Neural Network-Graph Theory Approach to the Prediction of the

Apr 1, 1994 - A new computational scheme is developed topredict physical properties of ... clear that the success of the neural network methods for th...
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J. Chem. If. Comput. Sci. 1994,34, 832-839

Neural Network-Graph Tbeory Approach to the Prediction of the Physical Properties of Organic Compounds Andrei A. Gakh,' Elena G. Gakh, Bobby G. Sumpter, and Donald W. Noid Chemistry Division,? Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 3783 1-6197 Received October 29, 1993' A new computational scheme is developed to predict physical properties of organic compounds on the basis of their molecular structure. The method uses graph theory to encode the structural information which is the numerical input for a neural network. Calculatedresults for a series of saturated hydrocarbons demonstrate average accuracies of 1-2% with maximum deviations of 12-1496. I. INTRODUCTION

Determination of the physical properties of organic molecules based on their structures is in the main stream of computational chemistry. Despite the amount of literature available on the subject of quantitative structure/property relationships (QSPR) and large achievements of the last decade, existing computational schemes need further improvement. Implementation of computational artificial intelligence methods could help provide a breakthrough in this direction. In particular, the relatively newly developed and now commercially available multilayer computer neural networks seem to be valuable tools for the prediction of properties (as is shown herein). Only recently have neural networks been extensivelyapplied to chemistry* The most successful chemical applications of neural networks were found for the prediction of a property at given conditions based on the knowledge of this property under other conditions (extrapolation).&* It is clear that the success of the neural network methods for these applications is due to the continuous character of the input/ output functional relationships which are favorable for the neural network. The use of neural networks for QSPR is somewhat different from other computational methods and has both advantages and disadvantages. The primary advantage is that the selfadjusting (back-propagation) algorithm can generalize "knowledge- obtained through the training process without the need of theoretical formulas or postulated models. The disadvantages is the necessity of preprocessing of the structural information into a form acceptable for neural networks. The numerical inputs must represent the structural features of molecules as distinctly as possible without any additional complexity, thus allowing the neural network to elucidate QSPR with the maximum efficiency. The neural network performance and the accuracy of the results are strongly dependent on the way the structural data preprocessing was performed. One of the simplest approaches for employing neural networks in QSPR problems can be based on the use of structural formulas of compounds as a source of information for generating inputs. A topological algorithm for the preprocessing of structural formulas has been chosen in order Research sponsored by the Division of Materials Sciences,Officeof Basic Energy Sciences, US. Department of Energy, under contract DE-ACOS840R21400with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., and by a CRADA, under DOE contract, No.ORNL92-0118,between Martin Marietta Energy Systems and Hoechst Celanese Corp. Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, April 1, 1994.

to prepare the numerical input for a back-propagation-type neural network. Although graph theory (mainly in the form of topological indexes) was actively used for QSPR since the mid 19409, its combination with artificial intelligence computational principles provides a new powerful research tool with many extended capabilities. 11. METHODOLOGY

A. Neural Networks a d Neural Computing. The theory and general practice of artificial neural network applications is already well d o c ~ m e n t e d . ~ * We * ~ used ~ ~ ~these ~ ~ ~concepts to create our own back-propagation-type neural network simulator for a mainframecomputer envir~nment.~ The neural network simulator (computer program written in C) uses the learning procedure of back-propagation and can be summarized as follows: (1) Initialize the node connection weights wg to some small random values. (2) Input some data P i and corresponding output values Vi,where m is the layer number, i is the node number, and T represents the target or desired output state. (3) Propagatethe initial signal forward through the network using NETmj=

EW~P-'~ + y j where

V", = F(NETmj) (1)


wi, is the connection weights between nodes i and j, is the signal from node i and layer m = 1, y is the threshold or bias value of the node, and Fis a transfer function and is generally taken as the sigmoid function. P * i

F(NETmj) = 1/[ 1

+ exp(-2@NETmj)]


We have chosen to write the sigmoid function in this way in order to demonstrate its similarity to a commonly known function in physics called the Fermi function. The parameter B can be used to adjust the sigmoid to vary between a linear (small values) and a step function (large values). The feedforward propagation (eq 1 is continued for each i and m until the final outputs P i have been calculated. (4) Compute the deltas (6) for the output layer, defined as 6Oi

= 4E/dNEToi = -(dE/dPi) (dPi/dNEToi) = F'(NEToi) [VTi- P i ] (3)

where the error function E is taken to be proportional to the squareof thedifference between the actual and desired (target) output andF'(NETOi) is the derivative of the transfer function

