Never mind "who done it"-pitch in and help get it down! - C&EN Global

Nov 4, 2010 - Never mind "who done it"-pitch in and help get it down! Chem. Eng. News , 1943, 21 (24), p 2073. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v021n024.p2073. Public...
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Never mind VKo done it-pitch, in and help yet it down! T



b u t I'm going to talk to you like a DUTCH uncle, t o keep all o f us from going broke. E v e r since the A x i s hauled off a n d hit us w h e n we weren't looking, prices h a v e been nudging upwards. N o t rising aw­ fully fast, but RISING. M o s t folks, having an average share of common sense, know rising prices are BAD for them and BAD for the country. So there's been a lot of finger pointing and hollering for the OTHER FELLOW to d o something—QUICK. T h e government's been yelled at 3 too. "DOGGONNIT," f o l k s h a v e s a i d , "WHY doesn't the government k e e p prices down?"' W e l l , the government's d o n e a lotT h a t ' s what price ceilings and wage con­ trols are for—to k e e p prices down» R a ­ tioning helps, too. B u t let m e tell y o u this—we're never going to keep prices down j u s t by lean­ ing on the government and yelling for

the OTHER FELLOW to m e n d h i s ways. W e ' v e ALL got to LAST ONE OF US.


S i t down for a minute and t h i n k things over. W h y are most people making more money today? It's because of t h e S A M E cussed war that's killing and m a i m i n g some of the finest young folks this c o u n ­ try ever produced. S o if anyone uses his extra m o n e y t o b u y things he's in no particular need o f , . . if he bids against his neighbor for stuff that's hard to get and pushes prices up . . . well, sir, he's a WAR PROFIT­ EER. T h a t ' s an ugly n a m e — b u t there's j u s t no other name for it. N o w , if I know Americans, w e ' r e not going t o do that kind of thing, o n c e w e ' v e got our FACTS straight. All right, then. Here are t h e s e v e n rules we've got to follow as GOSPEL from now until this war is over. N o t s o m e of them — ALL of them. N o t some of u s — ALL OF US, farmers, businessmen, laborers, white-collar workers!


Buy only what you need. A patch on your pants is a badge o f honor these days. Keep your OWN prices DOWN. Don't ask higher prices—for your own labor, your own services, or goods you sell. R e s i s t all p r e s s u r e to f o r c e YOUR prices u p ! Never pay a penny more than the ceil­ ing price for ANYTHING. Don't buy rationed goods without giving up the right amount o f coupons. h Pay your t a x e s -willingly,, no matter how stiff they get. T h i s war's g o t to be paid for a n d taxes are the cheapest way to do it. Pay off your old debts* D o n ' t make any new ones. Start a savings account a n d make regu­ lar deposits. B u y a n d keep u p life in­ surance. Buy War Bonds a n d hold on to them. B u y them with dimes and dollars it HURTS like blazes to do without. Start making these sacrifices now— keep them up for the duration—and this country of ours will be sitting pretty after the war . . . and so will you.

Use it up · Wear if out Make it do · Or do without


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