


I 1 l0,000 AN x G('F x DEG. A P I )

I 12,000

Figure 2 Aniline-gravity product and net heat of combustion of 40 aviation gasoline samples


Mean experimental values Line 1. Eqcation 2 Line 2. Equation 3 Line 3. Equation 5


100/130 fuels fuels

0 115/145

+ +






- 57



- 67


standard deviation of U. The uncertainties in th_e e_stimates also been estimated. I f a, 6, c, and d denote the computed values of a, b, c, and d, their estimated standard deviations may b e denoted by S ; , Sg, Si, and Sa. If the true functional form is a straight line, these estimate the true standard deviations of a, b, c, and d. The five equations derived in this work are shown in Table VI, together with the three equations from previous work, A l s o shown are the estimated standard deviations in the values of the net heat of combustion and the standard deviations in the fitted constants. In the last column is shown the maximum deviation of the mean value for any sample from the equation obtained from the samples on which measurements were made. Equation 5 , having aniline-gravity product as the variable, provides a correlation with heat of combustion with about the same degree of fit a s w a s found for the JP-4 and JP-5 fuels, and somewhat better fit than Equations 6 and 8, having aniline point and per cent hydrogen a s the variables. Equation 7, having API gravity a s t h e variable, provides a significantly poorer correlation. [Since t h e publication of Q it h a s been found that the data on JP-4 and J P - 5 fuels can b e represented a s linear functions of API gravity with about t h e same precision a s by linear functions of the anilinegravity product. Thg data on both JP-4 and JP-5 fuels can b e represented to about the same precision by a single linear function of (ANo*' x G). However, such relations do not satisfactorily represent the available data on other types of hydrocarbon fuels.] Equations 9 and 11, INDUSTRIAL A N D E N G I N E E R I N G CHEMISTRY

1 f-



2f a, b, c and d have




- Calculated)








,z 18,900 v)




0 V LL




I I-



18.700 0 I












3. Aniline point ard nei heat of combustion of 40 aviation gosolines

100/130 fuels 0 115/145 fuels 0

V O L . 3, NO, 1