0095-2338/94/1634-0832$04.50/0 0 1994 American Chemical Society


J . Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.. Vol. 34, No.4, 1994 833

Table 1. List of 109 Hydrocarbons and Their Properties Used as a Learning Seta hydrocarbon 3-methylpentane 2,2-dimethylbutane 2,3-dimethylbutane 3-methylhexane 3-ethylpentane 2,2-dimethylpentane 2,3-dimethylpentane 2,4-dimethylpentane 3,3-dimethylpentane 2,2,3-trimethylbutane n-octane 2-methylheptane 3-methylheptane 2,4-dimethylhexane 2,s-dimethylhexane 3,3-dimethylhexane 3,4-dimethylhexane 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane 3-ethyl-3-methylpentane 2,2,3-trimethylpentane 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 2,3,3-trimethylpentane 2,3,4-trimethylpentane

2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane 2-methyloctane 3-methyloctane 3-ethylheptane 4-ethylheptane 2,2-dimethylheptane 2,3-dimethylheptane 2,4-dimethylheptane 2,Sdimethylheptane 2,6-dimethylheptane 3,3-dimethylheptane 3,4-dimethylheptane 3,s-dimethylheptane 3-ethyl-3-methylhexane 4-ethyl-2-methylhexane 2,2,4-trimethylhexane 2,2,5-trimethylhexane 2,3,3-trimethylhexane 2,3,4-trimethylhexane 2,3,5-trimethylhexane


heat capacity, at300K 140.88 145.87 142.26 143.27 140.21 143.21 164.50 167.87 166.80 169.66 167.70 167.23 161.80 165.94 171.70 170.54 166.70 167.05 164.20 162.54 188.70 188.36 188.20 188.83 186.82 189.10 193.35 192.04 186.52 188.45 191.96 190.67 182.72 190.30 193.05 192.95 189.07 190.73 186.77 186.89 189.45 189.56 188.20 187.52 192.72 190.95 188.28 190.33 210.90 209.18 209.70 210.45 213.00 213.09 214.30 213.18 212.40 209.83 207.70 210.21 217.10 215.37 208.20 212.02 210.40 211.50 214.00 212.03 206.80 21 1.77 214.60 214.34 214.10 213.95 219.70 215.51 210.70 211.48 209.10 209.67 213.30 211.53 214.00 213.87 212.50 213.13

boiling point,

OC 63.28 68.05 49.74 55.00 57.99 62.25 91.85 93.55 93.48 94.53 79.17 8 1.86 89.75 91.47 80.47 84.60 86.04 89.21 80.86 84.93 125.68 120.06 117.65 113.99 118.93 117.23 109.43 112.26 109.11 109.95 111.97 113.22 117.73 118.41 115.66 115.33 118.27 118.57 109.84 109.18 99.24 102.17 114.77 113.69 113.47 113.49 106.29 118.41 143.28 139.38 144.23 141.39 143.20 139.97 141.20 139.50 132.82 128.78 140.50 131.75 133.20 134.98 136.00 136.51 135.22 132.62 137.02 136.51 140.40 140.93 135.70 138.99 140.60 141.26 133.80 135.95 129.91 130.97 124.09 125.97 137.69 136.53 138.96 140.14 131.36 134.44

density kg/m3, at 25 OC 659.76 676.22 644.46 664.33 657.02 679.98 682.88 691.13 693.92 690.53 669.48 673.16 690.8 1 705.69 668.23 681.49 689.16 709.59 685.64 708.19 698.54 695.07 693.87 688.22 701.73 705.35 696.17 710.57 689.37 693.10 705.95 718.04 715.15 729.88 715.20 713.40 723.54 732.95 712.03 726.95 687.84 700.51 722.30 747.95 715.09 733.91 821.70 729.88 709.60 709.25 716.70 719.53 722.50 717.22 722.30 718.46 706.60 695.52 722.00 725.13 711.50 718.12 713.60 728.32 704.50 698.01 721.60 718.05 727.50 737.57 716.60 734.24 736.00 741.64 724.20 721.72 711.80 724.91 703.20 706.1 1 733.50 746.63 735.10 752.64 7 17.90 734.01

refractive index, at 25 OC 1.3739 1.3827 1.3660 1.3695 1.3723 1.3778 1.3861 1.3919 1.3911 1.3971 1.3800 1.3818 1.3895 1.3943 1.3788 1.3840 1.3884 1.3920 1.3869 1.3858 1.3951 1.3947 1.3926 1.3998 1.3961 1.3990 1.3929 1.3966 1.3900 1.3937 1.3978 1.3995 1.4018 1.4056 1.4017 1.4049 1.4055 1.4084 1.4007 1.4000 1.3890 1.3899 1.4052 1.4054 1.4020 1.4047 1.4057 1.4008 1.3983 1.4040 1.4033 1.4070 1.4072 1.4067 1.4065 1.3995 1.3979 1.4064 1.4077 1.401 1 1.4039 1.4015 1.4060 1.3985 1.4027 1.4063 1.4050 1.4091 1.4113 1.4046 1.4078 1.4134 1.4135 1.4054 1.4071 1.4010 1.4016 1.3973 1.3987 1.4119 1.4112 1.4120 1.4147 1.4037 1.4074

Gibbs energy AG, at 300 K -2.12 -2.16 -7.42 -7.67 -1.77 -1.76 6.60 6.70 12.70 12.47 2.10 2.21 7.60 7.73 4.90 5.15 4.80 4.95 6.30 6.20 17.67 16.97 13.37 13.23 13.79 13.91 13.07 13.71 11.40 11.74 15.13 15.56 18.43 18.73 20.68 21.00 24.36 23.83 19.45 19.35 15.70 16.42 20.04 19.91 20.76 20.99 24.04 18.73 21.60 21.37 22.00 22.08 26.40 25.98 26.80 26.26 19.50 19.38 23.50 23.49 20.80 21.93 18.20 22.23 19.80 19.82 22.00 22.46 24.90 25.70 22.00 23.02 30.50 30.42 24.50 25.03 23.60 24.61 15.30 16.36 29.40 29.36 28.60 29.49 22.20 23.54

enthalpy 300 K 26.75 25.40 25.61 24.77 25.12 30.71 27.73 31.71 31.84 29.50 29.76 28.62 29.04 29.58 29.95 29.33 29.51 28.28 28.18 38.12 37.64 35.82 35.80 35.31 35.92 33.76 33.08 33.39 33.92 33.43 33.65 32.47 33.40 34.31 34.45 33.26 33.48 32.13 32.14 32.55 32.73 32.17 32.11 32.55 32.60 31.84 33.40 40.42 40.25 39.92 39.81 40.71 40.36 40.50 40.26 38.83 38.70 37.82 37.99 38.16 38.39 37.53 37.73 37.99 38.38 38.20 37.73 37.02 37.42 38.07 38.28 37.36 37.62 39.25 39.26 36.61 36.84 36.36 36.87 36.28 36.33 36.86 36.91 36.02 36.52

834 J. Chem. In$ Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 4, 1994


Table 1 (Continued)



hydrocarbon 2,4,4-trimethylhexane




c9 3-ethyl-2,2-dimethylpentane c9 3-ethyl-2,3-dimethylpentane c9 3,3-diethylpentane








G o


G o




G o






G o






G o




G o














G o


G o






G o






G o


G o


G o




G o


G o

2-methyl-3-isopropylhexane G o 3,3-diethylhexane

G o


G o



heat capcity, at300K 213.50 21 1.80 210.50 211.78 217.86 217.29 205.00 210.68 213.40 211.76 213.34 208.55 208.50 209.90 219.50 212.61 235.80 233.91 236.50 234.66 235.10 229.85 239.40 235.93 231.80 233.54 229.30 233.59 238.30 237.41 229.60 233.88 239.30 236.20 230.10 234.55 237.70 235.93 239.20 236.66 238.50 237.17 243.40 238.21 236.20 235.98 240.90 237.71 232.50 231.92 234.70 235.82 230.50 233.27 234.80 234.34 235.10 233.61 237.60 237.75 233.90 236.49 228.50 234.12 238.90 239.14 234.10 237.67 246.30 241.85 234.20 235.30 234.10 234.29 235.60 236.89 235.10 237.88 231.80 236.20 242.50 239.74 246.90 239.93 227.70 232.65

boiling point. OC

130.66 133.91 149.45 144.12 146.19 143.91 133.84 132.63 144.70 140.73 140.29 139.24 133.03 131.91 141.56 137.80 166.50 165.87 163.64 163.49 156.90 155.64 155.90 160.96 158.50 162.15 163.40 165.50 159.40 164.20 160.80 164.33 157.50 160.52 162.13 165.59 157.50 159.39 158.90 159.97 161.20 160.07 156.20 158.00 162.20 163.32 158.20 161.43 157.60 154.64 148.30 151.55 150.80 152.69 148.93 148.12 160.20 159.05 159.90 162.54 160.70 163.12 156.00 157.63 151.00 156.17 156.50 161.56 147.60 154.43 152.80 156.86 155.68 159.21 161.10 163.18 162.50 167.09 166.70 163.25 166.30 166.40 163.90 164.56 156.10 155.69

density kg/m3, at 25 OC 720.05 738.12 741.40 758.20 749.92 740.16 731.00 729.73 750.80 753.02 752.97 765.86 735.22 754.19 751.11 770.63 735.90 732.85 734.30 731.51 720.80 712.85 722.60 731.30 726.40 729.78 741.80 747.67 732.90 743.31 732.90 741.88 731.20 736.34 743.20 747.48 732.10 728.90 735.40 733.79 739.80 732.01 732.20 730.23 746.60 746.03 736.80 741.89 738.50 739.20 725.70 728.66 728.10 726.59 723.80 704.22 748.80 752.76 748.50 756.94 745.10 753.1 1 734.70 734.64 734.60 741.29 137.30 750.62 719.00 729.28 736.20 740.90 739.00 755.17 753.50 761.80 751.90 768.10 743.60 744.58 757.50 749.53 747.20 745.63 744.70 738.45

refractive index, at 25 O C 1 A052 ..

1.4070 1.4154 1.4159 1.4184 1.4196 1.4101 1 .mo 1.4197 1.4164 1.4214 1.4167 1.4125 1.4116 1.4200 1.4188 1.4136 1.4091 1.4131 1 .4093 1 A060 1.4OOo 1 .a69 1 .a60 1.4089 1.4089 1.4159 1.4155 1.4115 1.4124 1.4115 1.4136 1.4122 1.4094 1.4167 1.4161 1.4113 1.4087 1.4132 1.4120 1.4151 1.4149 1.4114 1.41 17 1.4183 1.4159 1.4141 1.4127 1.4145 1.4126 1.4092 1.4200 1.4101 1.4127 1.4178 1.4225 1.4202 1.4190 1.4195 1.4220 1.4169 1.4214 1.4131 1.4193 1.4143 1.4162 1.4160 1.4207 1.4071 1.4139 1.4149 1.4181 1.4170 1.4132 1.4235 1.4235 1.4229 1.4261 1.4172 1.4180 1.4235 1.4222 1.4167 1.4136 1.4174 1.4148

Gibbs energy AG, at 300 K 26.60 27.75 31.40 3 1.64 43.30 41.08 37.50 36.66 36.80 35.17 39.00 36.54 36.70 36.15 39.70 37.99 34.90 34.47 33.40 33.14 27.70 27.53 28.80 30.22 26.90 28.38 33.00 33.78 29.10 31.00 28.90 29.99 31.90 33.06 35.30 36.22 38.20 36.45 37.90 37.07 35.70 35.55 3 1.60 32.09 36.90 36.91 33.10 37.76 34.80 33.94 3 1.90 33.17 23.80 25.32 24.20 24.72 37.30 36.55 37.20 38.20 30.30 32.13 28.50 29.47 35.90 37.84 36.10 33.45 28.40 30.60 25.80 27.65 34.10 35.18 40.30 41.17 39.70 40.96 46.80 45.67 51.00 48.15 45.40 43.66 44.40 42.90

enthalpy 300 K 36.44 37.97 35.98 36.06 38.37 38.43 36.15 36.36 36.61 36.54 35.86 35.18 35.06 34.90 36.23 35.59 45.31 44.80 45.10 44.61 43.43 43.27 42.76 42.96 41.92 38.34 41.80 42.06 42.47 42.67 41.63 42.09 42.30 42.45 41.51 41.92 44.85 44.36 43.10 43.08 43.30 43.13 43.64 43.51 42.47 49.47 43.35 43.15 41.30 41.13 41.05 41.23 40.50 40.98 40.96 41.43 41.00 41.56 40.96 41.10 40.12 41.26 39.75 40.80 40.54 40.30 39.98 40.99 41.13 40.76 40.54 41.93 40.46 40.60 40.08 40.56 41.14 40.43 40.46 41.40 42.43 41.10 43.68 42.51 40.50 43.02

J . Chem. Znj Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 4, 1994 835


hydrocarbon 2,2-dimethyl-4-ethylhexane

C, ClO































heat capacity, at300K

boiling point, OC

density kg/m3, at 25 "C

refractiveindex, at 25 OC

236.10 235.17 238.20 237.33 243.00 239.78 235.00 237.34 228.20 233.16 235.50 236.67 238.20 232.79 229.40 233.36 235.80 235.06 229.20 234.07 229.80 231.70 241.50 237.31 234.00 234.78 231.80 234.20 243.10 239.79 238.00 235.23 234.50 240.48 224.80 236.41 223.70 230.60 227.30 235.89 229.00 230.27 234.30 231.78 234.20 233.73

147.00 154.15 163.70 164.61 160.90 163.92 160.10 163.60 162.90 162.66 162.10 166.18 160.31 156.52 158.80 159.62 148.40 152.28 147.88 152.93 137.46 142.80 164.59 164.69 153.10 157.28 161.60 160.47 156.20 162.13 170.00 166.33 157.04 159.95 169.70 167.41 169.50 161.84 155.30 155.84 169.44 162.47 166.05 159.06 159.29 154.22

730.20 732.73 759.90 763.52 751.60 757.86 751.40 757.83 759.80 757.31 759.60 770.73 760.89 768.16 751.30 769.20 733.60 750.84 731.61 747.34 714.80 719.15 765.60 782.22 744.90 75 1.36 758.60 756.50 745.60 771.87 778.90 787.52 754.57 759.85 775.50 761.25 778.00 769.86 753.10 754.09 773.50 783.89 776.75 791.57 763.61 776.05

1.4107 1.4101 1.4247 1.4242 1.4203 1.4221 1.4202 1.4220 1.4246 1.4204 1.4244 1.4232 1.4260 1.4213 1.4193 1.4194 1.4119 1.4140 1.4132 1.4165 1.4055 1.4074 1.4298 1.4298 1.4196 1.4179 1.4267 1.4230 1.4204 1.4249 1.4368 1.4345 1.4246 1.4378 1.4320 1.4322 1.4397 1.4338 1.4199 1.4198 1.4310 1.4243 1.4341 1.4299 1.4281 1.4261

2,4-dimethyl-3-isopropylpentane ClO 2-methyl-3,3-diethylpentane












Gibbs energy AG, enthalpy at 300 K 300 K 36.10 36.29 45.00 44.48 42.10 42.54 42.30 42.68 50.00 47.18 47.60 46.55 48.70 45.72 46.10 45.69 32.10 34.04 32.80 35.00 21.10 23.27 49.10 48.29 41.20 40.82 49.20 47.03 42.70 44.04 58.90 54.33 64.30 61.72 60.30 57.41 66.60 68.34 59.00 57.00 61.00 59.62 68.80 68.44 63.80 58.82

41.92 40.94 40.71 40.79 42.43 41.88 40.29 42.23 39.92 41.25 40.42 40.16 40.00 39.77 39.25 39.76 39.54 39.56 38.83 40.44 39.37 39.55 40.04 39.14 39.16 40.35 38.87 39.52 40.71 39.19 39.87 39.88 39.25 39.99 39.25 39.81 38.41 39.04 38.87 38.76 38.58 38.32 38.62 37.63 38.81 37.96

The top numbers are the experimentalvalues,and the bottom are those calculated by a neutral network after finishing the optimizationprocedure.

with respect to the activation NETi. For the sigmoid function, the derivative is F'(NEToi) = dF(NEToi)/dNEToi= 2/3F'(NEToi)[1 - F(NEToJ] (4) where F(NEToi) is given by eq 2. ( 5 ) Compute the deltas for the preceding layers by propagating the errors backward: = Ft(NETm-*,)[~wimmSmj]


for all m = m, m - 1, m - 2, ...,until delta has been calculated for every node. (6) Using Awm, = ~ S m i Y " - l j


update the connection weights to wncwij= woldij+ Aw,


In eq 6, the parameter 7 is called the learning rate and controls the magnitude of the effects of the deltas on the connection weight updates. (7) Return to step 2 and repeat for another input example. This process is continued until the network output satisfies

someerror criteria. There are a number of useful modifications that can be used to help speed convergence and improve generalization accuracy. For the work presented in this paper, the standard back-propagation described above with the addition of biases, short-cut connections (direct connections between the input and the output nodes), momentum, and an adaptive learning rate was all that was required to make accurate predictions. The simulator, however, offers a variety of possibilities that can be invaluable for other problems. For a more complete description, the reader is referred to ref2b. B. Preprocessing of the Structural Information for the Neural Network. The preprocessing, or a numerical transformation of those structural graphs6 which most accurately represent chemical information for the neural network to make correct predictions, remains a fundamental problem. A numerical structural representation for many of the existing databases has usually been done using connectivity tables, which in turn are based on the structural graph^.^^,^,*^ These tables typically contain the numerated atoms and their connections as combinations of these numbers.8a Unfortunately, the connectivity tables are not unique since there are in general many ways to numerate the atoms. To avoid this ambiguity, one needs to employ very sophisticated preference algorithmssaVbor all possible connectivity tables need to be included in any subsequent calculations. These sophisticated rules may be difficult to recognize by neural networks. On

036 J. Chem. If. Comput. Sci.. Vol. 34, No. 4, 1994


Table 2. List of 25 Hydrocarbons and Their Propertits Used as a Ttsting - Setu


hydrocarbon 2-methylpentane


















































heat capacity, at300K 143.01 146.76 166.0 167.8 165.4 167.2 188.03 188.54 190.58 191.10 189.33 187.58 185.18 188.18 210.40 211.39 217.20 215.17 216.10 214.42 215.20 214.34 209.90 209.24 209.00 214.17 215.77 213.03 230.50 23 1.39 23 1.90 233.12 233.20 231.14 237.10 234.02 234.30 234.46 236.20 236.30 238.60 238.14 239.20 237.98 233.60 234.05 240.80 238.86 239.20 237.33

boiling point,

density kg/m3, at 25 OC

OC 60.27 64.67 98.40 95.83 90.03 90.65 117.71 116.78 118.54 117.48 106.84 106.24 115.61 115.06 142.44 141.15 134.90 135.87 138.00 137.68 140.40 140.53 133.58 132.1 1 136.73 136.89 122.29 122.53 164.31 163.48 160.38 162.07 159.87 161.45 161.20 160.88 159.70 159.60 163.80 164.28 163.00 163.51 160.80 163.66 161.90 161.83 154.10 158.50 153.80 155.05

648.52 656.01 679.50 674.67 674.34 674.46 700.7 1 703.25 709.45 705.74 691.11 687.65 708.16 716.18 716.30 718.92 718.30 724.44 729.00 724.92 738.00 737.13 725.70 734.10 734.10 736.69 715.61 722.33 734.40 736.89 723.60 726.71 720.20 713.45 735.10 737.84 731.80 735.82 746.30 749.1 1 746.80 741.53 747.20 748.35 752.70 755.19 736.80 739.99 742.40 753.94

Ave:rage Error 1.19% 0.60%

refractive index, at 25 OC 1.3687 1.3766 1.3851 1.3896 1.3823 1.3868 1.3955 1.3987 1.3992 1.4018 1.3910 1.3903 1.3988 1.3918 1.404 1 1.4032 1.4053 1.4056 1.4091 1.4098 1.4128 1.41 18 1.4082 1.4063 1.4115 1.4118 1.4046 1.4031 1.4127 1.4107 1.4084 1.4101 1. a 6 2 1.4063 1.4142 1.4119 1.4111 1.4093 1.4185 1.4178 1.4184 1.4172 1.4187 1.4178 1.4236 1.4216 1.4232 1.4260 1.4185 1.4188

Gibbs energy AG, at 300 K -4.05 -4.19 9.50 9.1 1 4.90 4.93 17.40 17.39 18.53 18.35 12.15 12.21 17.20 17.24 21.00 21.66 25.80 26.60 26.40 26.82 29.90 30.05 27.20 26.97 37.80 37.84 35.60 35.51 32.00 31.81 26.90 27.63 28.20 28.11 30.50 30.74 3 1.20 31.69 38.20 37.79 38.60 38.63 40.30 40.04 38.70 38.31 33.60 35.29 44.10 44.65

enthalpy 300 K 26.61 26.12 33.56 33.35 31.21 31.46 35.06 34.96 36.07 36.07 34.23 34.34 33.05 32.67 39.71 39.72 37.53 37.79 38.70 38.77 38.07 38.17 36.61 36.61 36.07 36.45 36.44 36.17 42.43 42.52 42.09 42.56 42.58 43.19 42.80 42.66 42.93 42.79 42.13 42.17 42.51 42.59 41.46 41.76 40.46 40.64 41.34 40.96 40.29 39.61


0.87% 0




The top numbers are the experimental values, and the bottom are thosc predicted by the neural network.

the other hand, the inclusion of all possible connectivity tables means creating a very large number of neural network inputs. A standard approach to solve this problem is to create structural graph invariants, i.e. topological indexes. There are many known algorithms, and more are being de~eloped.~ Our experience indicates that there is a significant loss of structural information during the data processing, resulting in the preferential selection of topological indexes for the specific problem. In other words, some properties are best approximated with one chosen descriptor,others with different types. This is a very well-known problem in using topological indexes for QSPR. An alternative approach involves an algorithm which generates simple, unique, and representative numerical input (structural graph invariants set), suitable for neural network operations without significant loss of structure/property relationship information. Such an algorithm was developed on the basis of Wiener's ideas on the generation of topological

indexes.1° We found then to be especially effective for our application. We used the described back-propagation feed-forward neural network to make predictions of several physical properties for a series of saturated hydrocarbons using the set of Weiner-type descriptors. We have used hydrocarbons-a traditional test for new QSPR computational schemesbecause of the availability of a large number of their properties and because they are industriallyimportant. In addition, these compounds contain only two different atoms with the simple making the calculations stoichiometric formula (CnHzn+2), easier. To avoid difficulties, we have excluded cyclic structures from consideration (they comprise less than 30% of known saturated hydrocarbons). The set of Weiner-type structural graph invariants were calculated by using the numbers of pathways of a given length (Figure 1).l0J1 In addition to the structural information, stoichiometric formulas (the number of carbon atoms) were

J. Chem. Znf: Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, NO.4, 1994 837





C H 2 - C - IC H 2 B 3 1






p 3 J










1=4 1=5

1-2-3-4-5. 10-6-3-4-5. 10-6-3-7-9,

1-2-3-6-10, 1-24-44 9-7-3-4-8.

1-2-3-7-9, 10-6-3-4-8, 9-7-3-4-5

1-6 1=7


Figure 1. Sample input generation from the alkane used in our computations. N














Figure 2. Diagram of the optimum neural network architecture: seven input, eight hidden, and six output nodes, plus bias nodes, arranged in three layers. Short-cut connections between the input and output nodes were also used but are not shown in this diagram.

used as independent input in the neural networkcomputations. The intrinsic and the most important physical properties of hydrocarbons (boiling points, densities, heat capacities, standard enthalpies of formation, etc.) wereused as the desired outputs. We have tried to use the most reliable sources of information to avoid experimental errors.I2

111. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A neural network program5J3 with the modifications described above has been applied to learn and predict the structure/property relationships for the set of data for 134 c6410. The network architecture which worked best for us (see Figure 2) consisted of two layers (one hidden and one output layer, not counting the input layer) with a topology of seven input nodes, eight hidden nodes, and six output nodes. Bias nodes and short-cut connections were also included, thus giving a total of 166 connection weights. Training of the neural network made use of momentum (0.9) and an adaptive learning rate based on the gradient. The other adjustable parameters were taken as /3 = 0.5, and the initial connection weight range wasbetween4.5 and 0.5. The final architecture was determined from a number of experiments which were aimed at finding a relatively small network capable of predicting the training data consisting of 109 examples and of making generalizations to a test set consisting of 25 examples. To ensure that the network did not overfit the traning data (memorize it), the leave-k-out method combined with cross validation was employed. This method involves taking out k examples from the training set and using them as a cross validation set (data which is used to determine the proper stopping point for the training phase: minium in the error). Depending on the size of k, many different training runs can be completed. These results are than averaged to give a representative estimate of the neural networks’ performance. In addition, complexity regulation (connection weight decay) was used to sort out the topology (number of nodes in the hidden layer) of the neural network. These two precedures (leave-k-out cross validation and complexity regulation) provide a relatively high degreeof confidence that the neural network topology is optimal for the given problem. Final summarized results of the learning are presented in Table 1. These results were obtained after 300 epochs (cycles through the whole data set) of training, which took about 5 min of real time. Absence of systematic errors and a relatively low level of both averagedeviation (1.3-2.7%) and maximum deviation (14.6%) are unmistakable signs that the chosen neural network can correlate structural and stoichiometric parameters with the physical properties for a representative set of hydrocarbons. This trained neural network was then used as a computational tool for the prediction of the properties of a set of 25 hydrocarbons with diverse structures and molecular composition. The results of the predictions are presented in Table 2 and in Figure 3-8. As can be seen, the neural network predicts the desired properties with an average error of less than 2% and maximum deviation of less than 12%. Average deviations of calculated data from the experimental results are presented as a histogram in Figure 9. Only a few successful applications of neural networks for structure/property correlations are known to the authors,1aJ4a.b and thus a cross comparison is hard to make. However, the comparison with other known computational methods based on the structural graph representation indicates that our method is among the most accurate ones.l5 The analysis of the data obtained shows that very different physical properties (e.g., boiling points and heat capacities) of the compounds could be predicted with low average errors (0.19-1.42%). This implies that our computational model correctly represents structure/property relationships in these types of compounds and that our numericalinput corresponds to structural features of the hydrocarbons responsible for their physical characteristics. It is also worth noting that theaverage errors in both the training and prediction sets are the same,


838 J . Chem. If. Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 4, 1994

Neural Network prediction of the dencity of 2 5 hydrocarbons C,- C,

Neural Network prediction of the heat capacities of 25 hydrocarbons C,- C, 240

7 50

22c U








s Y,


3 m










?? e

a, e



140 '40





600 600





Experimental values Jimolegrad Experimental values kg/m3

Figure 3.

Figure 5. Neural Network prediction of the boiling points of 25 hydrocarbons C,- C, Neural Network Dredlctlon of the refractive index of 25 hydrocarbons C,- C, /



3 m




2 13

60 60



which suggests that after training the neural network represents a correct "image" of the structure/physical properties in hydrocarbons. Analysis of the results of the neural network computations revealed that the best predictions were achieved for the refractive index and density of the hydrocarbons. These parameters are not as sensitiveto the specific, unique structural features of the molecules. Our computations average the structural features in the path numbers and allow effective approximation of such parameters. The same arguments can be applied to heat capacities, which were predicted with an accuracy as high as 0.9%. The predictions of boiling points were slightly less accurate (1.2%), and those of thermodynamic functions such as Gibbs energy of formation and enthalpy wereeven worse (1 4-1 3%). The main reason for this is the known strong dependence of these properties on nonvalence interactions. These nonvalence interactions were not elucidated in a full range by the chosen set of descriptors. As a result, thermodynamic properties of sterically hindered and strained molecules were predicted with less accuracy than those of nonhindered ones (2-3s on average, compared to 1-296). Addition of a parameter which could reflect such nonvalence features of molecules might be of help to improve the accuracy in these cases. There is also a noticeable difference between the accuracies of the predictions of the properties of low (Ca)and high (Clo)


Experimental values

Experimental values. ' C

Figure 4.




Figure 6. Neural Network prediction of the Gibbs energy Of 25 hydrocarbons C,- C,




Experimental values. kJ/mole

Figure 7.

hydrocarbons, the average error being significantly higher for hexanes (2.49%) than for decanes (0.69%). The same trend was also observed for the training set (see Table 1). We suggest, that this is mainly an effect of an inadequate training set: there are only 5 isomers of hexane compared to more than 70 structural isomers of decane.

J . Chem. Znf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 4, 1994 839

NEURAL NETWORK-GRAPH THEORY APPROACH Neural Network prediction of the enthalpy of 25 hydrocarbons.C,-


C, grateful to professor R. E. Guenther for helpful discussion and critical review of the article. REFERENCES AND NOTES






Experimental values, kJ/moie

Figure 8.











Figure 9. Histogram of the absolute percent error, abs[(experiment -network)/experiment] X 100,from the neural network calculations.

Other important information was obtained from the analysis of the neural network. Preliminary data show that the importance of the input values quickly diminishes with the increasing length of the pathways. This indicates that the structurally important information is concentrated in shortrange (two to four bonds) pathways. We assume that, for more complex molecules containing heteroatoms, the length of the "important" pathways may be limited to five bonds, thus reducing the structure-related input to only four digits.

IV. CONCLUSIONS We have presented some results on calculations of quantitative structure/property relations for saturated hydrocarbons using a neural network-graph theory approach. Very promising results were obtained with this new method, which gave up to 98% correct predictions. In addition, the overall scheme for computation is very efficient, both cost- and computer CPU-wise, thus providing a vast range for potential use in, for example, material sciences. Future studies will be focused on extending the present method to the prediction of basic and pharmacological properties of more complex organic molecules containing heteroatoms, rings, and multiple bonds.

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